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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/04/18 |Location=Titans Tower |Synopsis=Summary needed. |Cast of Characters=55, 54 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:55|Supergirl (55)}}...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:31, 23 October 2017

Movie Night
Date of Scene: 18 April 2017
Location: Titans Tower
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Red Robin

Supergirl has posed:
It's been a long, stressful, *strange* day for Kara, but at least she has something to look forward to this evening. A brief stopover in Metropolis for an extra-large double pepperoni pizza from Giordano's, then she heads to Titan's Tower. And she even makes it up to the Ops Level with the pizza still steaming warm; not that cold pizza is a problem when you have heat vision. Stepping out of the elevator, kara looks around for her date for the evening. Date. Robin's her date. The thought still gets her heart beating faster.

Red Robin has posed:
Robin isn't dressed as Robin. Instead, he's dressed as Tim Drake. He has on beige trousers and a black v-neck shirt. The mask is still there. He's in the Ops Centre. But he has a little carrier bag in one hand, with a couple of DVDs, some desert, a bottle of Soder-Cola, and some glasses. He smiles as Supergirl returns. He's standing on the west side, near the girl's rooms. She looked so beautiful walking in, though he was always amazed at how she could float effortlessly above the ground when she wanted to. And in the other hand, he had some flowers. Bruce had taught this boy well. He was sharply dressed, in clothes that fit him well, showing off defined his arms were, and he had ticked everything on that mental checklist. "Kara, you are beautiful, and piping hot pizza... how was your day?"

Supergirl has posed:
Flowers. No one had ever given kara flowers before, and it makes her heart melt more. She's smiling sweetly as she apporaches Robin...Tim. All ready to give him a hug. And then the question about her day is asked and she falters a bit. Kara quickly recovers and is back to smiling, hoping Tim didn't notice, but there's tension in her body, still. "Ummm...let's just get settled in and enjoy the pizza and the movie, okay?" The door to her room is opened and she ushers Robin inside.

Supergirl's room is modestly decorated. But the decoratoins she does have are Kryptonian in nature. Small crystals sit on tables, cabinets, and her desk, projecting either holograms or pictures onto the walls of the room. The crystal on her desk has a hologram of a family: 4 adults, 2 male and 2 female, all dressed in robes and wearing the same 'S' shield as Superman and Supergirl, with one of the women holding a baby bundled up. And standing with the adults, is Kara, dressed in the same robes.

"Ummm...just...make yourself at home," she tells Tim as she sets the pizza box on the desk. There's a rush of air and Kara disappears for a moment, then suddnely reappears in another gust of wind, placing paper plates, napkins, and two plastic cups on the desk.

Red Robin has posed:
As fast as Kara is, Tim takes this the other way. He begins to empty his carrier bag, setting the Blu-Ray discs on the entertainment unit. There's a few of them, such as Wimbledon; the Prince and Me; Kate and Leopold; Love, Actually; the Holiday; and Notting Hill. He wanted a romantic comedy, but brought her a variety to choose from. He left the glasses he had brought in the bag, as Kara had gotten some plastic cups, but he did bring out the bottle of Soder-Cola Classic. There's also a brown box. It lacks markings, but seems to be made from cardboard. Inside, there's a pecan pie. But that's supposed to be a surprise for dessert.

