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Latest revision as of 15:46, 6 April 2022

AEC: Part 4, Take a look at this.
Date of Scene: 01 April 2022
Location: Apartment 3A, Marcy House
Synopsis: Steve finds Clint and makes him an offer.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Hawkeye (Barton)
Tinyplot: Avengers Exploration Corps

Captain America has posed:
    The day had started with a phone call.

    "Clint? It's Steve. You have time today?"

    Just a few quick words asked that would open the future for the two men and branch them off toward a new way to look at the world. Though to reach that point would take a good measure of effort. Which is why the man known as Captain America found himself at the door of the amazing archer's homestead. It had been a quick conversation, aimed at simply pinning down a time and a place. And when the appointed hour arrived...
    There was a rap at the door, knuckles striking three times.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Come in, if your over seventy years old," comes the archer's voice from inside the apartment, "Otherwise go away, cuz I don't need no chocolate, donuts or your do-goody concerns about my soul."

Of course, the time is the one set for Cap's visit, and the door has been left unlocked for that purpose.

The call had been intriguing, the archer rarely gets that kind of call as they usually come from SHIELD or the generic Avengers call-to-duty signal. Nonetheless, the meeting has been set.

Two mugs that have seen better days had been cleaned, and strong dark coffee is about ready. For a moment, Clint wonders if cream will be necessary, but hopefully he recently bought an industrial amount for some reason.

Clad in his purple T-shirt and grey shorts, and sporting a few fading bruises and cuts here and there, the most prominent located right on his forehead, Clint stands by the kitchen corner of the small apartment, eyeing the door.

Captain America has posed:
    "Well," Steve says as he steps through the door, unzipping his leather jacket as he enters. There's a smile on his features as he meets Clint's gaze, then begins to slip out of that jacket if only to hang it nearby since outside there is a hint of a drizzle. Under it he's wearing a grey t-shirt just above a pair of blue jeans and white sneakers. A casual look for the elderly man. "I do have some pamphlets you really should look over."
    Which might be more amusing in the coming moments. Even as he enters further into the apartment. The coffee is noticed, steaming and warm, which causes the veteran to give a nod. "Much obliged."
    He steps over to pick up a mug and indeed takes it black for he adds nothing as he takes a sip. Then he looks over at the archer.
    "How is your schedule looking these days, Clint?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Pamphlets?" Clint wonders, raising an eyebrow, "Dang, don't tell me they recycled you into some kind of insurance agent?" The archer chuckles at that, grabbing his own mug of coffee before heading for his old couch. Man, this thing is so old, he's tempted to give it a name.

Before answering the question, the archer sits down, his feet resting on the coffee table. "Schedule? Hrm, lemme see," he thinks for a moment, eyes up at the ceiling as if trying to access a non-existent schedule. "Pretty clear, considering that I'm just returning from a few months of leave. There's only one thing on the table, but nothing's set so far. So yeah, pretty empty schedule for now. Why d'you ask? Need me to help save the world?"

Captain America has posed:
    The coffee is set down with a faint ceramic click, then Cap nods solemnly toward Clint. Walking over to his jacket he recovers a small parcel from it.
    "That's good then," About his schedule. And the leave. Something about him does seem a bit on edge, perhaps even a hint distracted. He follows after in Barton's wake, footsteps quiet until he rounds and takes a seat nearby to the man on the couch.
    Settled on the edge, he leans forward and rests his forearms on his knees, hands interlacing. "Something's come up. I'm being asked to lead it. I wanted to tap you and see if it was something you would be interested in. I want you for the team. But it's not exactly something in your wheelhouse."
    That said he sets the parcel on the coffee table and undoes the wrap revealing a manila folder that's unmarked save for a pair of red straps that bind it closed. "The intel is in the folder, once you break the seals you'll have seven minutes to read it. Alright?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Cap's serious tone doesn't go unnoticed by the archer. This must be a serious matter. But then, if it was /that/ serious, why come here to discuss it, of all places? Maybe the content of the folder will answer everything.

"I've been out of my wheelhouse since I left the carny, Cap" Clint can't but comment. Which is quite the truth. "Answered the calls, got the stitches, the t-shirt and survived. So let's see what you've got in this red tape."

As he speaks, Clint unties the red straps, glancing over at Cap before starting to read the content. "Man, this sound like some exam. Alright."

Seven minutes, right? Most AARs get even less attention time than that! Browsing through the folder is quickly done, with more attention given to parts related to logistics and tactics. Transportation is also a topic of interest to the archer, although when it turns too scientific, he's clearly losing interest. After all, Hawkeye's tech interests stop at the tip of his arrows. These kinds of scientific details are usually left to the cracks of the likes of Stark.

And then, the allotted time is almost over. Clint closes the folder, leaving it unbound, and grabs his mug of coffee, drinking some, thinking.

"Man, this is, hrm. Something else. I mean, yeah, I've been to some of these locations," he says, not mentioning New Bifrost out loud, "What kind of commitment do you need?"

Captain America has posed:
    When the time reaches that point, the series of chemical compounds in the folder start their reaction and small wisps of smoke begin to be seen around the folder, almost like when a pan of oil reaches the perfect point for frying. Cap takes it up and starts to walk into the kitchen area, only to pause and give the place a once-over and its current state. "Barton, you have a way about you."
    The closest thing to admonishment that comes from the man even as he shakes his head and then tosses the smouldering folder into the sink where it begins the process of decaying and melting, eventually to become ash and hopefully washed down the sink. Eventually.
    Returning he looks at Clint and nods, "I'm putting together the team. People we know and work with so far. Commitment time-wise, that's variable. Prepwork and coordination a few days a week. Mission on-site time? Anywhere from 40 minutes to a day we're looking at."
    Then he gives a nod, "There's no shame in stepping away from this, Clint. It's dangerous, but in ways we likely won't be able to fully prepare for."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The archer rolls his eyes at Cap's comment about his place, "Blame me for not having a maid," he simply retorts, leaving the topic drop.

Finishing his coffee, Clint considers the man's words. Forty minute to a day, really? The frown on the archer's face appears, as he really doubts this.

"Some things last way less than expected," he then states, not providing any example, "But that kind of gigs rarely does."

Clint then stands up, moving by a window, glancing outside for a moment. Schedule free, Russian mob is kind of quiet lately. What else could stop him from just accepting right away? Or most importantly, who?

Cap's words resonate ** There's no shame in stepping away from this.** If he didn't know the man, Clint would think that he's kind of challenging him. Hawkeye /never/ steps away from anything - even when he really should. Someday, he'll buy the farm, but this day has not come yet.

When he finally turns around to face the Legend, the grin on his face already carries his decision.

"Man, if I've got killed, my girlfriend wouldn't let me live through it," he states, chuckling, "So whatabout we say, let's try once, and see how it goes next. Would that work with you?"

Captain America has posed:
    "Sounds fair." And as Cap says that he meets Clint's eyes then extends his hand out for a shake to be given. "One mission and if we don't make it back then we'll reconsider the whole deal." His lip curves up a little... and he actually made a joke.
    But with that agreemenet the future is decided. For now.