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Brood Invasion: Reinforcements
Date of Scene: 06 November 2021
Location: Milano - Lower Deck
Synopsis: Peter talks to Gigas about more cooperation, not realizing it's his unofficial audition for the Guardians of the Galaxy
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Gigas

Star-Lord has posed:
The rest of the team was busy resupplying on Raken 1, but Peter had plans to make. The Brood were a force of nature at this point, despite the stalemate at Raken 3.

Still, the sensor view on the Milano was... horrific, if you actually know what's going on there. It's only a matter of time before the Hive Fleet overruns yet another Imperial planet, and Peter was watching it and listening to the Fleet comm network on the Milano bridge.

They needed to pull together more resources if they wanted to have a chance at doing something in this war... and Gigas has been a mainstay for a while now.

So, an hour ago, Peter sent out a general hail to the system, calling for Gigas to meet him while landing on an asteroid Peter was using to conceal the Milano from Brood sensors.

Gigas has posed:
For his part .. Gigas loves a good fight. He's a thrill seeker at heart, searching for the next great 'experience' in an attempt to regain bits and pieces of his lost essence through exertion and exposure to the greater things this universe has to offer.

This has not been a good fight. This is, in fact, been a rather stressful series of fights and extreme situations of true life or death scearios..even for someone touted as the strongest being in the galax -(Presumed strongest being. Don't tell Hulk...)

Either way, when he gets the request to meet he agrees and soon is descending towards the asteroid in question via use of his manuevering boots, his own ship idling a short distance away.

"Hello! As closely as you haev been working with the Shiar..you could not have asked to meet on a cruiser with a pleasure chamber? At least a swimming pool?" he rumbles cheerfully over the comms as if ther ewasn't a planet destroying war in progress. "What do you need, Mr. Star-Lord?"

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter is already in the cargo hold, having setup a holographic suite in the middle as he watches the war in-system via Shi'ar fleet intelligence. He hears Gigas over his helmet, which is forwarded from the Milano's comm system, "Gigas, buddy, pal." Peter replies cheerfully, "You're delusional if you think the Shi'ar would let a pleasure barge stay in system in the middle of this shitstorm."

There's a pause, then a chuckle, "Anyway, I need to talk to you in person. Come onboard?" Peter requests as the cargo ramp lowers. Nothing, somehow, falls out... and it appears that there's no atmo in there either. Pumped out? How is Peter surviving then?

Gigas has posed:
This isn't unnoticed by the giant. He can be oblivious to many things but he somehow also manages to be aware, perhaps too aware, of certain things.

He steps onboard, manuevring his vast bulk up the ramp into the ship and peering around curiously before letting his gaze settle on Peter to observe him at work and unhindered by the exposure to the vaccum of space.

"You are strange.." he says after a moment of contemplation. We'll just ignore the fact that a towering overly muscled blue skinned behemoth is calling Quill 'strange', "I thought you Terran but you have recovered so quickly and well from having a building falling on you and here you are with no atmosphere, treating it as if it were a spring day on that world. Are you something else? Daxamite? Kryptonian? -- I suppose no..the building falling wouldn't have hurt you and if you wre Daxamite you'd be chastising me for everything like Lar does..."

Star-Lord has posed:
"No one knows what I am, exactly. I'm much more than a Terran though.." Indeed, he's clearly wearing normal clothing. In space. With no suit. The only real protection he has is that helmet. Does he need oxygen, at least? There appear to be ice crystals forming on his skin, but he's just... sitting there with magboot soles.

"If you ever figure it out, I'd love to know myself. I'm a lot tougher than I look, though I did have a shield on for that building. Still, I know what I'm doing, there's a reason the others follow me." Peter points out, before he gestures to the hologram of the system, the sleeves of his overcoat just slightly trailing behind... but staying in place from the gravity generator. "What do you make of this?"

It's a full system readout of the war with the Brood, from the Shi'ar and from the Milano's overkill sensors overlapping.

It's not a pretty picture, at all.

Gigas has posed:
"A reason you say? You seem to be coordinating a war in your own way, better then the Shiar.." says the giant as he turns his attention towards the readouts.

"I see a lost war and death. That is what I make of it. The Shiar do not have the numbers or the power to sustain this conflict. The Brood are apex predators. Designed and evolved to kill. They cannot be reasoned with. They enjoy the suffering of others and the intended affiliction of terror."

