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Latest revision as of 13:33, 26 November 2021

Fight the Faires!
Date of Scene: 28 October 2021
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Spike makes Willow blush, and Yaozu puts his ear to the ground.
Cast of Characters: Spike, Willow Rosenberg, Yaozu Lin

Spike has posed:
Spike came in, towards the end of business hours. He never really let the sun get in the way of things, but Giles didn't much like when he would just nick stuff. It was a strange situation. It was somehow better for Spike to ask, and be given stuff for free, sometimes, rather than to take, and have Giles and Anya have to find missing stock, and then trace it back to Spike, at which point he denied everything. So this was marginally better. He came in with a blanket, from the back door, since the sewer access was nearby.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow wasn't supposed to be working this day, but had dropped in, and suddenly she was roped into 'just a wee bit.. oh can you close the store up..'.

In other words she was working, despite all indications to the contrary. Good thing it was almost closing up time.

"Oh! Hi Spike." She peered around and couldn't see anyone around. "What brings you around?"

Spike has posed:
Spike was just finishing off dusting a little fire from his cloak. Pesky thing, that sun. It was getting close to closing time, but the sun wasn't down just yet. "Oh, Willow, no Rupert or Anya today?" He wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or a bad one, for his needs. Moving towards the counter, "well, you see, I sort of have this uh, little problem. Looking for pest control, you might say." He was holding back. And why would he come to a Magic Shop for pest control? Wouldn't that be more like a hardware store?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Anya pulled a shift, and I wandered into it. She said she had to run to the store before it closed?" The way Willow shrugs said she wasn't buying it totally. She did stuff like often, helping out her friends. "A little pest control? Huh? We don't do pest control.." Unless lt was supernatural. That they did.

Spike has posed:
"Well, these pests, they aren't exactly the garden variety sort. You get me. Bottom line. I want them gone, from my crypt, tonight." He was trying to sound all dark and mysterious, and eminently badass. And yet, he still hadn't explained what the pests were.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oooo.. kay. Should I call Buffy?" Meanwhile, Willow wasn't sure exactly what the 'pests' were. For all she knew, he called them pests, when they had a right to share the graveyard. "You do realize, your space in the basement in Gotham would have these problems." And furthermore, Buffy had moved out. Not that Willow would say this to his face.

Spike has posed:
"NO!" He blurted that out a bit stronger than he intended, "no, I mean, no, it's not Slayer business." He sighed, looking down, resigned to his fate, "I have... my crypt... it has... it has an infestation of faires, okay."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
He really didn't want Buffy involved, that was for certain. Willow dropped it. "An infestation you say? But, why would they use your crypt? Fairies prefer nice and bright places."

Spike has posed:
Spike stalked the floor of the Magic Box, "I don't know the motivations of fairies, now do I," clearly looking to be frustrated. "Point is, they've set up shop under my crypt, I want them out, pronto. So, why don't you just mumbo jumbo me up some magic spell, or ward, or hickory stick that'll get the bloody squatters off my land."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow gives a laugh. "Come on, they can't so bad.. are they?" She look at his face as he rounds about the store. "Maybe they are. Okay, let me get some ingredients and see what I can do."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
Though it's late at night, it's not too late for some folks to be out and wandering about. This is a place that he's been to at least once before, and so he has a passing familiarity with it. Given the time, he wasn't expecting to see the lights on at the shop. His ear tufts lift, and he tilts his head owlishly to one side. After a moment of pause, he then crosses the street to head for the Magic Box. He wears a set of traditional Chinese robes, as he finds them the most comfortable for his particular physiology. They're a dark green colour, trimmed in a lighter green and barely touched with embroider in the form of willow leaves across the wide sleeves. Once to the door of the shop, Yaozu lifts a hand to pull it open and step inside, the bell of it tinkling to announce his entry. Large black wings shift a little bit at his back, ruffling softly, and his talons tick-click on the floor. He's neither human nor owl but rather something that's bits of both, and he moves his right hand to bring it to rest at the small of his back.