"Sure Kara, thanks," he says, as he closes the blinds, careful and smooth. With the door now closed, and the blinds drawn, he removes his mask, slipping it into his pocket. He rubbed at the bridge of his nose. "How do you not get recognised as Supergirl?" He wondered that, since she wore no mask, and she was still in the outfit. Oh, how he loved that outfit of hers. "I guess you're just usually moving too fast for anyone to see you, huh? So, anyway, I have a few options, all romantic comedies. I figured that would be best for our date... wow, we're really on a date, aren't we? Should I be this nervous?"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl smiles at the question, holds up her hand to indicate Tim sould wait a moment, then dashes into her closet to do a super-speed change into her 'Kara Danvers' clothing. Bland, basic blosue and long skirt. Flat shoes. A brown wig tied in a ponytail. And glasses. "My cousin taught me it's all in the slouch," she says. And indeed, she's projecting an aura of shy uncertainty, with her head lowered and her shoulder's raised like she's trying to stay unnoticed. After a bit, she straightens back up, looking like a normal girl, now. "And...yes. Nervousness is definately okay." Her own tone and laugh are rather nervous as well.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim was a little saddened by the wig, even if it looked cute on her, and the glasses. "Kara, you don't have to wear a wig, or glasses around me. You don't have to slouch, or any of that. Just be yourself. This... is me." He took a seat, and was surprised at how much she could change with her mannerisms. She had seen Batman do it. He had done it. But it was startling to see the joyful and strong Supergirl turtle into Kara Danvers. Perhaps Clark had it all wrong. He should have worn a mask as Superman, and been himself as Superman. That's how Batman does it, and he's never had to pretend to walk into walls.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara looks really relieved when Tim says that and she takes the wig and fake glasses of; at normal speed, even. "Thank you," she tells him. And now, in normal clothes, she doesn't look like some super-powerful figure of justice. She looks like Kara Danvers, a normal, human girl. "But, if we're, like...out in public together....You're okay with the wig and glasses. so that people don't figure things out?" She's sure he would be, but it's still a question that needs to be asked. Kara sits down next to Tim, looking rather relaxed and peaceful. "I like that...it's okay to feel normal. To just be normal. I can guarantee you, that when the world's not watching, this is who I am."

Red Robin has posed:
"Kara, when we're in public, I will be whatever you need me to be, do whatever I need to do. Protecting an identity is super important. But when we're alone, I want you to be yourself. I am." He was serious and thoughtful, looking into her eyes. "And, you know, you could always wear coloured contacts? If Supergirl has blue eyes, Kara could have green or some other colour. Though, I still find it odd that you and Superman wear disguises all the time, and are yourself when in costume. I know when I'm at the Tower, it may not seem it, but I spend less time wearing the mask than I do without it."

Supergirl has posed:
"I can see that," Kara replies with a nod. "I mean, I'm sure when you're fighting criminals, you're a much different person. but I can see that you are more easy with being you in costume than being someone else. So it's sort of like Kal and myself." Kara pauses for a bit, thinks about what she just said, then laughs. "Did what I just said make sense to you? becasue it makes sense to me and that's kind of weird how much loci twisting is involved in all of this."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim put his hand on her hand, which is in her lap. "It made perfect sense." He smiled at her; it was a warm smile, the kind that was infectious. "It's not easy being a hero, but it does get easier." He licked his lip, and leaned in to whisper, "you... are the first person I've ever shown my face, that wasn't... you know, one of Batman's associates."

Supergirl has posed:
"And that is...very humbling," Kara says in response to the admission that she's the first to know outside of the circle. "It's a step that requires a lot of trust. And I appreciate that. Immensely." Kara lightly squeezes Tim's hand, the contact making her feel warm and flush. "Trust...doesn't come easy. But it's worth finding." Again, there's a slight waver and a tension in her body as she considers something. Kara sighs as she reacehs a conclusion. "Tim. I don't want to ruin tonight. But there's things that I need to tell Robin, that need to be told to Batman. Do you want to deal with it now, or after the movie? Becasue I really want to spend time with Tim. But, responsibility..."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim's cheeks flush a little bit at that. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, but I care about you, Kara. I trust you Kara, quicker than I have ever trusted anyone. And that's a little scary. I don't want to ruin tonight either. But if there are things that need to be discussed, we can discuss them. When we're alone, I am both Robin, and Tim. I'm... I'm yours." That took guts from the young teen. His voice was even trembling as he said it. He was so nervous, worried that she would reject him at any moment for the dork he is.

Supergirl has posed:
And there's conflict in Kara's eyes. She just wanted tonight to be just her and Tim, being normal teens doing normal teen things. But the truth is, they're not normal teens. So, Kara nods quietly. She takes a deep breath. "You know about Krypton," she says. And she looks over at the holographic portrait on her desk as she speaks. "That...the Science Council didn't believe in the danger that my uncle and father warned them about. But what you don't know was...there was almost a millitary coup. Lead by the leader of Krypton's military, which served as the police. General Zod tried to remove the Council, to save Krypton. But the coup failed. And Zod and his followers were exiled to a dimensional prison we call the Phantom Zone." Kara looks at Tim, her expression severe. "It's the ultimate punishment. Our alternative to the death penalty.Permanent exile to a dimension that there is no escape from. Or so we thought."

