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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2021/05/26 |Location=Backstage (Robin's Roost), Monarch Theatre |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=9450,54 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=...")
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Latest revision as of 02:48, 30 March 2022

Disappearing Henchmen
Date of Scene: 26 May 2021
Location: Backstage (Robin's Roost), Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Red Robin

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    It's not often that Phoebe eats microwaved food. Aside from the fact that pre-made food is horribly unhealthy and full of all sorts of preservitives, generally it's also animal sourced.

    Today, there is a half-eaten family sized Stauffer's Gramma's Rice Bake, with chicken and cheddar sauce that is still somewhat-warm sitting on the side of one of the computer banks, with Phoebe wearing blue light filtering glasses as she sits, absorbed in research.

    Like Tim, she's driven to know.

    Also like tim, she's darn good at coming up with the threads to find what she's looking for.

    She was wearing a pair of novelty pajama bottoms (they're covered with little Robin R's) and fuzzy pink socks, a Gotham U sweatshirt thrown over as she considers and weighs options, jotting down notes on a digital pad.

    She seems fairly absorbed in what she's doing.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes walking into the lab area from just getting in. He looks over a brow raised at the food, but he walks over and leans over Phoebe's back to kiss her cheek "Hey you." He says and then is moving to unload some things from his belt onto one of the metal trays.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe gives a smile -- she hadn't been on patrol tonight, she was taking a night in Bludhaven to cover.

    "Hey." she smiels, looking up at Tim as he kisses her cheek, and she looks over his armor. Naturally, she always fretted when she wasn't there to help him -- even though she knew he was *more* than capable.

    "What'd I miss?" she questions, pulling open another digitalized ancient text and beginning to run a translation program on it.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over, and says "Been investigating that thing at Lexmall. Ran into Supergirl, and some guy calling himself Captain Boomerang, and trying to be a hero. (Phoebe would know the villain Captain Boomerang killed Tim's father) "Looking like there was a guy all in black, controlling mutants to make things go crazy there that night." He pulls his normal cloves off putting on thinner gloves and removes a black and silver lighter from an evidence bag, and puts it in a box to do the super glue finger print bit.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe takes a tick to process, and she turns to Tim quietly, putting her own research on hold to turn her chair to him.

    She leans forward, taking off her glasses as she looks up to the dark haired boy, studying his expression, the little scars and tired lines of his face.

    "... are you going to be okay with that?" she asks quietly.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "If I need to work with him I will, don't think I will like it, guys a speedster and needs to lean a bit about not messing up a crime scene, when someone is investigating it." He looks over to her and says "I'll be ok hon." He knows she worries about him just as he does her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... technically we're all coping really, really poorly with trauma. From the top on down." the healer states quietly, "That lesson's always going to be the one that sticks." she points out to Tim, and she leans back in her chair a moment. "Yeah... what is it with Speedsters and disrespecting a local area?" she asks, as if the Flash wasn't a forensic investigator.

    "How's Supergirl doing?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "She seems to be pretty good, she was there helping and cleaning up. Looks like the guy was hanging out in Mutie Cutie, and messed with some known mutants Andrea Jackson being one of them. Supergirl was talking to Lex Luthor, who tried to bug the video footage he gave me.""

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Tried to bug the footage? What, trying to track you down as well?" the young woman questions quizically, and then frowns.

    "You deactivated the bug beforehand, right?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and says "Was more trying to get what ever info we got, not so much tracking but yea, I checked it and disabled it soon as I got into Gotham

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "So, you having any luck with what your working on?" He asks moving over to her and snoops over her shoulder a moment."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "No, and I can't really ask Lcuifer about it without giving away too much about who I really am, so I may have to ask you to introduce me to some Justice LEague or Teen Titans contacts so I can have a hand with this. I mean, they disappeared like the mooks in a Japanese Sentai show. There should have been a boss fight but there was just... nothing. Just film and grossness that turned out to be a mixture of motor and canola oil with some cornstartch thrown in. I can't make heads nor tails of it."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and scratches his head a bit to this and says "Maybe a food truck couple?" He asks as the first idea that comes to mind with those thigns together.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "A food truck..." Phoebe trails off a moment, and she gives a soft 'hm' in thought. "I'm going to have to do some daytime investigation in China Basin. I think Nacho can get me the notes from class."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shrugs a bit and says "First thing comes to mind with cooking and motor oil." He admits. He sets up a few other items to get prints, DNA, or other such experiments into play, and moves to sit beside Phoebe.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I thought that too, but canola isn't used so often in Chinese cooking -- that's mostly soy or peanut. Canola is used in Indian though, since it's dirived from rapeseed and can be produce dby other plants related to Brassicaceae -- that's mustards, like broccoli." she considers a moment, leaning a bit against Tim as the system runs his quieries.

