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Latest revision as of 02:44, 30 March 2022

Jug of Yeen
Date of Scene: 23 November 2021
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: 13981
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Juggernaut

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Central park, a place where families come to have fun in the snow or to grab a bite from some of the amazing food vendors nearby, joggers come for their favorite paths and where most people are generally not too worried about danger.. In the day at least. Today though it seems that, at least in one part of the park, this isn't the case! Well, at least for some people.

There are mixed responses to Kit's presence today, with some people staring in fascination and others in horror or disgust; one jogger even notices him and nearly falls on their ass trying to change direction and book it the other way!

This might be because he's a giant aardwolf who, for some reason, isn't hiding his identity today! Nope, none of his usual baggy pants, no hoodie with the wide hood pulled up obscuring anything. Instead, he's wearing a light tan... is that a tunic? A pair of slightly darker brown pants and a yellow and red scarf with some sort of family crest on it.

He's generally minding his own business, not really paying anyone much mind as he sways a bit, half wandering and half rocking out to the music in his head, or more accurately the music in his pocket.

Juggernaut has posed:
It is indeed, quite the disturbance! You would think that the residents of Manhattan would be used to the unusual by now but such isn't the case..especially when the unusual can sometimes turn into the dangerous. Life in the big city can sometimes be a little too lively and a little too big.

Speaking of big.

The poor jogger has gotten up again and begun running, this time trying to quickly clear some distance between himself and Kit while shaking his head as he gets moving again. This results in him not watching where he's going..and ultimately slamming right into a massive wall infront of him with a loud "WHOOOLPH!" and a meaty sounding *THWACK* upon impact. Except..walls aren't..normally on the middle of walking paths in Central Park and..that's..less a wall and more like an absolutely immense torso attached to equally immense legs with a glowring head set atop a neck that has more in common with a tree trunk then a normal mans neck. Jeans strain to contain the immensity of the giants legs and the shock of red hair and rough unshaven hair along his jaw doesn't do much for making him friendlier looking or soften his glare. The jogger, for his trouble, seems literally splayed across the entire front of this immense unmoving figure, staring right at a tee shirt with a cartoonish image of Godzilla peering through the skyscrapers of a city printed upon it. Fitting really, if unsettling given just how huge the man wearing it is.

"Hey.." rumbles the giant, staring at the Jogger who backs up now, stumbling backwards again in fright and falling back once again. "..Watch where you're going, nitwit! I aint exactly hard to miss. You stupid or something?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
From the moment he went to bolt the other way, the Jogger had had Kit's attention and when he thwaks into another person? The aardwolf just chuckles to himself, starting towards the two.. The poor Jogger winds up between a bipedal animal and a mountain of flesh and decides today is not the day to take the paths! Instead, he goes to try and book it across where the grass should be, though now it's just a field of snow and narrowly avoids a tree in the process!

"Seriously dude! Watch where you're going, you're gonna hurt someone!" Kit actually scolds the man as he watches him run off, then turns his attention to the mountain of a man, whistling slightly before offering a smile and a simple, "Nice shirt."

Juggernaut has posed:
For his part, Kit might have just saved the Jogger from some physical injury from the irate behemoth. Intentional or not, it distracts the giant brute who turns away from the fleeing Jogger, and in doing so misses the sudden appearence of the snow, and instead blinks as he sees Kit. His expression is one of confusion and curiousity. Annoyance seems perptually there. Either he's been having a bad day with people running into him and all or it's just his general demeanor..but he's at least no longer focused on a confused jogger.

At least that's what's happening in the mortal realm. The spiritual and arcane realm is another story. Kit approaches and and addresses a monstrous and mountainous magical force. A continent on the landscape of arcane senses. The figure before him burns with ancient and overwhelming power. A primacy of physical force and destruction embodied before him. THe crimson energies seethe and boil like a living natural disaster that unleashed could bring the city itself down without effort and without the intervention of heroes to stop it. It's potentially terrifying and yet also starkly contrasted to the befuddled looking red haired bruiser who stares at Kit and bluntly asks, "And who're you?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Kit Killovarras, Son of Ahmed and Akila, child of the bloodline of Kirahli." the aardwolf says with that ever-present smile, offering the mountain of a man a slender hand. There is something about the titles, a strange sort of formality that most humans wouldn't recognize, but any spirit might. It's a dead give-away that he knows something that most people might not, too.

Regardless of how terrifying it might seem to some, Kit seems entirely unafraid at the moment. To anyone observing, he's just having the start of a strange conversation with this mountain of muscle in a strangely adorable shirt, tail swaying a bit behind him...

Why isn't he afraid...?

Juggernaut has posed:
The irony being that ..Cain Marko is the one fully in the drivers seat here. Certainly Cyttorak can listen in, even intervene and interfere to a certain extent but for the most part he leaves his avatar to his own devices though there are certain caveats that can be involved so if Cyttorak even hears Kit or is interested is in this conversation is anyones guest. Such are things with inscurtable magical principalities.

But that -does- mean that when Kit gets formal and sophisticated on him it just more confusion to his expression and causes him to rear back in surprise.

But he has -some- sense of things. He's not new at this rodeo after all even if he's blunt and straight forward and lacks the interest or drive to be what one would -expect- an embodiment of physical power to be.

"What th'hell is this? You about to bow to me or somethin'?" He rubs his jaw in thought and then finally shrugs it off. "You're acting awfully comfy and cozy around me. You know somethin' I don't or just yer upbringing?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"A little of both, I suppose," Kit says with a little chuckle. "I was taught to always spirits and divine with the utmost respect, the same is typically afforded to those who harbor them." Then he tilts his head a little and finally lets his extended hand fall as he adds, "That and I just typically try to be friendly, especially to those who don't run away screaming at the sight of me."

