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Latest revision as of 08:16, 18 March 2022

Close contact: An study in nerves, perhaps
Date of Scene: 18 March 2022
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Rogue came to see what Lux was all about, gave a proposition to Sinister
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Rogue

Sinister has posed:
Sometimes, one doesn't need exclusive peace and quiet to study. Sometimes the very act of being in a distracting environment is a lesson in focus and concentration. This is why a favourite booth with the good view of bar and floor is being occupied by a Scientist with a souped up iPad. Sinister's been there for a good hour or two, since Lux opened, working out bio-chemistry scenarios on a program. Occasionally a drink; fruity cocktail or straight liquor is brought and set down, but he's been moderately undisturbed save for clearing away empties for the time he's been working there. The proprietor of the establishment is likely carouselling and doing what he does, keeping an eye on the fly...

Imagine his vexation when a familiarity is sensed, lifting eyes to the bar, then slow to the entrance doors of the ritzy nightclub.

Rogue has posed:
That familiar scent? It's one Rogue of the X-Men who has decided to grace the Lux with her prescence. She offers her ID to the bouncer at the door and then steps in - and perhaps to the surprise of no one - she is wearing an off shoulder dress, where it has one sleeve and the other arm is bare, the dress is a forest green with yellow trimming - she also wears black silk gloves that go up to her elbows. Otherwise? Bare skin, baby. Stiletto heels click - to those who can hear - across the floor as she makes her way to the horseshoe bar and settles on a stool. "Gin and tonic, please. Thank you."

Sinister has posed:
Should that be a surprise to all? Well, the people that frequent Lux, only one of them would even KNOW how much of an oddity that is. Sinister grins wryly to himself and watches for a little bit - Sometimes, studying is all an art of observation and lack of interference. She's bound to notice, to feel soon enough, that she's being watched, but until then? He shall see what behaviours she exhibits, what psychology seems to be driving this.

"The Host has a policy; the first drink is free, after that you can pay as you go, or set up a tab," the bartender informs, setting a Tangueray and tonic with a slice of fresh lime upon the bar before her and gracing it with a winning smile.

Rogue has posed:
"Thanks darlin'. I'll surely keep that in mind." Rogue offers this, giving a smile to the bartender. She takes the lime garnish, dips it into the liquid and licks it off before lifting the glass to sip at. "Don't happen to have a workin' kitchin someone could order some grub from do ya?" Surely she'll be proffered a menu after this and she'll look it over while sipping her drink.

There is an odd sensation. Rogue has a thing about being watched, a keen adaptation of feeling eyes on her. So she gives a cursory glance around the bar, but upon the first sweep of her gaze, she may miss Sinister where he's seated.

Sinister has posed:
"We do, miss. We do a mean fish and chips, plus there's the bar menu," setting a standing laminated menu before rogue, the bartender smiles. It's noting great, but you can get the standard fair, nachos, mozza sticks and other alcohol dissipating fatty foods, because such things are law almost everywhere, to have the right to a liquor license. There's a smile offered. "I'll leave you to decide what you want for now... just hollar."

It's THursday. THe prequel to Friday.

Sinister makes no attempt to hide himself exactly, but doesn't wave or raise hand, or hollar with voice or mind. He can and will be patient.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods and then begins looking over the menu while sipping on her drink. What most won't notice either, but perhaps Sinsister will, is that her skin seems a bit...matte. There's no 'glow' as one would normally have, especially on exposed skin that usually can't be covered by makeup or other products to reduce such a thing.

She also still feels eyeballs and that's annoying.

Finally, she spots him, and a brow is raised before she quickly turns to face the bar once more. Waving her hand to get the bartender's attention. "You know what, fish and chips sounds amazin'. Can I get an order of those, and then... in about an hour...I'll want an order to go. Same thing. Oh and mozz sticks. With the to go order." Then she grunts. "And I'll be...back for the food..." This much, she turns and stands, saunter-walking towards Sinister's table.

"What, ya followin' me now?"

Sinister has posed:
Either she can seriously put it away, or she's getting take-out for someone else. EIther way, Sinister lofts an eyebrow just a fraction and watches as she saunter-walks in his direction. He lifts his chin to look up at her, giving her the vantage of towering over him. "I was going to ask you the same thing. I was here first, you see. Welcome to Lux," a small but pleasant enough smile is offered at the welcoming.

