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Something Has Changed
Date of Scene: 02 April 2022
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Thomas and Buffy meet. Sadly, it doesn't trigger her memory. They part ways but will try to figure out what happened.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
She'd finally bitten the bullet. It was the right thing to do. She needed to find out the truth and she couldn't do that by keeping things at arm's length. So on the second night, when she had received the more texts and calls, she had finally responded to a text. Explaining that she was fine but something strange had happened and arranging to meet. Somewhere neutral. Not his home turf. Not hers either. Magic Box was Scooby related but worked for a meeting spot.

She was there already, pacing a bit in the main room. With Giles off in England, she'd had to let herself in. At least her key still worked! She was dressed in a pair of jeans, a nice blue blouse, with a light leather jacket over that. Her usual tools of the trade were tucked away in the usual spots.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith was nervous at the text. It was...not like Buffy. It was her number certainly, and it had her...style for lack of a better word, but none of the warmth he'd come to expect from her. He'd put Yosa in charge of the Blue Lady, jumped in the shower and right out the door. It was actually faster to run then get one of his expensive cars out of the garage, so that is what he did. So when he enters the shop the wind catches his long black hair and white poets shirt like he stepped off the cover of a romance novel. He sees her and exhales slowly. "Empty night, you're okay." He says with relief, rushing foreward to embrace her.

Buffy Summers has posed:
First impression: DAMN. The man was gorgeous. Like a model. Like beyond a model. She had no idea what he looked like. Which had led to a bit of confusion with other people who knew her but she didn't know them. But now she knew this had to be the right one as they had arranged to meet here and at this time. And he was coming forward like he was going to put his arms around her.

Second, was the hardest part. She didn't get a hint of familiarity. Which was disappointing. She was hoping he might be the trigger to break whatever thing had hold of her brain. If it was just her brain. She was starting to doubt that.

Her hand came up in the stop motion, like she was going to break into song at any moment. She even took a little step back. "Hold that thought. We need to talk. Cause something apparently has happened."

She motioned to the table, offering him a seat basically. "Two nights ago, I went to Willow's apartment because I thought it was still my apartment too. I found out otherwise. I seem to have no memory of... well, a long time. So while I know who you are, I don't know you know you if you know what I mean? And I don't know know know you like the way that apparently I did since we apparently were living together?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith stops and holds his position just a fraction of an inch from her fingertips. He tilts his head slightly and it's worth noting that he seems to be able to interprete her stream of Buffy-talk without blanking. He glances at the hand separating them and then slowly lowers his arms, taking a deep exhale and nodding slightly. "Alright... believe it or not this sort of thing has happened a few times so I believe you..." He wets his lips, and his eyes shift colors, or at least shades of blue about 20 times in 30 seconds. "Alright tell me what happened?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
For a moment, Buffy isn't quite sure what to think. Because she's watching his eyes changing. That is a new phenomena. At least for her. Well maybe not her three days ago but her now. "You are gonna have to explain that eye thing to me," she says sort of as an aside as she moves to sit a down in one of the chairs at the circular table. There were a few books scattered on the surface. She suspected that might be more that Willow may be using them. If Willow still worked there. Did Willow still work there?

She settled in the chair. "Happened before a few times? Willow didn't mention that." She frowned a little but then jumped in answering the question. "Two nights ago, I was fighting some vamps down Brendan Cemetery. Middle of the fight, bright light. Blinding. A few seconds later I could see again. Finished the fight. Then I was tired so I opted to go home. And I went to Willow's apartment. Which I thought I still lived at with her. Surprised her that I was there too. After intitial confusion, pieced together that the last thing I remember is from..." She paused and made a little face, obviously not happy with the situation. "A few years ago. Back when she and I were in Psych class together. " Which was first year of college.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith lets out a very long, very slow exhale. "I'll explain the White court to you a little later. For now, just take my word the eyes aren't anything to be concerned with right now. The part of me that gives me my power wants to kiss you very much right now and that's it's way of saying so." He nods, "Once you got Body swapped into a Vampire. Another time you got split into two versions of yourself we took to calling 'Sugar' and 'Spice'... So some sever amnesia? Not the weirdest thing so far.... So ..What did Willow tell you about me?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
She remembered that Willow had said about what he was. It was vague but enough to be concerning. Though, she also had also added positive things so it was up to Buffy to sort all this out.

