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Latest revision as of 15:00, 23 October 2017

The Long Game
Date of Scene: 21 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Iron Fist, Emma Frost

Iron Fist has posed:
Daniel Rand was in Parrington Mansion, his childhood home, and the current headquarters of the Defenders, such as they were. While he had a penthouse apartment elsewhere in the city, it was nice from time to time to return to his roots. He had invited a business colleague of his over for a movie night, and was rather surprised when the invitation had been accepted. But stranger things had happened, such as finding himself lost in an alternate dimension city. He had made the buttered popcorn, had a few beverages on the table in the entertainment room, and had all the various streaming services, so really, anything he wanted to watch as available.

He worse brown shorts with more pockets than he really needed, blue and white sandals, and a grey and black shirt with wide horizontal stripes. While Daniel Rand could clean up nicely, he was always more comfortable being casual. He did have that whole Zen Buddhist thing going on after all.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Danny, you certainly dress to impress." Emma says, walking in wearing a red t-shirt with the name "DEVO" Printed in black bold letters across her chest and she has a pair of Gucci sunglasses on with lenses the size of small plates covering most of her face. She wears a large straw sun hat on her head with most of her hair tucked under it, and some black yoga pants with a line of neon green down the sides and a pair of matching tennis shoes on her feet.
    "Yes, I did show up, so tell me you have th- Ah good popcorn and some bubbly drinks." The white queen is playing along and smiling over towards her fellow billionaire. "Tell me you have at least picked out something good to watch." Frost requests with a few blinks of her ice blue eyes towards Rand.

Iron Fist has posed:
He may not have dressed to impress, but she did in her outfit, even if she was dressed for comfort and possible a bit of athletics. Danny smiled at Emma as he made her presence known. "That's really hard to say. I missed so much. I mean, when I disappeared, most of these streaming services didn't exist. I have heard good things about Star Trek: Discovery and the Get Smart reboot. Perceptions has some good reviews. Or we could try something a little older, like Coupling, Chef!, or Battlestar Galactica?"

He was sitting on the black leather couch, in the middle of it with his feet up on the table. The sandals were under it. "I bet the paparazzi would pay a small fortune to see you dressed so casually. What would they think about us here, just hanging out?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"I am not really caught up with movies or anything, so you decide." Emma says, moving over to sit on the same couch as Danny, taking off her hat and glasses to set them off to the side, her hair cascading down her back and to below her shoulders with a bit of bob in her locks.

Emma sighs weakly as she leans back into the couch, "The razzi can bite my giant ass Danny. Usually I can get away with doing normal things, and some days there's a huge stick up everyone's ass just because I had to close a facility in fucking Guam." The blond rolls her eyes, and picking up the soda from the table before leaning back with a sigh.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny reaches for the remote, going through the various series and films. He finally settles on Coupling, which is a raunchy British comedy, like Friends, but much more open about sex, relationships, and with the customary British sense of humour. The first episode will come on, and two men, one suave and sophisticated, the other Welsh and... decidedly not, are talking about something called an 'unflushable', which is later explained to be a girlfriend you can't get rid of.

When there's a break in the show, Danny will reach for the popcorn, "Emma, your butt is anything but giant. And those jobs meant a lot to the people of Guam. Every person who loses a job means one more person that the community and government will have to support."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma blinks a few times at the show choice, not immediately getting the humor, but she glances over and Danny seems to be enjoying it so she'll crack a smile now and then as she drinks away and as politely as possible, checks her twitter and news feeds telepathically.

Danny's words brings the mutant back to the here and now, lifting a blonde eyebrow to the man before asking, in an offended tone. "So you think my butt is small huh?" But he decides to try and lecture her about her business. "You sound like those reporters Danny, I know exactly what I did, what I had to do, and how it affected everyone related to that building. Don't- Just, don't, Danny."

Iron Fist has posed:
The girlfriend of the suave character seems to be a bit ditzy. When he tries to break up with her, she says that she doesn't agree and seems oblivious to the fact that he doesn't like her. And just when he seems to have managed to extricate, she talks about her former lovers, and mentions a woman named Sarah, which pulls the suave character back in.

