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Latest revision as of 15:41, 6 April 2022

AEC, Part 6, 'Old pals, new horizons.'
Date of Scene: 06 April 2022
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Cap checks in with Bucky about possibly joining the team.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Winter Soldier
Tinyplot: Avengers Exploration Corps

Captain America has posed:
    "Hey Bucky, got a sec?"

    The call began simply enough, "You remember... that time we went out with the Clancy sisters. Yeah, the Clancy sisters." His accent had a way of coming back whenever he talked to James Barnes, the ease of it and falling into old ways.

    "You remember where we took them? And where we ended up?" A slight hint of a laugh is there at the last of those words. Since that night wasn't exactly what he'd call successful. At least for himself.

    "I'd appreciate it if you could meet me there tonight. In... two hours. Yah, yah. Play it slow though." That last said those times when they played stick ball so many years ago and whenever Buck was going to steal second. Play it slow. Be subtle.
    Which is why few people saw Captain Rogers arrive at Coney Island. Fewer still saw him step to the work way that runs along behind many of the more popular areas of the amusement park, and a path that leads down beneath the pier onto the beach proper. Out of sight, and hopefully... unnoticed.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    A cryptic call from Steve... between the two of them there's rarely been a need to be so circumspect. It's one of the things Bucky appreciates about having a friend that's stuck by him for the last century, barring some unavoidable time on ice... there's no need for secrets or skullduggery. So when Steve wanted to meet in a place that he can't or won't mention over the phone, it sets alarm bells ringing.

    Which is why, when Steve arrives at the old spot under the docks, just by the electrical gear, he'll find a lone figure already sitting there. Alone. Not a hint of Lilli. Normally Bucky takes his canine companion everywhere he goes, but never if there's a chance of putting her in danger. And this? This had a whiff of danger about it.

    Which is why Bucky hadn't been seen at all, by anyone, as he made his way here. The old stalking grounds and short cuts may have long since been built over, but there's plenty new ones to be found.

    "You made it. Almost thought you were gonna stand me up. You know, like you did to Mabel, that night."

Captain America has posed:
    "It was Frances," Steve said with a slight sour smile upon his features, "Mabel was your date." Though he gives a nod as he steps up, sneakers leaving a few divots in the sand as he walks. He's not wearing anything too out of the ordinary. Jeans, sneakers, that brown leather jacket that he has a fondness for. He does have the Brooklyn Dodgers hat on, however. Which means he's serious.
    But that small touchstone serves to bring warmth to his expression, even as a moment later his eyes tighten and it shifts to something faintly like a frown as he breathes in deep. Holds it. Then exhales. It's a look Bucky has seen before. That pause while Steve orders his words in his mind, forming them up. Then sharing them.
    "I got news, and a big ask for you Bucky." He nods slowly as he says this. Another look to the side, this time at the waves that are sloshing against the columns down the line of the beach, then back toward his friend from so many years.
    "And if it's a bridge you don't wanna cross, I won't blame you."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Wouldn't be standing here if I wasn't willing to cross a few bridges, Steve." Which is typical Bucky. Acknowledging that there's been history, and alluding to the many times both of them have gone above and beyond for one another. "But you went through the whole trouble of putting on a hat, so I'm guessing this is serious."

    And serious things can't be discussed like this. It's against protocol. So, to nobody's surprise at all, Bucky reaches down onto the sand briefly to dig out two bottles of beer, cooled by the simple expedient of burying them until ready to be drunk. Two flicks of his thumb later, the left one, and there's two fine adult beverages to be had.

    "Whatever it is, whatever is eating you..." and he hands over the bottle, with a meaningful raising of both eyebrows. He's known Steve too long to miss that something is bothering his friend. Something serious. "Ask."

Captain America has posed:
    "Yeah, this is... a big one." And for a moment he starts to add something though on the off chance someone might overhear. He doesn't.
    Instead he digs his hands into the pockets of his jeans and then nods slowly, "Indeed, the trouble hat." Srs bznz. He then espies the bottles of beer and smiles a little, the tension easing oh so slightly as he accepts it then takes a pull.
    "They've given me another job." He starts, holding the beer at his hip and looking at Bucky levelly. "Putting together a team. Going to be going far afield. Beyond... well just beyond." He takes another drink of the beer and then nods.
    "It's because of everything that's happened. Everything we've dealt with. Things on this world and further. And the powers that be... they want some people to find out the things we don't know yet." A pause as he holds Bucky's gaze. "I'd like you to be part of it if that fits you. But that's not the worst of it."
    And that is when he lets his words fade, watching for James' reaction for now, gauging the other man's expression.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Oh, on this world AND further? And here I thought you were gonna ask me to join you for a quiet walk around North Korea or something." Taking a quite pull of his beer, Bucky gives Steve another sideways glance. Yup, that's his serious face, he can tell. Would recognise it anywhere.

