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Latest revision as of 13:40, 5 January 2022

New Years Bar
Date of Scene: 01 January 2022
Location: Luke's Bar, Central Harlem
Synopsis: Sarah Connor and Logan meet and take turns identifying their origins.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Connor, Wolverine, Smart Alek

Sarah Connor has posed:
New Years Eve. Sarah had worked, and unbelievable her switch off girl came! Which meant she had a little time to kill before she headed home. Well, she /could/ have headed home, but really she felt like a drink. To be almost human, a normal human. With Luke's's being fairly neutral, and everything was about the same distance apart, Luke's's it was.

Coming into the bar, she was surprised at the space. Mind you, if she had only come a half hour ago it was a different story. Half an hour ago, all hell had broken loose, and a good half the patrons were thrown out.

"Whatever you got on tap."

Sarah ordered her one beer, and sat down at the bar. "Let me guess, there's a story behind this?"

Wolverine has posed:
Bars are something of a old hobby for Logan.

Ah, who we kidding. It's a consistent hobby. The man likes to drink. Helps that he literally can't get drunk unless it's something wild like Asgardian mead. But he walks into Luke's, dressed like some kind of decently styled cowboy. He wears dark jeans with a flannel-lined leather jacket and a baje shirt underneath all that. He wears combat boots and has a cowboy hat on his head.

His steps are heavy as he approaches the bar and finds himself pulling a seat at the bar. Sure enough, it looks like some of the more depressed types were causing trouble.

That was a half an hour ago.

So, Logan found himself next to Sarah and he gives a nod as he drinks his beer. "There's always a story, bub." Logan growls out, and judging from some of the blood on his knuckles, he was involved in it heavily. Sometimes, people just don't remember their manners.

Smart Alek has posed:
A slight glow of blue can be seen coming from the doorway as Alek enters the Bar. The dimly glowing blue LED eyes of the kid make him a pretty obvious mutant. He peers around and finds his way along the aisle, view of the television though must be his goal, as he tests out two booths to see which has a better viewing angle. He talks to himself, "Never been here before... different sort of place."

He looks among the inhabitants now... Logan and Sarah get a glance but not a long one.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Luke points to the only rule of the bar: NO Fighting. And he glares at Logan. "I've got my eyes on you." And he continues to wipe down glasses.

Apparently, he wasn't the instigator, but you never could tell!

"Ah, so.. you were here? Let me guess, someone said something; someone else misinterpreted what was said; and the third guy was just aching for a fight." Sarah almost smirks. Almost.

Logan? Sarah had put him into her brain as someone that you didn't want to have against you. He just had that look about him. Then again, she was something of an expert of taking the whole scene in and knowing who and what are the dangers. He was definitely a danger.

Then there was Alek.

With glowing blue eyes, sure he was a mutant, but what kind? However, a first guess said he was more the type she would find herself protecting. Good thing there was a written rule against fighting! She shook her head and buried her smile into her beer.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek finishes his scan and a waitress comes over and asks, "what can I get ya?" Alek stares a moment at her and after a uncomfortable period of time, "Cooked Cow on Bun. Hamburger, with Dairy... Cheese Burger with a Fries." he nods to himself, the waittress asks, "Anything to drink hun?". Alek looks at the table and the water, "I have water already. That's enough." Waittress pauses waiting and then heads off, Alek calls after weakly, "Thank you."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Oh yes. She pegged him. He might be wonderful in a fight, but with that order, Alek was putting himself in his own little category.. which made her think.. Why was he down here, in Harlem, at a bar, on New Year's Eve, alone?

"Care to join us?" Sarah was certain no one would try to pick on the boy (to her, he was a boy!) as long as Logan and Sarah were still here.

Wolverine has posed:
"Relax, bub." Logan snarks at Cage as he sips at his whiskey.

"Well, its somethin' or other like that. I didn't start nothing, but they did. Got the general idea." He goes back to drinking, and Alek's appearance is noted, but he's not greeted. To Sarah, Logan was extremely dangerous, and her knowledge and intuition did not betray her. She deals with Terminators for a living, pretty consistently.

Her senses be accurate.

"Is this the part where I ask you something cheesy like 'come here often'?"

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah watches the mutant, until she is certain he isn't going to sit with them, and then turns to Logan. "I am not your boss. You can ask whatever you choose.." Of course she is amused. "I don't say that I will answer you though."

Oh yes, he was dangerous. Quite so. But what was he? A mutant? A SHIELD agent? Someone who ran a gang? What?

"You've got blood on your hands, by the way. You haven't washed it off, or attempted to. Which leads me to assume you're used to that scenario playing out." Definitely not a SHIELD agent. "Probably didn't start the fight, but were pretty certain you would find one, somewhere, tonight."

Probably not a gang leader either, but could have a reason to fight with a group. Tonight though, he was out by himself. Probably, something he was used to. So.. he probably was in the outer limits of a group, but liked to do somethings by himself.. Most things.

Oh, if only he knew how the same they were.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan smirks a little bit at Sarah as she apparently gives him permission to say what he wishes to. Though he couldn't help but be amused. "Damn right you're not. But you have the looks of someone who would be." What? Sarah looked like she had drive and passion. Perfect for a boss to be. Of course, he's not above flirting with her either. He was dangerous indeed...and he looks down at his fists when she mentions it.

"Hnnh...yeah. Too often, I'd say." He snifs the air a little bit, as if trying to catch her scent. What does she smell like? The nose knows more than the eyes ever would. Yet, he nods. "You're right though. Maybe not looking for a fight, but always prepared for one. I just want a drink, like my friend Luke here would agree with."