Beyond her, a man in a suit with elegantly coiffed black hair seems to be schmoozing in the VIP section, looking down albeit fleetingly to meet eyes with the scientist. He looks back to Rogue with a tilt of the head.

"What brings you out to this high class den of sin and inequity?" he asks. "It can't be the bar food, even if the fish and chips -are- quite good for this side of the pond."

Rogue has posed:
"As if. I ain't got a bead on you, if that's what yer thinkin'. I'll leave that to Scott or Jean or something." Rogue offers with a smile. "I wanted out of the mansion, and decided to just come to the city. Of all the gin joints in the world, eh?" Speaking of gin, she takes a good drink of her tonic before looking over the place. "Besides, heard this was an interesting place. Had to come check it out myself." Then she lets her lips curl back into a smirk. "You gonna make me stand here all night or offer me a seat? Or should I just fuck off?"

The order to go is for someone else. She'll eat the portion she ordered for now and then pick up the other order when leaving. "Kinda slow tonight, yeah?"

Sinister has posed:
"It's a weekday. Despite the rich having little worry about having to get up before noon, some of the wannabe riches still have to work in the morning. It gets packed at the weekend," Sinister observes, gesturing to a seat nearby and with a complex code, locking his iPad. You never can tell. But for a fleeting look, it appeared as if there was a complex chain polymerase inhibitor on the screen, or in other words, a really large molecule that stops an enzyme from replicating certain factors in a genome. Exciting stuff.

"You would probably enjoy the theme nights. It turns into a session lounge which is a dying phenomenon in this day and age of digital music and DJ's, living or Ai. The proprietor is as old fashioned as he is modern." There's a fond smile, but my word he tries to hide it. Unsuccessfully, we might add. "Just out of curiosity, do you honestly think Summers has any capacity to bead me, or even glitter me?"

Rogue has posed:
"Absolutely not. I don't even think Professor X has the ability. But I think they like to think they can try - or they trick themselves into thinking they're successful." Rogue answers Sinister's last question first, before shifting to take the proffered seat. There's a raised brow and a tilt of her head as she goes, "Theme night?"

After she sits, she takes a breath and watches Sinister for a moment. She doesn't care about the contents of his iPad, and didn't even bother looking. She does, however, soon take a breath and says - "Actually. I've been meaning to get in touch with you. I - ah - wanted to know if you could help me with something..." Then she gives the cliff note version of her encounter with Askante and labeled to have a certain phobia. "But I need someone who can...sort of...dig around my brain I guess? Maybe see if a root cause can be found?" A pause. "I'd ask someone at the mansion but Jean is too volitile and...I can't seem to get in touch with our other resident mind person.."

Sinister has posed:
"Roaring twenties, swinging fifties, disco 70's, jazz night, open mic, gangsters and moles, that kind of thing," Sinister replies, laughing at the statement made of opinion. He doesn't argue it, leaving the enigma as what it is. He reaches for his current drink, a long island iced tea and takes a refreshing sip, preparing to light up a smoke. THe tin is left in her reach if she wants one, a zippo set atop it.

But then, there's that. That's enough to cause him to raise eyebrows a little, flicking the one up higher than the other. "Intriguing. And quite surprising. You're asking me to dig in your mind, of your own accord. A favour. Well, I'm willing to assist, of course." A gesture is made to her outfit. "Dermal coating, I assume?" indicating the bare patches of skin.

Rogue has posed:
"Oh. Well. Yeah. That all sounds really fun. Maybe if I knew when a theme night was happening I could talk my bo--" Rogue stops herself. "A friend of mine to join me." She does reach for the tin, to procur a smoke, lighting it with that zippo. "Thanks." Before a waitress comes by to deliver her first order of fish and chips. She asks for another gin and tonic, then proffers over her credit card. "I'll close by bill out." Cause she doesn't want to drink too much.

Her attention goes back to Sinister after the waitress leaves for the moment. "Look. I've said this before. Everyone's told me to be careful around you. To not trust you. That you're evil." She munches on a fry then. "And I believe them. To a point. I think you take care of yourself and those whom you've chosen worthy to be taken care of. And I'm not here to argue points. Just make one. That being, for whatever reason, I've put a bit of trust in you. Maybe it'll wind up being the worst decision of my life, but up to this point, you haven't steered me wrong. I doubt you'll suddenly decide to kill me or something."