    He even holds that gaze for a moment, and then looks away, over the waves rolling in. "The powers that be... The powers that be made you into a salesman for war bonds, Steve. The powers that be nearly wasted the best thing that's ever happened to this country... to the world. Powers that be..." if he pours any more scorn into that phrase, it'll sprout wings and fly away on a cloud of sulphur.

    "I don't know what you're asking Steve, but it sounds like something big. And if it's something big, I'm not doing it because the powers that be demanded it. Not good enough. Wasn't then, isn't now." And so Bucky turns, gives his friend a serious look, takes another swig from his beer, and then pokes the man in the chest, keeping that finger there. "I'd do it because you asked me. For you, Steve, for my brother from another mother."

Captain America has posed:
    During the whole time that Bucky is talking, thinking, reflecting, Steve's right there with him. He's got that pensiveness to his features, that slight upturn to the corner of his mouth that isn't a smile but more a thing tinged with worry. At points he nods along, particularly with the admonishment of the Powers That Be.
    But then they reach the end and that twist not-smile becomes one as he nods again, lips tightening a little as there's still that concern then he nods. "It's important. Otherwise I wouldn't ask, Buck."
    Then he says, "They're going to want to put you through some things though. To make sure you're good to handle all of..." He lifts a hand to gesture slightly to the side as if about to explain, but then just settles on, "All of it."
    Then he adds, "Once that's done, though. Then it's..." He swallows and then adds, "It'll be a wild ride and we'll get through it."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    There's a simple nod when Steve declares it's important. That's enough for Bucky, it's all he needs to know. Steve came calling for his help, it's important, and so he's in. And he was even half prepared for the hammer to drop. There's still a slight twinge of pain in his eyes, but these days that look disappears quickly, replaced with that usual easy smile. "Shrinks, I s'pose? Figured it'd be something like that."

    With a gesture, he motions for Steve to sit, and does so himself. Sitting is the great equalizer, and he doesn't want his friend to feel like this is an adversarial meeting. He sits down with one knee pulled up, using it to rest his right arm and keep the beer close to his lips. "You know I haven't strayed anywhere near the line in nearly two years." That anyone can prove, at any rate. "How many strings did you have to pull to clue me in on this?"

Captain America has posed:
    "Mmm," Is all Steve says at first until he's settled onto the sand with his back against the column and the fencing protecting the electrical gear from the casual passerby. "Haven't told anyone yet I'm bringing you in."
    A hand lifts as he pulls off that baseball cap to push a hand through his hair, then puts the cap back on. He smiles sidelong at Bucky, "For a time I was thinking of keeping you clear. Since..."
    It's going to be dangerous. Moreso than the norm.
    "Then someone else sort of made me look at what they wanted from another point of view. And I figured I needed the people that would give us the best chance of success." A pause, then he adds. "And flexibility."
    "But I've got enough sway. It'll go." He nods in that way he has of saying something is so, and going to be so, even if he's not entirely sure. By pure force of will he'll make sure.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    A simple glance tells Bucky that the whole matter of favors called in, strings pulled and instructions carefully sidestepped has been both addressed and firmly closed. And he nods at the admission, it was typical of his friend to try to keep him in the clear, even at his own expense. Case in point, he's still here... and sane.

    "Flexibility... yeah, I'll buy that. Besides, someone has to watch your back as well." There's a meaningful look, this time with both eyebrows raised. "Because I'm guessing you forgot to consider that. Found all the right candidates, filled the whole mission profile, and didn't think once about building in some security for yourself. A hundred and... twelve years?" Yeah, he had to think about that one for a moment. "More than a century, and you're still a chump. But I got your back Steve, goes without saying."

    And he even punctuates that with the most sacred of gestures... holding out his bottle for a clink.

Captain America has posed:
    Steve tilts his head slightly to the side as Bucky declares he buys that need for flexibility. But then he shares that glance with Bucky and accepts thet ruth in what he says, though the slight lift of his eyebrows and look to the side is enough protest that he registers.
    "A lot of years," He says then, in response to how long it's been. And it has been a good long time.
    Then a scoffing sound at the 'chump' though it eases into a smile as he lowers his eyes. "Thanks, Bucky. Wouldn't have anyone else."
    That said he lifts the bottle in return. And just like that, heralded by the soft clink of glass on glass, their future is decided to be embarked upon.