    "But it's not nessicarily actually canola and motor oil, since the two are mutually exclusive in origin -- plant-dirived versus petrolium..."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "We could maybe run a Ancestry DNA test, see if we can pick out anything. I mean for all we know you could have a majority of Irish people in your back ground. Not that it would change much, but might know if we need to look at more racially diverse possibilities.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    ".. not sure what that has to do with Broccoli." Phoebe states, and turns to Tim.

    "Are you that interested in trying to figure out where I come from?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "Well if you want to know, I want to help figure it out for ya hon." He offers a smile and says "And when I see a mystery, it is just instinct to try to figure it out."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Aaah. So that's the attraction. I'm sooooo--" she draws out the so, and just throws herself over the arm of her chair, turning, her legs balancing her as she DRAMATICALLY throws herself to Tim's lap "-- mysterious."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles and leans in to kiss her on the nose, and says "Or maybe it might be your so great, and I am a very lucky guy to get the chance to call you my girl?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "No, I'm pretty sure I'm terrible. Your boss hates me. Luckily my boss likes me." Phoebe replies with a sniff, and gives a slight grin as she brings one hand up and brushes her fingers through Tim's hair with a bit of a grin.

    "And before you get your feathers ruffled, I know Bruce doesn't hate me. Ambivilence at best."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins down at her, and says "Your boss likes ya a lot I think." He teases back at her, and says "Even willing to agree to vegan night once a week, I think that proves it." He teases her.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Hush, you like it when I cook falaffel and make hummus." Phoebe lilts from her place on Tim's lap, and then she brings herself upright, and looks over the computer information.

    "Besides, so you track down where my genetics have been. If I have an Irish ancestor, it doesn't make me a fae. If I have someone who washed up on an African shore from Persia it doesn't make me Iranian. There's no garuntee there'll be enough of a hit to connect me to any family at all." she states.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head a bit and says "No, not really, but it maybe a lead. But we don't know. I will admit, I am a bit curious about something else, and with this new guy we may want to check it as well. See if you are a mutant or something else. If your powers are some how connected to your family line might tell us alot.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I was tested for the mutant gene, and was found to be lacking." Phoebe states.

    "Besides--" she continues, "IF Mr. Morningstar is to beleived -- and I have no reason to doubt his bold claim of being The Devil Himself, he did pick up pretty much right away that I trail light everywhere I go and the issue I have closing it off, it's magical or Divine in nature. Which... actually..." she sits up a moment and looks rather peturbed.

    "... brings into all sorts of other questions regarding possible origins."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and reaches over and types a little on one computer with one hand. He sets a search pattern for past heroes or villains with similar powers. "What are you thinking hon?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Eh. Just a thought. I know there's people out there who claim Angelic or Demonic heritage, never really gave it much thought until meeting Lucifer." she frowns.

    "I wonder if that test picks up if I had any abnormal human genes other than the mutant one -- could have also been a hack." she considers, then glances back to Tim.

    "... it'd be kinda cool to sprout wings though."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and nods a bit to this and says "Maybe you could manifest light wings?" He comments thinking about how her power works "Easiest supernaturalist to get ahold of is also the biggest ass of the group."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "And who's that?" Phoebe questions, tilting her head back a moment to look at Tim.

    "Maybe I can charm them enough to be nicer?" she jokes with a grin.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "John Constantine, I doubt it, he is an ass, even to the people he likes." He offers to her with a smile "Bit of a drunk, lot of an ass, but good when it comes to down and dirty magic. I would rather get ahold of Zatanna, but she has been busy of late."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... sounds pretentious." Phoebe states dryly. "But worth a shot. I won't do the cooking." she states as she stretches her arms. "I'm going to guess it'll be a rooftop meeting and not someplace in a diner to talk shop, though?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "More likely a pub to be honest with him, that or a club where a punk band is playing." He tells her. He will bring up a picture of John so she knows what he looks like. Most of the photos look sorta like mug shots with him."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... why do all of this man's pictures look like mug shots? /Are/ they mugshots? Which database are you pulling these out of?" Phoebe questions, leaning over Tim a moment to check.