Spike has posed:
"Can't be so bad? Clearly, you've never had to deal with them singing Elton John at all hours of the day. Now, I like me some Elton John, but not on a continuous loop." And then Yaozu walks in, and Spike does his best not to make an insensitive joke. Mostly because he had no idea what Yaozu was, and wasn't ready to pick a fight. Alas, he can't help himself entirely, as he turns to Willow, who is by now collecting things for the spell, "Clearly, Giles wasn't kidding when he said fresh feathers."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Hey ! I like Elton John!" But he's got a point. Ad nauseum, and rounds?


Unfortunately, she didn't remember to turn the 'Welcome!' to 'Please Come Again!'.

"Oh fiddle dee dee. Drats.." She peeks over the kiosks. "We actually are.." And that's where she stopped. "You're a bird man. Can I help you?" Spike was not completely a customer; the one was.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
The avian tilts his head to one side, that few degrees past normal human range. His ear tufts lift, though they have nothing to do with hearing, and he listens to what is spoken between the pair of them. His gaze slips from one of them to the other. "What need is there for feathers?" he asks, the words soft spoken and touched gentle with a Chinese accent.

Yaozu is curious, about that. And about other things, but firstly about that, it would seem. Then he tilts his head to the other side, his hazel gaze settling upon the redheaded woman. "Have I come at a bad time? If my presence is an intrusion, then I can return at a better time," he says. His right hand slips from the small of his back in order for the back of that hand to fit to the palm of his left hand, and he extends his arms as he bows. His gaze falls to the floor, and it lifts when he straightens. The braid of his long black hair slips forward over one of his shoulders in the moment before he straightens. "I seek metal end caps that would fit on a staff. In silver," he says softly.

Spike has posed:
The way Willow swore elicited a small smirk, which would have turned into a smile, if Spike hadn't caught himself. She was cute when she did that. And Spike definitely wasn't a customer in the traditional sense. Customers paid for their goods. Spike either nicked it, or was given it for free. Usually it was better when they gave it to him. That way it didn't mess up inventory.

His smile was no longer hidden when Yaozu asked what need was there for feathers, "I can think of one or two uses, though they're not really appropriate for the Magic Box," or Willow he thought. He didn't answer the bad time. It wasn't his store. He didn't work here, nor was he even covering for someone who did.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Spike!" His answer to the avian creature was not what she had planned. Not for the Magic Box! Willow cheeks were pink. "Sometimes we have feathers for scribings." And for other things, but those are particular types, such as a golden eagle for just one example.

"Metal end caps. For balance and hitting, yes? I would need to know the approximate diameter." With Buffy as a friend, end caps aren't anything peculiar.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
Softly, the avian brings his right hand to rest at the small of his back. The way his wings are, his hand neatly vanishes there. He tilts his head to one side, his gaze falling upon the man. His ear tufts have remained perked up, and he unblinkingly watches the man. His left hand has remained tucked up within the wide sleeve of his robe. "Your heart beats not," Yaozu says softly, a flicker of curiosity to his voice.

"There are many uses for feathers. Fletching and quill pens are two," he says, a thoughtful tone to his voice. His attention turns to Willow, watching her. He gives a small nod. "Yes. For balance, for hitting... for weight. The diameter is one-point-five inches," he says softly.

Spike has posed:
That certainly got a rise out of Willow. He replied to her saying his name in an alarming fashion, by saying hers in a more soft spoken one, "Yes Willow, what can I do for you?" He was having fun at this, especially when he saw how pink her cheeks had become. Alas, Yaozu brought them crushing back down into the gritty reality. "Never does, mate," he replied, "not unless a certain someone is around," Willow knew of his infatuation, "'cept I'm not her type. She prefers, oh, what do the kids call it these days, toxic co-dependency?" A brief pause, "and a hefty dose of domestic abuse. Afraid that's not my style."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Now Willow gives Spike a stern look. "She's still our friend." Even if she is kind of on the fence about Buffy and her boyfriend. Maybe not quite as certain as Spike was, but close. "You know she wasn't going to pick you."

And then she gave Spike a sad look.

"I will go back in the store room for the end caps. And I haven't forgotten you Spike."

Leaving them to talk without her, she sorts both the end caps, and some of the things she needs for Spike.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There is a slight ripple of movement within the left sleeve of his robes, though his hand remains hidden away there. His beak makes a soft snicking sound, the top part moving a bit against the lower beak. "That is an oddity," Yaozu says softly, his head tilting a touch to one side. There's a touch of curiosity that comes to his eyes and he gives a faint nod to Spike. "We each have our own tastes," he comments. An observation, and nothing more.

