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Latest revision as of 17:19, 29 December 2021

Seasons Beatings
Date of Scene: 24 December 2021
Location: Sporting Courts, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Nick makes use of the unwanted free time this holiday week. Yaozu provides advice
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Yaozu Lin

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Once again with the evening hours upon them, the gym area is experiebcing a lull. Out of consideration of the shadow Nick has when (officially) leaving his quarters, the musician has not gone to the climbing wall today. Instead he has found himself a nice, smaller training room containing a strike dummy.

But the strike dummy is being ignored right now. This is also the case for the dummy that's been following Nick all day who is taking the moment to find a position near the door to make sure the guest doesn't leave the room without someone with him. Fortunately he's not having to really spot at the moment.

Nick, dressed in comfortable athleticwear, has equipped himself with two sticks, about 18 inches in length and is currently going through some solo drills. In particular, the cross pattern swings of a dual wield. The expression on his face doesn't seem happy. But then again, if someone's practicing with weapons, a gleeful look upon their face would likely be considered... concerning.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
This time of year is conflictingly confusing, and for a number of different reasons. Many of the other agents have taken time to go visit family (or friends, but mostly family) to do the typical holiday things. Christianity is predominant here, and Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day celebrations are a significant part of this time of year for a lot of people. Visiting family, exchanging presents, eating large meals, having a Christmas tree, seeing people dressed up as Santa Claus in malls and on street corners, not to mention the host of decorations that are up to celebrate the season. He's not of the Christian faith, and his parents were more traditional which meant this celebration was one that wasn't introduced to him whilst he lived in China.

Yaozu has been a shadow in the halls of the Triskelion, this evening. He has a bad habit of keeping to himself fairly frequently. Given that this particular hour is time when he's not specifically labelled as being 'on duty', he's wearing a set of traditional Chinese style robes that are black in colour, trimmed in a shade of crimson. His keen sense of hearing has picked up the sounds involved with that stick practice -- how could he not, even if he tried? -- and so, he has followed that sound, rather unintentionally so, through the hallways. And he has ended up at the athletic area, and further, at that one training room where Nick happens to be practicing. He opens the door and then steps just inside, far enough that the closing door behind him won't damage his tail feathers at all in the process. Then he tilts his head slightly to one side as he watches. And for the moment, he says nothing. This, too, is not terribly uncommon for Yaozu.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick ends up progressing through various weave patterns. As the warmups gain speed, the after images of where the sticks have been give a somewhat globular effect surrounding the front, side, and partially back areas. Considering he's using the smaller sticks, there is a question of how much space would be covered if he had opted for the larger. But being basic drills the effect does last long as he starts to move to the next one.

His shadow, seems not at all impressed. Nor should he being he's on his phone. But Yaozu's entrance does alert the guy to look up, focusing more on the agent than the weapon weilding charge. There is a quiet nod of acknowledgemet, a glimpse towards Nick, and then back to his phone he goes. Damn that Galaga.

As the practice causes for Nick to turn, pale eyes catch glimpse of Yaozu. Quiet save for the sounds of movement come from Nick until the current drill reaches an end.

"Hello Yaozu."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
Whilst he watches, Yaozu slips his right hand to the small of his back. It's a familiar sort of stance for him to adopt, and comfortable for him as well. His black feathers are slightly fluffed up, and his wings rest softly at his back. He watches as the practice is partaken of, taking note of the skill within the movements as well. It is a different form of fighting than what he does himself, and that lures his curiosity and brings him to pay a fair amount of attention.

His ear tufts lift, and he doesn't need to bring his gaze away from Nick in order to notice the nod from Nick's shadow. Though he does glance towards the man and offer a nod in return before his attention shifts back to Nick. From appearances, he doesn't seem to have brought any weapons along with him. His wings shift minutely at his back, and his left hand lightly rests at his side. There is a quiet sort of snicking sound that seems a bit muffled in volume.

