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Latest revision as of 12:15, 12 October 2021

Shopping With Gods. ver 2.0
Date of Scene: 22 August 2021
Location: Queens Center Mall, Jackson Heights
Synopsis: When wishing to increase one's commission, don't be judgemental of the clientele.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Phobos has posed:
    So many malls have passed from one plane of existence and on to another. So many places where people wander to gather and spend money and view events have transitioned away from he old dynamic of gathering many many small shops enclosed inside a single large building with gigantic mega-stores on the ends of the broad hallways. No longer are they the days where almost any moderate sized city can support a shopping center so designed. Only a few can maintain, and usually... they have to have some sort of hook to them.
    Which, in the years following the great upheaval of the last decade, Queens Center Mall has been able to maintain primarily by being a place where the eclectic can meet the elite. It is a place that maintains the ease of accessibility of a mall, but offers unique storefronts for the selling of curiousities gathered from far off places. With Wakanda opening its borders, New Asgard being established, and the occasional encounter with aliens making the world a much larger place, the stores here allow imports of goods from far off. But also goods inspired by the wild and the super. For the mall is a celebration of chic clothing, great art, and lovely curiousities all mixed with the more normal fare. For it is the novelty that draws people, and while they're there... they also sometimes do some shopping for things more mundane.
    Which might explain why a Hyla Fashions storefront opens next door to a Sharper Image. Brilliant fashion right next to America's love for gadgetry.
    Which also might explain why as he waits outside the Hyla store holding a handbag in one hand, Alexander Aaron is peering through the window of the other at all the nifty gewgaws and doodads of Sharper Image.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Sorry," Natasha says as she returns to his side. She'd needed a moment to run to the restroom and she'd asked him to just hold her handbag because, honestly, it was a lot easier than chancing if the restrooms in the mall had a spot to put the purse while she took care of business. A spot where it couldn't be stolen by someone else easily.

Course, they would get a big surprise if they stole hers. She carried her money and cards in a front pocket. The bag was for weapons. So wanting to keep people from getting their hands on it was serious. Thus, Alexander was asked to hold it. And being who he was? He had no problem doing so.

She reached out a hand to offer to take back the bag so he wouldn't have to continue though. "Thanks. I wanted to go in here and look for some stuff." Which may have him getting excited for a moment, until she turned toward Hyla Fashions and not the window he was looking in longingly. As she entered the store, she did glance over at him. "We'll stop in there after this shop." See! She was paying attention and cared!

Phobos has posed:
    "Some stuff." Alexander echoes as he returns the bag to her, turning away reluctantly from the window and then starting after her. His lip twists as he wanders along and once free of the monumental burden of having to carry her things he falls into step beside her. As they wander in his hand brushes hers, fingers closing around two of hers and giving a squeeze as he takes a look around and wanders past, then rejoins her a moment later.
    "Is that the technical term. Some stuff." Though as he looks around at the high fashion clothing and accessories, it is actually a fairly suitable word considering the variety. What things do they have in Hyla? Stuff.
    "Anything in particular?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The store is a mix of things but generally middle to high end fashions. For the everyman. They have suits, off the rack, but they also have a tailor on site to make sure it was fitted properly. Not as lovely as a suit made to order but that would cost a bit more than this particularly location. And it wasn't like he'd need a suit of that caliber that often in the life they lead currently. Maybe that would be a future purchase.

It also carried things like button up shirts and jeans. But not a single t-shirt in sight. Which might be traumatic for the young Aaron, who seemed to prefer them for his clothing options. That might have to do with ease of giant box in the safehouse they called home, filled with novelty tees that the elder Aaron had bought in bulk for his prepping.

"Some stuff. Some new jeans. A few dress shirts. Even a suit maybe."

Phobos has posed:
    "Dress shirts." The words are repeated and then again as he replies. "I have dress shirts. I just don't wear them. Much." Or ever. Well except that one party of Stark's. He wore one that night, the whole tuxedo too. But that likely doesn't count.
    Yet he isn't exactly turning his nose up to the clothes as he wanders along with her. Though now and again something might grab his attention and he wanders a little, considering a new billfold of leather that has a curious way of unfolding to present more capacity than one might imagine is within.
    Turning back he says, "I know a guy I sometimes get things from." A tailor perhaps. Or a god. With him it's equally likely to be either. Then he says, "They'll have to take my measurements?" Since that's a thing he assumes they must do. It perhaps shows how often he goes shopping for clothes which is... not at all.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"We just need to expand your closet a little. And hide the box of t-shirts. Because we both are relying on them entirely too much." Natasha was dressed in a button-up, collared shirt. Top two buttons undone for comfort. Black slacks with a pair of short boots with a kitten heel. "Or we can wait. Get your stuff moved over more fully from your old place and I can then take a look at what you might need to add to the mix?"

