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Latest revision as of 14:30, 14 March 2022

First Day at the Dojo
Date of Scene: 06 January 2022
Location: Mercy's Garage - Fort Joseph, Haven
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Mercy Thompson

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Nothing like a first day somewhere, right? Especially when it's a place that you only know maybe one or two people total and throw in the fact that you obviously aren't human? Well that's just icing on the cake.

Well, all those things and more are an issue for the yeen who just recently walked in and where he would normally be covering up his features? A Gi doesn't really allow one to cover their head and it isn't made of a heavy enough cloth to successfully hide a tail. His hands, feet and even his torso are wrapped though for some reason, whether to offer some impact resistance or for another reason is anyone's guess though.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
First days can often be challenging things to get through, no matter where they happen to be or what they happen to be for. At least in this particularly situation, it's expected that those new to the dojo don't have a layer of martial arts skills upon which they're building. Sometimes a person has a couple of moves that they've picked up from experience or watching television shows or movies and the like.

The dojo is, at least, a relaxed environment. And the class is relatively small -- half a dozen individuals and the sensei, which is the dojo owner himself, Ian. This particular class seems made up of low-ranked individuals, where belts are concerned. Beginners. It's a mixture of ages -- a few other teens, and a few younger kids. Mercy happens to be here as well (wearing a gi and her earned purple belt), for though she's of middling level, she figured that seeing a friendly and familiar face might help with the first day. She and another purple belt are to the opposite side of the dojo than where the class is being held, sparring with one another.

Ian steps over to Kit in order to meet him shortly after he's come inside. "Good morning, Kit," he offers in greeting, a smile easily coming to his features. Mercy, from where she is, lifts a hand to offer a quick wave and a smile in their direction before she reaches out to help her sparring partner back to his feet.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit's ears perk up slightly as Ian walks over and says good morning, offering a little smile and a slight bow of his head as he gives a simple, "Good morning." Mercy's gesture doesn't go unnoticed and he turns his attention to her for a moment to give a little wave.

The yeen takes a moment to look around, scanning the dojo with those mismatched eyes of his before one ear flops to the side and he gives a quiet, "I'll admit, have absolutely no idea what I'm doing here." with a little chuckle, "But at very least, I'm eager to learn. Plus, this seems like an inviting change from the other things I've been studying." There's a little wrinkling of the bridge of his maw for a moment, but he just sort of shrugs it off.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The woman-coyote finishes helping her sparring partner to his feet, and then she gives a small nod to him. They step aside and off the mat, each retrieving a water bottle in order to take a bit of a break. Mercy unscrews the lid from hers and takes a swig from it, then replaces the cap before setting it near the wall and stepping towards the back room.

Ian, meanwhile, remains near to Kit, and a smile touches his expression at the words spoken. "This is not abnormal. Many who come here do not know anything about martial arts or the practice of them," he says, inclining his head slightly towards the aardwolf. "It is always pleasing to have an eager student," he adds, his dark eyes showing a sparkle to them. "If it is not too personal to ask, what other things have you been studying?" he asks, a touch of curiosity coming to his voice.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit scratches at the back of his head and grins, "Just the usual. American history, mathematics, ritual necromancy, divination, economics.." he explains as if a couple of those aren't entirely fucking strange to admit to studying! He gives a little shrug though and adds, "Long story short, I have a weird life. It'll be good to get to do something that lets me feel.. Well, normal."

Then he gives a little sigh and tilts his head ever so slightly before he asks, "So, where do we start?" with a little smile, seeming rather eager, even if he is a bit nervous. Then something seems to dawn on him and he adds, "Probably with me standing with the other students.. huh?" with a slightly toothy, if rather sheepish grin.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Ian raises an eyebrow slightly as normal subjects end up turning rather bluntly into abnormal ones, which do cause a bit of surprise to appear briefly. "Some more usual than others, it would seem," he comments, giving a soft chuckle. He lifts a hand to make a slight gesture across the room. "Who is to say what is normal? We all grow up with our own surroundings and lives and family, and we all have our own definition of what is normal," Ian says, giving a small nod.

Ian gives another soft chuckle, and then he gestures towards the mat and the other beginner students who are waiting. "This way, yes. You can introduce yourself and meet the others you are in class with. We will start with a warm up, which is how every lesson and sparring session begins regardless of the level," he explains. Mercy reappears from the back room, carrying bottles of water enough for all of those in the class as well as for the sensei, and she sets them a short distance from the mat's edge nearest to the class -- each of the bottles is labelled with the name of who it is for.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"That's usually how I see it. One persons normal could be absolutely insane for another." Kit says with a little nod, then bows his head once again to Ian before walking onto the mat and over towards the other beginner students.

