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Latest revision as of 16:39, 20 December 2021

Back to Harry's
Date of Scene: 25 August 2021
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar), Salem Centre
Synopsis: Harry and Karen meet again to chat
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Power Girl

Wolverine has posed:
    There are better ways to spend a Tuesday night. But there are a whole lot more worse ways to spent it than at Harry's for the trivia challenge. Not that Harry ever really liked the idea, more it felt like a thing that he was required to do ever since Sullivan's Tavern down the way started it. Competition was important.
    Though, even perhaps he embarked on it with dragging tentative feet, he had to admit this evening it went fairly well. And now that it was over, people were still lingering around. Drinking. Chatting.
    And that Logan fellow was one of them.
    At the bar he was shaking his head, "Nah, you got it all wrong. The James gang never shot that guy."
    Cleaning a mug with a rag as he is wont to do, Harry grunted. "That's not what Wikipedia said."
    "Yeah," The Canadian mutant grunted, "Well Wikipedia is wrong."

Power Girl has posed:
This place had fond memories for Karen. She'd stopped in a few times here and there, in her travels hither and yon. Then when the trivia nights started, she had opted to give it a try the next time it came around.

Thus she had been sitting in a corner booth, submitting her answers as she could. She did great on science. Not so great on history. Because after all, she hadn't really experienced a lot and only the bare bones had been included in her creation.

She got to her feet and headed over toward the bar, grinning at Harry. "I really need to brush up on that history category. Kills my score every time," she grumbled good naturedly.

Which is when she spotted Logan. "Hey. Long time no see. How've you been?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "Doesn't matter if you brush up on it, so long as Harry keeps making the calls wrong." Logan says with a slight hint of a growl and a glower aimed at Harry. But Harry's been around Logan long enough to blow it off as good natured grumpiness and so just answers with a casual aplomb as he says.
    Then he addresses Karen, "Hey, Miss Starr. Don't worry about it, this is mostly all for just bragging rights." Then Harry shrugs, "Well, and the hundred bucks prize, still." Once he says that he gives a nod to another customer who is gesturing for a refill and heads on down that side of the bar.
    Which has Logan turning back to Karen in time for her greeting, "Hey, Blondie." He says at first, perhaps giving an indication he doesn't remember her. But then he adds, "Gone into business yet for yourself or what?"

Power Girl has posed:
Blondie. She'd been called worse. But when he continued, Karen realized he did indeed remember her. "Not yet. Found myself taking some time off work for an opportunity. And since returning I've been traveling a lot."

It was the truth even if it was not quite as 'normal' as it sounded. Spending time in New Asgard with their artisans learning about their tech/magic. Which she had quickly realized she could learn about but never learn to do because magic and Kryptonians did not mix. Then there was the travel which was often to go visit there.

"But it's still on board for my future. Because I cannot stand the new supervisor. His role has gone to his head." Sometimes punching people was so much easier than dealing with real life. Give her a supervillain somedays.

Though something he said has her tilting her head. "What was the answer wrong on?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Taking a moment to shoot a look after Harry, but when the bartender isn't around to hear his grouching... well Logan's expression shifts a little wry, perhaps amused. Instead he shakes his head, "Ehn, it's not a big deal."
    He turns on his stool, shifting a boot onto the floor so he can look at her more directly than sidelong. One rough hand lifts to push through that ragged mane of his hair before he uncurls that same hand toward her as he explains.
    "There's some question as to whether the James gang were responsible for the shooting of Wilfurd McCann on his ranch some... years back." He makes a face, "I'm apparently in the minority when I said it wasn't his beef ta cop to. But yah, outnumbered."

Power Girl has posed:
The look she gives him makes it readily apparent she has no idea what the controversy might be here. "Okay." And that sums it up entirely. Because Karen didn't even know what incident that was about in the trivia to weigh in on either side of the argument.

"I'll take your word on it. I just picked C. Cause when in doubt, pick C. That's the main thing I picked up from public education. You're welcome." Not that she had one of those. Hers was more brain feed in a lab. So difficult to talk to people about stuff like that.

Wolverine has posed:
    "C, got it." The older man gives a nod as he slouches to the side, taking up his beer and swirling its remnants. A drink is taken, then he turns back to look at her, "I'll try not to tell everyone you told me that secret."
    He settles in at the seat, one arm resting on the bar's counter and his blue eyes turned back toward her. "See I figured by this point, you'd have stormed out of your old job and started your own. What's the hold up?"
    He leans across the bar and gestures to catch Harry's eye. Once he does he tilts his mug up to signal with that universal sign that he'll be wanting a refill. "Or are you searching for venture capital stuff? That how that works these days?"

Power Girl has posed:
"I need an income in between. So need to find the bankroll to fund the project. I'm working on it slowly but surely."

Karen settles on a stool with her beer, served in the bottle because it works just fine. She doesn't have to have a mug. "But taking a month off sort of helped me with the homicidal urges at least. They are manageable again." A joke of course. Although, being they barely know each other, how would someone realize that? Maybe she really was a homicidal maniac. Maybe he was! Who knew!

"I figure before the end of the year, I'll be branching off on my own. Until then, got to keep a roof over my head and the lights on."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Alright, just don't let caution be the cause of yer holdin' back. Down that path lies oldness, and careers, and 401ks and crap." Though as he says that last his lips curl a little, perhaps not entirely serious. Then again he didn't really look like a 401k type of person.
    "Though, to be fair, you do seem a bit happier despite being all stuck in your job with an obnoxious supervisor." He tilts his beer back and finishes the dregs of it before leaning forward to thump the empty on the countertop just in case Harry didn't hear him earlier. That, at the least, earns him a dirty look.
    Then Logan looks back toward Karen, "Keepin' busy at the least?"