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Latest revision as of 02:53, 11 October 2021

In the Wee Hours of Morning
Date of Scene: 10 October 2021
Location: Willow's Room, Apartment 214 (TBD)
Synopsis: Willow is bothered by Tali's possession, and turns to Pietro for solace.
Cast of Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Quicksilver

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had done the switchover as soon as she was home. To tell the truth she felt funny for doing it, but with Tali taken over what else could do? For all she knew he already had been there.

This was the first time she felt uncomfortable in her place.d
Thankfully she had Pietro! One call to him and there he had. With pizza to boot. And when it was time to go, she asked him to stay.

"Something has come up, and I don't feel comfortable alone."

Quicksilver has posed:
The call to him had come just after he'd finished having a shower. And his hair had still been damp when he'd arrived with pizza, soda, and a box of her favourite pastries. He likes them as well, mind -- they're quite a tasty treat. When he'd been about to leave and she asked him to stay, he looked at her with a touch of curiosity.

Softly, he steps towards her and lifts a hand to lightly brush his fingers along one of her cheeks, studying her for a lingering moment. He leans in close to lightly kiss her on the forehead before he brings his gaze to meet hers, a slight wrinkle to his brow. "What is it that's happened, Willow? What has you uncomfortable?" he asks softly, a gentle note to his voice.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow keans into his hand and closes her eyes for a moment.

"I really like you, really I do. But it this was just to be close, or, you know.. sex.. I wouldn't need to lie." She feels stupid needing him there, after all the time she had moaned about everyone protecting her, and she doesn't need it.. and what does she do?

Calls Pietro.

"One of my roommates has been possessed." She scrunches her nose up. "I had to keep him out of the apartment with magic. I'm worried."

Quicksilver has posed:
The slight wrinkle to his brow tugs a touch more at her words, and he studies her for a lingering moment. "I like you as well, Willow. Quite a fair bit, in fact," Pietro says softly. "I would hope that you would always be honest with me, da? And I will always give to you the truth as well," he adds, watching her.

Gently, he strokes her cheek with the pad of his thumb, and then he moves his hand after a moment to lightly comb his fingers through her hair. He doesn't think of himself as great protection, but he certainly doesn't mind that he was called by her.

One of his eyebrows arches at her words, a flash of surprise coming to his blue eyes. "Possessed?" he asks, sounding a bit more than just surprised. "Was he trying to get into the apartment? Has he become dangerous? How did he end up possessed?" he asks, the questions coming perhaps a bit quicker than he had intended to, but his brain turns quickly. Then he pauses briefly before slipping his arms around her to gather her into a hug, if she'll allow him to. "I am sorry, Willow. What can I do to help? How can I help you to be less worried?" he asks in a softer tone.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"He lives here?" For a brief second she had to think. "He could have, except I don't think so. Something about him makes me comfortable in saying no. Still, all the sigils and such, had to be changed to prevent him from coming in. I think Tali understood what I was going to do and why. He had a moment where he looked like the old Tali before he was gone again."

Willow came into the embrace. "I don't even know if he knows magic, or anything. I kind of think he has a pseudo body to take over Tali but has a brain separate from that. He talked oddly about his name. He referred to him in the third person. I don't know. I have to look up this name. There might be something."

Then again he offered the name.. so.. he might have been lying.

She smiles then. "I won't lie to you. By the way, if he tries to tell you I did say I thought Tali was cute. He really is.. Hey, did you get the donuts where you usually do? And was that girl there? She was so angry at me, or at you keeping me secret from her."

Quicksilver has posed:
"He is the one who made the pelmeni that you shared with me, I remember," Pietro says, giving a small nod to her. "Perhaps he will come back, or perhaps not," he muses, a thoughtful note to his voice. He doesn't know the other man to be able to make a more educated guess. Gently, he rubs her back whilst he thinks for a moment. "It seems it may be possible that he somehow fights what is possessing him. Maybe?" he suggests, raising an eyebrow slightly.

Pietro's brow furrows a little bit at her words, and he gives her a gentle squeeze. "A pseudo body? How would that work? What name did he give himself?" he asks, a touch of curiosity to his voice. "A name should have history to be found. There should be something, at least. Perhaps whatever it is that has possessed him no longer has a body of its own."

He chuckles softly at her words then before giving a nod, his blue eyes showing a spark of amusement to them. "If I happen to run into him and if he happens to say as much, then I will not question it having happened," he comments. He glances towards the box of pastries, and then looks back to her before giving a nod. "Mmhmm, that is where they're from. If she was there then she was in the back, in the kitche. I did not see her, this time. It was strange, that time," Pietro says, giving a small shake of his head.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"She was strange. I mean, I worked for a coffee shop and I would have been fired if I acted like her."

Willow wraps her arm about him, heading to the bedroom. Still she is frowning about the possession, and even more so the name. "Don't you think it's weird? I mean, most people aren't like me. They wouldn't think twice about giving me a name - any name - expecting me to research it. Unless they thought they were beyond me."

Like Dracula.

Quicksilver has posed:
"I found her behaviour to be quite strange as well. I have never experienced similar," Pietro says, frowning briefly before he lifts one of his shoulders in a bit of a shrug. Perhaps she had been having a bad day, and so he attempts to dismiss it as just that.

Pietro keeps an arm around her and walks with her towards the bedroom, his mind turning the situation over. "Well... it is not entirely weird. I mean, if you ask a person their name, then they tell you what it is. There was likely not a second thought about giving the name. Very few people would think that the name they give would be looked up later. Or maybe... what if it thinks that your sources are just people?" he offers. "Or maybe he doesn't think you will find anything to put to the name. It is hard to say." He falls quiet for a moment, giving her a bit of a squeeze.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You think?"

Willow is not as sure about that as Pietro is.

"I'll worry about it tomorrow? I've some resources to use." And she doesn't mean just Giles either!