He shrugs then, his shoulders lifting.

"So what's your schtick, bub? Private investigator?"

Sarah Connor has posed:
First he smells the obvious: oil, from a diner. Today, it's fresh. At three times her normal pay? You bet she was working.

Second was something only a person with really acute olfactory senses: oil, but from guns. Several types of guns. Combined with her casual grace, and easy awareness in the space that she was in says she was used to them, and probably had one, or two, upon her person. Probably some knives too. She must have a regular workout routine.

Beyond that? There was no scent that said 'Sarah'. Some girls (and guys!) had a signature perfume? But not Sarah. If you didn't smell the gun oil, you wouldn't be aware she'd been there.

Sarah nodded. Whether or not she believed him, she understood when to let it go.

"Me?" She peered at him. "Private Investigator? Nah. I work at Mel's Diner. You know, in Breakstone. It's a job." She shrugs. "You?"

Wolverine has posed:
Oil. Food? No. Pancakes....dried food.

She must work as a waitress. Either that, or she's a mother of seven. Scents that strong are hard to avoid. Then she admits she works at the Diner, and he nods. "I know the place. I visit it decently consistently. 'cept I don't dress as comfy." He tells her with a bit of a grumble. Yet, he smirks at her. "You forgot to add something.'

He'll wait for her to ask.

"You a gun nut?" How the hell could he get that much from a -sniff-?

But she didn't have a signature perfurme. Or at least she wasn't wearing any. Most people, unless you have something going on or don't want to be noticed, wear perfume.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Whether it be deodorant, shampoo, or just plain soap, if you didn't wear perfume, you almost always wear the others.

Not so Sarah.

"I did?" She waits calmly. Until he hit with the guns. "You must have me confused." Carefully she sets her drink down. Surely she didn't mistake him as a human? She would have bet her life on it. Human, not terminator.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan looked at Sarah and he nods to her. "Yeah. Practically reeking, actually. No offense. Which means either you are way more than a diner chick, you're probably a bit of a gun nut who spends a lot of time soaking in the gunpowder. You visit the gun range?" He questions her curiously. Logan had maybe three lifetimes of experience with weapons of all kinds. Believe him, when he knows the scent?

He knows the scent.

Curiously though, Logan seems to smirk a little bit. "Nah. See, Darlin', the nose knows. And it's smelt plenty o' scents. So, am I the only one who was ready for a fight or were you looking for one? Or...." He looks at her. "Getting ready for one."

Sarah Connor has posed:
So. He wasn't a terminator, although he could sniff out much the same way they could. If he was a terminator he wouldn't have carried the bit about the gun oil quite this much. Which meant a super sniffer, or a mutant.

"I can safely say I've never been to the gun range." Usually Sarah can lie like the best of them, without blinking. This time, though, she wasn't lying. She had never been, and now with her multiple warrants? She'd be crazy to try it. That didn't mean she didn't practice. She had her own shooting range. Of course.

"The later one, if you must know," she answered quietly.

Sarah didn't look for fights, but she most certainly expected them.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan is not a terminator, no.

But he -does- possess an Adamntium Skeleton, an unbreakable metal. So, while he might not be a Terminator himself, he might piss off a few Resistance members or consider him some kind of machine machination. But, regardless, he looks at her though and she can lie with the best of them, that's for damn sure...but no, she's not lying this time.

But she -is- a dangerous woman.

"Hm. Well, hope it turns out well." Says Logan, apparently letting the matter drop for now as he downs a whiskey and taps on the counter for a refill.

Sarah Connor has posed:
"You never did tell me what you do." Sarah has a point. He knows what she does, or at least her pretend job. What is his?

Wolverine has posed:

Logan growls a little bit at Sarah as he nurses that drink. "I'm the best there is at what I do. What I do isn't very nice." Logan tells Sarah without even looking at her as he gets a refill of his whiskey, and begins to go back to drinking.

Though she seems to want a serious answer. "I'm a groundskeeper."

Sarah Connor has posed:
A fleeting grin crosses over her features. "Bullshit. You do grounds the way I serve lunch." Which isn't to say she's poor at it, but she most definitely isn't a waitress.

Logan is on his second drink. Sarah hasn't even touched but a quarter of her first.

"So.." She cocks her, brow furrowed. "You aren't a very nice man, but neither are you evil. So far I've deduced that most of your 'friends'.." She makes it clear the friends is in quotations marks. "..might not agree with what you do. And you are bothered by the goody two shoes attitude.. Correct?"

She doesn't bother having whether or not she's correct. She's pretty certain she's on the right track.

"And sometimes you find it easier to deal with it by yourself." Now she waits.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan wasn't expecting that much sudden grit come over Sarah Connor. A raise of the brow is what she gets in reply, at least immediately, though Sarah seems to also admit that she dfinitely isn't a waitress. Logan looks back to his drink and takes a long sip.


He makes that sound every now and again when his face is in the mug. Strangely enough, he doesn't even look buzzed. Most likely, he's a mutant and a good sniffer at the same damn time. But if only she knew the actual truth.

But she waits for the answer. "Yeah. That sounds about right. Though I don't really have friends." This is the part where he does a Vin Diesel thing and says 'I got family', but this isn't that kind of story. Logan had a few people he trusted, sure, but he's not sure he has -friends-.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah makes a noise. Something between noise of derision, and bitter laughter. "Welcome to my life."

Sarah trusted -one- person besides herself: John. The rest she couldn't, or wouldn't, trust them. Anyone she met could be a terminator, or worse, could be used against her, or John. Mostly John.