Aaaand, now he might just look a little crazy, having said all of that without the slightest hint that what he's saying sounds relatively insane to normal people. Oh well, he's a hyena on two legs and wearing cloths, a lot of normal folks might just consider that in itself to be insane too.

Juggernaut has posed:
The Juggernaut is not normally disposed to alot of pretense and subterfuge anyway. It doesn't suit his nature on a good day and he rarely has good days. Nevertheless, he peers at Kit with his icy eyes, a touch of thoughtfulness glinting there in contrast to his brutish demeanor and the brutal brawler rumble of his voice. Finally his expression softens abit, giving strange impression of a storm deciding to pass over and grant relief to those that would have been caught by it.

"....What's there to run away from." he offers while then folding arms so massive that the muscles of his torso fight for room and swells his tee shirt to the near ripping point.

"So what're you,,.? Some sort of magical critter deciding to slum it up here with the locals? You better be careful.. Seen everything from crazy mind-tripping mushrooms to gremlins from Asgard show up around here..."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit actually laughs a bit at the question posed first, giving a little grin to reveal his fangs. "Some people don't take kindly to what they think are large, predatory animals." Then he tilts his muzzle a little, showing off the the teeth behind his fangs, don't look like much more than small pins and wedges. "They can't seer past the fangs." he adds with a shrug.

The second question gets him to think for a moment before he just sort of nods, "Magical yes, 'critter'.. I guess so, but more accurately I'm a mutant who knows a fair bit about magic." Then.. mushrooms? "Well, now I have to ask.. Do you mean like, mushrooms that make you trip balls when you eat them? Or mushrooms that make you trip balls and then try to eat you?"

Juggernaut has posed:
"Both." answers the goliath before quickly moving past that to something more interesting and intriguing to him.

"A -mutant-?" he says with some degree of surprise. He considers it for a few seconds and then finally nods his head in acceptance, "Yeah..yeah I can buy it. I know a few..not to far off from you. Pretty comfortable in your skin then, eh? Most of the time you folk hang out in Mutant Town but you're out here all showin' out in the open. You trying to dare folk to say something?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a moment of thought from the Aardwolf before he just gives a bright smile and admits, "Actually to be honest, I'm rather terrified." even emphasizing this by holding up a hand level in front of himself.. it's trembling, but he doesn't seem like he's actually afraid. "Normally I'd be wearing a lot different clothing, hiding what I look like and sticking to alleyways.." Eventually his hand settles back at his side and he shrugs a little, "I'm trying something new though, I suppose."

There's a little nod too at the question of him being a mutant, "Extreme animalistic mutation is what the doctors seem to want to call it. Difference between me and most is that I didn't just change one day, I was born like this."

Juggernaut has posed:
"More afraid of facing the public then talkin' to me despite knowing what I am. Ironic." considers Cain as takes stock of the tremble in Kit. "Maybe that means I need to do a better job at being....me.."

He lets that linger thoughtfully but only for a moment before returning the weight of his gaze to Kit, "Didn't think that was possible..being born with your powers active. From what I hear..usually requires some sort of stress. Puberty at least?"

He seems to know more about this then one would expect from a brute the size of an entire defensive line. "Anyway..do what you want I guess. There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity though..."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Spirits, demons and gods I can deal with, I grew up surrounded by magic," Then he gives a glance around, taking note of how many people are STILL staring at the pair, though some are obviously trying not to stare. "It's people that worry me, honestly."he adds, turning his attention back to the mountain of a man.

There's a little nod at the possible impossibility of the statement of his birth, but he just muses, "Well I mean, some of the more unique aspects of this body of mine didn't crop up until I was about eight years old, though other aspects of it have been around since day one." He gives an exaggerated little shrug, then adds, "Might have something to do with me not specifically being strictly human to begin with. Though I've also never heard of a Magi with the mutant gene either."

There's a little nod at the mention of the line between bravery and stupidity. "Ask anyone who knows me, I tend to walk that line fairly often."

Juggernaut has posed:
"Yeah you're kinda doin' it now just by talkin' to me but I guess practice makes perfect." remarks the giant as he wrinkles his nose in what -could- be considered bemusement or the closest thing to it he can muster as his expression remains dour.

"But if you aint fully human to begi with..how do you count as a mutant? That's a new one on me.." He considers the matter and then suddenly scoffs, "Tth... The hell amd I wondering about that for. That' Charlie's business.." He waves it all off, almost dismissively, "..and no skin off my back if you cross the line between bravery and stupidity. Course some good hard knocks might teach some good lessons but that's on you.."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit takes a moment to study the man, scanning him over with those mismatched eyes before he gives a little shrug. "I mean, you certainly look like you could be dangerous," he says after a few moments, but gives another little shrug and adds, "But I've learned not to judge people on looks, so beyond the intimidating size, I don't see why talking to you would be considered 'stupidity.'" He flicks his ears slightly and tilts his head to one side, adding, "Plus, you haven't been terribly hostile either."

Juggernaut has posed:
"Because of what I am? Because of what I can do? In fact you should know -better- then anyone else around here!" responds Cain with utter surprise, "There's common sense..."

And with that he just stops up short and waves a huge hand and turns, "Forget it. I dunno why I'm bothering to explain myself. It aint nothing to me. Have a good afternoon, kid. Don't go getting jumped or nothing."

With that, he turns and starts stepping away, making his way along the path in the general direction that the jogger went.