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Meeting the Man
Date of Scene: 28 February 2022
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Alexander stops by with a gift for Natasha who's been working extra time guarding Tony. Pepper intercepts him with so many questions for the boyfriend. They have some bonding times.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Pepper Potts

Phobos has posed:
    The times that Natasha Romanoff has to drop everything and rush off to save the world seems to be fairly often. Though assuredly it's not always the world that needs saving, the end result is the same. An absence of a Widow.
    Which can cause its own small problems. But also it inevitably leads to thoughts of what can be done to help, albeit distantly. And for the Olympian known as Alexander Aaron, or Phobos to his grandfather's court, that can mean from remaining on standby to deploy as an agent. Or it can mean to simply keep the homefires burning.
    Which to him really means he has to do all the chores around the safehouse they've taken to living in over the last year. Still.
    With limited intel, less insight, he knows that something is apace with regards to Stark. And the place she likely will be able to receive or accept a package is Stark Tower. Which is why at a point in the evening the security cams will likely illuminate, showing the features of the young blond man standing before the security check point in a black pea coat. He holds a package under his arm, black gloves on his hands as he glances up at the camera. At the security around.
    And awaits admittance. Likely just to the security desk where he intends to drop off the package. But fate often has a way of intervening.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Tonight was one of the few nights that Pepper really did need out, for just a few minutes. So, instead of having dinner delivered, she's gone out to get it. Gone out without her guards, which might get her yelled at in the future, but it's only five minutes to pick up some thai food. Now, she's walking back into the place, her high heels clicking sharp and professional on the marble flooring. She blinks at the very slightly familiar face waiting to be signed in at the security desk.

"Can I help you? Most of the offices are closed for the day. And... I swear, you look familiar." She looks him up and down, trying to figure out if she remembers him from one of the parties. Pepper is polite and smiling as ever, even after a very long day and with dinner in her hands.

Phobos has posed:
    The young man turns, and he's fairly tall. An inch or two over six foot. His hair is a bit wild but his eyes are a pale color akin to hazel as he meets her gaze. His smile is given easily enough as she mentions the offices are closed for the day. The security guard behind him giving Pepper a respectful nod.
    "Hello. Yes ma'am," He offers as to if she can help him as he turns. He holds the box in his hands and murmurs, "I was just looking to leave a package in someone's care for Ms. Rushman when she gets back the office. Just some supplies in case she's going to be forced to work long hours the next few days."
    A glance back is given toward the guard and the hardworking fellow gets a smile before Phobos turns back to Pepper, "My name is Alexander, Alexander Aaron. I used to work with her some time ago."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Oh... *You're* Alex." Pepper's eyes light up with interest. She smiles a bit more, looking him up and down curiously before nodding towards the elevator, "Why not come on up. You can leave it personally for Ms. Rushman. It's dinner time, have you eaten? I might not be able to drag Tony out of the workshop and it's always miserable to meet alone. Come, come... This way." Pepper doesn't seem to be giving him much of a choice, really. She must know what she's doing, even if the guard gives him a little shrug and waves them both through.

Pepper leads the way to the penthouse elevator, the one that bypasses most of the other floors, and leans over for her eye to be scanned to give her access to the top of the building. She's probably violating so many security codes now and hasn't really verified he's Natasha's boyfriend, but she's not yet that paranoid. And she is interested. "I told Natasha she should bring you around, you know?" She offers her free hand to him, "I'm Pepper. Pepper Potts."

Phobos has posed:
    At the mention of coming up, Alexander's eyebrows lift. He tilts a look over his shoulder toward the security guard as if seeking some measure of explanation but the man has little more to offer him. Which returns those curious hazel eyes back to Tony Stark's associate.
    "I..." He starts to say and perhaps formulate an answer or even a refusal only for Pepper to start off and away which leaves him in the wake of the Avenging Administrator. "Well, alright."
    Eventually the only option is to surrender to fate and ride along with it.
    Then once they're at the elevator and uses Natasha's 'real' name, he smiles. Though he hears the rest of what she says and suddenly his eyes widen a little. Because that's the moment the elevator doors close.
    "It's good to meet you, Ms. Potts." He says and accepts the hand, giving it a small squeeze and a business-like shake. "She didn't mention that she'd talked to you about. Things. But thank you."
    He hefts the box a little and smiles slightly then simply says, "Baklava." Just in case there was any concern about the contents.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"A *year*. She told me you both have been dating a *year* and she hasn't brought you around nearly at all, you know? She is my friend, and for her to keep you hidden away an entire *year* is blasphemy!" Pepper is only half teasing about that, though she flashes him a warm, wide smile. The polite handshake is followed up with a little squeeze from her own. She's got tiny hands, bird like and delicate, just as is most of the rest of her. She's this frail slip of a thing who does manage to boss around and organize Avengers on a regular basis. Or, at least, Tony Stark.

