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Latest revision as of 12:18, 12 October 2021

Fearless in Fear Cay
Date of Scene: 17 August 2021
Location: Fear Cay, Haven (TBD)
Synopsis: Sarah Connor, Monster Hunter?
Cast of Characters: Hannibal King, Sarah Connor

Hannibal King has posed:
Bludhaven has an abundance of cemeteries. Fear Cay for instance has Espenson and Kingman's Bluff Cemetery. But after a while, they all start to look the same. You've seen six mausoleums, you've seen them all. But Fear Cay did have one thing that the rest of Bludhaven can't lay claim to, and that is Willy's Bar.

A dive, for sure, but the booze was cheap, and there was always the chance to kill a few vampires, demons, or other nasties heading in or out of it. It was still light out, so the vampires were less of a problem unless they used the sewer access, which came with its own delightful aroma.

Hannibal King was not your typical vampire. He drove up to it, in his black 1970 Dodge Charter R-T, which featured necro-tempered glass for the vampire on the go, parked it, and leisurely walked from the parking lot to the bar. He could deal with short bursts of sunlight owing to the atypical way he became one.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah didn't really believe in vampires et al. Well, she *believed* in them, but given what she knew to be truthful, they really didn't matter. Which, ironically, was why she was here: she had had a rumour about a Terminator roaming around this part of the town.

It was only a rumour, thank god.

Parking her truck, and resting her arms on the steering wheel, she debated going into the bar or not. She shrugged. Made certain her high powered rifles were locked in their hiding place; made certain her pistols were on her person and not in sight; and got out.

Apparently, she decided.

Hannibal King has posed:
Hannibal King had come in only a few moments before Sarah Connor. He wore a trench coat, despite it being summer, but it helped to hide his weapons, body armour, and he didn't have a body temperature, so he was quite comfortable.

He had just ordered a scotch from the bartender, a shorter human male who answered to Willy. "Coming right up Hannibal," the man said, and it was as if the bartender said that a little louder than he had to, letting it carry to his patrons. A few looked wary at the mention of the name.

Sarah Connor has posed:
As long as he wasn't a machine? *shrug*

Pushing her way into the dimly lit bar, Sarah nodded to him, and took a seat. "A beer. Doesn't matter what kind. On tap." As she waited, she looked about. "Huh. You have a name in the parts." She laughs a little bit. "Should I be afraid?"

She's not though. Far from it.

Hannibal King has posed:
Shifting as he stood by the bar, Hannibal leaned an arm against the banister, "Not unless you're a Roman using the Alps to hide from my elephants, or expect Willy here to supply you with fava beans and a nice Chianti." Dropping his voice to a whisper, but still loud enough for Willy to hear as he poured the draught beer, Hannibal said "the Chianti here sucks."

"Put it on my tab, Willy," he added in a louder voice, "the name's Hannibal King. And no, I still haven't forgiven my parents for that one."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Still didn't seem like a Terminator, but he could have been a new breed? Maybe. Still..

"Hannibal King?" What Terminator had a sense of humour anyway?? "What did they expect you to be a great man?" Oh yes, she knew about Hannibal - the real Hannibal. Yes, his parents were evil.

Then again he could be using an alias. Hell, she used an alias: Sarah Baum. Named after the man who wrote The Wizard of Oz.

What did she care? It wasn't like she was going on a date with him. Probably better *if* he used an alias.

"Sarah." For now? That was enough. "Thanks for the beer. Do you come here often?"

Hannibal King has posed:
Hannibal King was no expert on Terminators. As far as he knew, he had never met one. Although there was this one time at Band Camp. "A great man? I never thought about it that way. I always figured they wanted me to poison myself in Turkey before the authorities caught up with me. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle."

"Sarah, a woman of high rank, or princess," the literal meaning of it in Hebrew, "how delightful," he said that as if he liked the name, but delightful was the literal meaning of it in Arabic. But he hadn't answered her question, "only when I want to peruse the latest in germ warfare, see what kind of bacterial I can consume." It was a dive. Willy objected, "hey, I just got a new cleaning rag last week." Hannibal smiled, "oh, and it shows. You can really see the under layers of dirt now."

Sarah Connor has posed:
"Hannbal was a famous Carthagigian who fought against the Romans. You should look him up." She nods with her beer, and drinks it. "Figures. You didn't get on with them?"

Sarah sits quietly as he remarks on her name. "Maybe? Nowadays a little at the irony of such a name. Princess. My life is definitely not one for the faint hearted. Picture a Princess putting down your plate and asking if you would like a top up on the coffee."

Hannibal King has posed:
The famous Carthaginian general died exactly as Hannibal King had referenced, but he said, "I'll get on that," in a chipper voice. He seems to breeze past the question about whether or not he got along with his parents. They died so long ago. And he left home so young. It's sad, but he barely remembers them.

"Consider my heart de-fainted. This is a faint free zone." He gestured with two fingers, making a circular motion, "okay, I have a mental image of Cinderella waiting tables at some Disney restaurant. I can see the manager coming by, trying to explain that she's a princess now, and doesn't need to wait on tables."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Okay. She didn't know *too* much about the ancient Hannibal. And only a bit more about Hannibal Lector (another funny name when you broke it down.. Lector.. Lector is Latin for one who reads, whether aloud or not.)

