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Latest revision as of 14:29, 14 March 2022

On a Hunt
Date of Scene: 27 January 2022
Location: Mercy's Garage - Fort Joseph, Haven
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Kit Killovarras

Mercy Thompson has posed:
A blanket of snow has fallen over the course of the afternoon, and it lays some few inches thick across the ground. It's the small hours of the evening -- around four or so, and the darkness has begun to close in already. This time of year, it happens early. There are clouds in the sky, and they block out the sunset, though there are slight flickers of light that illuminate behind the clouds. There are some things that aren't bothered by the lack of light or by the cold. Some of those things have been out already -- a couple of rabbits, a couple of coyotes, and a couple of other creatures.

One of those things happens to still be out. At least, sort of. Mercy has the doors of the garage pulled down, and she stands just outside the office door with a steaming mug held between her hands. She looks out across the empty vastness of the property that she owns, and there's a slight furrow to her brow. She's wearing a pair of winter boots that aren't tied up, a pair of blue jeans, a green sweater, and a jacket that she pulled overtop of it. The jacket isn't done up either, which makes it seem as though she stepped outside for something brief rather than a longer stint. Her black hair is actually not secured in its usual braids, most of it held caught beneath the jacket. She keeps the mug of cocoa in hand, and she takes a couple of steps away from the office door, her attention still on the back property. There are hulks of rusting cars out there, among other things, though it's those potential 'other things' that she's more curious about in the moment.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Speaking of 'other things', it's a strange thing seeing a yeen plodding through the snow! Kit isn't exactly the graceful type when in unfamiliar places or on unfamiliar footing and while he enjoys the snow, he's about as stable on it as a child on ice skates.

There's an attempt being made to traverse some deeper parts of the white wasteland, but the attempt eventually leads to it's inevitable conclusion of a face-plant and a little 'floomph' of the softer snow winding airborn again for just a moment.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The sight of the yeen slogging his way through the snow tugs at Mercy's hearing, first. There are sounds that go along with such a traversal, and after a moment, she turns her head to look in his direction. A smile tugs at the corners of her lips as she watches him, and she lifts her right hand to offer a wave of greeting. He may not be a graceful sight, or a usual one, but he's a welcome sight as well as being a familiar one. He's a friend, and his visit is both unexpected and welcome.

"Hey, Kit!" Mercy calls out, a smile easily returning to her features. "I haven't had a chance to do any shovelling yet, sorry!" she adds, lifting a hand to lightly push aside a lock of hair. She watches his progress for a moment, then looks past him towards what had originally caught her attention and lured her out here. She gives a small shake of her head. Perhaps it had been her imagination? She doesn't see anything there, other than him. "I've got tea and sandwiches, if you're hungry?" she offers, her attention turned back to him.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
A thumb lifts out of the snow bank with a little, "That's alright!" from the cheerful aardwolf shortly before he sits up and shakes some snow out of his fur, then continues onward towards the garage. The offered food just gets a little laugh and a playful, "When am I /not/ hungry?" and a little grin.

"A good cup of tea though would be wonderful though, it's cold as hell out here." he says when he makes it a bit closer. He's wearing his normal attire, which for the current weather? Is nowhere near appropriate and it shows. A simple hoodie and jeans does not make good attire for anywhere with snow unless you're built for it and while he might have fur? Kit's very much a desert dwelling creature.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's a chuckle from the woman-coyote as she spies the thumb emerging from the snow, and her brown eyes reflect a touch of amusement. Though shoveling snow isn't exactly her favourite task, it's good exercise and it's a lot cheaper than hiring a plow service. She lifts her mug to take a sip of the hot cocoa within her mug, savouring the delicious heat and flavour of it. She watches him make progress through the snow, and she tilts her head a little to one side before she gives a soft laugh and a nod to him. "That's a true point, you're always hungry," she says in a light tone, a smile teasing her lips.

"I have a few different types of tea that you can choose from. It is cold out here, that's true," Mercy agrees, giving a nod to him. Her breath fogs the air, and she tilts her head a touch to one side. "Let's head inside. I can put the kettle on and you can pick a tea, and then we can see what sandwiches I have in the fridge. Do you have warmer clothes for wearing out in weather like this?" she asks, curiosity in her voice. She steps over to the door of the office, reaching out with one of her hands to pull it open and gesture slightly for him to head inside.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
For the last dozen hards of snow, Kit finally just gets annoyed with not being able to see where the ground is solid, so what does he do? A hint of violet electricity dances through his fur as he holds up a hand, sort of carving a path towards the door by pushing the snow out of the way little bi little. Then he looks to Mercy as he walks up and shakes his head. "No warmer cloths, sadly. I should probably go out and buy some though." he says with a sheepish little grin. "People told me it got cold here, but didn't exactly stress /how/ cold."

When he reaches the door he stands back for a second, shaking all the4 excess snow out of his now slightly damp fur and offers a smile at the gesture of the door being held open. "Thank you." he says as he steps inside.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The snow has drifted in uneven depths. It has to do with the way the wind passes over this open stretch of land. There are some trees, but they're further out from the garage itself. There's a patch of woods back there, and there are a lot of trails passing through them. Most of them are coyote trails that smell the same. That smell a bit like Mercy does. Given that she was the coyote that made the trails, that aspect may not be surprising. She tilts her head a bit to one side as she sees that violet electricity flickering over his fur, and she can't help but to chuckle softly at what he uses the magic for.

"That's the first time I've seen magic used to shovel snow," she comments, a touch of amusement to her voice. "It would be a good idea to have more cold weather clothes. The snow tends to last, sometimes into April or even as far as May," she explains. "It gets pretty cold, yeah. You may want to rig up something for your paws, too. It wouldn't do to end up with frostbite on them," she adds, glancing down towards them. She gives a small nod to him, and then she follows after him. Once within, she pulls hte door closed, and she wipes her boots on the mat before removing her feet from them to set the boots on the boottray to one side. She sets her mug of cocoa on the counter, and then she shrugs out of her jacket to hang it on a peg. "What kind of tea do you like?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit gives a little shrug at the response to his magic, giving a little smile as he muses, "I've used my magic for far less, honestly. Hell, my grandfather uses magic for his gardening." with a little laugh.

He takes a moment on the mat himself, tapping his pawpads against it gently before he nods. "Probably a good idea.. I'm not really fond of the idea of losing toes.." Then there is another mention of tea and the aardwolfs ears perk up a little before he offers a little smile, "Earl Gray, if you have any?" he asks with a little tilt of his head.