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Latest revision as of 14:18, 23 October 2017

Titans Train!
Date of Scene: 16 April 2017
Location: Titans Tower
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Supergirl

Red Robin has posed:
Robin was in the gymnasium. That boy was always working out, eating healthy, doing something to keep himself in shape, or studying. He had so much drive and determination. Currently, he was working with the support beams, a network of rods, pulleys, platforms, all suspended in the air, and was doing somersaults, back flips, sliding down the railing. One wrong slip and he could break his neck. But he was eager to give it a try and made it look so easy. Instead of his costume, he work workout attire, black spandex-like pants, with a red stripe down the side, and a black t-shirt that said Jack Kirby World, and had a picture of the Sun City, Florida amusement park on it.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl doesn't normally use the gym in the Tower: they don't have a weight system that can challenge her yet. But, she does stop by there on occasion to spar with Donna or times like now: just to see who might be around the Tower for her to hang out with. She hears Robin working out in the gym before she arrives, and peeks her head around the entrance to watch for a while. She could always just use x-ray vision if she didn't want to be seen, but this feels less...stalker-y?

Red Robin has posed:
Robin continues with his workout. He's built up quite a sweat, as he's been pushing himself. The platforms are adjustable, and he's made it difficult for him. He nearly falls during one move, and there's another close call. But he manages to stick the landing, barely, before moving on to the next part of his makeshift obstacle course. When he notes that he is no longer alone, he does a series of leaps until he lands on the ground. He wipes his forehead with his arm, "hey, Kara, we should have weights that can test you soon... next week, I think. It's great to see."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara blushes as she realizes she's been caught watching Robin. She quickly moves so that she's standing fully in the entranceway now, trying to look like she was just passing by instead of watching him for the last minute or so. "Oh, that's good," she says about the incoming equipment. "Although the weights at STAR Labs have been really great for me to test my strength on. But...more options are always good, right?" She shifts on her feet, then decided to just head on into the gym. "That was really amazing. What you were doing. I've never seen someone as agile as you in action. Well, human agile, I mean. But it's still amazing."

Red Robin has posed:
"Thanks, Kara. I'm not a Kryptonian, Amazon, Martian, access to the Speed Force, or anything but what I bring with me. So I have to keep in shape and I have some neat gear to help me out, but, regular old human." And he's pretty sure that he'd be able to win in a battle with any one of them, if he had the time to prepare. If he was taken by surprise, it'd be tough, but not impossible. "You can always improve, no matter how strong, or fast, or agile you are. Like for instance, how far can you stretch?" He was curious what her limits were, and said it casually.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods, a bit absently. "Well, all the hard work really shows..." Realizing how that sounds, Kara blushes furiously and blinks in a panic. "In...that...you...perform all that acrobatic stuff really well!" She laughs nervously, hoping that she can bring her reddened cheeks under control again. "Ummm....stretch?" She's confused, but happy for the conversation switch. "Well..." And she reaches up, stretching all out and standing on her tip-toes, ben bends forward to bring her fingertips to her toes. "You mean like that?" she asks through a mass of blonde hair in her face while still bending forward.

Red Robin has posed:
"That's impressive, Kara," remarking about how she's bending. He decides to tease her, seeing how flexible she is, and asks, "can you do this?" And he does something that few men would try and fewer still could accomplish. While standing, he raises his left leg, up, moving it higher while balancing on the one foot. He will use his hands to help out, but he manages to raise his leg straight up in the air. This would be about the point that Beast Boy or Cyborg should come in and say that he may want to say that he probably shouldn't be doing that if he wants to have kids some day.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara's eyes go wide at the display. "Okay, I know I can't do that..." And she stands back up, blowing a few unruly strands of hair from her face. She tries mimicing Robin, as challenged, and does alright standing on 1 foot, but she can only lift her leg about 90 degrees. And then she starts wobbling while maintining that position.

Red Robin has posed:
Robin grins, and moves towards her when she starts to wobble. He helps to hold her up, even though she can fly. It's a natural instinct, and might well have been his plan all along? He could be deceptive that way. "You're doing well, but it might take practice. Everyone, no matter how fast, strong, or agile, can always improve. You can always get better... and maybe I can help you." He blushed though, at the physical contact as he tried to stabilise her.