"Baklava? Oh, that's dangerous. Did you bring her enough to share? She's not in right now, but I suspect she'll be back for the night shift." Pepper's nose wrinkles a little at the thoughts of it all, "They are being... very particular about my security these days. It's a miracle I was able to slip out even to pick up dinner. And it's *Tony* who someone wants dead, not me. So... I escaped the tower cage for ten minutes for dinner. And managed to find you along the way. So, I would call that a success."

Phobos has posed:
    She starts down that path and he laughs a little, indeed a year as he looks down and then to the side, at the beautiful tableau of New York's skyline before them in that evening. Then he looks back to her as she finishes proclaiming the lack of his being around somehow an injustice against a god. Which perhaps in some ways it is.
    "A year." He agrees finally, "I did come to a party once, but there were... other things on the agenda." And so he did not meet people, though he did indulge in the delicious catering.
    But then the attention falls to the package and he says, "Well, if you like you can have this one and I can come back tomorrow with another."
    But then he rounds back to the earlier topic, "As for things with me and Nat, it's... it was complicated, so can't blame her for. You know. Not elaborating. Perhaps."

Pepper Potts has posed:
And then the elevator dings open, spilling out into the penthouse suite that really has become Pepper's second home lately. "JARVIS, tell Tony I'm back with dinner if he wants to dig himself out of the workshop." Pepper doesn't sound like she has much hope he's going to do that. She slips out of her high heels near the door, kicking them off to the side and then leading the way across the grand apartment towards the kitchen.

"Well, if Natasha gets back in time to claim her baklava before it's dessert, then she gets them. If not, then *we* get them and you'll just have to come back with more tomorrow." Pepper grins to him warmly, just happy for the company, but also intrigued by his presence. She sets the food down on the counter, beginning to pull out some plates.

"Complicated? How....complicated? I can't say that Nat and I are best friends in the world but... she really is one of my closest friends. One of the few I have. I need to make certain you aren't going to break her heart."

Phobos has posed:
    "No ma'am," Alexander says toward the idea of breaking her heart. "I believe we're in it for the long haul and I'm fine with that." Which is said so matter-of-factly as he looks over the surroundings, eyes lifting as he takes in the opulence of Stark Tower.
    But then he walks over in Pepper's wake, following along then asking, "Though. She did tell me I should be prepared to be interrogated by people when and if I get caught alone." Which has him smiling a little. "And please, help yourself to the baklava. I'll grab some more later. Just."
    He tilts his head to the side, then back the other way, as if wrangling for the right words. "I believe we may share in common that feeling when someone close to us heads off into harm's way and there's not a ton we can do."

Pepper Potts has posed:
While Pepper is good at projecting the strong, happy image, there is something about his last words that gets a glimmer from whatever is beneath the surface. The worry she feels. The constant exhaustion. He has well hit the nail on the head there. She clears her throat, green eyes dropping to the dishes she's starting to serve. Apparently, he's getting dinner whether he planned on it or not.

"Yes... yes, we both do. It's... incredibly hard, knowing they're in danger all the time. Knowing there's... nothing we can really do to help. Nothing I can, at least." A bittersweet smile flutters across her lips as she sets out some silverware on the sides of each plate. "I wanted to go down on the ground... One of their operations. Help organize back up and supplies. Tony very firmly disagreed. It's hard wondering... wondering when they won't come home."

