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The path less traveled...
Date of Scene: 10 October 2021
Location: Castle Dracula, Transylvania
Synopsis: And taking it was a long time coming, but at least the Devil and the Vampire got some time together.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Dracula

Lucifer has posed:
It's been a trying little while for Lucifer, and the last day or so have been a bit harder than most because some truths came out that wound up being a little more painful than intended. Words that were said still ringing in his mind as he stands before the looming gothic doors of Castle Vlad. He doesn't even know if the man is home, or even if he's wanting company and yet here Lucifer is willing to take a risk. At least it's not storming, and he obviously learned his lesson from the time before and did not become like a fly on a windshield when trying to visit.

A breath and then he lifts a hand to take hold of that old door knocker, using it to knock three times against the door itself. He also focuses on the coin in his pocket, which will tell Dracula precisely where Lucifer is - even if it's usually meant to call. This time it's more like a 'here I am!'...

Dracula has posed:
Castle Dracula is an impressively gothic and loomingly dark location to be standing in the shadow of. If it could be said to cast a shadow, which most times it happens not to as there is little in the way of sunshine to fall upon it. Oddly, it is upon the rooftop of the castle where Dracula happens to be, standing upon the peak. He is comfortable, and this is something that he does often both here and elsewhere. For tonight, he happens to be admiring the full moon which shines down from the darkness of the sky.

As there comes the knock upon the door, he tilts his head faintly to one side as he listens. And there is a flicker of a smile that curls that the corners of his lips. He takes one step, and then a second step. And with the third step, he steps off of the roof of his keep to fall gracefully through the air. And he lands easily, his knees bending as he crouches almost feline-like in nature before he straightens and turns his gaze upon Lucifer some dozen feet from him. "You knocked, my dear?" Vlad asks, one of his eyebrows quirking slightly. He is, as is his habit, dressed in black from head to toe, though without his peacoat, his hair black and his eyes nearly so.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer's ears prick just a touch when he hears that soft-footed landing just off to his side. Turning to face his lover fair, returing the smile in kind as he gives a nod of his head. "I did knock, yes. Though most people answer the door when someone knocks upon it." He chuckles then. "I suppose I should have realized you're not most people and will do as you see fit." Further offering this much before he finally takes the steps needed to close the distance between them. A hand lifts to touch against the cheek of the Vampire Lord, and when gazes meet, it's likely easy for Vlad to tell there's a pain in Lucifer's own. "It's been too long, my dearest. I was hoping we could, perhaps, spend some time together..."

Dracula has posed:
There's is a brief glance cast towards the door before he looks back to Lucifer, and he chuckles softly. "Most, indeed, do. Since I happened to be upon the roof, it was closer," Vlad comments, inclining his head towards the devil. He lifts his right hand to make a slight gesture towards the doors, and they creak almost ominously as they swing wide open before them. "I often do as I see fit, my dear," he says, a soft tone to his voice.

He leans slightly into the touch that is graced his cheek, his gaze lingering upon Lucifer's own. Watching, studying. "My castle keep is always open to you, and you are always welcome to it," he says softly. He shifts his weight, stepping a touch closer before he leans in to breathe the scent of his lover and then place a soft kiss to his lips. "We are free to spend as much time together as what we wish. Please, do come inside," he says softly, glancing inside and then making a slight gesture for Lucifer to venture first within the castle.

Lucifer has posed:
"To hear that pleases me, my dear heart. More than I think you may realize." Lucifer offers at ther comment of the Keep always being open to him. That soft kiss is returned just before they are led to go inside the keep itself. Lucifer turning first and walking in direction of the doors now open. "I've missed you, and have been wanting to see you. For quite some time now, admittedly... but I ... I got caught up in things with Nathaniel.. though that sounds like a stupid excuse.." He pauses a few steps within the doorway as he continues speaking. "I realized I need to find a good balance of time with the both of you lest I begin to feel like I am losing one or the other..."

