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Latest revision as of 04:54, 18 February 2022

Triskellion Workout: Better Late than Ever.
Date of Scene: 09 February 2022
Location: Gymnasium, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Insomnia, gym equipment and morality, not always the best mix.
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Phantasm (Drago)

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Late evening in the Tiskellion sees most agents involved in one of two activities. Sleeping, or planning something before sleeping. It is a time of relative solitude, a time of solitary patrols, a time of increased vigilance, and a time where the insomniacs of the building wander around and yet somehow mostly manage never to come together for a good game of Dungeons and Dragons. One day, perhaps...

    But one area of the Triskellion that sees more activity than usual in the evenings than the day is the gym. Not only because of these aforementioned insomniacs, but mostly because James Barnes finds it easier to get this workout in when not being disturbed by others... and when others aren't watching as he lets loose. He has a reputation enough as it is, he doesn't need more agents whispering behind his back.

    It's always easy to tell when the Winter Soldier has started to occupy the gym. For one, there are half a dozen spare boxing bags laid out, and a friendly German Shepherd is laying on the bench by the door guarding the backpack full of water and snacks. Lilli, this faithful guardian, is currently asleep while her favorite human is wailing on the punching bag with an intense fury that might be frightening to behold.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Let's be honest here. Entertainers are not quite known for having a typical nine to five work schedule. For Nick, he spends a lot of his nights awake. So welcome to club insomnia, Mr. Drago. But it does have its perks, and after a general agreement and making sure to keep that guest badge with him at all times (Which he has been explained to quite well how much he needs that) Nick has made his way to the gymnasium.

Already dressed down, the musician pauses in the doorway, hand resting on his backpack as he looks to the one bringing the thunder to the poor unsuspecting punching bags. He steps in completely, closing the door behind him. He could just head directly towards the smaller room that contains the particular practice dummy he needs but his steps slow, trying not to disturb the former soldier.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    The subterfuge would most certainly have worked, had Bucky not just then misjudged his own strength. His bare-knuckled right hand strikes the bag, and seems to carry on as if phasing through the leather. The reason for this odd behavior is explained a moment later when the punching bag quite literally rips at the seams and comes apart, depositing a deluge of sand on the floor. "Son of a...".

    Lilli pricks up her ears at that exclamation, but doesn't stir. This, it seems, is a safe expression, one that she doesn't have to worry about. All is well with her human. Said human, in fact, heaves a deep sigh and lifts the emptying bag off the chain and turns to pick up a replacement. This must happen a lot...

    It's the turning that makes him spot Nick, and he pauses with the heavy punching bag held in his arms. "Evening. Couldn't sleep?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Already aware of Bucky training, Nick comes to a stop as the bag splits apart. Part of the remnants rolling into his path. He glances down, pulling a foot back to let the piece roll on its way before looking back over to Bucky. The question gets a slight smile in return as he acompanies it with a nod. "Perks of an entertainment career. You get used to odd sleep schedules." A brow lifts inquisitively, "You too?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "I sleep when I can, when I need to." which is, perhaps, only one step away from the oft quoted 'I'll sleep when I'm dead'. Supposedly at some point Bucky must sleep, but whatever schedule he keeps doesn't seem to be known to either man or beast. Soon enough the next bag is hung up on the chain and tightened down. "Sorry about the mess, I'll clean it up when I'm done. I swear, these days my actual workout is more like the warm up. The actual effort is the clean up afterwards."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"And you know you got help if you have trouble with the can part." Nick responds, giving a mild reminder that sleeplessness is not necessarily a requirement for the Winter Soldier.

At the apology, Nick looks to the last victim once more, "Hell of a punch." He comments, glancing around for any random brooms that may be ly-. Eyes set upon a heavy duty looking broom resting up near the trash bin. Of course they would with the types of people here. Although, God help the person who has to empty out the trash. "Was that the metal or non metal one that did that?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "That... is the reason I'm not a professional boxer." Bucky admits and looks at the punching bag as if it has personally offended him. "It's something that's just... it happens. If I don't practice every day, I start to forget my own strength." A few exploratory punches on the new bag, no more than mere love taps for now, which still set the thing swinging.

    "And that was a right hook. I pull my punches with my left, it's my right that gets away from me."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
When he admits to it not being with the metal hand, Nick looks sharply back to the torn bit of bag that made it all the way over to him. "Oh yikes." He comments, "Ok yes, very good that you're practicing on these then."

Nick starts walking over towards the broom. "Admittedly, it's one reason why I started practicing with my abilities when I first got them." He grabs on to the handle, "So. I get it."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    The punches stop for a moment, and Bucky looks over his shoulder. "Actually... yeah, I think you do. You really do." Case in point, the cabin.

    But his eyes lock onto Nick grabbing the broom, and he shakes his head quickly. "Don't. My mess, I'll clean it up. That's... important to me."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The musician's hand freezes on the broomstick at the agreement. Someone supporting your statement shouldn't sting but...The way Bucky said it just brings his thoughts back. Control is important. Knowing the limits was important. But even then. Something can happen where you can't just cut things off at your known limit.

Nick turns his head, mouth opening to assure Bucky that it would be no problem to take care of the mess but the sound doesn't come out as Bucky gives his reason. Nick stands still for a few moments, Before he turns his head back, setting the broom back against the wall. Releasing the handle, he lifts his hands up, palms shown to Bucky as if to prove he's not holding on to an invisible one. "All yours then."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Thanks. Actions have consequences, and a loss of control means you have a mess to clean up. Nobody can do that for you, you have to do that yourself." That sounds suspiciously like some form of moral lesson imparted via means of scattered sand and the demise of a punching bag. But then again Bucky is very old school, he finds his props where he can.

    "It's the only way you learn." And with that, smiling, James turns back to the punching bag and starts anew. Lilli, for her part gives Nick a fond look.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick lips tighten. While no longer threatening to brandish the broom, the musician lingers near the wall. His back presses against it as he looks blankly to the pile of sand. What a mess indeed.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Over the sound of the punches striking the bag, Bucky's voice sounds surprisingly firm. Almost like the sound of a Lieutenant, having delivered the stick, is now presenting the carrot to show that sticks only happen once, but carrots could be had at any time. "Help yourself to a drink, got plenty in the backpack. I'm meeting Director Fury over the operation soon, should get the green light to get going after that. Won't be too much longer."

    And he looks over his shoulder again, actually smiling. "You have my promise on that."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The problem is sometimes the stick is more noticable than the carrot. Considering Nick's ability centers around dreams, perhaps it is poetic that it's sand that's distracting him. The offer to help himself to a drink isn't responded to. Nor is the talk of Fury being met with.

But when there is physical movement coming from Bucky to look towards him, Nick blinks out of his momentary stupor to note the smile. His expression mirrors Bucky's as he gives his promise.

Blink. Blink. "Promise on what?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Ah. One of those things. A few more punches and Bucky stops, looking at Nick. There were a lot of things said, and a whole lot of things said without words being used. But James is more used to dealing with soldiers than civilians, and it seems he's going to need to adapt his style a bit. "Never mind, not important."

    His own gaze goes over the sand, and he sighs again, rolling his right shoulder and heading for the broom. "C'mon, let's get this cleaned up. I'll sweep, you get the dust pan."

    Because it's important to clean your own mess... but that doesn't mean you can't ask for help.

    That, too, is important.