Kara looks frightened; legitimately frightened. "One of the exiles is now on Earth. She...she arrived becasue Zod discovered something in the Phantom Zone. Some other race's forgotten techology that has a Phantom Zone projector. This Kryptonian woman that arrived...she says that she damaged the projector as she was used as a test subject to try it out. She was part of the military coup, but apparently had a change of heart and betrayed their pans to Jor-El. Records were sealed that I had no knowledge of, but are part of the records Kal's ship carried to Earth. The woman seems to be wanting to reform and help, but...Robin...you need to understand what I am saying here. There are a dozen, possibly more, highly trained Kryptonain soldiers who could arrive on Earth if they get the projector fixed. There's no native resources in the Phantom Zone, but this War World that Zod and his men found...that could probably be scavenged for parts. All they need is a scientist smart enough to fix it. There were no scientists or technicians who were exiled with Zod, but...there could be other Kryptonian prisoners, sent to the Phantom Zone years, centruies before, who might have the expertese if Zod finds them. Krypton's prison could come spilling out onto Earth; vicious madmen lead by a ruthless military genius willing to enslave his own planet to save it. To say nothing of what else this War World can offer them. And other things that Krypton dumped in the Phantom Zone." Kara is trembling, terrified of the possiblity. "I'm so sorry," she says in a whisper. "I can't imagine what you think of us now..."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim reached out and took her in his arms. He held her close to his chest. His heart beat fast with her against him, but there was a steely resolve in his eyes. This night was ruined, that much was for certain. What she had just presented to him, was essentially Batman's worst nightmare; people with the power of the gods, and the anger to use them. Superman and Supergirl were just two people, and they were, by all accounts, altruistic. He believed in her. He trusted her. He liked her, and thought that maybe there could be something special between them. But his mind had begun to wander.

He continued to hold her, hugging her tight. "I think that you are wonderful, I think that you are great. I care about you, and want to spend more time with you. But don't feel sorry. It's not your fault. There are good people in this world, and bad, just as there are good Kryptonians, and bad ones. We're all human... okay, wrong word, but sentient beings. We live, we love, we make mistakes, we have emotions, passion, we love, we hate, we fight, we care; we do it all."

He held her, rubbing his arms up and down her back. He liked the scent of her. He closed his eyes, enjoying being so close to her. His body was screaming one thing, but his mind was someplace else. "But Kara, we have to go. This can't wait. We need to speak with Batman; tonight." Five minutes ago would have been preferable.

Supergirl has posed:
"I know," kara says with a slight nod. The night was ruined. But this was something that couldn't wait. And with Tim holding her, she felt...safe. Strange that the girl who was effectively missile-proof would feel safe in the arms of a normal, if not extraordinary, human boy. She sat there, laying her head on his shoulder, just trying to hold onto the moment for a bit longer. Eventually, though, Kara sat back up, sniffling a bit from the tears that has somehow gotten into her eyes. "I know," she says more resolutely, like all it took to turn the scared refugee from Krypton back into Supergirl was Robin holding her for that bit. Kara leans in and kisses Tim on the cheek. "Thank you," she says. "Thank you for making me feel normal, even for just 5 minutes. I got to be just like I was back home, once upon a time. A normal girl spending time with a boy she likes and thinks is completely and utterly amazing in every way." A deep breath, and Supergirl was back with a confident smile. "Rain check on all this, though. You still owe me a movie sometime."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim saw the tears begin to form, and he reached out, with his soft, normal, human hand to wipe away her tears. He looked into her eyes, liking the feeling of her being here, with him, so vulnerable. She was invulnerable, at least when it came to physical threats. "Kara, you could survive in the sun. You could get to the sun under your own power. But that doesn't impress me. What impresses me is that you can light up a room, as if you were the sun." He blushes when she kisses his cheek, and reaches up to touch the area where her lips had been. It felt warm and nice. And he wanted to return the favour, but instead of going for her cheek, he leaned in to kiss her on the lips. He was soft and gentle. It was his fist kiss. He wasn't sure if he was doing it right, but as he kissed her, his lips parted a little, and he breathed against her. It sent shivers of excitement down his spine.