Even as he speaks of such things that flash of pain washes through his gaze again, but he quickly squishes it down. Smiles through it. "Have you been up to anything interesting lately?" Yes! Subject change. That'll work.

Dracula has posed:
"Perhaps," Vlad says, inclining his head slightly towards Lucifer. Perhaps he realizes more than he lets on, or perhaps he doesn't -- seldom is he a man who is easy to read, even for his lover. As Lucifer moves to enter the keep, there is a lingering moment in which Vlad admires him, watching him with a flicker of predatorialness to him. His tongue flicks out, lightly brushing past his lips, and then he shifts his weight to start to follow after him and thus enter the keep as well.

Once he is within, the doors slowly close, creaking as much as when they had opened. "I have missed you as well. It has been some time since we have shared company with one another," he says softly. Yet, he's been keeping a touch of distance and allowing Lucifer some space, for he could easily appear at any time. "It is easy to become caught up in things. Do not be worried over it, Lucifer. In such things, I am a patient sort of creature," he comments, a smile turning at the corners of his lips. He steps up beside Lucifer and slips one of his arms around one of his, to walk arm in arm with him. "I am not one who is easily lost, I assure you. I find it a safe promise to offer you that you will not lose me unless you find a truly magnificent manner of transgression to accomplish," he adds, a flicker of amusement finding his voice. "I have recently been looking into the land that might be available for purchase in or around the New York area. Though it is of no inconvenience to me to have the Keep remain where it stands, the notion of having it closer is somewhat intriguing," Vlad muses, a thoughtful tone to his voice.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer seems to visibly relax as he hears those words from Vlad pertaining to not losing him. At least not without some grievous transgression, and Lucifer would never. Not intentionally anyway. "I would suspect that even the most patient of people have their limits. Still, I am glad to hear this. I never meant to seem like I was ignoring you...but in building this one life with Nathaniel I do feel as though I neglected you a bit." A pause, and as they continue to walk arm in arm, Lucifer squeezes Vlad close. "So whether I need to or not, I apologize."

He has no idea where they're walking to, just that they are walking. He trusts Vlad to lead them somewhere, or perhaps they'll just walk and talk for some time until things lead otherwise. "A plot of land where which you could move the Keep?" Inquiring further so that he understands where Vlad is coming from. "Would be interesting to have you closer... I wonder if that would cause a disturbance on anyone's particular radars, however.." He offers with a chuckle

Dracula has posed:
The elder vampire had rather sounded as though he expected that manner of transgression to be quite unlikely. "There are a great many things in which I am not patient, however where you are concerned, I find myself to be possessed of patience that seems of a lasting nature," Vlad comments, a touch of amusement to his voice. He lifts his free hand to gesture slightly, and he gives a soft shake of his head. "I am not what would be considered a high maintenance sort. I have not thought that you have been ignoring me, my dear," he says softly, a gentle note to his voice. "Neglected, somewhat, perhaps, but not ignored," he says, a smile turning at the corners of his lips. He lightly bumps his shoulder against Lucifer's. "I forgive you," he adds, inclining his head towards him.

"Indeed, I seek to secure a space for the Keep. It moves by force of magic from one location to another, at my will. It is a ritual to go through. I would have no doubt that it would, assuredly, cause a disturbance to certain radars. It might be interesting to sit comfortably within my web and to watch who is lured out to investigate such a thing," he muses, a touch of curiosity to his voice. He gives Lucifer's arm a gentle squeeze, walking with him down what perhaps feels to be a never-ending hallway. "Are you in the mood for anything in particular?" he asks, one of his eyebrows quirking up a touch.