Why hadn't she just remembered things when she saw him? It would really simplify things. Which was funny cause when was anything simple in their lives? Not funny in a ha ha sort of way. The other way.

"She told me that you and I have been together a while. You're apparently my boyfriend. We live together. She did mention you are a White Court vampire and you feed off lust. So kind of like an incubus. That we seem to be happy. But she also mentioned she thought you fed off me sometimes." Sometimes was the word that stuck out there.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith coughs. "Umm, for the last three years I've fed on you pretty much exclusively." He says honestly. "It was a condition you set down in the very early part of our relationship and that I have abided by." He looks around and is obviously familiar enough with the Magic Box to know where the staff fridge is, taking out two sodas and offering one to her. "Incubus is closer to vampire. I have a demonic parasite in me. It's been there since birth. The vampire thing is more...political then factual."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Now she was even more confused. So he did feed off her. But it was her idea? To Buffy, that made no sense. But she was trying to process, to figure out the why of it all. "Is it demonic like vampires have, where they can't be exorcised?" Because to her, demon inside person, get rid of demon. But she'd learned it wasn't nearly that easy.

She takes the soda, giving a murmured, "Thanks." More because it was instinct than because she consciously thought about replying that way.

"So when we started dating, I said no more feeding off others. Since it's lust, I guess that makes sense. I mean is it just a random thing you can pick up or requires...things? Like physical things?" She skirts right around words that might be those things.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives her a wicked smile that likely has very little to do with anything supernatural. Probably. He cracks open his own soda and takes a seat near her giving her a serious look. "I can pick up...shall we say radiant energy?" He asks amused, "But no where near enough to survive on. I can get more out of a single kiss then I can out of a full night of just taking it in like that. And a night of more...physical things?" His eyes shift to almost silver white as he says that, though his tone doesn't change. "It's allot more. No real threat if I... spread it out. Don't feed on a single source too much for too long. We discovered though that as the Slayer, I didn't need to hold back. That I could feed on you without risking hurting you, and subsequently hurting anyone else even by accident.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"There were no negative effects to me?" Buffy asked curiously. "Cause a regular vampire, there are most definitely negatives if they feed off a Slayer." She could think of two off the top of her head. Though she had never gotten full information on those. Something she should do someday, come to think of it.

"I don't remember any of this." Just to let him know none of it was ringing a bell. "How much do you need to survive? Because I'm not comfortable being the feed... Feedee? Feeder? Feeder off-er? Anyway. I'm not comfortable just leaping into any sort of intimate relationship, even kissing, when I don't know you right now. So I need to understand how your kind works to be certain people are safe. No offense."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly. "None taken. Easy question first. As far as I've seen and you've told me, even regular and heavy feeding has caused you no ill side effects. Once we were.." He coughs, perhaps trying to find the right word... "Experimenting? And I basically gorged myself as much as I could. Thanksgiving dinner and then some, you know? It turned your bangs white for about a week." He shrugs. "When you and that Vamp switched bodies, so she had yours? It took me and DiDi...that's my cousin.. both feeding on her to bring her down enough we could restrain her. So yeah no risk to you at all."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"I see." She didn't. But it's what people said in these situations.

"So you will be able to start... I dunno, kissing people and getting fed that way without hurting them? Since yeah no on the smooching and stuff for us. Until I remember. I am sorry. I know this has to be difficult for you."

Because it likely was. Two days ago he had a woman that loved him and now he was looking at a person that seemed to be the same woman, yet there was no recognition of who he was. For her, he was a stranger. She could empathize with his situation, but she didn't have those emotions he might be fighting with here.