Even as she's talking, she's browsing. Working her way through the various racks. Pausing here or there to pull something out and consider it closely. "To get the suit tailored you will need to be measured. Or we can hold off and get you someplace where they will make the suit to your specs, instead of an off the rack being tailored?" Giving him the option there.

Then she pauses at a rack of leather jackets, bomber style. A little smile coming to her face as she pulls one out.

Phobos has posed:
    The conversation is much as one is in a store where both people are casually browsing. Sometimes there's the soft scrape of a clothes hanger on a metal support. Other times there's an instant where he'll hold up a piece of clothing and set it before him as if trying to get an idea how it might look. Then that ubiquitous moment all shoppers have shared where they're looking around the room for a mirror.
    "There's nothing wrong with Crate O'Shirts." Considering that has been their supply point for the last half year. And, to be fair, he's wearing a t-shirt as well. But /not/ one from the crate. This one is the black t-shirt with the pink flamingo skull pattern. To complement that shirt he's wearing... tan explorer shorts and a pair of brown leather boots. Almost as if he was about to go hiking.
    "If something jumps out at us, then sure we can figure stuff out. But so far it's all sorta... ok." But then in the next instant she's pulling that jacket off the rack and he nods a little, "That is kinda cool, but it's too hot for jackets right now." Since apparently you /have/ to wear what you buy immediately when you buy it.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"But it won't be in a few months," she answers immediately as she hangs the jacket back at the front of the rack, so she can get both hands on it. Feeling the material then flipping to the inside to check the seams. "You know Janet would kill me if she knew I was shopping in a regular store," Natasha adds as an aside while she checks the manufacturing quality. Seems to be well put together.

The nostalgia is unmistakable. It reminds her of when she bought the same sort of jacket with his father. To replace one he'd managed to ruin. One that had been a gift from her many decades prior.

"Try it on for me?" she asks, pulling it off the hanger and holding it out his direction. "I want to be sure it fits your shoulders well." Because yes, he was getting it. Whether he wanted to or not

Phobos has posed:
    A small exhalation comes from him, almost a laugh as he shakes his head and he takes the weight of the jacket in hand. Turning it around with a small thoughtless flourish, he sliiides one arm into a sleeve, then shrugs into the other as he pulls it on. And, to be fair, it fits him well. His arms are perhaps a little too long and it does bunch a little along the back. A size up might be better. Yet the silhouette is a good one.
    Though with his tan shorts it might look somewhat comical.
    "You know I have a box of jackets." At his place in storage. "I have this really cool pea coat." Which is all well and good. But the leather jacket would likely be lighter or for... less inclement weather.
    "So... what's the verdict?" He turns left and right, his head turning as if trying to see over his shoulder and get a look. Then he finds the mirror. His own verdict? His nose crinkles.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Just need a different size but I think it looks good on you. Course I've always liked this style of jacket anyway. And it is far different from a pea coat! Those are made for far worse weather than this."

She watches him looking at himself in the mirror. Then the nose crinkle. "You hate it that much? If so, we won't get it. But I think you look great in it personally. One size different and that will resolve the bunching and the too-long sleeves."

Phobos has posed:
    "I don't... /hate/ it." There's a slight half-smile as he turns back to her and he murmurs, "More it. I don't know. Makes me feel like I'm trying too hard?" There's that crinkled nose again as his head twists one way and then the other, as if trying to look at it from new angles.
    "I mean it looks bad ass. And I look bad ass in it." Alexander's smirk is a crooked thing then he shakes his head, "But... I don't know. Might draw too much attention." Which has ever been his way. To dress down, to try and not make quite a strong impression when out and about.
    But then his voice lightens, "Though, I do sort of see the appeal."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"It's a jacket. It doesn't call that much attention. In the streets of New York, you will see lots of people with the same style jacket every year. I think it's just something you don't usually wear so it stands out to you as something unusual. But I promise it's not."

Natasha takes the next size of the same jacket off the rack and holds it at her side, obviously intending to get it unless he gives some real reason like he just hates it.

"And you do look badass. As well as very damn hot."

Phobos has posed:
    "Well yeah, that's a given." Such bravado, though the smile he gives her is clear he's cracking wise since... well, he very rarely tries to be noticed or make people look at him when he enters a room. But the jacket does look good. Appreciably so. "Here..."
    He extends the first jacket to her and then offers to take the second. And if she's inclined he'll accept it and swing it over his shoulders, reaching one hand into the sleeve and through with fingers spreading and then closing as he readjusts the hang of the opposite sleeve once his other arm is through. Turning away he looks over at the mirror, lowering his head slightly to see more clearly. Then starts to walk over to it.
    Is the moment the sales lady strikes.
    "May I help you?" She asks of Natasha, smiling openly while Alexander wanders over. She's young, pretty, a sharp-nosed brunette perhaps a few years younger than Alexander but not too much. She eyes him sidelong, then looks at Natasha and smiles a bit thinly. Whatever thoughts she has are kept to herself, but the Black Widow is enough of a student of human nature to tell that she is perhaps not being charitable.
    Over his shoulder without looking, Alex says, "We're good, thanks."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The jacket swap is made easily enough. Giving him the right size one. Then she takes the second one and hangs back up the first on the original hanger. As he moves to the mirror, Natasha hides a little smile. He might be complaining but he does seem to like it. She'll let him make up his own mind. Enter sales lady.