Lucifer has posed:
"Well. I do hope to ease some of those feeling of neglect, and work towards a better balance so you do not feel it again." Lucifer offers and then nods his head. "Thank you." This to the forgiveness offered and he smiles a touch. "Also, no, you're not high maintenance, and I am sure if things went a little too wayward you would have said or done something. This is me trying to prevent that." Offering this much more just before listening as Vlad explains more on moving the Keep. He has to chuckle at that and give another nod of his head. "Mmn, it will be interesting indeed. I, too, would be curious as to who would be lured into investigating such a thing."

That gentle squeeze is leaned into a bit perhaps as they walk down what seems to be a never-ending hallway. Likely some sort of illusion or some such as they simply walk and talk. "Well, curiosity leads me to wonder how well fed you are in some ways.." He offers. "I might just be itching for a moment of being nicely stalked and claimed in so many ways..." A smirk falling on his lips then as he side eyes his Vampire lover fair.

Dracula has posed:
"If it happens again then there wil be forgiveness that will await you," Vlad says, giving a small nod at the words. He leans in close to kiss Lucifer on the cheek, and then he chuckles softly. "You are welcome, Lucifer. Always so," he adds, his dark eyes showing a sparkle to them. "I appreciate your steps towards prevention. Had things ventured far enough along such lines then I would have taken it upon myself to pay you a visit," he comments. He is quiet for a lingering moment, simply walking along next to Lucifer for a little while. "To move the Keep is a costly venture, a time consuming and power consuming ritual. It is not something that I seek lightly and yet it is a thing that is worthy of considering at the same time. To have the amenities of the Keep nearer would mean not needing to spend as much energy in teleporting back here when I wish," he muses. He doesn't sound as though he has any concerns about either cost factor, though -- it's a thing he's done before.

There's a soft chuckle from the elder vampire, and he lifts his free hand to make a slight gesture. "I am not as well fed as I would prefer to be in some aspects, and I am quite hungry in others," he comments, slanting a glance towards the devil. He walks Lucifer down a side hallway, and there's a soft tone of heave stone moving across stone. A hidden doorway slides open, and he walks Lucifer into -- of all things -- a garden. It is filled with night blooming varieties, either real or mystically created. There are glittering lights that move freely and have no wires or other obvious signs of power. There is a pond, complete with fish that lazily swim within it. It is a large garden, and it is bordered with a tall stone wall.

Lucifer has posed:
There's a nod, but nothing more is said about moving the Keep or anything else they've been speaking on for the moment. Lucifer is quite happy letting thost topics rest elsewhere for the time being. Instead, he gives focus on the comment of Vlad being hungry in so many ways which just causes Lucifer to shiver just so. Thinking of all the possible ways the night could go now. So when that heavy tome of stone is moved, revealing a hidden doorway, Lucifer walks through expecting a very particular sort of room...

...and instead is greeted with a garden. A wonderful garden of moonlit florals and glittering lights. A pond with lazy fish. It stretches likely beyond what he can see and as they step in he actually catches breath a moment. "Oh my word. Oh this is absolutely lovely..." Perhaps stepping a quick pace or two forward, to be ahead of his lover - of the predator - and he reaches to touch a light. Take in the whole of his surroundings. "Truly magnificent. I love it."

Dracula has posed:
The notion of moving the castle is set aside by the elder vampire as well. Perhaps he has voiced as much as he wishes to on the matter. There are certain logistics that haven't yet been reasoned out in regards to moving the castle not the least of which is just what the sudden appearance of such an ominous and dark thing might cause in the city. Mayhem and chaos are certainly possibilities. His dark gaze turns slowly towards Lucifer as he notices that shiver teasing through the fellow, and there is a hint of a smile that turns at the corners of his lips. The night is rife with possible outcomes, it is but a matter of choosing which ones are desired.