Yaozu turns his attention to Willow, and he half bows to her. "Thank you. It is appreciated, very much. I should have brought the staff but I did not wish for it to be misconstrued by any authorities," he says softly, his tone thoughtful. He doesn't need a staff to draw attention to him, given his appearance.

Spike has posed:
Spike was honestly not even sure if she was still alive. He hadn't seen her in months. If was as if there was some kind of magical enchantment, if he came within a certain distance of her, she would teleport to some far off locale. "It's not about who she picks. Lady's choice. 'cept when it involves self harm. If she were cutting herself, you wouldn't stage an intervention?" He shrugged his shoulders, clearly irritated by all of it.

Then to explain to Yaozu, who was a stranger to Spike. "Mutual friend, she's dating an incubus. Hair's falling out. Wrinkles. Trouble keeping awake. Reaction time is down. The works. At least it was the last time I saw her. Somehow I'm the bad guy for noticing these things."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"Where affairs of the heart are involved, there is often little that others can do," Yaozu says softly. It is, on his part, nothing more than an observation. He doesn't know the friend that they're discussing, nor her beau. "Sometimes it is such that the harder others try to drive a pair apart, the more and the stronger they are pulled together," he adds, a thoughtful tone to his voice.

Slipping his left hand free of his sleeve, he brings his fingers to lightly flip his braid to his back. He tilts his head a touch to one side, considering what information is shared with him, and he inclines his head slightly towards Spike. "There is little I know of incubus, my apologies," he says softly. "To notice details is not an ill thing. To do naught with the details would be," he adds, his beak parting ever so slightly with a bit of a smile.

Spike has posed:
Spike reached with his right arm to scratch at his neck. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. Lowering his arm, "it's a sore spot, okay. Not much to do about it. I tried." He tensed his lower lip, pondering. He cast a sideways glance at Yaozu, "sod it. I'll deal with the fairies the old fashioned way." And he turned, starting to head towards the rear entrance.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"I am sorry that it has not worked out in a way that would be more amenable for you and for her health," Yaozu says softly, inclining his head towards Spike. He is sincere about it, at least. He has some understanding about how love can go awry, not that he speaks about it. "You tried, and sometimes that is all that can be done," he adds, a gentle note to his voice. He tilts his head a touch to one side, studying Spike for a lingering moment. "Iron powder, or iron flakes, commonly will work against fairies. Folklore says that they do not like it, that it hurts them," he offers.

Spike has posed:
Spike was heading out, "iron powder, iron flakes, got it, thanks." He paused, took a step back, and took something from the shelf. How brazen of him. It wasn't iron power or iron flakes, but it would make him feel a little better. Meanwhile, Willow was in the back or the basement, likely to appear at any moment. And then he headed out? without paying!

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"I cannot speak to the efficacy of either, but I hope that one or the other will work for you," Yaozu says softly, inclining his head slightly. His gaze flicks towards the shelf when something is nicked right from it, and he tilts his head to one side. His right hand moves softly from where it was resting at his back, and there's a Japanese throwing knife held easily in his fingers. "Put it back, thief," he says, his voice a touch louder than what it had been moments ago, a chill calm held within it. He throws the knife in a smooth movement, intentionally aiming for the door frame of the door that Spike is aiming to head out of.

Spike has posed:
It was good for Spike that Yaozu had deliberately aimed for the door frame, and was a good throw, as it missed Spike. However, it was bad for Yaozu that he had thrown the weapon as a warning shot, while Spike was moving. He quickly made his way out, fully intending to disappear into the open sewer access. Unlike Ethan Rayne, he didn't stick around for a last gloat.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
The avian isn't generally keen on causing bodily harm, even when people have done something that's against the law. And he isn't sure what the relationship is between Willow and Spike, but the two seemed to know one another quite well. Especially given some of what had been said, if he was putting the correct meaning to it. English wasn't Yaozu's first language. He stepped lightly, moving quickly across to the door in order to lift a hand and pull the knife from the door frame. He steps outside of the shop then, his gaze scanning for... the not a man who looks like a man. After all, there was no heartbeat. And that means not a lot in the way of sound to follow.