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Special Equipment for Specialized Consultants
Date of Scene: 24 March 2022
Location: R and D Labs, The Triskelion
Synopsis: The specialized equipment designed for Agent Aaron is having odd reactions to Olympian physiology so will need some expert consultations.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Phobos has posed:
    The circular rig in the large empty room was a hodge-podge of miraclework and brilliance. It wasn't as cleanly assembled and there were pieces that were taken from one department and brought in to the R&D department, but there were fewer places in the world that could take such a robust spectrum read of readings and energy flow of myriad types. Which is why most new equipment, no matter how mundane, is brought in for testing here.
    And which is why when something escapes their expertise it can be so troubling for the team.
    "Could you stop moving, Agent Aaron? Please?" The professor's tone was slim on patience, but it was likely not entirely aimed at his current subject. It was a more robust displeasure aimed at his staff equally so. Unfortunately they were locked in the observation booth with him and couldn't escape. At least until these readings were done.
    "I'm still getting the flawed spectrometer read, the suit's not giving off excess energy and the temperature readings are high."
    "Subject runs a high temperature normally, something to do with his manifestation."
    "Yes but he's insulated and the electronics shouldn't be affected."
    "Still, it'll function, just speaks ill for the wear and tear down the line."
    "Sure and then next time he gets in a fight with a fire caster or something and he's screwed? Not on my watch."
    Then the intercom is triggered again, "Agent Aaron, please turn around?"
    And there in the middle of that circular observation rig, standing on a metal dais, was Alexander. Tall perhaps a few inches over six foot considering the combat boots he wore. His body was encased in what seemed like a molded plastic that contoured to his form almost perfectly. Each line, each supple curve, each signature of strength in his athletic body was exposed by the black cat suit save for the crotch area which was protected. There were several straps across the armor, a belt, a few pouches. But the real thing they were likely testing beyond the resistance of the suit...
    Was the black faceless helmet that he wore.
    Featureless, much like the helmets of the Tactical Response Teams, but more sleek. Less a look of a soldier and more like a sleek mirrored vehicle pilot's helmet. It encompassed his head entirely, and when he spoke the modulator of the system altered his voice to sound neutral and electronic.
    "I'm not moving, Professor." He answers. And continues to not move.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She had been notified of the testing happening in the lab. While they had received the equipment a while back, it was a basic version with no bells and whistles. The R&D section just had sent the prototype to see what Alexander Aaron though of the design. And after receiving feedback, they had set about building a bigger and better version.

They were up to version 3.7. The professor was never happy with the toys and was always trying to improve them.

She entered into the observation room, her clearance high enough to allow her. She wasn't assigned to Agent Aaron, but she was considered a contact point for him and thus was eligible to attend this little get together.

A nod was given to the gathered professionals as she moved to get a view of the excitement within. She listened to the explanations of the testing and how the professor was not happyw with the readings. She did not attempt to add anything to the conversation because she was not one of the technical types. She liked her toys. She didn't help design them outside saying 'I would like it to do X' and they made it happen through some mix of science or magic or voodoo for all she knew.

"I'm pretty sure he moved," she comments, not because she actually thought he did but so he knew she was in the room with the others as the radio communication to him was open.

Phobos has posed:
    The sound of her voice did get him to move.
    Slightly, a hint of insouciance to his stance. She likely could imagine any number of things rattling around in his thoughts that he'd say to her. But for now he was silent. Even as the team went through the examinations. One of the men at a terminal frowned and gestured to the big screen, 'throwing' his display onto the big board and showing the spikes of energy that hey could read.
    "That's the ectoplasm cross-spectrometer's reading, and it's showing an amazingly condensed level of non-centralized energy which seems to be keyed to him and the suit. It's not creating any direct feedback, but it's like wrapping a battery with flash paper. Has anyone sat down one of these Greeks and studied them?"
    There are a few looks sent Natasha's way, though nobody had the courage to directly outright ask her, but the Professor continued, "We need an insulating agent, or..."
    The old man frowned and took a deep breath, looked down, then looked up. "Or we could extend a hand to the magical department. Since he is partly... fantastical in origin."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The fact he did move upon hearing her voice meant that she had won. Which amused Natasha though he likely couldn't really see it. Was he able to see into the Observation room? She hadn't thought to ask. So to test it, she moved a bit closer to the glass to make sure she would be visible to the man within.

Her attention went to the professor and his team. "I'm not sure that 'these Greeks' are the most patient of beings to sit down while being poked and prodded like lab rats. They are people. Their origins may seem fantastical but I'm not sure that is fitting for them."

Though it was a way to sum up the fact they were manifestations of a sort. Only, Alexander had been alive and well long before he took on the mantle of Phobos. So she knew she wasn't wrong here. They were just people. Beings. Perhaps seemingly alien in some ways.

"If Agent Aaron is interested in volunteering, I'm sure he will do so. Although, perhaps I could enlist other asssistance outside the SHIELD circles if you would like?"