The garden stretches farther than one might have expected given the outward appearance of the grounds, yet it is no secret that there is magic at work within the castle. He releases Lucifer to allow him to step ahead as he wishes, to indulge in the garden. Vlad lifts his right hand and makes a slight gesture with his fingers. A generous handful of twinkling colour-shifting little lights appear scattered through the darkness to cast a gentle and magical sort of illumination upon the wonders of the garden. A little rabbit snuffles out from beneath a large plant leaf in order to nibble on a bit of clover that grows in the pathways of the garden. Further away, a doe grazes beneath a crab apple tree. Vlad's steps still, and there's a crimson glint that reflects in his eyes briefly, and he slips his hands to the small of his back to let them rest there, one hand within the other. He keeps the predator within himself reined in, a task which is more challenging in this moment -- he could so easily rush up and bite the man. The very thought causes his fangs to descend, and there is a moment in which he focuses on taming the beast within. Then he takes a step forward, his gaze holding steadfast upon Lucifer. "It pleases me greatly that you find it to be so, Lucifer. It is a space that I enjoy very much, and a space which offers a certain tranquility," Vlad says, a soft note to his voice. His steps are silent upon the clover of the pathway, though this is nothing unfamiliar.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes it all in, enjoying every little nuance that happens while he watches the garden. The rabbit and doe eating to their hearts content, the dancing lights, the vast expanse of it all due to the magics at work. There is even a moment where he wonders, since he's placed himself in front of Vlad Dracul - a vampire who is not quite full and has a willing meal in front of him - would come and partake. He more has to feel that Vlad is getting closer rather than hear because the man's steps are silent in their making. "I love gardens. I knew of some where they have plants that bloom in the darkness, in the light of a full moon... so a place like this where all of life's splendors take place in such is truly magnificent." Then he turns his head, as if attempting to peer behind himself from over his shoulder. "It suits you, my love. I suspect we might spend many points of quality time here... if such appeals to you."

He doesn't turn around, keeping his back to Vlad, almost as if daring him to do something. Perhaps seeing something such as being fed from a certain consummation of their time together. Solidify that within a garden they can share and perhaps you've reached perfection. He does lift a hand to swirl around the floating lights, perhaps making them dance more, giving a smile as he does. "It's like being under starlight... I suppose there's no need to ask if you would dance with the Devil 'neath the moon..."

Dracula has posed:
There is a certain amount of safety that creatures have within this garden's stone walls. Since they offer up no nourishment to him, Vlad allows them to live in peace and even to thrive here. A strange quirk of his nature, perhaps. It is through sheer willpower alone that he's not taken any action towards feeding upon Lucifer, as of yet. A willing meal is difficult to resist. Vlad tilts his head faintly to one side at Lucifer's words, and there is a smile that quirks at the corners of his lips. "How did I not know this of you yet?" he asks softly, a thread of curiosity running through the words. "There is a beauty to be found in nature, in growing things," he adds, a thoughtful note finding his words. And a space like this doesn't stir the hunger that lies within him forever yearning for hot blood. He inclines his head towards Lucifer, a smile turning at the corners of his lips as he offers up agreement to the suggestion. "I would find that to be most pleasing, and it appeals significantly," he says.

There is a brief glance that is cast towards the lights when Lucifer's touch stirs them, yet his attention readily turns back to the devil. Behind his back, his fingers move slightly, and a string of tinier lights finds its way to lighting into Lucifer's hair, like tiny shards of gemstones. For a lingering moment, he does naught else than to admire the fellow. And then it's as though he takes but a step (in truth it's more than that, but he's quick on his feet) in order to come up behind Lucifer, his eyes turned black and crimson and his hair bleeding out to white. He might have been hungrier than he admitted to, moments ago. He slips his arms around him from behind and then swiftly bites the side of his neck without even a word of warning, a flicker of a growl rising up from him as he does so. Resistance is futile -- the hunger always wins.

Lucifer has posed:
"I suppose some would think I have a distaste for gardens considering my first act involved one. But I think there is beauty in them, and I love all the different things one can do with a garden." Lucifer admits and then gives a soft chuckle. When Vlad offers that agreement to spending more time within one, finding it appealing, Lucifer can only grin. "I am glad."

