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Latest revision as of 12:14, 12 October 2021

The Captain's Gambit:Part deux.
Date of Scene: 23 August 2021
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar), Salem Centre
Synopsis: Remy and Carol catch up at the bar.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Gambit has posed:
"T'ree-seven, corner." Summer is almost over... Just a few more days and students, and their teachers will be back in their classrooms. "T'ree-Eight, side." A good teacher would be hard at work, going over his sylibus and making notes of any potential changes that need made. "T'ree, yah corner." Of course then there is Remy. "Nine, six rails, dis corner right here." the shot is text book perfect and the man he was supposedly playing against, who never got a shot in slams a $20 bill on the table. "Ah t'ank yah mon ami, an' so does 'Arry. Least let me buy yah a beer." The loser however stors out of the bar obviously pissed.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
They say habits are formed from repetition, be they for good or ill. Two road trips to West Chester does not a habit make, but the likelihood certainly seems to increase.

Stepping into Harry's, Carol glances around, dressed uch like last time in frayed jeans, riding boots, a tank top and that weather beaten leather jacket. A half smirk crosses her face on seeing Remy showing someone else just why the game was once regularly called Snooker.

Heading to the bar, she orders two bottles of what they both drank last time then carries them over to the bar. "Making friends and influencing people as usual, Remy?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins wickedly, "why 'ello dare Colonel, Yah looking as wonderful as de last time Ah saw yah." He grins a bit, "Wha' c'n Ah say, Ah got lucky on de break." which is total lie, naturally. "So what bring yah all de way up 'ere again? Certainly not 'Arry's watered down beer." He says with a greatful smile as he takes the bottle from her. He touches just under the cap and it flips into the air like a coing and he catches it.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers arches an incredulous brow. "Lucky? You -are- lucky. But not when it comes to games of skill Mr. LeBeau. We might not be best friends but I know you more than well enough to have that angle covered" she says with a laugh. Then she casts a critical eye at the bottle of root beer she holds, "Harry's taken to watering down bottled drinks now?" A shrug is offered and she takes a swallow any way. No alcohol for her, but she isn't above holding a bottle in hand.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit, "If he could figure out a way." He says with a grin, the bartended just grunting at them, long used to the customer abuse. "Know foh a fact he once filled a bottle of Grey Goose wit' Vladimirs." He says with a smirk finally provokeing "Damit Remy that's a bold faced lie!" Gambit just chuckles and nods to Carol. "Yah on duty, or on call or whatevah it is they call it?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers watches the interaction and tormenting of the owner with curious amusement. Then she tilts her head, looking at her drink then back, offering a wry smile, "On the wagon actually. Trying to stay there. Doesn't hurt to be an Aveneger and Director of Alpha Flight. Pretty much always on call, as it were."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau ahhs, and any further teasing he might have had on offer for the "root beer", is gone in a second. instead he does something perhaps a bit surprising. He writes a number on a napkin, and holds it out to her. "Mah private line. Ah did de NA thing foh a while. Hardest t'ing in de world. If yah need someone ta talk to, day or night."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers take the number and smiles. "Thanks Remy. I've always known the X-Men were good people. Well. Most anyway.." she tucks it in her pocket. "But I'm doing going. Been a while now. Just had plenty of baggage I had to deal with and tried the easy way first. It's never as easy as it seems" she muses with a distant gaze that she shakes off quickly. "How've things been up this way lately? West Chester always feels so sleepy and stereotypical."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, "Did the same t'ing. Lot of red in de ledger, just wanted it ta go away. Mine was a needle not a bottle. Same demon though. Ah mean it, call. Dat demon a sneaky bastard. Ah'm fifteen years clean an he still come aftah me." He says then offers a smile, "Prtty sleepy and sterotypical lately," He says with a grin. Gonna be 'aving classes soon, so dat's a whole t'ing. Bad t'ing about running a school? It full of students."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers nods knowingly. "We're on the same page. Thank you. really." She then sips her soda and listens with a laugh. "Yeah... I'm pretty sure classes and students go hand in hand. You can't say you didn't know what you were in for, there." She grins and shakes her head.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shakes his head, looking amused, "Yah know, Ah was a pretty good t'ief. Ah lived a good life at it. Stayed out of Cites dat had Batman types in 'em." this is mostly a lie too, he was ranked third best in the world and he once broke into the Gothem Museam of Art, just to put Groucho Marx Glasses on Michelangelo's David. "how in de hell Ah wind up in de 'ero business and teaching a bunch of kids? It's crazy.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers nods, "So I've heard. I'm sure there is plenty of profit to be had. Risk versus reward has to be steep though" she observes. She sips her drink and adds, "Well there's nothing wrong with helping form the minds and opinions of the leaders of tomorrow. As long as you're doing it for the right reasons of course. I had my time at the Academy. Not sure I'd succeed in a classroom setting these days. Need to be able to get out and stretch my legs too often."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, "Well dare ain't no risk when yah jus' dat good, ehh chere?" He says, and there is almost a wistful smile. Likely not very unlike one Carol herself wears when an Airforce Jet screams over head. He shrugs a bit adding, "Dey good kids. Some might even be X-Men some day. Few only good enough foh de Avengers of course but Ah try not ta judge." He says grinning, "tony still nursing a grudge ovah dat spanking we gave him in dat basketball game?" He adds with a wicked grin. I mean honestly, you had Cyclops, Remy, and Beast agienst an Avenger's team with an Alcholic and a man over a hundred it wasn't a spanking, it was a massacre.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers grins, "Well if there's no risk, then where's the thrill?" she winks. There always has to be a thrill. She smiles, "I'm not exactly a judge of character when it comes to the Avengers. I'm sure any of the School's students would be viable on just about any team with proper training." She brushes her hair over her shoulder and she smirks, "I still can't understand -how- that event came into being. I've never seen Stark inclined to exhert himself outside of some self motivated situations. They're all still limping around I think, though, yeah."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau head shakes, "Don't know. Fearless just comes in, look at me say "Stark just challanged us to a Basket ball game. You in?" He shrugs, "Got to kiss his date on de side line, so dat was fun." He adds with a grin.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers goes slightly wide eyed, "I'm certain that didn't sit well then" she says with a laugh. Her phone chirps, causing her to glance down at it. "No rest for the weary. I've got to get going. It was nice to catch up with you again, though?" She finishes her soda and turns toward the bar to pay the tab. "Oh, say hi to Rogue for me?" A polite nod is offered. It isn't meant with spite or as a barb.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau rolls his eyes, "Been trying ta avoid her." He says, and then assuming she's not caught up on the gossip, "we broke up last year. It's gone from being icy passing each ot'er in de halls ta trying ta be friends ta ready ta rip each ot'ers t'roats out evah since."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers tilts her head, "I hadn't heard. Sorry for that. But as long as you're both happy..." she shrugs. Not her business. She was only tangentally involved as it was. "Still. Wish you both nothing but the best." After paying she glances over, "Take care of yourself LeBeau. See you around?" she asks and offers a wave as she heads for the doorway.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, "Look foreward to it. Maybe Ah'll steal a jet again some time and yah c'n give me flying lessons." He says with a wicked grin and shaking his head as some collage kid walks in and asks, "Anyone up for a game of pool? Remy smirks a bit, "Yah know 9-Ball?"