Sinister has posed:
"Hardly. You're much more interesting alive and kicking. Please do make sure you keep it that way, hm?" Sinister caught the slip of the tongue though, flashing teeth in a fleeting yet dimpled grin. "I guess you can now count yourself amongst the complicated, then. Your friend... is liable to be just as welcome here. All are, until they do something dumb. It's a sanctuary." He gestures around with a wave of cigarette at the antiquated but post-modern decor. "And so as you can put a face to a suggestion," he points with cigarette and a fix of eyes to the VIP lounge, so Rogue can get a bead on Tall Dark and Deviously devilish.

"I believe a time or two went by though, where you were considered on the wicked side. Your adopted mother is a piece of work, even if she has her own doting mannerisms. What one man decries, another man clings to... or is oblivious to how much he's been helped over the years. I /am/ an amoral son of a bitch without a conscience that they're aware of though. I like to keep it that way."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks and nods. "I'm sure he will be. I get that vibe here, about all being accepted and such." This much is said before she motions with her cigarette. "Ah and yes, uhm, dermal coating. Put together by my friend. Temporary, obviously, and I have to be careful while wearing it still but it does allow me a bit more freedom. Still. I think this fear has merits. That it's why I have issues controlling my powers. Not the first time fear has been used as the reason so it must be true, right?"

Then she listens further and takes a breath. "Yes. I was considered wicked. Still am, by some, so there's that. I guess that's why I don't mind working with you. I get it. And whatever you want them to think, they think it. Not on me to change their minds and I wouldn't try anyway." She smirks then and takes a bite of fish. "Mmn, this IS delicious."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's gaze goes very slightly up and to the right of her gaze, as if looking at something only he can see. He doesn't say anything though, just gives a knowing kind of smile and looks back. Inellegant, but functional I wager. We can't all be me, myself and I." He sniffs. "Fight or flight trigger. The adrenaline surges just ahead of contact and as a means of self-protection. Your power doesn't know that you really don't need it to protect you, nor does your subconscious." He drags on his smoke, blows a ring with a pop of his jaw and adjusts his seating. "I will reach out to you again, as I did before. I may wish to record some of this for posterity." And study.

The fish gets a nod though. "The trick is in the batter and the oil used. It's not changed nearly as often as the others, but is used exclusively for the fish. It means it retains a fuller flavour."

Rogue has posed:
"So the trick is somehow telling my powers that in most situations, I'm fine? That I'll use them when I need them?" Rogue offers. "Not trying to be snarky...just making sure I understand. I also figure it may not be easy to train that into onesself... but I am surely willin' to try." Then she smirks and nods. "I figured that'd be the case. You wantin' to contact me so you can set it up in a way you can record some. I just appreciate you bein' willin' to help."

She takes a few more moments to polish off most of her fish and chips, and drink down the next gin and tonic she gets. Also, she puts in a tip hoping it goes to both the waitress and the bartender. Then she looks Sinister over. "Well. I guess I did sort of get dolled up for nothing... I should make sure they have my to go order cooking... and then likely head out..."

Sinister has posed:
"Roxie'll be bagging it before you even get so far as asking her, she's a doll." Sinister observes, but nods to the rest of what was said. "Essentially yes. And fear is an obstacle that has to be overcome, as the limbic system isn't going to listen to you when it's pervasive. If that is the core of it all."

That's she's dangerous and inherantly isolated. And perhaps deserves to be. Somehow.

"Mister Morningstar sends his regards," flicking eyes up to the VIP lounge and back.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue chuckles as she shifts to stand, tugging her dress back into place a bit. "Yes. Sounds like a little bit of stuff I understand mixed with some things I don't. It's fine. We'll work out the specifics later." Then she follows those flicked eyes up and back again. "Well, it's a shame I wasn't able to meet him. Perhaps next time. Will you do me the honor of letting me know when the next theme night is?" A pause. "It was...interesting running into you Sinister. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night." With that she turns, goes to collect her meal for Hank, and then proceeds to exit the Lux.