If he notices the lights that begin to light his hair, Lucifer doesn't make any regard one way or the other. Too caught up in a moment of playing with lights dancing around his arm and loving the look, sound, and even scents of the garden itself. Knowing full well that a predator lurks behind him but in some regard, he's trying to pay little attention and let whatever comes next be a surprise to him. As much of one as it can be. Then, it happens, without warning and in between a breath. Suddenly the Vampire Lord is up behind him and immediately sinking teeth into flesh to feed. Lucifer gives a gasp, and then stills himself to allow his lover to take whatever is needed. He would never resist, as this gives him some sort of great pleasure.

Dracula has posed:
"One would expect that it would take more than an action to determine one's likes or dislikes, although I imagine that may depend on the particular thing," Vlad comments, a touch of amusement to his voice. "There are a great many possibilities for a garden, especially when one is not limited to things that are of nature already. Much of what grows here has been slightly tinkered with so that it will benefit from the moon and starlight," he adds. Tinkered with or touched with magic or otherwise altered to suit his purposes for the garden itself.

That Vlad is a predator is a thing that cannot be denied, yet he is also a slave of sorts -- to the ever-demanding hunger that roils within him, forever needing to be sated. His eyes fall closed as he drinks of Lucifer's blood, savouring each mouthful of it that he draws. He keeps his arms around Lucifer, his touch both firm and gentle at the same time, one of his hands resting upon the devil's stomach and the other upon his chest, holding him snug and close against himself. He takes what he needs, and then he takes a little bit more than that, for partaking of such a meal can be difficult to stop. Lightly, his tongue flicks over the skin held trapped, and it's a lingering moment before he eases his fangs from Lucifer's flesh. He exhales a soft purr, almost lazy and feline in nature, and then he lightly rests his chin upon the top of Lucifer's shoulder. "It is an impossible thing, to resist you," Vlad murmurs softly.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer gives a chuckle and a nod of his head at that first comment. "Well, yes, this is true. Such a moment surely does not deter me from enjoying the sights of a garden." Admitting this and then he takes in more of the sights around him. "That does not surprise me, that this place has been given their adaptations, which also makes this all the more surreal to perceive. I think every time I come here I might find something new and exciting as the possibilities are endless."

Then his lover is upon him, partaking of that need to drink. That thing which makes him both predator and slave, as there is a constant need which he must give in to but also...oh to hunt your prey in some regard must be intriguing. He feels Vlad take enough and then a little more, shivering just so as that tongue passes over the wound before those fangs retract. Enjoying being held and even leaning back against Vlad to ensure contact remains for the lingering moment. "Well...I would hope you'd not wish to resist me either way..." Easily he pirrouttes while in Vlad's arms, hands shifting to cup the cheeks of his lover, blue gaze meeting crimson. "Are you now satisfied for the moment, my dear heart?"

Dracula has posed:
"I am grateful for that being the case. If one looks hard enough and well enough, there are other gardens to be found within the Keep. Though all are of mine own design, this one is a favourite," Vlad says softly, giving a small nod. It is almost whimsical in parts, a place where plants were given focus to grant the space as much lasting beauty as possible. Perhaps to offset some of the horrific darkness of the hunger that rages within him or of the memories of things he's done, it's hard to say. "I wouldst wish for it to be so, Lucifer... that you would always find there to be something new within these stone walls," he says quietly. There is something within this space that seems to reverberate or thrum with the very essence of that wish spoken aloud, as though it absorbs it to make it so.

Vlad keeps his arms encircled about his lover, who is also his sustenance of the moment and thus his meal. His hand stirs softly where it rests upon Lucifer's stomach, unwilling to break the contact that lingers betwixt them. "I have nary a wish to resist you," he agrees, a smile turning his lips before he gives a soft chuckle. The rich crimson shade within his eyes shifts, darkening to that shade of nearly black. His eyes half close as he leans a little into first the touch of one hand and then the other before dipping his chin to softly kiss Lucifer's wrist. "Mmm... for the moment, indeed. You knew there was a need and taunted the hunger as would a fish nibbling bait upon a hook a fisherman has cast," he comments, a slight thread of amusement to his words. The accusation is a gentle one, and he doesn't sound as though he minded in the least.