Phobos has posed:
    "How does one become a Greek God? Is there like a course you take at community college? Or something," A few words offered by one of the researchers, some hint of bitterness in his tone at the injustice of the world. It was only semi-recently that the status of Agent Aaron was revealed to the staff that had to handle some of the demands that were needed for implementing him as a specialist operative...
    But for most of SHIELD it was still unknown.
    The only answer he gets back from his team is one guy giving a shrug and waving a hand to the side. But nothing further disparaging is said.
    "I'll submit a request to Fury for permission to make that suggestion if the subject is amenable," The Professor offers as he clicks down a few options in his own personal display, looking up and double-checking the figures shown on the large display.
    Inside the room the faceless man in black turns a little. She'll likely see the way he cocks his head to the side. Not quite a wave, but close enough that even if she didn't know it was him in the suit. She'd know him.
    Then the head of the R&D department looks over at Natasha, "Did you have something in mind, Agent Romanoff?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"In regards to Olympians," Natasha says, choosing that term instead of Greek gods. Though that is what they are. Yet it sounds perhaps less intimidating to members of staff if they think of him as something more alien. Like Asgardians were typically called by that term, instead of Norse gods. At least in polite company. Perhaps the one jealous researcher wasn't polite company.

"I can ask his father for more information. See if there is anything he can provide we don't already have in our databases." Not everything. Just if he'd throw them a bone. Considering the sheer amount of what they didn't know about the Olympians, it wouldn't have to be much.

"As for the suit, I do have someone on speed dial that is a bit of a specialist when it comes to such things. Could see if he has any suggestions, if you like?" She wasn't going to name drop but she probably might as well have.

Phobos has posed:
    "If they have experience in connecting technology to the... eldritch?" The Professor's smile turns a little wry, "Then by all means." If there was one thing that the man was known for, it was for being keen on utility. Making something work the best for 'his' agents was the most important aspect for him. Research was important of course, but not at the cost of the lives of his people.
    The displeased research assistant frowned to himself and mouthed the word, 'Olympians' to himself with a hint of distaste. It was clear there was something that bothered him about the nature of things. But perhaps what he was thinking was voiced by the next assistant who spoke up.
    "Do we know if he was as handsome before he became..." Only for her voice to trail off as she cleared her throat, "I mean. Were there obvious changes in his epidermis? If that was saturated with magical energy..."
    Which caused another assistant to cough as well, perhaps covering a snicker of their own. Though that did earn a glower from the head of the department. "Do not be embarrassed, Agent Pulcher, good thinking. We need ideas people, not snideness." So apparently he had been listening.
    Though then he nods to the Black Widow, "Agent Romanoff, if you wish to convey to Agent Aaron that we are done with him for the day?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
There were times even the patience of Natasha was tested. This was one of them. The one researcher was feeling like Alexander had won the lottery. The weight of his mantle was lost on them.

Perhaps that was due to her having insight into Alexander though. She may be unfair in her assessment of the researcher. At the question from the female researcher, she took it upon herself to answer as she made a move toward the doorway. "I also have someone with eldritch ties on speed dial," she mentioned to the professor as she passed. Then she answered Pulcher. "There were no obvious changes to his epidermis. Or appearance. He can take on the appearance of the manifestation but that is not his normal state of being."

Then she went through the door into the area where Alexander was waiting. "They're done for the day. You can step down and go change."

Phobos has posed:
    The equipment on the dais still hummed softly and took readings while one of the sensors continued to rotate slowly over hi, yet at her words he looked up and nodded. Her own reflection looked back at her in the face of that mirrored mask, though he did turn his head to look over at the large windows of the control center, watching the crew going through their investigation.
    A moment later he looks back and she'll hear his voice, "That's good, everything alright?" Since they don't usually tell him much.
    Though at that point the Professor's voice is heard on the intercom, "Agent Aaron I'm going to go ahead and approve the suit for selective deployment if a mission of Alpha class or greater is required. Otherwise we're going to fiddle with it some more. We're getting some... interesting interactions between your nature and some of the more sensitive gear."
    "Oh," Alexander says, so much of his tone lost in the electronic modulation. "Thank you, sir." He finally says, then he turns and descends the three steps to the floor, reaching up and pulling off the helmet with a soft hiss of compressed air escaping...
    Which reveals the flushed features of her Alexander, his smile gentle and curved lop-sided. But also that hair is /wild/ with some sort of static charge having caused it to go all haywire pointing in all sorts of direction now that it's free.
    "Hey," He says simply.
    Then in that moment the gear inside the room starts to shut down, the sensors going down, the camera feeds ending as the window goes opaque for the control room as they begin the shut down and likely will move to another room to deal with their results.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha waited while he stepped down. She had been about to answer when the professor filled him in instead. Then she listened as the equipment was shutting down and feet were moving to another area where they would work on their results. Leaving the two agents alone. Most likely.

She reached up a hand to try and tame his hair a little bit, smirking up at him. "Hey. Seems they can't quite figure out how the Olympian biology is interacting with the technology of the suit. From what I picked up, I'd suggest leaving people like Volcana and Pyro to someone else for a while." Even if he didn't know who they were, he likely could figure out powers involved from those sorts of names.

She turned to leave and then gave him a once over before saying. "Got to say I do like the outfit though. "

Phobos has posed:
    "Oh," He says as he tucks the helmet under his arm, then starts to walk forward, "That's kind of curious..." But might also explain why some Olympians have such difficulty handling technology. She can see his pale hazel eyes distance in thought as he's walking and then when she pauses while she's leaving and stops to check him out...
    He can't help but blush a little... or perhaps that's just how hot it was under that helmet. His nose crinkles and he says simply, "Yeah, I do too." So far at the least.
    That said he turns and is moving is own way toward the equipment storage room. But over his shoulder he calls out, "Catch you later, Agent Romanoff."