Phobos has posed:
    "Yeah," Alexander offers with a nod as he takes off his coat and leaves it on the rack near the door, "Can be rough. Though..." He tilts his head to the side, smiling a little as he follows along, and offering to help should she need such while preparing. He slides his hands into his pockets.
    "We used to work together at SHIELD. Though she was a friend of my father's. So when we started working together we had some shared background." He leans a little to the side, "But now that I'm not on active duty very often it feels like... yeah. Stuck at home, wondering."
    His chin lifts a little, "We could always start our own team. That's clearly the answer." He says that so calmly, so deadpan. She might not know his sense of humor yet. But that straight delievered line is a good example of it.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The news that he'd been with SHIELD gets a little bit of a surprised look from her. "How long were you with SHIELD? Why... aren't you any more? I mean, if you feel stuck at home, why not go...Back? Especially if you have all the training." Pepper is very much the picture of a woman who is safest at home, but has some day dreams of action and a life in he thick of it.

Then he mentions starting her own team. She cracks out a laugh, shaking her head as she carries the plates over to the step-down sitting area. This isn't a night for the formal table, she's trying to get comfortable with him. She sets them both a plate down on the coffee table and then moves for the bar in the corner, "Wine, with this all? Before Tony gets wind that you're even THINKING of bringing me into the field and he sweeps in up here like a tornado. I... I'm not really a super hero team kind of girl, I doubt it. Don't you need to be a little super for that?"

Phobos has posed:
    Scritching his chin for a moment, Alexander's eyes lift to Pepper's. His gaze follows along with her words and gives a nod as she sends a handful of questions his way to which he endures until she's perhaps slipped more in the direction of their creating their own superhero team. "Wine would be good, thank you."
    Though he rarely feels the effect he finds drinking with people tends to put them more at ease. And here it may serve well.
    Then he's moving after as he ponders an answer. Addressing the last of her queries first. "There are some people who contribute to exceptional vigilantism without having gifts. Though if we were really going to go down that path I think maybe instead of a super team we go for a detective agency." He takes a seat at the table next to the plate he was assuming was his own. Though he doesn't touch it yet. "Already talked it over with Natasha." Which he had.
    But then he looks to the side before finally addressing the earlier questions. "I used to be on one of the SHIELD Tactical Response Teams. Though on one deployment some of my squad went down. I reacted to it poorly. So I am only brought in when they're needing manpower." His smile is given, not pleased, more just understanding. One of those smiles that tries to say there's no need for sympathy.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The offer of the wine being accepted does put her a bit more at ease. It gives Pepper something else to do with her nerves than just plummet a barrage of questions in his direction, as she'd just done. In her defense, she does listen as well as she asks, green eyes flickering between her careful pour in the wine decanter and his handsome face across the room. Once she has the entire bottle decanted, she carries it and two glasses over to the corner of the coffee table between the two plush couches, where she's put their food. It's all settled down and she neatly tucks herself down into sitting catty corner to him. Other than her shoes being off, she could be as prim and proper as someone in a corporate board room.

"I feel like I'm... not exactly getting some of the story here. SHIELD doesn't tend to let go of valuable resources. And are you really content just.. sitting back until you need to be extra man power?" Her eyes narrow at him, trying to figure out what piece of this puzzle she's missing, obvious or not. "And as tempting as a detective agency sounds, I should likely not take on *another* job. As is, I live here or in the office 90 percent of the time."

Phobos has posed:
    She can see he is inclined to keep things close to the vest, his natural inclination, hold those cards near. Yet as she speaks there's also another facet to him, that he dislikes not being forthright. Which, ultimately, might have been a problem for an agent down the line. Depending.
    Yet it does draw a sort of pained look from him as he turns his head to the side, then tilts his gaze back. At least to answer the concept of a detective agency first. "Well, this would be perhaps when we're all retired some day."
    Though that seems to be mainly to settle that conversational path as he instead explains. "Ms. Potts, Natasha does view you as one of her few friends. So I am going to trust you with a measure of confidence if I may."
    Which he does wait a moment for some positive sign before continuing. He draws another breath then murmurs, "My father is a... magical being. He's a... representation of aspects of humanity. Which in turn makes me somewhat different by being his son. When I joined SHIELD I wanted to make it on my own merit..."
    Which he allows those words to hang there, perhaps letting her draw her own conclusion.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Letting the wine breathe a few minutes, Pepper neatly pulls her plate into her lap, toying with a few small bites of the food. She eats as birdlike as the rest of her looks, small, careful bites made so she doesn't have too long a pause in conversation and she doesn't have much risk of dropping any on her. Everything about the woman is delicate and practiced enough to make it seem almost perfectly natural. She's an instinctive hostess.