Lucifer has posed:
"Well, to be completely fair, you did admit to there being a need when I asked a bit ago. So yes, I took that and used it as bait, so I could take care of you. As I am want to do at all times." Lucifer offers this much while nestled there within the arms of his lover. "To further, as much as I figure with age comes better control over the hunger overall but.... remembering that feeling from when I engaged in that experiment... I can't imagine what would happen if you were ever at a point of uncontrollable need. So... I am at least always willing to be that bridge if necessary." Not that the man seems to ever be without, plenty of victims to partake from, and Vlad doesn't even kill all his victims. Just the asshole pigs. A shift to lean in, and Lucifer nuzzles the man for a moment longer, taking in scent and just breathing for a time. "Can we stay here? Perhaps find a spot to sit and just enjoy the garden and the scenery, each other's company in perhaps a few ways...I...I think I'd like that. Just some simple time with you."

Dracula has posed:
"I do recall admitting to such a thing, aye," Vlad says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He seems a touch more relaxed now, a touch more at ease. Less guarded, perhaps, or perhaps it ought be said that he is less on guard -- against the hunger. "I am unable to find there to be any fault in what you did," he adds, leaning in a touch against the warmth of his lover. "If one survives the folly of youth, then aye, age can bring a better control though there are yet times when it breaks its bonds and runs rampant. If the need, the hunger, were to reach an uncontrollable level, well... there is but one thing that happens," he says softly, pausing for a long moment before saying in a quieter tone, "Slaughter." A bloodbath the likes of which ones darkest imaginings may not do justice -- it's been a while since it's happened.

There are times when he becomes distracted by certain projects to the point of ignoring his hunger, and this may have been one of those times. His tongue flicks out, brushing over his lips. There's a little nod at the request, and one of his eyebrows quirks up slightly. "We may stay here for as long as you wish. For as long as we wish. Simple time... I would like that. I have missed spending time with you. Perhaps... a blanket spread upon the ground and a basket of food and drink amidst a picturesque location?" he offers, tilting his head a touch to one side at the suggestion.

Lucifer has posed:
"Well we surely don't want that do we? No slaughtering people while you have ways to source your hunger.." Lucifer offers, and then he lets that sort of go to the side for the moment. Especially when they speak on staying here, spending some time together. "Yes. A picnic under the stars in a favored garden would be absolutely lovely. I just can't promise that what ever happens to be in the basket will be the only thing snacked on..." He grins then.

Dracula has posed:
"It has been a stretch of time since the last time I... indulged... in a slaughter," Vlad says softly, a touch darkly, one of his eyebrows quirking up. Yet he easily lets the topic fall to the wayside. There's a small smile that finds the corners of his lips, and he lightly kisses the end of Lucifer's nose. Vlad shifts his position then, slipping an arm through one of Lucifer's once more before he gives a nod to the man. "Then let us go find our picnic. I am quite certain that there is one somewhere here abouts, simply waiting to be discovered," he says, a measure of amusement lacing his words. Then he gives a light laugh before he nods. "Then it is a good thing that I require no promises of such ilk in order to share a picnic with you. And I offer no such word of mine own on the matter, either," he adds, the words light.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer gives a slight grimace at his nose being kissed, but easily falls to Vlad's side as his arm is taken and they begin to walk the garden once more. The idea of finding their picnic is intruguing to him and so he'll walk as long as it takes to find, sit, and enjoy such a thing with Vlad. The time spend after the picnic is finished and still within the walls of the garden will remain a mystery to many but leave the Devil and his lover quite satisfied.