Supergirl has posed:
Robin's hands on her hips and shoulders helps steady Supergirl's balance, but don't help with her pounding heatbeat at all. Kara nods at him while he talks, focusing more on his face than his words. The whole situation reminds her of the other night when Robin invited her to the Batcave and she flew them both there; the close contact as he held onto her waist and she supported him. She liked being around Robin, and not just as a teammate. But she still didn't know anything about him, while he knew almost everything about her.

Robin's offer brings Kara back to her senses. She's still standing on one foot, holding a leg out and trying to slowly lift it higher. "You mean...you, training me?" Kara brings her leg back down to stand on both her feet. "I...yeah. I think I'd like that. I mean, if it's no bother. I know you're kind of busy."

Red Robin has posed:
"Yeah, if you want," he agreed to train her, but he was kind of hoping for more. As she lowers her feet down, he reluctantly lets go of her. "I like spending time with you, Kara. Um..." he paused, thinking about things. He looked her over, then looked at the ground. They had been spending a lot of time together of late. "Uh, Kara... would you... oh, this is hard." His voice was even crackling little. "Do you think that you'd like to hang out, like, you know... oh boy..." he summoned the strength, and asked, way too quickly, "wouldyouliketogooutsometime?"

Supergirl has posed:
The question confuses her, at first. Kara is still learning human idonyms and slang; she's still used to Kryptonian terms. Also, it's not like anyone at her school has asked shy, mousey Kara Danvers out. "Go out?" She blinks a couple times, working it through her mind. "You mean like out on patrol?" Then, it hits her and her eyes go wide with hope. "Or...like...'go out', go out? Because...yeah. I...I'd really like that." And then, there's the elephant in the room and Kara bites the corner of her lip in disappointment. "But...what about...you know...?" She points near her eyes where a mask would be, if she wore one.

Red Robin has posed:
"You've already seen me without it," he says simply. He's not sure he's ready to let her know that he's Tim Drake, or that he's Bruce Wayne's ward, or anything like that. But he's inclined to. It's an unusual situation. She's a Kryptonian. If she wanted to know who he is, she could find out. There is no defence against a snooping Kryptonian except to not do anything of note, and that's not an option. "So, if you want, we could do something, without masks or uniforms?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara gasps when reminded that she has seen him without the mask, then laughs. "Oh my gosh...I totally forgot!" Then, she puts a hand on Robin's shoulder. "And I don't mean that in a bad way, because you are really cute without the mask. Just, I've had so much going on, it slipped my mind." She takes a deep breath to calm down, still smiling. "So...yeah. A date. I would really like that. When would you want to do this? And where? Should I go to Gotham or you come to Metropolis or....?"

Red Robin has posed:
Robin slips his hands to her waist as she puts a hand on his shoulder. "Kara, wherever you are, is where I want to be." He really likes her, and is so relieved that she accepted. He's trying to put on a brave face, to seem calm and assured, but he's incredibly nervous about it all. "We just even just hang out here, have dinner, together. Or anywhere you want to go. With your powers, we could be anywhere in a pretty short time."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara nods, smiling and thinking about the offer. "Okay. How about pizza and a movie here at the Tower? Just to see how things go. Nothing big, but...we'll see what happens. No pressure." She reaches down and puts her hand over one of his on her waist; not to push it away, but to indicate she's fine with it being there. "And Robin? I like being around you too." She keeps her eyes focused on his for a while longer, and her hand on his, enjoying the contact. "So...tomorrow night? I'll bring a large pie from Giorganno's? You bring one of your favorite movies?"

Red Robin has posed:
Robin was grinning widely at the affection and the intimacy of the contact. She was okay with him holding her, and she seemed to like it, responding in kind. He gently nodded his head without breaking eye contact, "Sounds like a date." He liked being near her. She smelled nice. He wasn't sure what perfume she was wearing, or if it was just her, but he liked everything about her. "And Kara... call me Tim."