There were so many questions from what he just told her. Yet there was no way she'd get them all answered in one sitting. She wouldn't even think of them all. It'd be more questions as time went on. "So when the body was switched, Buffy didn't know things. What about this split thing you mentioned?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith leans back slightly. "She knew what she was, but didn't know anything about what it meant to be "Buffy," So she gave herself away pretty quickly. He smiles a bit, and whether or not she feels the same way, there is no denying the affection, even love in his eyes. "She looked at me like a beefcake. The Slayers pretty little boy toy. One thing I've always loved about you, you never stopped looking at the person first." He other question... well it hurts but he does understand, a little. "Ive been feeding and feeding well pretty consistently for a long time... so if I started feeding on other's I'd drain off my reserves pretty quickly. Especially if I keep it to just stolen kisses.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Well you are a beefcake." Because it was a statement of fact. Not her trying to be weird or anything. "But people are people. Dealing with demons and stuff, I've realized that the exterior isn't always an indicator of the interior. Like Clem." Why did she remember the him but not someone that was supposed to be her boyfriend. "Nicest demon you'll ever meet. Just keep him away from kittens."

She didn't explain that. At all. "And I've met humans that are monsters too. So it's never the outside."

She sipped her drink as she considered. "I mean, since I don't remember anything and you do, you could feed outside just kisses. I know that's easy to say since I don't have that emotional bond that you do with me but I would understand. Even if I get my memory back, I wouldn't blame you for it." To make sure he knows he has that out but it is not going to be easy with those feelings involved. This was the worst situation ever.

"How did the vampire and Buffy trade? Magic? Guessing same was involved with the Sugar and Spice incident?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, "One was some magic tooth dagger thing, the other was a mirror of some sort. Pretty sure they are both locked up here now, downstairs." He says simply softly. It's clear her words hurt, at least on some level. I mean in a way, the woman he loved just said "We should see other people," in a way. He wets his lips and then says "Well, since we don't know what happened... I know you've got allot to process... Would you have dinner with me? We can talk more then." He offers that wicked smile, "And I make no promises that I won't cheat and use everything I know about the foods, wine, and music you love agienst you... because I will."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Wine?" The face Buffy makes kind of puts that into its own category of EWW. "I drink wine? Can we just say I do and don't really cause I do not like any wine I've ever tasted. Except Sangria and I understand that isn't so much wine as fruit juice with alcohol." Which may be dumbing that down a bit.

She knew this was tough for him. His world was just turned on end. For her, she was just continuing on. But her continuing on was from a point years ago. So she was in a world of confusion and mystery.

"I guess? I mean I don't think having dinner would hurt but I'm still trying to figure out everything that has happened. Trying to understand what's behind my amnesia. Which I think is more than amnesia, to be honest. I plan to call Giles, see if he has any advice. I hate bothering him but I trust him to help figure it all out."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods simply. "This is the sort of thing he'd be rather annoyed if you didn't call him in on. I'll try to reach Harry, but last I heard he was still off touring the old world with Murph. And you know him and cellphones." He then pasues. "Oh... I guess no you don't." He shakes his head slightly then his head snaps up. "Spike. Empty Night, if that Leech finds out about this only Hell knows and Heaven suspects what he'll try to pull."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Now she looked confused again. "I know a Harry. Or I did. Harry Dresden? He worked with us briefly about a year back. Well, a year back in my memory. But I don't know him well or anything." Which is the difference between what he remembers and what she remembers. Anything after that was foreign for her.

At mention of Spike, she shook her head. "Spike talks a big game but he's got that chip in his head and he's my friend. He won't do anything." Then she frowned. "He does still have a chip in his head right? Part of the Scoobies? Patrols and stuff?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sighs, "Okay, so Harry Dresden is my half brother. Not /too/ many people know that but you and Willow both do." He says softly, simply, laying the facts out for her. "And about a year ago, my time, Spike got it in his head that he was in love with you and that the two of you were destined to be together. He set about trying to turn our friends agienst us. Convinced Giles and Willow at various points that I was hurting you in some way, which we both denied but Empty Night it was frustrating." He sips his drink, apparently trying to put his words in the best order so as not to offend. "We, that is you as of a year ago and I, agreed it was best for all concerned if we broke ties with him. It was my idea originally, one you resisted at first but eventually you came around to. Obviously I can't hold you to that now, and I won't try. But please... please be careful."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"I see. Well, my memory is Spike and I were friends. He helped the Scoobies, helped with patrols. I mean we weren't besties like Willow and I but I trusted him to keep Dawn safe when I wasn't around so that tells me he is my friend." She considered. "I will go off the experience I have in dealing with him but I will keep your advice in mind."