"Good lord. I'm certainly not Cinderella." Sarah gives him a small laugh. "I've just spent my life moving around." A lot. "A waitress can pick up her life and move along to another city. Waitresses are a dime a dozen." This part of her life is practically true.

Hannibal King has posed:
"Okay, which Disney Princess are you then? Tiana? Mulan? Rapunzel? I bet you're Rapunzel. You look like the kind of girl who could weaponize a frying pan." He was of course joking, but she probably could. "A dime a dozen. I kind of miss the gold old days when we used to carry change, and a dime had spending power." He was old enough to remember those simpler times. "C'est la vie. The world marches on, right."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah holds her drink with both hands, and considers. "I'm not. I've never been a Disney Princess."

Maybe when she was a girl? Perhaps not even then. And since the Terminators had been trying to kill her, and furthermore, after she had given birth to her son, John, her life was constantly on the move. Where did a Disney Princess fit into that?

"Don't you have an actual woman?" Then again, even those seemed.. false? Joan D'arc? Close.

Hannibal King has posed:
"Not at the moment. I keep strange hours, I drink at places like this shithole," which Willy overhears, but instead of complaining, he pauses, then adds, "that's fair." Willy had been tending bar, so was always within earshot, but was doing his best not to look like he was listening into the conversation.

"My standards are too high, and I'm basically an asshole." Which Willy mouthed under his breath, "you got that right." Hannibal turned, "what was that?" And Willy covered, "that's not right." Turning back, Hannibal said, "I think he covered that well, don't you." Willy added in, cleaning a glass, "I try."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah laughed. "Very well, indeed."

She hushes for a moment. "I don't have exceedingly high standards." She just doesn't trust anyone. "Perhaps I was spoiled when I was back in my olden days." She made them seem so long ago. Certainly Kyle had shown her why love was a dangerous thing before he had saved her and died himself. Nobody stood up to that memory; nobody made John's life worth trusting another human that much again.

All she needed was to get him to adulthood.

"What's your story, anyways?"

Hannibal King has posed:
"Just regular high standards then, got it. My story huh. Born in Wisconsin, spent some time in London, and now I'm a private dick." Yes, he could have said private investigator, private detective, private eye, inquiry agent, but private dick was more vulgar, and thus, more amusing. "And one of these days, I'm going to succeed in a case." Inclining his head, "I've wasted so many people's money." Was he joking, or being serious? Could it be both? "You, what do you do when not waiting tables or not being Cinderella?"

Sarah Connor has posed:
"Me?" Sarah gives a mock gasp. "Why do you believe I've got a story, hrm? For all you know, I could be lying to you." She was. "I mean I could have broken down the maximum security prison." Close, very close. "Or I move because I've got bad debt. Or maybe.."

She grows ever so subtly serious.

"Or, maybe I hunt.. Monsters."

Sarah noticed people didn't blink at all before they laughed at that. Monsters? I've got some under my bed, can you help me.. hahaha. So much easier than saying machines that looked like humans, and worse, wanted to kill all humans completely. That? People looked at her strange at best; locked her up for three years at worst.

Hannibal King has posed:
"Everyone has a story. Some are more interesting than others. But everyone has one. And you may be. You wouldn't be the first girl to lie to a guy in a bar, and you won't be the last, even if it is mid day drinking. So that part's a little less common. And maybe, just maybe, you might have broken down the maximum security because you hunt monsters and have bad debt." A few of the patrons seemed to stiffen when she said she hunted monsters. Even Willy was a bit nervous, but Hannibal remained perfectly calm.

Sarah Connor has posed:
She laughed harder, but still not a full guffaw. "Wouldn't you know it, apparently it doesn't take much to talk a second look here." Sarah picked her drink, and gestured with it. "No, I don't hunt monsters."

Was that a subtle difference between big "M" monsters, and little "m" monsters?

"I find myself needing the open road more often than not." Once again, Sarah obfuscated the truth. She shrugs.

Hannibal King has posed:
Knowing full well the kind of crowd they get in here, Hannibal decided to tease them, "you hear that folks, she doesn't hunt monsters." He figured they wouldn't try anything with him here, and if she left, he planned to watch her, make sure she got a decent distance, wasn't followed by any of the... patrons. "And it's such a target rich environment too." He sipped his drink, thinking more on the open road.

Sarah Connor has posed:
"What do I care about monsters, really?"

Oh there was definitely a difference in how she said monsters.

"I'm sure you can have them all to yourself." Sarah really didn't think he didn't necessarily hunt them, and honestly she would have to decide if monsters counted as humans in order to hunt them herself.

Hannibal King has posed:
"Most of the time, not much, when one's chasing you, a bit more. It's funny how that works out." But when she says he can have them all to himself, "why thank you, it's just what I always wanted." He was rarely serious it seemed.

Sarah Connor has posed:
And in contrast, Sarah seemed almost perennially serious to Hannibal's jokes. "Well, Hannibal King, perhaps we'll meet again. But I must be going. Thanks again for the beer."

She downed the last swallow and gets up.

Hannibal King has posed:
He lifted up his scotch, what was left of it, and didn't exactly begin to sing, but there was a definite lyrical tint to his words, especially given he was quoting a song, "we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day." He would make sure that she left safely, and check via a window that she got to her car or wherever she was going without running into a patron inside, or out.