As he is greeted, Yaozu iclines his head towards Nick. "Good evening, Nick," he offers in turn, a small smile parting his beak. "You practice well," he adds, lifting his left hand to make a slight gesture towards the training dummy. "I do not mean to intrude. I could hear the sounds of your practice, and I was curious," he says.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head to glance to the indicated strike dummy that was ignored during the basic drills. But that's not to say blows weren't given prior. "Ah." He glances down, frowning, "I guess I did go out of order a bit."

He looks back over to Yaozu. "I guess with the place being emptier, sound carries more."

Eyes glance back up to Yaozu, "Thank you for the compliment. I've got a ways to go though. My usual routines have been messed up for the past few months."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There is a slight shrug at the comment that Nick offers. "It is difficult to be out of order during the course of practice. You know what you are capable of, and so you practice within the bounds of that skill," Yaozu says, a thoughtful tone to his voice. His ear tufts lay back briefly and then lift up, and he gives a small shake of his head. "It is not just the place being emptier. A part of it is simply the way my hearing has become. I hear your heartbeat, your breathing, and his as well," he explains, giving a nod towards Nick's shadow. He has the hearing of an owl, and it's rather sensitive. "It is a strangeness, to see this place be as empty as what it is. In China, this did not occur."

He inclines his head slightly towards Nick, and then he steps a touch further within the room. "You are most welcome. We all have things to learn, and areas to improve. I am no different," Yaozu says in a thoughtful tone. "My routines have been forced to change since I came to America," he offers, giving a small nod. "More than once, in fact. There was a time when I was unable to practice at all," he adds, tilting his head a touch to one side.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm. That hearing must be concerning when you come across something unnatural." Nick comments, giving a nod. "Ah. China does have a lot of people." Nick allows, "But they also have a lot of land to spread out a little. It takes awhile to get around even with the HSR."

He steps over towards the dummy once more, looking to it. "I guess I'm being generous with calling anything I do a 'usual routine'. I generally just pick up bits and pieces from different people. Mesh it in with what I find to work for me." He looks down to the sticks. "A few years ago I didn't even have reason to pick sticks like these up."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"It has been an adjustment to get used to it being as it is. It was not always so," Yaozu says softly. He falls quiet for a moment, and then he gives a small nod. "Yes. China has a great many people. The population density is much higher than what it is here," he comments. "It can take time, depending on one's starting point and one's destination, even with the rail. It is not so different here, with the transit system, although I have ended up in places I did not intend to be, more than once. Amenities are not as distant in China, for the most part, as what they sometimes are here," he adds.

His attention shifts to the training dummy, studying it briefly before he turns his gaze back to Nick. "Training has a way of becoming a habit. A particular set of movements followed by the next set and so forth. For me, it has been habit to practice very early in the morning," he says, a smile parting his beak a small bit. He glances towards the sticks that Nick holds, and then he nods. "You make your own style, which leads to it being less predictable for opponents. I have been learning martial arts since I was a child," he offers. He tilts his head slightly to one side, considering what Nick has said. "If you do not mind the question... what is it that gave you reason to pick up the sticks, to learn their use?" he asks softly.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing Yaozu's analysis, Nick gives a small chuckle. "With the way you describe it, you make it sound like that was my intention. To be less predictable. You should work in PR with the way in which you put things into perspective."

Nick glances down to the sticks once more to Yaozu's inquiry. "I didn't learn to fight with sticks until a couple years ago but I've handled other types for years. I was able to leave Hell's Kitchen because I learned to drum. And I learned stick tricks to better entertain others. So, when I was asked to pick a weapon. It just felt the most natural."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"To be unpredictable is not a bad intention to have," Yaozu says, inclining his head slightly towards Nick. He chuckles softly, and then he gives a shake of his head. "I do not believe that I am best suited for public relations even though I have a different perspective on some things. I was not what I would consider a 'people person' when I was still human," he comments, sounding a touch amused. "I am not particularly known for speaking very much," he adds, lifting one of his shoulders in a faint shrug. As evidenced, perhaps, in the meeting in which he said less than half a dozen words at most.