    "So if it's in a pub or club, do we go... without the suits?" she questions, looking to Tim for guidance on this one.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Depends on which one we find him at. Me might, actually might need to start working on a side of your training we have not worked on much soon."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Ah." the younger hero replies quietly, and purses her lips as she rubs a hand over her braids.

    "All right, what's next on the training docket that we haven't worked much on?" she questions, eyebrows rising up.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and with a bit of typing brings up a picture of her "A seedy verision of you for undercover."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    ". . ."

    There is a low look delivered to Tim.

    "Seedy version of me for undercover. Well. That's... something I was not anticipating."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake brings up another filks, and shows a version of himself with fake names, him looking like he could fit into a biker boys in one pic, one looking like a low level mafia goon, and a few others.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "You do realize that if I go dressed up as seedy, people are going to ask you some embarrassing questions. Just... price me out of reach of people if they ask, Tim." Phoebe's nose wrinkles. "How does Babs manage it?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will bring up a couple of Bab's fake ideas. "You can be something besides prostitutes hon. There are some bad ass ladies out there, couple of gangs are even ran by some of them." He offers her with a smile.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Yeah, but let me remind you the first thing people see when it's a black lady is *not* 'bad ass gang leader'. Especially white guys. I used to walk downtown with Nacho and they'd ask prices, and we were both wearing our *chess team* jackets."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well part of that is guys being asshats, if your going for the bad ass look I would suggest corn rows, maybe a couple fake piercings. Maybe putting your foot in some guys but when he is an ass. Just gotta make sure it is the right guy.""

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "There are always going to be asshats." the healer replies, and Phoebe glances over to Tim, and she gives a little bit of a grin.

    "All right, I can work with that. Look tough, don't put my foot to the wrong ass." she jokes quietly, and she lets out a low breath, eyeballing some of the pictures.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods a bit and says "A couple different identities to step into so when you need to go undercover. There are times when we can't get into things with the cape and the dominos masks, so we need to have other types of masks.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Makes sense. I pity the poor fool who tries to pick a fight with me." Phoebe remarks with a slight grin, and glances over at Tim with a gentle smirk. "Considering I'm coming out on top of at least half of our spars now."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins and says "You talk like that we have to give you an identity with a mohawk and lots of gold." He grins and says "what can I say I am a good teacher."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "You are not going to make me into Mr. T." Phoebe states dryly, "He can be left in the 20th century, thank you!" she frowns, and then gives a small laugh.

    "I could fit my braids under a wig if needed, just have to be careful. It takes a long time to change out hairstyles."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and hmms "Might be able to rig up something that will glue it to your head till we hit it with a release agent if you want. And your the one pitying the fool

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "That's not a bad idea, but still have to be concerned with the amount of hair I have." Phoebe points out is a little grin.

    "I've always wondered what it'd be like to be able to have a pixie cut --" she jokes, and begins to mess around with her picture, when there is a slight 'ding!' with an alert to her side.

    An E-mail to p.beacon@wayne-tech.com, alerting her that something claiming to be 'Boy Wonder's Underoos' has come up for sale on MeBay.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises a bit and looks from the email to her and back to the email. "I don't know if I should be concerned about that or flattered, or what." He admits, as multiple reasons why it could come up come to mind

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I have an alert for superhero paraphenalia to come through to me. If I'm hired as your curator for your superfluous superhero collection, I might as well get mail for it. Besides..."

    She clicks the link.

    "Pretty sure *those* were Dick's."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Yea, you can tell by the scale pattern, Jason and I both wore that pattern but only for a brief bit

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe gives an obvious snerk, laughter through her nose as she pushes her glasses up and rubs her eyes.

    "'Brief bit'" she repeats in amusement "Besides, they're not real. I've seen that for sale on different sites, doubt they were ever actually worn."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit at her and says "We have each had our own design like Dick was the only one with the pixie boots."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Yeah, I'm glad I have actual armor instead of my padded jacket. Way cooler in the summer heat, too." Phoebe states quietly, rubbing the back of her head and scratching at her scalp a moment.