The thought of retirement makes her laugh again, a bit deeper. "Oh... goodness. I don't really plan to ever retire. I mean, if something would happen to Tony..." And there is a storm cloud across her features as she says that, something in her bracing. "Well, I try not to think much about it. This is my entire life. I wouldn't know what to do otherwise." She isn't near so closed off as he is. Possibly she's just happy to have someone new to talk with.

Then he admits that bit about his father. Pepper blinks, her head tilting a bit more as she forgets about the food on her plate. She looks him up and down curiously, but doesn't really press further. "Well... if SHIELD is still calling you back, despite everything, clearly you made some impression."

Phobos has posed:
    As she mentions Tony being her focus he does smile a little, a hint of commiseration, or perhaps sympathy as to the matter. He nods and murmurs, "We like to imagine we retire under good circumstances." For a moment he seems inclined to say something more that causes his lip to twist a little. But he doesn't and instead lifts his chin and gives a nod as if that was well and done.
    "At times," He says about SHIELD calling him back. "Sorry if I'm seeming all..." He lifts a hand and waves it to the side, "Spend a lot of time with Natasha and all so I'm used to trying to be all..." And whatever that word is that's supposed to come after 'all' he doesn't seem able to grab hold of it until he decides on, "Subtle?"
    Then he looks back to her and smiles, "So sorta rough to be back around nice people." He grins a little as he says that, somehow expecting that to get back to Natasha. Perhaps even tell her himself.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I've told this to Natasha before, but I'll tell you as well -- This isn't a place you need to hide. I know it might be habit, and most of the world can't know a damn thing, but *nothing* will leave this room. We have the best security in the world and we aren't recorded in our private places. I know what it is to keep someone's secrets. But it's misery to spend a whole life hiding everything you are. Wondering what you should and shouldn't say. You need at least one or two places, times... to just be a person. So, talk to me. Maybe not now. I understand if I have to earn your trust. But I've earned her's and I make you the same offer." A genuinely sad, understanding smile brushes across her freckled features. Pepper really does understand, but she also knows how lonely a life like that must be.

"But... if you don't feel like entirely opening up tonight, at least put some food in you. Before it gets cold. Take care of Natasha's man is the least I can do, for all she's done for me." Pepper is truly fond of the woman, that much is clear. This isn't some manipulation or plot. Nat is a dear friend.

Phobos has posed:
    A crinkle of his nose is given and for the first time there's a crack in the casual controlled manner of his as he leans forward and takes up a fork to stab into the food almost as if laying claim when he murmurs, "She said you were disarming. She wasn't kidding."
    But he shakes his head and takes a deep breath, making a small face as he finally takes a nibble. Then he looks across the way, "You've met, Thor. Right? God of Thunder. Well there are compatriots to him, even though Asgardians are more..." He looks to the side, then back. "From another world. My father, he's of here. Was born a long time ago, was worshipped. His family are horrible people. He told them to go to heck, and decided to try and live a normal life. Which... was sorta where I came in."

Pepper Potts has posed:
A gentle shake of her head is given, Pepper finally leaning forward to pour them both some of that wine. "I don't know that *disarming* is the word. I'm not trying to take away any defenses here. Just... just give some very stressed, closed off people a place to be *people* for once. To make friends. To realize that not everyone is a danger. If that's disarming..." She shrugs, sliding a glass of wine in his direction.

"So, your father is an... incredibly old, powerful immortal? That... it sounds lonely, frankly. For you too. Did you get some sort of power from him, or just stress and trauma?" Pepper is half joking about that last bit, a sympathetic smile across her freckled face.

Phobos has posed:
    Accepting the glass he tilts it back and sips, then sets it down with a soft clink with his hand around the base. A nod is given as he smiles a little, "I meant it in a positive way. And thank you for the wine."
    Then she speaks toward Alexander's father which has the young man nodding again though just the once when he says. "He works construction these days, though also reps for their union. They have no idea he's anything than just a loud grumpy guy." Which brings that smile back.
    "Because he's my father, a lot of things have happened, and so amongst my family I'm known as Phobos. SHIELD... didn't 'officially' know that."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The news that his father is working construction and has a life aside of it all brings a warmer smile to Pepper's lips. She seems earnestly happy to hear that, relieved that someone can finally get themselves out of this mess of a superhero life. She hides that smile behind a deep sip of wine a moment later, not wanting to seem too interested. She might scare him away.

