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Latest revision as of 04:38, 18 February 2022

Above & Below
Date of Scene: 14 February 2022
Location: Danger Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: A bit of high flying parkour and thoughtful chatter about the nature of heroics.
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Phoenix, Storm

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There is a student in the Danger Room, this isn't a normal occurrence, especially since this student isn't part of the X-Men, nor the New Mutants yet, but here he is! Running a program that puts him high above the streets of downtown New York.

The yeen is wearing very little up here, standing atop a tall building, his fur rustled by the wind. Shorts and nothing else, that's all that covers him for this and there's a reason for that. Freedom of movement is a thing when you're planning to suddenly throw yourself off the edge of a building!

A sudden swift rush of movement brings him to the edge to spring off, hitting a lower building and falling into a roll to return to his feet and continue moving, leaping AC units and catching ledges and after a few moments? He catches a foot and it stunts one of his jumps. There's a sudden yelp as the surroundings fade to the blank walls of the Danger Room and the deadly fall that once threatened him vanishes, then a moment later, returns him to the roof of the building he was on, laying there for a moment panting.

Phoenix has posed:
That there is a student in the danger room is known to Jean. In fact, she's the one who authorized this session. And she's in the control room watching over the session in progress.

Her voice comes over the intercom. "Good try, Kit. You're getting better." Which gives the impression that this might not be the first time through a reset!

Storm has posed:
As unobtrusively as possible, the door of the room opens and through it steps Ororo. She wears a close-fit dark blue t-shirt, and a pair of black yoga pants, as well as a pair of soft soled black shoes. Her long white hair has been drawn to her back and braided, to keep it from her face. She closes the door behind her once she enters, and then she tilts her head a touch to one side as she watches the student running through the program.

One of her eyebrows quirks up a touch as she watches for a long moment, and then a hint of a smile touches at the corners of her lips at the reset of the program. She steps further within the room, though only a little bit, and then she lifts her arms to fold them in front of her. Not in an annoyed or closed off sort of manner, but more as though she intends to observe for a while longer.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little chuckle from the yeen as he holds up a hand with a thumb raised, grinning a little, "Honestly, I didn't think level two would be /this/ much of a difficulty spike, but at least I get to practice without the danger of a real fall." he muses, then sits up for a moment and looks to Ororo when the door opens, waving to her with a smile.

After a moment, he'll stand up and stretch a moment, then walk to the edge of the roof and study his original path, noting the area where his foot got caught and nodding to himself before looking to Ororo again with a tilt of his head. "Come to watch me try to fly?" he asks with a playful tone.

Phoenix has posed:
"Fifty percent increase," replies Jean over the intercom. Ororo gets a welcoming nod and a projected thread of warmth and welcome. Her eyes stay on the screen, though. Even though there's no real danger of a fall, there can still be injuries incurred.

Jean snorts. "What you're doing isn't flight. It's borderline suicidal." There is amusement in her tone, which says she does't really believe what she's saying. Instead, Kit is almost certain getting teased.

Storm has posed:
A smile touches at the corners of her lips, and Ororo gives a small nod to the yeen's words. "It is a very safe way of practicing," she says softly, a thoughtful note to her voice. She lifts one of her hands to offer a wave to Kit, and then she inclines her head slightly towards him. "It saves on broken bones and healing time," she adds, giving a soft chuckle. "You may not be able to fly, but I will watch you jump and see where you land," she says, a smile tugging her lips once again.

She looks towards the control room and gives a small nod. She relaxes a bit, stepping aside and finding a spot to lean her back against. "Find the right moment, find the right spot to push off from. You can make the jump," Ororo says, giving a small nod towards him. Once upon a time, before she came here, she did this sort of thing as well -- with consequences.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a moment or two more of study of the course, then the yeen steps back, walking back a little away from the edge as he shakes his muscles out. "Going up against a bunch of thugs with guns alone is borderline suicidal too, hasn't stopped me yet." he muses with a shrug. Then? Then he turns and takes off, using his momentum and a swing of his arms, carrying him across the first jump and down nearly two stories to the roof below.

Again, AC unit, again, ledge and a sudden spring off to another ledge, this time though his foot doesn't get caught. He barely makes the landing on the fire escape he'd been aiming for before he lets himself go, dropping down another floor before springing back and out to catch the wall.