Supergirl has posed:
For Kara, the kiss is electric. She feels tingly all over her body as her lips press against Tim's. She tilts her head slightly, careful to gently share her breath with him as they remained joined. There were no evil organizations cloning her and tracking her movements. No Kryptonian prisoners on the verge of breaking through a dimensional barrier to bring destruction to Earth. No crime to be stopped, no crisis to avert. There was only her and Tim. And she didn't ever want this feeling to end. But when they do part lips, Kara opens her eyes, and there's a new light in them. She smiles looking stunned. "Did that....we just..." She giggles a bit, blushing, looking at Tim like she's starstruck. "Okay...that was really awesome."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim lost himself for a moment in that kiss. Right now, his concentration is waning. There is... he should... but then, this is a sixteen year old boy with a genius level intelligent. He quickly reached into his phone. He has a special phone, on a separate network. There is encryption. There are codes, security, enough to send anything he wanted. He begins feverishly writing. If she looked over him, he wasn't hiding it, he was typing everything she had said, verbatim, and when he was done, he added his own thoughts. Curiously, his own thoughts took up about eight times as long to type, but he never slowed down. It was like watching one of those rare kids in a test who would finish it in 15 minutes, except Tim was the type who could finish it in ten. And again, he was a sixteen year old boy, with Kara beside him. He was well motivated. When he was done, he hit send. There was a little audible blip. "There, Batman knows everything you told me, and everything I thought to add to it. Now, where were we?"

Supergirl has posed:
When Tim starts using his phone to inform Batman and his associates of the potential threat, Kara doesn't understand what he's doing at first. When he finishes up, though, the realization makes her eyes light up and she laughs. "I think....we were about to enjoy a movie together. Like two normal teens who like each other are known to do." She moves at super-speed, and before Tim know's what's going on, the blu-ray player is hooked up to the monitor in the room, the disc with The Prince and Me starting up, two cups of Soder Cola poured, two paper plates with pizza procured, and there's a Supergirl settling in next to him, gently leaning into his side.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim relaxes; hoping that things might calm down now that Batman knows everything he does. And if he's extremely lucky, there won't be a response that says, "home". Batman could be so curt with his orders, or instructions as Tim preferred to call them. He leans in besides Kara, enjoying the movie, but her company far more. He digs into the pizza, but then a piece of Italian sausage rolls off the slice, nearly landing in her lap, but he manages to catch it with his reflexes. He's pretty good for a human. "Sorry about that," he says, glad to be so physically close to her. He can feel her body's warmth against him. "We are normal teens. We can do all the stuff they do... make the same mistakes too." He winked at her.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara nods, adjusting her body position to fit next to Tim's, enjoying the closeness. "We are. But we're also aware of our priorities." She looks over at Tim, a contented look on her face and her eyes smiling. "There's going to be times you'll get called. Times I'll get called. So, we'll just have to enjoy the moments that we do have, when we get them." She snuggles in closer as the movie starts up. "But I think you're going to be worth those interrupted times," she concludes with a satisfied sigh.

Red Robin has posed:
Nodding his head, Tim moved up a little, so that she could rest her head on his shoulder better. He wasn't the tallest guy around, but he was confident that he was still growing. He'd never be as tall as Batman, but he was perfectly happy with his own personal trajectory. He reached down and run his hand through her hair. It was so silky smooth. He grinned at the movie, liking the Danish prince's character, and as he was having trouble adjusting to American life, Tim remarked, "That's kind of like you... a stranger in a strange land, meeting a kind hearted local, helping, being friendly, and maybe, something coming of it." Did he plan this? He was a planner.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara smiles and looks up at Tim. "A strange visitor from another planet?" she jokes. "It's all relative, really. Humans are just as strange to me as I am to you, sometimes." A slight yawn escapes her lips. "Sorry. It's just very comfortable here." Kara then adds, with a wink, "And it's a good kind of strange. Interesting. Fascinating." She returns her attention to the movie, occasionally eating pizza or readjusting her position sitting with Tim. She was millions of light years from where she was born, the ultimate refugee story. And here, in the most unexpected way, Kara felt a certainty that somehow, despite the massive heartbreak and tragedy, she was right where she was supposed to be.