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Latest revision as of 17:48, 12 January 2022

Robin Sparkless Greatest Hit
Date of Scene: 06 January 2022
Location: Melville, Haven
Synopsis: Spike and Willow have a failure to communicate
Cast of Characters: Spike, Willow Rosenberg

Spike has posed:
Someone at Bludhaven Mall clearly had a sense of humor, as the soft music that usually plays inoffensive hits included the fictional song, "Let's Go to the Mall" from How I Met Your Mother, where character Robin Scherbatsky had once been known as Robin Sparkles, in the show's back story.

Spike did recognize it. He had seen some episodes, liked the Barney Stinson character, not that he'd care to admit it to anyone he knew. As it was, he was coming out of the movie theater in the mall, having just seen the latest Fantastic Beasts film. He still had a bag of popcorn, which he was eating. Although he stuck out like a sore thumb, as he was dressed in his usual black on black on black, while many of the people around him were dressed as Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts characters.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow, on the other hand, loved that show. What she didn't like is malls. But they had a Wednesday evening special this month, so she took advantage of it. Half priced movies, a medium drink, and a large popcorn. Where else could she get that price?!?

Filing out, after reading the credits (come on! they often snuck bits and pieces about the next movie in there!), she stopped at the garbage can with not only her garbage, but a few bits that she's found along the way.

"There. All done with my good deed for today."

Not true. She was /always/ doing the good deeds.

Spike has posed:
After separating himself from the throng of people, Spike moved over to a tile ledge, just a large box built around a plant, to elevate it, and keep it from accidentally being trampled by people. He munched on his popcorn while sitting there, watching the remaining people spill out.

He was likely sizing them up, trying to read their body language, intentions, to see which of them might be the best to frighten into giving him some cash. That was the problem these days, it wasn't just who he could scare, but who he could scare that would also carry cash. And then he saw Willow.

He thought about waving, but from where he sat, she'd be sure to see him, and it was cooler, less loser-like, for him to wait for her to come to him. He did that sort of thing a lot. He had a reputation to maintain.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She just was laughing at the muZac. Didn't they know that was from a tv show, not real music? Willow meant, sure it was real music, but not REAL music, unless Weird Al Yankovic did it. And even then almost all of it was parody. Except for Eat It.

She refused to believe that one was a parody.(Even though she knew the other song that it was based off of.)

Willow had finished her pop, and threw it in the garbage, when she thought she saw something. To be honest, she thought that the 'something' was 'a someone', and furthermore, she hadn't seen him in a while.

She waved, and then stopped. Maybe he still didn't want to be around her.

Spike has posed:
When waved to, Spike waved back. Willow could be so adorable. But when she stopped, he gestured something that didn't make sense, since they were still across an expanse, too far away to talk. It looked like he was mining something about a monster attack, or maybe he was just relaying the winning goal from a recent soccer game. It was hard to tell. That's why verbal communication was so useful.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
At first she thought, maybe he was telling her about a recent. real life, monster. Afterall, she was in the business. She wracked her brain over a monster that looked like that. Usually, she had a little more to go on.

"What types of people do they usually prey on?" Of course, Willow doesn't come out and say it, she mouths it. "Should I come with you?" Totally forgetting the movie that she had /just/ been to. Which is a little of a problem when your real times matched most people's pretend times.

Spike has posed:
If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, then Spike would go to the mountain. Rather than try and gesture or mouth words, he got up and walked the thirty or so feet between them, until he was within speaking distance. "Hello Willow, how're you?" Then he held out his bag of popcorn, "popcorn?" He offered. No mention was made of the monster, or soccer match, or anything else that had been miscommunicated with gestures.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow giggles, and holds out /her/ popcorn bag.

"I don't need any. See? But you need my help? To find out the monsters before they.." *blink*.. *blink* Now her cheeks were pink. "Let me guess, you saw the same movie that I did. Not a real live monster.. I'm so embarrassed."

Spike has posed:
"Monster?" Spike asked, not sure what would make her bring up a monster. He looked around, as if he wasn't in on some kind of joke. Was there a monster around. He considered what he could smell, hear, or see. No monsters came to his attention, nothing too unusual. "Don't worry about it, Will. Just means your cheeks will match your hair."