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Latest revision as of 15:19, 23 October 2017

Now Arriving
Date of Scene: 23 April 2017
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: A strange bat girl (Not you Babs) is found in a body bag and wrapped in silver, dumped in an open grave. Another stranger arrives in a Lightning strike.
Cast of Characters: 170, 127, Sarah Osborn, Starr

Eva (170) has posed:
Darkness falls on Bludhaven leaving little more then a sliver of moonlight to care through the dark. Things are mostly silent. Most people aren't out wondering the graveyard at this hour. Why would they? Nothing messes around in this area except things that go bump in the night. Things that are looking for their next meal perhaps? There isn't much in the way of noise. Perhaps a little rustling of chains from an unknown source.

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
There is a bodybag laying in a dug-out open grave in the back of the cemetery. It appears to have a dead body in it. And it motionless. For some reason, though, it's wrapped tightly in silver chains. There are three letters stenciled on the bodybag. D.R.I.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Someone is checking the Graveyard, someone who LOOKS like something that belongs in a nightmare. Closer inspection niht reveak thee goblin head is a helmet with a mask built in, and that the green scaled skin is a scale pattern on padded armor. What is she doing here...looking for disturbed gravers. Vampires dig their waiy out of the earth shortly after becoming undead, but leave the eareth over their graves disturbed. It is one of the first signs of their presence.

Starr has posed:
    Another trip into Bludhaven for Elycia. Except this time she has a bit more knowledge of what she can do, and why she has a friggin book at her hip. Though she's only touched the surface, she's still willing to give flight a try. She stays above the graveyard and look at the bodybag in the open grave. No way that's anyway conpicuous. "Well then......." She says to herself, mostly, and actually scans the bodybag. She doesn't see goblin girl yet.

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
There _is_ life in the bodybag. Weak life, critically injured. A young female, unconscious, barely breathing. Comatose.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Hmmm, what have we here, an open grave? A quick switch of her helmet's optics to scan auras tells Sarah that this is something alive, not an undead. Her goblin-eyes glow yellow as she checks this. She decides to check it out...ot loos odd auricly, like a giant bat, but also like a person. Sarah draws one of her knives and cuts open the bag to check it out.

Starr has posed:
Elycia Kreiger lowers herself to the grave, but stands up top. "hey Goblin girl." She says with a chuckle. "How about I get the chains off before you cut the bag open, hmm?" She says softly. Sarah would easily recognize her.

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
The bag is cut open enough to reveal... a girl's face - with batlike ears - and goggles strapped to her eyes. Her lips are blue and she's not breathing - but is somehow alive. It looks like she was suffocated, there's a bit of foam around her mouth.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-Girl points out, "Whoever this is will need to breathe. It appears that the are in MDR suspension, a quick thrust like a Heimlich Maneuver should start the breathing, but if not CPR may be needed." She can break the chains, silver does not have the tesile strength of steel. She will quickly do so. It is an effort...ther muscles buldge and ripple befor the chain snals ad she grunts with the effort...and her gloved hands hurt from the strain.

Starr has posed:
    "All right. Let's get it out of the hole first so you have a bit of room. Want me to get you both out at the same time?" Elycia says to Goblin girl. She does, however, cut the chains with a rather careful spell from her finger....

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
One fragment of the chain that Goblin Girl tore apart would land on Onyx's forehead - and immediately starts to sizzle, as if she cannot tolerate its touch. She shows no sign of consciousness, but it's blistering around that small piece of metal. An odd reaction to be sure.

Eva (170) has posed:
From nowhere, Lightning strikes the ground in the middle of the graveyard. As the sound of crashing energy resounds through the area, Something is there what wasn't before. A person who is on the ground. She is holding a blade as though she has stabbed someone or something. She flops onto her back, letting the blade drop beside her.

"Ugh. It's done. It's done! I did it." She winces and just starts crying. "I did it Mom, Dad. I did it. I took it down." She whimpers softly as tears start flowing. Everything feels off. Nothing is adding up but... Everything feels alright.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-Girl agrees to be helped out and finds herself lifted off the ground by an unseen force. The silver falls off the bat-child as the two flost through the air. Then there is a crach like lightning and someone else appears holding a blade and falling to the ground...crying. Goblin-Girl ignores her for a moment, trying to check that the bat-child has a clear airway and shart her breathing again. This looks like it is going to be one of those nights...

