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Latest revision as of 14:45, 23 October 2017

Music in the park
Date of Scene: 20 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: While doing a little busking, Autumn meets Diana Prince. She makes a new friend and gets a lesson in accepting herself.
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Wonder Woman

Star Shimmer has posed:
A guitar rings out across Channel Park. This is matched with a warm mezzo-Soprano voice happens to be singing a song about love. Someone is out busking. The park is mostly safe so, a lot of people are there just enjoying the evening. The sun is hanging lazily in the west as soft orange and violet sky slowly darkens toward the night.

"Speak. And say the words that no one else will ever say. Love. Love like the word we know is over in a day..." The girl continues singing. A few people throw a couple dollars into her guitar case. Autumn is just having fun with it. She gives a soft smile to those who tip her. She even gives a quick, "Thank you!" To them where she can.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is in civilian attire. But a woman who is over 6 feet in height, and who has the phaysical appearance that she has, still stands out amongst the average civilian. However, most leave her be, even in Gotham.

She approaches the singer, wearing a slim fit black leather jacket, black half-gloves over her hands that are sticking partway into the pockets of her dark blue jeans. She watches the performer and smiles at the music. As others give her the idea, she pulls a slip of money from her right pocket and knees down to drop it into the case.

"It was beautiful." She tells Autumn in a thick accent, foreign to American sthores. The accented words also influenced by her warm and kind smile.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles brightly, "Oh Thank you!" She quietly begins playing another song. She doesn't start singing though. Instead she just talks a little. "Wow, you're really tall!" She smiles a little. "Sorry. Don't mean to be rude." She changes chords and adds a little riff to her tune. "Where are you from? I've never heard an accent like that." She smiles.

Her small crowd starts breaking which is okay. Its not like she wants to be out too much after dark. After all, this is Gotham. She gives a little sigh and sets her guitar in her case. "My name is Autumn. Nice to meet you Miss."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would smile more at the girl's pleasant demeanor and she'd put her fingers back into the pockets of her slim fit blue jeans. "I am from a place quite a distance from here." She replied as the music softly started again. "An island called Themyscira. Our accents are an offshoot of several others more commonly found around the world. Such as Greek and Israeli. Mixtures of both."

She would nod her chin down just a little then as the name was given. "Its a pleasure to meet you Autumn. I am Diana." Its entirely possible that this was enough information for Autumn to piece together who she was. "I believe I saw you on the evening news recently. If my memory serves me."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles and nods with interest. "Oh! That sounds like a nice place! And that's so cool! I'm just a regular American person." She doesn't say 'girl.' Even though she is feeling much more normal these days. Still she's really cautious about bringing things up. Plus there is no guarantee that this woman's country is accepting of people like her.

"A pleasure to meet you too, Diana. Forgive me but you are very pretty!" She smiles feeling a little awkward saying that but it's definitely a compliment and not a whole come on type thing. "Oh my, you did?" She winces. "I umm... I didn't want to get involved in all of that but I had to. He tried to blow up me and a little girl I was trying to keep safe. He really threw a grenade at us. I just had to do something." She blushes bright.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would gently nod her head and grin a little when she heard the compliment. "Thank you." She said back to the teen. "You're a very pretty young woman yourself." She counter-complimented. The smile faded some when Autumn's story started. She would gently nod whilst listening and her right hand would go up to slide some of her black hair back behind her right ear.

"I hate to think that you had to find yourself in such a situation." She tells the girl. "But I am glad to see that you stepped up to act the part of the hero, rather than such a terrible villain as what you were forced to face."

Diana would show another smile then. "I'm thrilled that you are safe now and practicing your music." She'd glance around the area for a moment. "Though this part of Gotham is not necessarily the safest place to hang out."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles and blushes a little, "I am umm... strange. I'm a Transgender girl. Born male, haven't lived as one since I was a 5." She looks down at the ground saying that. "Sorry I am trying to get past everything." She tears up a little because of the compliment alone.

"I umm... I just love people. Ya know? I couldn't do nothing. I was trying to protect that little girl. And that jerk... He just. Who willingly throws a grenade at a child?! Not a teen, or some crazy super powered person but an innocent little girl! I just got upset. I don't have any abilities. I'm just a regular everyday mundane person. My dad wanted me to be more like a boy and forced me to play boy sports. I used what I learned there and took that jerk clear out of the air."