Natasha doesn't move to protect him from the advance. After all, he's a grown up. He can fend off his own sharks. But something about the look from Alexander to her by the woman has Natasha giving her a second glance.

From her spot she does add verbally, "We'll likely be needing to get some tailoring done as well. Is your person in or do we need to set an appointment?"

Phobos has posed:
    "Not on the weekends," The young woman says, as if it was perhaps distasteful to consider that tailoring should be done during those hours. But for the moment she's still looking at Alexander and if Natasha follows her sight lines she'll see the woman look at the jacket. Then the shorts. Then back at the jacket again and subtly almost shakes her head, but instead purses her lips.
    "Though we can arrange an appointment for the coming week." For Hyla's is clearly just such a place.
    She turns back to consider Natasha and she gives her a once over, just a quick glance down and then up at her clothes. No fault can be found. No obvious failing in her features. No _thing_ that she can use to feel superior. So she settles on the feeling that only uncouth individuals ask for tailoring on the weekends, clearly.
    "Or later if you wish." She offers with a cheerful sing-song tone, "Can I help you find anything, yourself?" She smiles a fake smile and offers, "It's not fair he gets such a nice jacket and you have to make do with nothing."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That doesn't get a reaction. Because it is begging for one. For a place that is located in a mall to act superior for someone thinking they might offer their services at all times they are open? Insanity! Actual high end places were not in malls. Or open weekends at all. So yes, it was kind of humorous the woman was all offended they would think such a thing.

The looks of judgement at Alexander's outfit also were getting this woman no points. He was in a mall. On a Saturday. Of course he was dressed down. She was dressed as she would be most of the time anyway. She didn't wear shorts in public typically. Training? Sure. But to the mall or dinner? Not usually. Too many scars led to too many questions.

"No thank you, I'm fine. This trip was for us to splurge on a few things for him." She considers a shirt she is looking at then gives the woman a glance. "Do you have any suggestions?" she asks. Which is a trap. If the woman is smart enough to see it ahead of time. This is a test to see if this place is getting her money.

Phobos has posed:
    Meanwhile, the young Olympian has found a pair of sunglasses that he puts on and entirely blithely unaware to the roiling tension behind him he turns around and waves a little. They'd look good on him, were it not for the way the price tag dangles over his nose and seems a bit silly.
    It's enough to make that woman chuckle a little, though when she looks back at Natasha and sees her expression she stops the chuckle and clears her throat. "For you or for him?"
    She looks back toward the God of Fear as he tries on more sunglasses, then says without looking back at Natasha. "Oh I don't know what I would suggest. You both have such classic lines."
    Which is... such a non-answer. It is perhaps the thing she tells everyone. Though perhaps in this case she might mean it. "Your..."
    She pauses for a moment to perhaps let Natasha fill in the needed word. Which she does when Natasha says simply.

    "Yes. He's mine."

    She purses her lips again but turns it into a small smile. "Good for you then. Well. He has a movie-star handsomeness I'd say in some ways. Perhaps someone from the fifties or sixties during the young heartthrob era? James Dean was it?"
    Which likely might have Natasha imagining that the woman is just repeating something she's heard. Because Alexander... looks little like James Dean.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Not from images I've seen for sale down at the music store," Natasha returned since they still sell posters of the man to this day. Certainly she'd been alive when he was around but that wasn't something that this woman would know. Or ever would need to. So Natasha played her role for her age perfectly. After doing it this long? It was second nature.

"He's more classically handsome, like a sculpture you see in a museum. But alive and moving. I think there was a movie or play or something about that I heard about. Can't remember what it was."

She shrugs and hangs back up the shirt, already tired of this vapid woman who had no suggestions for what she should sell when she was in sales. Yet had the audacity to judge someone for what they were wearing. Nat felt like she must be missing something here.

"But I appreciate your admission he's a heartthrob. We may just take the jacket for now." Then she raises her voice to Alexander. "Unless there is something else you wanted here? We can head next door." To the shop he really wanted to be in.

Phobos has posed:
    "Ooh." She'll hear somewhat distantly as Alexander puts the sunglasses away and then turns to head back towards the sales lady and Natasha. Likely the jacket would be their only purchase. The salesperson perhaps had the chance to sell a bit more but...
    Well there are prices paid for attitude.