Yaozu's ear tufts perk up, and he gives a small nod. "I have seen some drumstick tricks. They are very impressive and entertaining, when they are done well. When I was in school, I was in some of the performance bands," he says softly. He considers for a moment, and then he gives a small nod. "To choose a weapon can be a challenge. There are some that I know, that I have trained in," he comments, studying Nick. "There are not many that I spar with here, with weapons. Are there other weapons that you know?" he asks.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, maybe the fact you don't speak much is what qualifies you the most." Nick points out, "You just generally focus on what needs to be said. As for me, I never really had reason to hold back on my words and that habit pops up now and again."

"What do you play? I didn't take music when I was allowed in school." Nick admits, "I lucked out and found someone who wanted to teach me. He taught me drums, piano, singing... Wade taught me guitar. Picked up some violin for a TV role..." He studies the sticks. "The stuff I've learned working with these can be applied towards knives and machetes but I haven't really considered moving towards either of those until recently. Maybe I should."

Nick's shadow glances up at that, opening his mouth in protest to which Nick rolls his eyes, "I don't mean right this second. Relax, your vacation time is safe from me."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
The avian tilts his head to one side, that degree or two that's just beyond human, and he listens to what Nick says. For a moment afterwards, he is quiet, considering the words. "Perhaps it is so," Yaozu says softly, a bit uncertainly. "It is something to give consideration to. I try to choose my words well," he adds, giving a small nod. If there are reasons for that, he doesn't say as much.

"I started playing the violin when I was a child, with lessons. What they call, I believe, a modern violin and also the Chinese violin, called an erhu," he says softly, the words coming a bit shyly, oddly enough. "To take music in school was an easy decision to make," he adds. He tilts his head slightly to one side, looking down to the sticks that Nick holds before he lifts his gaze. "Yes. The knowledge can be applied in such a way," he says softly, giving a small nod. "When you have a blade that would be longer than the sticks you hold, then the movements can become different. Shorter blades, such as kunai, then can be fought with but they are best suited for throwing," he says softly. He moves his left hand, his fingers slipping into the folds of black silk, and he withdraws a kunai blade to hold it out towards him. "I am seldom what could be called unarmed," he comments, inclining his head slightly towards him.

There is a brief glance cast towards Nick's shadow, and then his attention returns to Nick himself. "To learn more is never a bad thing, especially when it comes to being able to protect yourself and others," he says. His right hand slips forward from where it had been resting at his back, and there's a soft sound of what seems rock against rock, which seems odd. He moves his right hand, unwinding the prayer beads looped around his wrist and shifting them so they rest in his right hand. "Sometimes, a weapon is not an obvious sort of thing," Yaozu says.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick considers the advice, giving a small nod. "I'm not a distance fighter." He admits, "I hate guns. And generally if I'm in a fight it's because someone else started it."

He looks to the kunai and then to the prayer beads. "I'm not sure I'd use my rosary like that." He admits. But then again, his isn't made out of rocks. "The blade that's usually paired with the sticks are shorter than them. About a foot, maybe less in length. Smallest stick is about 18... this size."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
"I do not prefer guns," Yaozu says, his ear tufts laying back for a brief moment before they lift again. He knows how to use them, even though they aren't his preference. "I prefer to fight more up close. Some knowledge about guns is very useful. If one knows the way of doing it, then one can take a gun partially apart whilst the wielder is aiming it," he comments, inclining his head slightly. It's not necessarily easy or safe to do, but it can be done.

The kunai is retreated, and he slips it away before his left hand returns to his side. "They are not strung on the average string, either. They are made for use in more ways than one," Yaozu says softly, his tone thoughtful. There's a muffled beeping that comes from somewhere on his person, and his ear tufts lay back. His left hand moves to retrieve the device responsible for it, and whilst he does so, he moves his right hand in order to twine the beads around his right wrist again. The device is brought out from amongst the silk of his robes, and he unlocks the screen to check the message. There is a quick reply sent, and then he tucks the device back away. "My apologies. It would seem that I must go. We will speak further, another time. And perhaps an opportunity will become available for sparring," he says, a smile parting his beak. "A good evening to you, Nick," he offers. Then he brings his right hand to rest the back of it against the palm of his left hand, and as he extends his arms, he bows. The movement causes his braid to fall forward over one of his shoulders, and he straightens after a moment before turning to leave the room and head to wherever he has been summoned.