Then its onto talk of the location and music. She gives a little chuckle. "I live about a block from here. After a umm... rather messed up thing involving my dad beating the tar out of me, Star Sapphire and Batman have been helping me out. Star put me up in a hotel for a time, then Batman got me in at this apartment place."

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the gravity of the young woman's words strike Diana, her smile fades and she approaches her, turns and sits down beside Autumn. She listens closely to all that Autumn has to say and then looks over at her, her pale blue eyes studying Autumn's face.

"You are stronger than most out there. Which makes you anything but mundane." Diana tells the young musician, her accented voice was soft but warm. "You are lucky to have the help of good people such as Batman. You have been through a lot, I see. But look at you here and now, entertaining others with your great talents."

"I'm glad that you found your true self and that you are embracing it. Life... sadly is often too short, so what time we are given on this world we have to focus on finding what makes up happiest while on it. Aim ourselves in that direction, and if others... who are supposed to be our friends and family... cannot come with? Then we remember the best about them and we move on ahead."

Diana then smiled softly at Autumn. "You seem to be doing this for yourself. So that means you are a great and solid person. I wish the world hand thousands more like you."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater blushes softly. "Thank you, Diana. That is really kind of you. Right now I have two main goals. I want to finish high school. Which, Senioritis has seriously set in. Gods, I know my grades are slipping and honestly I'm tempted to just let it go. I was a straight A student up until now anyway and... just bleh with school."

She giggles a little. "The other thing is umm... Well. hard to explain. All of my life, I've hated myself. I love everyone else I just... Imagine seeing yourself in the mirror and knowing the person looking back at you isn't you. Inside I'm this normal girl who just wants to be accepted as such. I'm trying to put that stuff behind me though. I need to."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana smirked at the stuff about school and she leaned over toward the other and made it clear she was being a little more serious. "School is important." She told her softly. "Do not let your focus drift from it. Building a foundation in school is the foundation that you'll use to prosper in life. Without that foundation built... you run a greater risk of simply... floating away in the aggressive currents that run around us life's raging river."

She then showed a small smile. "And do not let hate rest inside your heart for yourself. You may look in the mirror and wish to see something else, but what you see there is what you've been given to work with. Do good with it, and at the end of each day... you can lay your head down and smile because you know that you are a good person. And as I said, this world needs more good people." She nodded her head once. "You must take pride in what you accomplish with your time. Such as what you did to to preserve the life of that little child. That is an accomplishment worth smiling for an eternity over."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater blushes a little, "You're right. And just because I look like this today doesn't mean I won't be different in a month. A Year?" She smiles. "I can do this. I know I can."

Quietly she gives a little sigh as she thinks back over the whole fight. "You know, As freaky as the fight was, I don't think I ever felt more alive then I did when I brought that jerk down. In that moment... It felt like I wasn't just some average girl. For that moment, Love wasn't just talk. It was more. I was more. I know that sounds really pompous but Its like I was some super hero myself. Silly I know."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a soft smile and dipped her chin in an little nod. "Fighting can often make us feel a rush of life. The adrenaline starts to pump and our heart races, our blood grows hotter and we feel the world around us far more... vibrantly than we might normally."

She glanced over to Autumn then. "This is what moments like what you experienced do. But at the same time, you shouldn't rush into finding more of them without first being well trained to do so. Perhaps a career in law enforcement is a life that you seek for yourself. If you wish to help others... afterall... Gotham City's Police Department is in need of quality people, such as yourself. But.." And she paused shortly. "Good grades would be a much needed thing to impress the recruiters." Then a little grin showed tugging at the corners of her red painted lips.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles a little. "I need a lot of training before I do anything like that. I mean What I did was just luck." She frowns a little and shakes her head. "I don't think I would make for a good cop. Besides, they'd take one look at my record and laugh at me. I sorta used to be a small time thief. Ya know? I was rebelling and stuff."

She thinks a few moments. "Huh. That would be something. Someone mentioned something to me. Said I had the potential to be well, a hero. Maybe someday that will be a thing? Who knows? Maybe someday I will be out sporting a costume and saving the world!" She laughs. "And maybe someday I will use the power of love to fly through the sky!

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gently nodded her head to the words about the sketchy past and the disinterest in law enforcement lifestyle. She showed a faint smile and listened to the other bits before she looked away toward a Couple walking together down a pathway not far off.