    "ALso like the Red Robin get-up better than the classic look. Little more 'serious threat' and less 'boy wonder'."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to that and says "Well the boy wonder bit was to be a bit distraction but also to be under estimated.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "And how did it work out for everyone involved? I can only assume that up to a certain point, you weren't allowed to take on the big guys -- Joker, Two-Face, the like -- by yourselves. The same way that I'm tagged with a beacon in case I get over my head?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well with me yea, Dick was all learning experience, and well you know what happened to Jason, which of course caused my restrictions"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... yeah I... am not going to lie. Learning what happened with Jason makes me queasy." Phoebe admits as she closes out the bidding war with a face of worry, and she leans back in her chair.

    "Violent psychopaths with a history of torture and people with healing powers probably don't mix well, and I'm not sure if I would be... you know..." she frowns a moment.

    "I already have nightmares about falling and not being able to heal from it. Or the power stopping and not healing me enough." she states. "I might try to be cavalier about it, but if I can't control my powers totally, there's a chance that I don't know... could it give out if I take enough damage at once? Would it satisfy someone's curiosity to know?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake reaches over to take her in his arms and says "And thats the reason you train with your power as a bonus but you don't depend on it. You count it as a tool, not a dependancy.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Which I do, and it's quite handy when I'm not contending with gangmembers who disappear into smudges of canola and motor oil-like substances." Phoebe states, and she leans against Tim, poking at his chest a moment as she smiles.

    "All skills are tools to be used. I can't count on my powers to always be there, just like we can't count on always using our sight. Had to learn *that* one the hard way."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and says "Well if it helps you are making a lot of progress in general. I would trust you to handle most anyone on your own or at least the ones you could not to call in back up for.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Ha haaa... yeah, I'm not too big for my britches to call up an extra hand if needed." Phoebe states, leaning her forehead against Tim's shoulder.

    "I'm *almost* as smart as you. I think. Maybe."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake grins and says "Almost as smart and twice as cute." He says and kisses her forehead. He holds her close and smiles at her."You tell your mom your working for Wayne tech or me?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I told my mom I applied at Wayne Tech and she insinuated you would make sure I got hired as an excuse to take me on business trips. She thinks you're aaall about the rich boy mischeif -- which is much easier than trying to explain what we do at night." Phoebe admits as she takes a quick look to the screen, watching for updates a moment.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "Well at least I think she likes me, so there is that part." He grins at her and says "We need to put a night aside to go out with nacho or something."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "A night where you don't have to rescue me from a gunman because Nacho's date is jealous would be nice. I can try and arrange something." Phoebe gives a smile. "Maybe noodles and a movie? Some cheesy martial arts flick?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "You can invite him over and we can hang out upstairs if you want hon. I want to be friends with your friends after all.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "What, you mean I can't show him the lab?" Phoebe inquires incredulously, motioning to the banks of computers and some discarded armor.

    "... no, no, you're right. If he knew who you were I don't think we'd ever hear the end of it, and Nacho is definitely not ready for the masked vigilante life."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "Oh I am sure if we told him, he would want to be your computer guy or something, something where he could help you and think you were even cooler.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "No, Nacho keeps secrets like a seive keeps water... he's my best friend and there are exactly /two/ he has not let slip. I know him almost better than I know you." Phoebe gives a slight smile, sitting back down and bringing her feet up, poking Tim in the knee with one.

    "If we told him, we'd never get a minute's peace, and I'm not willing to risk you, Babs, Dick, or Bruce like that."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Oh I am not saying tell him, I am just saying if he knew he would want to be helping you in everyway he could." He offers with a smile. "But Having him over to watch a movie non the huge screen upstairs I think he would appreciate, and let him know I am not totally kidnapping his best friend

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Oh no, because if you kidnapped his best friend? He's totally friends with Robin. He'll send Robin after you to rescue me." Phoebe gives a grin, and then gives a laugh.

    "Yeah, we can do something with the big screen. I'm sure he'd be down for it."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit at that and says "Oh, he been talking that up recently?" He asks with a grin "So what do you want to do with the rest of the night?

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe stretches her arms upwards, tilting her head back a moment as she considers, and raises her eyebrows before she turns her head to the hero beside her.

    "Well. I can think of a few things..." she states, lowering her voice a moment. "... like ordering five plates of falaffel from Abrahim's."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and will grins and says "We can order that want anything specific for dessert?