Starr has posed:
    Elycia lays both goblin girl and the bat creature on the ground gently. But the crack of lightning makes her turn and hold her hand out towards the source quickly. "And...this one is talking like she just won a battle. this is great. She wasn't there before." She then looks to Goblin girl. "Any signs?"

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
There is a faint respiration now - barely. Sit's still in critical condition, but she appears to be regenereating slowly away from the silver chains. The burn mark on her forehead remains an angry welt.

Eva (170) has posed:
The strange girl who rode the lightning into town is still on the ground. Suddenly her body vibrates wildly sending red and yellow lightning arcing around her. It lasts for all of a moment before it all stops. She is completely unaware of it happening.

"I guess I need to get back home. No point in staying in Chile." She mumbles to herself. QUietly she takes hold of the red covered blade. It was used recently.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl says, "I think she will live, but I am not quite sure what she is. She could almost be a were-bat, but seems too human for that and there is no secondary shadows on her aura from her other forms. She is not a vampire, she is still alive. She appears to be badly hurt, but is healing. Anything on the other one?" Sarah knows next to nothing about magic...and the lightning arrival and sacrificial dagger seem to indicate a probablity of magical involvement.

Starr has posed:
    "I'll keep an eye on her, and perhaps go talk to her, if you'll watch over that...." Elycia says gesturing towards the bat creature. "It's also possibly a lycanthrope. Those Chains were silver."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori doesn't do much, is just laying there. She is deatly pale but her breathing is slowly getting stronger.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah shakes her head, "Not a Lycanthrope, no other forms...I can tell from her aura. Something about her is off though, I can see the teaces of major changes in her digestive system and some minor changes about the noes and mouth...and something that was added that causes that reaction. It is not natural...perhaps she is a Moreauwere..."

Eva (170) has posed:
The strange girl moves to stand up. It happens again, Yellow and red lightning arc across her as her movement from the ground to upright is little more then a blur. She's moving much faster then she ought to be able to. Way faster. She doesn't even react to it. Either she's used to it or, she has no idea that it's happening. With a quick motion, she wipes the blade off in the grass. The metal glistens in the moonlight. Silver. With a quick motion she slips the blade into her belt.

Finally something clicks, "This... This isn't right. How did I get here? This isn't Chile. Where am I?" She begins looking at the tombstones for some hint as to where she is. "English mostly. That rules out about half the planet."

Starr has posed:
    Elycia blinks as she notices, finally notices, lightning across the new girl. She lifts a hand and what seems to be a hologram display appears in front of her hand....and a.....'keyboard'? She's...supposed to be a mage. what the hell?

Apparently, what's going on is that ELycia's trying to figure out what's going on with the girl.....scanning her too. Magically reading her, but instead of glyphs, it looks like technology. "One thing's for sure....she's not from around here."

Onyx Koumori (127) has posed:
Onyx Koumori just lies there still, but she's breathing a bit better and her heartbeat is rising - she's healing but it will be some time before she comes to. She looks like she's in bad shape after all

Eva (170) has posed:
The girl crackles with lightning again as she begins walking away from the people present. She blindly wonders her way towards the gate. As the lightning arcs She zips 100 yards. She is walking along as though nothing happened. "Bludhaven? As in Gotham? How the hell..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl considers how to transport the hurt creature. She nees specialized attention, and the only possible source she can thinkof are he Scoobies. Those who fight monstes know more about things like this than any hospital...except possibly a vetrinary hospital. Very Well, take her to guiles, but how to do so without hurting her further? OK, construction...build a crt to haul behind her bike. She can do this. Parts fitst...

Goblin-girl quicjly starts gathering parts to create a strectcher to hold the hurt bat-child and a trailor to hook onto her motorcycle. Fortuntely she has tools...

Starr has posed:
    "Well....we'll hope it's friendly." Elycia then looks over towards the girl that is moving around in lightning bolts. "Uhm......oh brother." She says softly as she taps on the keyboard. "And....she's accelerating."

Eva (170) has posed:
The Strange girl catches sight of people present but, they aren't moving. Its like she's stareing at manequinns. She shrugs, "Must be that whole Manaquinn challenge..." She idly comments as she decides to move towards Elycia. She waves her hand in front of her trying to see if she's paying attention.

It would seem like a blur, flooded with lightning is moving around in front of Elycia.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl has reflexes far faster than most humans, but even she can barely see more than a blur of motion. She is not a fast mover really though. She can manage to run long term at like 20 miles an hour, but at an estimate this person is going twenty to thirty times that fast. She has o way to communicate with the speedster until she slows down, so she contuinues gathering materials...and sends a call to Guiles.