Something else came to Buffy's mind though. "I ran into another person that I didn't know last night. Alexander Aaron. He told me some but curious what you can tell me about him?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith tilts his head slightly, "I'll be honest? Name isn't ringing any bells immediately." He says honestly. "We've met allot of people on various patrols. I'm sorry." He shrugs slightly. "Though now I am very curious what the fellow had to say 'bout me." He says mildly amused.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"He said that he wasn't you. He knew me but since I didn't know who Thomas was by looks, I was thinking he might be you. Cause he was good looking so figured he fit what I was guessing was right for incubus. He admitted he wasn't. You'd met though at some point. Not a lot to say about you though. I just wanted to see if there was something I didn't know."

She finished off her soda and stood. "I need to get back to patrolling. I ...don't mean to be rude but would you have my things sent to my mother's house for now? I don't feel comfortable living at your place." God this was hard to have to say to him. She knew it would hurt but Willow didn't have much of her stuff left at her place. And her mother had nothing.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith tilts his head, but nods. And yes there is pain there, but he keeps it just to his eyes. "Of course. I get it. I'll uhh... try to figure out what stuff of... you know..ours.. that you might want anyway. He glances down at the silver ring on her left hand. Not a wedding ring... not even an engagement ring... but something very pretty and silver. "Would you mind it I...held onto that. Untill we decide where things stand?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
At his question, she glances down and there is a moment of surprise. She thought it was just a pretty ring. She hadn't put anything more into it. "I'm sorry."

Buffy quickly pulled the ring off her finger. There was no tan line so she suspected it was a newer addition. Though honestly, no idea at all. She held it out, caught between thumb and index finger by one side so he'd be able to take it. "I'm sorry. Truly. And as time passes, maybe my memory will return. Until then, we will start over. See how things progress. Friends hopefully at least. If that's too hard, we'll make that call later."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith takes the ring, carefully and gently between his fingers. And a single tear slides down his cheek from brilliant silver eyes. He is careful, very careful, not to let their skin touch. Then he closes his finger around it tightly. "Thank you." He says almost in a whisper. Taking a moment to get his thoughts together, then tilting his head and offering a cocky smile... that is clearly a mockery of what normally graces his face. "I mean worst case scenerio, I have to make you fall in love with me again. Just like one of those Lifetime Movies."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"That sounds utterly terrifying," Buffy says automatically. "I mean being in a Lifetime movie. Those things always have the worst endings. My Mom used to watch them all the time." She gives a little shudder.

"We'll figure this all out. See where it leads us to. See if we can figure out what happened and why."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith's smile is much more genuine, apparently having heard the thing about Lifetime movies at least once before. "Alright then, how about this. We have dinner soon. I'll have your stuff packed. Maybe... I don't know maybe seeing some pictures or things in context might jog something free. And if not.." He smiles a bit, "You'll at least get a good meal out of the deal." he hesitates and then, with a nerviousness that is unlike him asks, "Would a kiss goodbye be completely out of the question?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
She had been hoping to avoid going to his place. Their place. That just seemed weird when she didn't remember anything. "I...guess on my stuff. I'd rather you just sent the stuff to my Mom's. And we eat somewhere else. Like out to dinner is what I thought you meant. Not at your place."

She considered. "I get seeing the place may help trigger but I thought seeing you might help too. And I have reason to believe this isn't just amnesia. Or I'm starting to suspect. At the same time, I'm not sure I'm comfortable going there right now. We'll...see."

At the question on the kiss, she frowned a little. It was obvious she was not comfortable with the idea. Feeling bad was one thing but she wasn't going to do things she didn't like. "I'm..not sure a kiss is a good idea. I mean, I get it. I really do. But it is like kissing a stranger for me. Does that make sense?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, "I... understand." He says simply and takes another deep breath, trying to get his thought's in order. "I will say in the past it's always been best to expose yourself to familier suroundings, but again.. I understand." He looks around the Magic store and says. "well if you need to get on patrol.. I can lock up here.."