"Did you have to back away from SHIELD to protect him? Or yourself? And hell, that's... I know SHIELD is nosy. I know they think they have every reason to be, but they aren't very good at staying out of people's lives. Sometimes it's a blessing... sometimes it's a curse."

Phobos has posed:
    "It was my own fault, to be fair, ma'am." Alexander says as he looks at the wine. "There was a... situation." He slips back to the more obscure way of talking, but perhaps more because it's not his secret to share. But he tries to be as upfront as he can when he relates a bit more.
    "And one of my friends didn't make it out. I had been with SHIELD for almost a year at that point. And I didn't take it well. I ended up pursuing some of the people responsible across a border I wasn't allowed to. Nat had to bring me back. So... really it's good on SHIELD they still make use of me from time to time. Now?"
    He shakes his head and smiles a little, "Sort of lashing around a bit. Might go into construction because... why not?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
A bit more understanding crosses her features as he explains exactly what happened. "Well, I'm glad SHIELD are being... kind about it. Phil's always taken good care of me, and I can't really say they *bully* Tony around, because no one can really Bully Tony, but they... got pushy about some things." And Pepper is clearly, highly protective of Tony. Even if he's one of the most powerful men in the world and probably doesn't need it.

She takes another sip of her wine and then sets it aside, moving back to finish the last few bites of her food instead. She certainly looks more relaxed now, almost sitting deep enough into the couch that her back is touching the cushions. Almost. "And you haven't thought of asking Natasha if you can join this Avengers matter? A bit too loud and flashy for you, all things considered?"

Phobos has posed:
    She'd see his lips part, a casual pithy reply likely at the ready to be offered, something mildly clever or humorous to deflect from things. But then he checks that kneejerk reaction, and instead furrows his brow as he says, "I think it might be difficult to work so closely with a loved one. No offense, ma'am."
    He uncurls a hand and murmurs, "Being a part of a team, you have to be able to trust your counterparts and all. To make the right call even if it meant costing you dearly. I'm not sure if I'd be able to make that sacrifice if it called for it."
    There's a pause as he considers, then he murmurs. "Natasha would I believe. But myself, I haven't crossed that bridge yet."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pep's head tilts, ever so slightly, as she catches him stop that pithy reply. It might be the most suble change, but she does catch it. Pepper is that good, deep down. She appreciates him stopping himself, though. It encourages her to open up as well, just another inch or so. She reaches a hand down to undo the middle button of her jacket so it lays flat as she sinks back the rest of the way into the couch. Her plate of food is done, but she brings her wine with her. Now she looks like a woman who might actually be relaxing.

"It's... a remarkable amount of self awareness to realize that. Probably healthy to know, too. Natasha... she was trained to think of people as objects. Trained to distance herself. I suspect it'd be harder for her than you realize but, if she had to..." Pepper doesn't finish the statement. She isn't actually sure that she thinks Natasha would.

"But, you might be right. Maybe there's more than one reason Tony won't let me on the ground with them all and I shouldn't JUST be mad that he's... he's being over protective. Even if I still hate the thought of all of them down there and my being safe and sound in some glass tower."

Phobos has posed:
    "That could be it," Alexander says as he takes another sip of wine. A glance is given sidelong toward part of the penthouse as he considers the surroundings for a time, then looks back to her.
    "He might not trust himself to make that call." There's a small smile given then he says "Myself?" A shake of his head is given as he takes another small bite of food, then sets the fork down.
    "Thank you for the food and drink, Miss Potts." He then pushes himself to his feet and gives a nod toward the rest of the baklava as he murmurs, "Please feel free to help yourself. I'll bring some more along tomorrow."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I look forward to it. And you are always welcome here, Alex. With or without Natasha. Though she has promised to bring you to brunch, and that's when I cook, so you're in for a proper treat then." Pepper smiles warm to him, escorting him politely to the door now that she's gotten up from the couch. She does realize she's kept him far longer than he planned. "I'll give her your love when she gets back as well. Sorry to keep her from you. Hopefully this mess won't be much longer." With that, she sees him out with a gentle, warm wave farewell.