Starr has posed:
    ELycia stares at the very rapidly moving person and shakes her head. "Well....we're not going to be able to communicate with her at all until she slows down." She then makes a face as she makes the scanner disappear. "Well...here's one shot to try. If it doesn't work, lets just get the bat person to a hospital.....or vet. Something." She says as she raises a hand and a clock like symbol appears in front of her hand.....and she starts to turn it counterclockwise from where she's standing. Hoping to slow her down to normal speeds.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva is no stranger to magic. So when she is hit by, She knows something is up. Her body is slowed down to a more normal pace. Her There is another problem though, its as though something is fighting against the magic. A very strong force causing her to accelerate. Still. Its enough. She begins talking fast, "Hello? What the hell are you doing to me? How am I in freaking Gotham! What the hell happened to me?!"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"We do not know what you are doing here, and She's trying to help you," replies Sarah...not pausing iun her work of construction. It is an easy mulkti-task, talking while working with her hands.

Starr has posed:
    "You came here on a lightning bolt, apparently the SAME lightning that is causing you to move faster than us. I used a SLOW spell on you, that is the only reason why we're actually conversing. So, you'll either have to learn to control what is making you accelerate, or you will be moving much faster than everyone else all the time...and you will be utterly alone...all the time, because no one will be fast enough to talk to you....at all." ELycia's rather blunt.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva blinks a few times, "I was just in Chile! You know? South America?! Yeesh next thing you are going to tell me is it's not October 2024." She rolls her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. "Okay if I am moving as fast as you say I am and this isn't some weird Halloween prank, then I can control it!" She frowns and closes her eyes. Breathing deep, her body does start slowing down.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sara replies, "Actually, it is about 6 months later than that...possibly you somehow accumlated the time and are living the whole 6 months in minutes...or something like that." OK, not her best speculation.

Starr has posed:
    "That's entirely possible too." Elycia says as Eva starts to slow herself down. As she does, Elycia's hand turns the 'clock' back to it's normal time speed for Eva. "All better?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods, "What the hell is going on?! Nothing makes sense. I was hunting a Ccoa. The damn thing that killed my parents. I found the thing. It hit me with lightning. I got up, I moved in and I stabbed the thing. Next thing I know we both got struck by lighting. I'm here, its gone. And the world is going slow as molassess!" She frowns over this. She rubs her head trying to figure things out. "I'd remember going from Chile to Gotham! Thats not exactly a trip you'd just make on autopilot!"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah understands relativity fairly well, "Space and time are inestricably linked, whatever brought you through time to now probably took you through space as well." She has collected a number of metal fence posts. which she starts bending into shape with her bare hands.

Starr has posed:
Elycia Kreiger says, "If you're moving fast enough, it's not like gravity would be able to stop you, especially when you're going with the speed of a bullet." She then sighs a bit. "You're just going to have to be careful with your speed." She then looks to Goblin girl. "You almost done with the materials? I can fashion you a stretcher if you need....""

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva sighs, "I think... I guess I am going to go try to catch up with the past 6 months. I have no idea whats going on." She sighs. "SO much for having a normal life now that I avenged my parents' death. I was hoping to just start a normal life. I guess normalcy isn't going to happen."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
For some reason it had not occurred to Sarah to ask Elycia's help, "Well if you could help me make this stuff unto a stretcher and a trailer to attach to my mototcycle, it would be helpful." She says to Eva, "Sometimes, things happen that are a turning point. When those happen, it is pretty much never the same again." Her accident that gae her super powers was one such.

Starr has posed:
    "yeah, that's what happened to me too." ELycia says to Eva.....and she holds out a hand for her magic to start putting together a trailer stretcher. "Believe me.....from this day forward, your life will be changed. For the better or worse. It's a matter of perspective. but I do encourage you to help people." She says as she finishes the stretcher.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva sighs, "Help People? I've been doing that the past 3 years. Sure I was hunting for the monster that killed my parents but I've been helping people and they never knew it. People in my occupation don't exactly get a lot of credit." She frowns, "I need to get going. See you later." Then with a burst of speed she is simply gone.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl fetches her motorcycle and hooks the stretcher-trailor to it to carry the gurt bat-child to Giles. Hopefully he can figure out how to help her...and helping does not turn out to be a mistake.

Starr has posed:
    ELycia watches them all leave, and she uses that idea to fly back to new York. She had a meeting to get to after all.