"Heroes, come in far greater variety than those you read about in comic books." She finally said then, voice soft. "You don't need to put on some silly costume to do life changing deeds that will improve another's world. Those that do that, are just the ones that get all the headlines and the spotlights." She was one to talk, even if she was trying to make a valid point.

"I am not saying that that is not the life you should aim for, but it IS a life with far more complications than you might first realize. But... it is your life to decide your own path for. I merely attempt to offer friendly advice." The Amazon would show another small smile then toward Autumn.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater looks at Diana and smiles a little. "Getting put on the news probably made a target out of me. I can't live in fear though. If I stayed inside, I'd not be able to come out here and make people happy." She shrugs.

"Either way, I'm not in a rush to go out and find fights. I got lucky last time. Before I even think of what I'm going to wear, I had better learn to fight. I can tackle and I can swing a baseball bat. Throw balls and stuff too. I don't know the first thing about actually getting into a real fight. I mean I did punch the guy after he was down though I think he was out before I did that. He might have knocked his head on the ground."

Wonder Woman has posed:
It was a strange world to live in. Young people were going up with super heroes on almost every street corner and she'd seen this happen quite a lot... others trying to simulate it without any real training, and end up getting themselves injured or worse.

"Tread carefully, Autumn." Diana warned the young woman. "There is more to life than simply placing yourself in harms way to attempt to do justice." She worried for the girl. "You can seek out training in combat, because everyone should at least know how to defend themselves. However, I urge you not to jump into danger any more than you already have."

She drew in a breath and turned to face Autumn. "What you did was remarkable, and as a founding member of the Justice League, I truly do commend you on it. But I would be a terrible person if I encouraged you to place yourself in tense situations, when you have so little experience and training to protect yourself with."

Diana would reach out to place her right hand on the girl's shoulder. "You must protect yourself, first... above protecing others. That comes later, if it comes at all."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater blushes a little, "Wait, You're... You're Wonder Woman!" She smiles brightly. "Sorry I'm a big fan of yours." She nods slowly. "It's okay!! I'm not going to go looking for trouble. I'm not going to go try to get into a fight or anything. Thats the last thing I want to do. Like I said, I got lucky."

She looks down at the ground and rubs the back of her head. "It will be a while before I ever become some big hero. Besides, I've got school to graduate and then, if I can learn about aviation, which I can, I might have a job lined up!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would smile a little larger than she had yet when Autumn came to realize who she was. "That is a name that I do not often refer to myself as, let alone introduce myself as. But... it is what people enjoy to use, so I do not shy away from it."

A gentle pair of nods was given then to the rest of what she said and Diana's eyelids blinked a couple of times when a wind passed over them. She would smile then. "A job lined up, that is very good to hear. And yes, graduate from school. Send me a message when you do and I shall attend your graduation ceremony. A girl as heroic as you are, I would be thrilled to get to see you accept your diploma and move ahead toward your next chapter in life."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles and nods, "Oh sure! I am definitely going to graduate. I'm sorta in the running for something really big with that. I might wind up Valedictorian or at least Salutatorian. I guess it all depends on if I can get over my Senioritis and get things done." She blushes a little.

"Well I will call you Diana if you prefer. Thats not a problem. I didn't know your name was Diana! But I understand. I feel the same way about my birth name, Though I legally have to be called that for anything official. I like Autumn a lot more!" She beams happily over that. "My dad is going to be pissed when he realizes the school is going to call me as Autumn and not... that other name."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would give the girl's shoulder a soft and caring squeeze with her right hand and then she would reach into her jacket and pull out a card with her contact information. "Your legal name can be altered when you are of the right age." She told her, offering the card. "Take this. You may contact me if you are ever in need of my aide."

Diana would move to stand, but pause for a moment. "Your father will need to learn to accept you for who you are... or he'll face losing his daughter for good." She said with a firm but gentle tone, her blue eyes upon Autumn's own. "Do not let his actions and opinions cause any instability to your steeled desires toward being who you want to be. You... Autumn, are a -good- person." Diana would then show her a smile. "So, do as I do. Smile and praise yourself for all the right reasons."

With that she would stand up. "I'm sorry, however, I have to be headed on my way. Do contact me though, if I can help you. And to let me know when and where to be to see you in your funny gown and hat." She showed a soft grin then and offered her hand, to shake or just hold for a reassuring moment.