Ok, so he can admit to studying ancient forms of magic, can fight multiple armed opponents with little care in the world, but put him in any sort of social setting and the yeen comes off as abnormally shy and this is not gonna be one of the exceptions it seems. He was going to greet the other students with a proper greeting and introduction, but all that really comes out is a simple, "Hey.." before he sort of locks up.

Visual queues are a thing for a yote as much as a yeen and Mercy would be able to tell that he's remarkably uncomfortable right now due to the way his tail stays pretty parallel to his left leg, his ears aren't twitching like they normally would and the fur along the back of his neck is - though not immediately noticeably - starting to fluff up a bit, but he's managing to not let it get too high.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Exactly so, yes. Here, you will focus on what you are learning, as will the other students," Ian says, a smile coming easily to his features. Ian walks with him over to the other students, and he doesn't seem uncomfortable in the slightest. Rather the opposite, in fact -- he seems rather open and accepting and at ease. When all Kit offers is just that short greeting, Ian seems to take it in stride. "This is Kit," he offers in introduction, smiling to the group of them. "Like the rest of you, he is also a beginner in this martial art. Kit, your classmates are Davis, Julie, Melissa, Rick and Sophie," he says, making a gesture towards each person in turn.

"Mercy, if you would join us, please," Ian adds. Mercy gives a nod to Ian, and then she steps onto the mat to come over and join the group that makes up the class, positioning herself nearest to Kit. "Take a deep breath... this is a safe place and you're doing great," she whispers quietly, giving him a reassuring smile. Loud enough for him to hear, but not enough so that the others will hear. She'd fight anyone that even tried to hurt him.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
It's a good thing hyenas can't blush, especially when Ian has to introduce him cause he's being shy, but he notes each of the students as they're introduced, giving an ever so slight nod as he marks each one down in his head. Socially awkward aardwolf is apparently a thing, but at least he's paying attention.

Mercy's whisper gets her a glance from Kit and a quiet chuckle, his voice too quiet to be heard by normal ears, though given what he knows about the yote, he figures she'll still be able to hear it, "I've never been good around new people.."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There was more than one reason that Ian opted to take over the introductions. Perhaps Kit isn't the only shy person in the class. Ian gives the students a moment to loosely accustom themselves with each other. "You will line up in two rows of three, and Mercy will take a position where she sees fit. She will help with ensuring the movements are being performed correctly and to provide adjustments where they are needed," Ian explains, giving a nod to them. He gives them a few moments to get themselves spaced out. "Arm's length, minimum, between each other."

Mercy glances towards Kit, and then she gives a small nod to him, easily hearing the words. She has ears that are as keen as his own, even when she's in human form. "Depends on the person, for me. The others are as new to each other and here as you are, and just as quiet. Familiarity will come," she whispers quietly, a smile quirking her lips.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit has no real trouble taking instruction, so he pretty quickly finds where he's supposed to be. Even if he's uncomfortable, he's also not hiding his height or his form, so that's a thing at very least. Even if it can be intimidating to see a large animal, this one apparently has the demeanor of a house pet.

"Usually how it works.." Kit says, once again just below the range of human hearing. "I'm just glad no one's freaked out.." Being able to carry on a conversation in a crowded room without anyone else hearing is very much a perk of having such good hearing.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The woman-coyote settles into a position that's to one side of the small group of students. She still stays close to Kit, though not within arm's reach as had been directed. She gives a soft chuckle, and then she lifts one of her shoulders in a bit of a shrug. "They could freak out, if they really wanted to or felt a need to, but... why would they? There are scarier things than you, physical appearance wise. No offense intended," Mercy whispers, winking at him. There's something very honest about those words, like she's seen things that are scarier than him as well. There are things that go bump in the night, and she knows more about them than she likely ever thought she would.

At the front of the group, Ian takes a moment to look over the spacing between the students and make a couple of adjustments. "It will come to the point where you can judge the distance by eye instead of having to reach to be sure. I will show the warm up exercises now." And he proceeds to do so, though Mercy doesn't join in just yet.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little chuckle from Kit when Mercy mentions there being things more intimidating than him and he even murmurs, "I know, but people get irrational sometimes when they see a giant hyena. Even if I do look like a twig."

Kit has very little trouble judging the distance without having to reach out and be sure, but that can be chalked up to the fact that his magic has a hard limit on distances when he's not in the process of a surge. So he just gets where he needs to be and waits to be walked through the warm-ups, moving through them fairly easily as well. For his size, he's a nimble creature and just about anything that requires more physical strength seems to be fairly easy for him, but he also makes a note of taking his time with them never the less.