For his part, Danny has no idea that Emma is checking twitter or the new telepathically. He tries to calm things down, leaving the latter part of her frustrations to go unremarked, and instead focuses on the earlier one. "I think it's proportioned? You're a very athletic woman, and you have a lovely figure. You're also far more experienced at business than I am." Thankfully, Danny has some good people working for him.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's eyes seem transfixed on the show, but she's not exactly that into it, though she gets a giggle from the man returning to hear about his soon to be exgirlfriend's former love life. How easily men can be controlled with a few simple words.

"Thank you for the compliment then, I'll be sure to give it an oggling and extra shake in the mirror on account of your words." The mutant says, glancing over to Danny, to gauge his response to her brazen comment and she just smiles when he compliments her business skill. "I did go to school for it. You went to ... where ever you went to learn how to punch people... I still find that kind of odd Daniel."

Iron Fist has posed:
Later, the two men, and a new one are at the pub, talking about how there are only five pairs of stockings in the whole world, and the 3.5 billion women share them on some kind of a rotating basis. "You ogle your own body?" That seemed to surprise him, but he did have to admit that she was a beautiful woman. "Yeah, it wasn't really something I had a lot of choice in, though K'un-Lun has a surprisingly good marketing course. Or so I'm told. All my decisions have proven resoundingly popular. One member of the board said that it was better than any marketing campaign that money could buy. I just thought it was the right thing to do."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Of course I do. Someone has to, right?" Emma teases and takes a sip of her soda, toying with the can slightly afterwards while injesting Danny's words. "You keep doing the right thing and hopefully by proxi, Tony's and my own soul will be saved by your kindness." Emma says, complimenting his goodness in a round about way.

Iron Fist has posed:
"Emma, I don't think you'd have any trouble finding someone to perform that particular job." And he agreed with her. "We're all connected." He believed in karma, in balance, in the cosmic forces. His chi was strong. "And, I was under the impression that you and Tony were positive influences on the world. With your resources, you can do a lot of good. And, I think it's safe to say that you have, or soon will, shatter any glass ceiling that exists."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Flattery will only get you so far Daniel." Emma warns before she winks at the martial artist. "Go on." And she even giggles slightly at her own joke.

With another sip she looks Danny square in the eyes, "Oh, I've got a few projects coming up soon that will certainly help the communities and get some positive buzz going around, but we'll see when it happens."

Iron Fist has posed:
"If you insist... you are a stunningly beautiful woman. You're wealthy beyond belief. You're intelligent, resourceful, and yes, you have a small butt, and it's a really, really nice one, even if I do say so myself." Meanwhile, on the show, one of the women on the show has to show all the characters a breast, the camera doesn't see, as part of an involved and long joke. It's in a restaurant, where they don't have a table big enough to seat all six of them. Of course, the waiter, a male, walks by to give them the bad news, and when he sees the breast, he says he'll see if there is something he can do. The poor man who was her date, tries to walk around the table so he can see, explaining that he's the one who's supposed to be on a date with her, and doesn't want to be one breast behind.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma moves her arm up and forward, pressing her finger against Danny's lips in order to silence him. "I was only teasing Daniel. And stop talking about my ass so much. If you want to be a better flirt, take this advice, talk up the girl, not her features." Emma says with a wink, pulling her finger back now and putting her hand in her lap, leaning back into the couch.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny is new to this. "I'm kind of out of practice. I spent years in a monastery... punching my hands into water, sand, and rocks." He leans back into the couch, but not before grabbing the bowl of popcorn. He crosses his legs and places the popcorn bowl in his lap, taking a few and munching on them. "I'll try harder, Emma."

Emma Frost has posed:
"You should try less hard. Not everyone is going to like you or your attitude. That usually means they're not the one for you Daniel." Emma says, having more wisdom than one might have initially guessed. "Don't change yourself to be with someone. Understand?" Her last word is strong and pushy. She wants him to get it.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny bowed his head to her wisdom, remaining silent. But his thoughts were of her words, taking them to heart. He knew who he was. He had wholeness to his inner thoughts and a surprising emotional security for someone so young. When he felt doubt, it was more like, am I on the right path, rather than did I say the right thing. Words are fleeting, but the journey will take a lifetime.