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Latest revision as of 14:59, 12 November 2021

Mmmm.. Pelmeni
Date of Scene: 05 September 2021
Location: Wanda's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Willow brings some pelmeni to Pietro. Mmmmm.. pelmeni.
Cast of Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Quicksilver

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was still new to this having a boyfriend. Sure she'd had numerous in highschool, but out in the big world of university (and beyond) she really didn't know what the rules were.

But she wanted to visit. (It was a whole week from the time!)

Good thing she had a few things up her sleeves. Or in bowls as the case may be. There were chocolate chip cookies (of course! ). And thanks to Tali, there was another container filled with pelmeni. From what she could guess he would be thankful of one, if not two of those.

It was late on Saturday evening, when she was able to finally knock on the Avengers mansion.

Quicksilver has posed:
Much like with other things, Pietro tends to figure out the rules as he's making his way along. It's worked out well for him in the past, so he sees no particular reason to change that aspect of things. And he, much like her, is still getting used to having a girlfriend.

He's already taken a run about the city, the long way, and returned back to the mansion. His white hair is damp from a recent shower that was taken after said run, and he's currently lounging about in the living room area and listening to some music that was set to a quiet volume. He wears a pair of black jeans and a nice blue shirt with a collar. As he hears the knock sound upon the door, he raises an eyebrow slightly and looks in the relative direction of it, curiosity lured. He gets up from where he was laying on the couch, and takes only a second to cross over to the door.

Once to the door, he lifts a hand to turn the knob and open it. As soon as his gaze settles to her, there's a warm smile that comes to his features. "Ah, Willow! I wasn't expecting you," he offers in greeting, a sparkle showing in his blue eyes.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow, of course, grins.

"Well," she begins. "We really haven't made the rules, have we? And I was feeling like I wanted to see you. It's not like I have all this free time, and a whole week went past, and, well, if I didn't do it soon it would be easier to forget my relationship. I don't want to forget about you."

Pietro may not have such a busy schedule as Willow, but Willow does.

"I'm playing hooky." Her lower lip is crossed with her teeth. "Do you mind? Oh! I've brought things for you, regardless. I cooked them all by myself. Well, the chocolate chip cookies are all me. Tali helped with the rest. Something called pelmeni? He said you would be familiar with them."

And she held out the bag that was for him.

Quicksilver has posed:
"There are rules?" Pietro asks, a touch of amusement coming to his voice with the question. He lifts his right hand, to lightly pull his fingers through his hair. Then he pulls the door open more full and gestures with his right hand as he bows and winks to her. "Come in, please," he bids her, a smile quirking at the corners of his lips.

"You may have a point," Pietro concedes, giving a soft chuckle. "But do not think that I would let you forget about me so easily," he adds. His schedule is pretty fluid and tends to be pretty much what he makes it be, save for when there are missions that he's needed on.

He raises an eyebrow slightly when she mentions having brought things. "You didn't have to. I'm grateful that you did, though," he says, giving a small nod to her. And then she mentions pelmeni, and there's a flicker of surprise that shows in his blue eyes, for it was unexpected. "Pelmeni? I have not had them in some time, now," he says softly. Restaurants that make Russian food aren't quite as common as other types, and homemade tend to be far better than restaurant fare anyways. He reaches out to accept the bag that she offers, and if she allows him, he leans in to give her a kiss on the lips. "Thank you, Willow," he adds.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
After she wanders in, she hands him the bag. "Well, I kind of walked in on Tali. He's Siberian, btw. And the few things I have tasted of his.." Within the vegetarian cuisine. "..were very good. He showed me how to fold up the edges in a wrinkly way. Mine have a bit of beets to tell them apart. You have meat."

She follows him into the main mansion.

"It's not that I would forget you, forget you, but.." Willow tries to think of a way she can explain. "Every time people need something, I guess they think I still, well.. I don't know how to say 'no'." And worse, she gets most of her self confidence by saying yes.

Yes, it's almost out of control (if it's not already).

Quicksilver has posed:
After accepting the bag from her, he takes a peek into it before he gives a nod to her. There's a smile that comes to his features, and he reaches out to pull the door closed before slipping an arm around her. He keeps his arm around her as he walks with her through the mansion. He watches her a moment as she speaks of Tali, and then he gives a nod. "I'm glad that he taught you," he says, giving her a bit of a squeeze. "That's a good way of telling them apart, too," he comments.

He raises an eyebrow slightly, and he chuckles softly before winking at her. "I didn't think that you would, really," he comments. He starts to head for the kitchen, since it's around dinner time. "I can understand that, though. It is a hard thing to say no to people who are asking for help. I try not to say no to people as well," he adds, shifting to lightly nudge his hip against hers. "Shall we heat them up for a bit of an early dinner?" he suggests, lifting the bag to indicate the pelmeni. "You will have to thank him for me, for letting you steal away such a treat for me," he adds.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow has the grace to be embarrassed when he nudges his hip against hers. "I know, but what should I tell them? Sorry, you're out of luck? And it's not like they're thinking that I am someone who has all the answers." Well, in some cases they are! And besides, these are old obligations." Well, not including Kit. That was new.

When he asks about supper before she can answer, her tummy rumbles, putting paid to rest anything else she might have said.