The aim with the next jump is to carry him to a lower rooftop parallel to the building he's on, but even if he's getting better, that's the jump he's never made before and this time is no different.. It's several feet shy of the ledge, which if this weren't a controlled environment, would likely be a fatal fall.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey can't help but smile. "Hasn't stopped any of us, Kit," she replies. She watches through the view screen, the image focused on the yeen. Thankfully, this is a controlled environment. And even if it weren't, so long as Jean or Ororo are here, its unlikely to be a fatal fall given their powers.

Jean glances to the white haired weather witch just long enough to nod her agreement. It really is a safe environment to practice in. ..... most of the time. Listening to Ororo give pointers, Jean nods approval. Her green eyes turn back to watch Kit. She winces as he misses the jump and the simulation resets.

Storm has posed:
The weather witch gives a soft snort at Kit's words. "There is very little that stops us from doing the right thing, or at least doing everything in our power to accomplish the right thing," she says, a smile quirking at the corners of her lips. Her blue gaze follows his path through the course, and one of her eyebrows quirks up. She studies his different movements along the way, and she shifts slightly to ease away from where she had been leaning.

She studies the last jump that he made, the one that failed to get him to his destination of the rooftop. "Aim to have your foot that you push off from further to the right. It takes practice," she offers by way of advice, giving a small nod. "See if you can get more speed before you make the jump."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Once again sitting on the rooftop, Kit gives Ororo a glance and a tilt of his head as he nods, "Speed and possibly height.. Maybe I shouldn't drop down as far before springing off?" Then he looks back to the initial ledge and lets out a long sigh. "I'll get it eventually, just a matter of practice." he says, more to himself than anyone else.

Both of the womens responses to his earlier comment gets a nod and a simple, "I honestly don't know if what I'm doing is always right, especially with how dangerous my magic can be. All I know is that I don't like the idea of letting people prey on others.." Then he once again stands up and once again gets a running start, going through the routine again for who knows how many times today.

It's a mixture of Ororo's advice and a little more height that carries him this time. A better angle from foot positioning, more speed from a harder spring from the wall and ignoring the second drop from the fire escape entirely that finally gets him to the courses destination and when he comes out of the roll, there's an almost explosive, "YES!" that comes from the yeen! Down side to this fact? The aardwolf has a voice that can literally carry for miles. Up side? Well, at least his tail's wagging a mile a minute now.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey once again nods approval at the advice. While she knows how to do parkour, she's not as good at advice on /how/ to parkour as Ororo is. Jean smiles though it might not be seen out on the field of play. "If it feels right, and you are protecting innocent people, then it is right," she says.

When the yeen manages to finish the course, Jean applauds. "Great job, Kit!" If the sound bothers her, she doesn't let on.

Storm has posed:
"Try it and find out if it works," Ororo responds, quirking a bit of a smile. This is the best place for experimenting, after all. There is no danger and no risk here as there would be out in the real alleys and buildings of the world. She takes a moment to look towards the control room, and she starts to head in that direction. It'll give her a different view of what he's doing. That will help in giving him advice that's based from her own experience with parkour.

"Does it feel right? Are you helping those who need help, protecting people who need it?" she asks, raising an eyebrow slightly as she looks towards Kit. "If you are preventing innocent people from being harmed, then that is right," she says softly. She stops near to the control room, then watches him as he makes his next run. And when he makes that leap, she applauds as well. "Great work!" she says with a smile. Much like Jean, if the sound bothers her, there's no sign of it in her expression at all.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
The yeen can be a dork at times and the view from the control room? Yeah, he's being a dork, doing a sort of victory dance as he bounces on his toes, enjoying the moment. Eventually though he'll compose himself and nod, "I know what I'm doing is right, but it isn't always so black and white." he says after a moment or two. "Some of the people I've had to deal with weren't doing what they were doing because they were some mustache-twirling villain, they were acting out of desperation."

There's a little pause as he gets a rather thoughtful look, then looks up a bit and adds, "It doesn't always feel right. I mean, I've lived like they do.. I've seen how messed up some of their situations can get." He gives another long sigh, letting his eyes close for a moment as he muses, "When I get involved, I always try to stop them before anyone gets hurt.. It just doesn't always feel like that's enough though, you know?"

Regardless of response, the yeen will give a shrug after a moment and offer a smile as his eyes open again, "Ah well, thanks for letting me run a higher level course. I'll run through the rest of the basics at level one at some point, a good wall run might actually have made this a bit easier but it was still fun to try."