His less then optomistic assessment finished, Gigas studies the readouts more and then adds, "..However it has been suggested to me that the aggression of this 'war' is unusual even for them and that, perhaps, they are searching for something..."

Star-Lord has posed:
"You give me too much credit. I'm just keeping track so I know where the team will be most useful. If we don't contain this here, the galaxy turns into a shitshow. We have no idea where they'll focus after this, and I'd like to not need to find out."

Peter looks to Gigas. Or rather, the red eyes of his helmet do, "Honestly? The Shi'ar are too prideful to give me the resources I need to do more than hit and runs. You seem like a capable warrior though, got any interest in coordinating with us?" Peter asks.

Gigas has posed:
"I have not been that impressed with the Shi'ar but I am no fool. I understand that these are extreme circumstances... However, their pride will see their empire fall to The Brood." considers Gigas. He then seems to fully process Quill's question and he inclines his head in thoguht before allowing a lopsided grin to crease his broad features.

"Coordinate?" he rumbles while folding his arms and then rubbing his jaw in thought. "...I suppose it's possible. It's not as if we have not been in situations where we have been on the same side, after all.. At the moment I have simply been offering my services to the Shi'ar. I suppose you have something more specific or unique in mind?"

Star-Lord has posed:
"Yeah. I don't expect you to join the team, but I would like to offer deeper coordination to see if /joining/ the team will work for you." Peter informs Gigas, before he starts walking around the hologram. His coat flows behind him with the lack of atmosphere, but the gravity keeps it down, relatively. "Wen eed all the help we can get, and if we're being honest, you seem like you would do well with someone to negotiate for you."

He looks back to Gigas, "Thrillseeker with mercenary tendencies, right?"

Gigas has posed:
"Am I that easy to read?" quips Gigas with a shrug of his boulder sized shoulders. He grunts slightly though. "..It is true..I have made my share of bad deals. Several of them involving Lars somehow.. Perhaps I am to quick to jump to say yes without thinking of the long term consequences or perhaps my spending habits cause me to not turn down any work.."

This brief moment of self reflection is then shrugged away as his arms then unfold and rest at his sides, moving effortlessly in the atmosphere free environ.

"You are wise in that I do not yet know that being on a 'team' is best but I am never adverse to being a 'guest star', to use a Terran term...and then perhaps due to my immense popularity with the fans - becoming a 'main cast member'." He seems more pleased with the comparison theh he should be as he grins and nods his head once more, "Either way, I will help you win this war..assuming you know -how- to win it?"

Star-Lord has posed:
"I've been at this for decades, man. Been all over the galaxy. You don't survive the business as long as I have without knowing your way around the negotiation table. I've got a revolving door of bounties on my head even... and I still keep a step ahead of them." Peter fingerguns at Gigas, "You need experience and self-control. I can teach that and a few other tricks of the trade to make things easier."

He gestures to himself then, "I don't take shit from anyone, and I know people and cultures. I can easily tell you what works and what doesn't, and I know people all across the galaxy." He looks to the hologram, "Except maybe Brood. Pretty sure the only people that matter with them are the Queens and their Empress." There's a pause, "we'll find out soon enough if I know how to win this. I have ideas, but without taking some insane risks, we're gonna need to trick the Shi'ar into doing what we need."

Gigas has posed:
"I am older then you may realize.." begins Gigas, not exactly taking umbrage with the call out on his inexperience or lack of discipline, but there is still some mild defensiveness in his tone. He seems to consider this after a moment and then concedes, "..However..perhaps my inexperience derives from how I handle the sensations in this form and a drive to obtain more sensations. That and this era is quite different from where I came. I suppose in your own way..you are correct in your evaluation.."

He waves a huge hand, dismissing it all once more and then says, "However, it is all a moot point if we all die to the Brood. Even I am not invulnerable to their weapons and vast numbers. ONce upon a time I might have been but I suppose we don't have an epoch or two to wait for my full strength to return..so what can we do? I even went to Terra to recruit the big green one but I couldn't find him again..."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Older or not, if the Brood convert us all, it won't matter." Peter agrees, before he takes out a datachip and hands it to Gigas, "This has all the information you need to get into our comm network. Rocket maintains it, so you'll be fine."

Gigas has posed:
The giant strongman accepts the chip and peers at it, deftly manipulating it despite his size and strength.

"Agreed, yes." Gigas acknowledges before nodding his head and then using his other hand to flick a button on a wristband to open a compartment up which he drops the chip into.

"Very well, Quill. You have my cooperation. Now, let us hope that we both survive during it."