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Latest revision as of 12:54, 11 April 2022

Tweak here, poke there
Date of Scene: 06 April 2022
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: More than just a holographic shoulder was fitted this evening. Room was made for others.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow (Romanoff), Pepper Potts
Tinyplot: Avengers Exploration Corps

Iron Man has posed:
Evening in Stark Tower.

Spring is definitely on its way; the lights and sounds of the City are growing, as well as traffic. With every outing Tony's taken lately, the plans of his immediate future loom larger and larger. It's hard enough knowing what he'd seen years ago- the fleet hovering over the Earth. That, and the other moments in space have left him with a slightly different view of things than he had only a month ago, even.

Sleep is getting harder to find, and he's been finding himself in the workshop more and more, much to Pepper's chagrin. He's made things up just a little by spending a full day with her; just in case he can't later.

Not that he'd tell her that.

So, any opportunity to work in his lab, in his workshop, alone with his thoughts, though surrounded by his robot 'army', he takes it. Thankfully, it's a known behavior, so there is little in the way of suspicion.

The schematics for the new team's encounter suits, for lack of a better name for them at the moment, have arrived with a virtual bow. Or more like pages long commentary on how state of the art it is, how classifed it is, and any change, modification, etc to them could lead to prosecution. With all that stuff, Tony's actually very surprised it didn't have a Justin Hammer insignia on it. That sort of thing was right up his alley.

Of //course// Tony's got the plans up on his hologram, in full display. Or rather, in exploded view.

He'd invited Steve over, and as his conversation with the good Captain had including name dropping, one of his other trusted Avenger-y teammates was also invited.

He even promised something to eat, which ends up being a plate of fruit..

He's rarely hungry when he's working.

"This," and Tony pulls a part of the shoulder back, and spins it around in display, "doesn't fit any human being.. anywhere." There's a pause as he looks to his friends, "Fair warning. I plan to void the warrantee."

Captain America has posed:
    "I don't have any of the mission parameters yet." Steve says in that way he has of pre-exasperation. Not displeased, just knowing that Tony will likely have questions that he doesn't have answeres to yet. So he's setting up his verbal defenses early even as he sits on a nearby work stool, watching the exploded schematics and the way Stark works.
    "So I don't know what the requirements are. And I don't know what assets we'll have available. Help me out here, Nat." He lifts a hand to the back of his neck and rubs right there where that small twinge has been of late. Nerve pinch maybe. Or stress.
    "I do know, however, that whatever we have it'll need to be robust since our list of mission site candidates has thousands of destinations." Then he glances at the fruit and gives a look to Tony, eyebrow quirked as he asks silent permission for a piece of fruit evenas he's leaning over.
    "I know they're based off of correlated data from our gathered intel and from old records the Asgardians managed to preserve."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I wouldn't expect less from you, Tony. Void away."

If he didn't put his his fingerprints all over that equipment, she wasn't going to put it on. It was that simple. He'd been involved with the SHIELD equipment they'd used in the past on these types of missions. Stuff from strangers? No.

At the request from Steve, Natasha had to shrug as well. "Don't look at me. My two experiences were not fun. Definitely something to avoid getting shot. Because there was a lot of shooting both times. And fighting. So needs to be flexible enough for that, at least for those of us who rely on speed. I mean we aren't wanting battle mechs or anything, right?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Right," and Tony snap-points toward Steve, "No parameters, so it has to be a one-size fits all, which is usually one-size fits none." He can hear the edge to his friend's voice; it's the sound of defenses building. "And seriously, I'm not telling you your girlfriend is ugly, so you can back off," is added amicably. "But this?"

Tony turns around again and shifts the cells of the shoulder before he fingerwiggles Natasha to get up. "Come here. Try this." Each suit may very well be suited for its wearer. "We're going to have a fashion-show at the end of the week. I'm just looking for fittings right now." Behind them, of course, sits the whole gamut of Tony's own suts, standing at attention behind glass.

"We're never really going to //know// what the reality is until we get there. You know that as well as I." Tony's expression is remarkably sober, born of a more intimate knowledge than he cares to have. "How many times were you told that there were no unfriendlies in an area, only to find more than a few and in strategic locations. There's no such thing as accurate intel. So," he leans back on his table, hands at either side of him gripping the table, "we have to be ready for anything."

Pushing off the table, Tony points to Natasha, "Yours is going to be the trickiest. Form and function. I think we're going to need to get you into something that has some augmentation so you can test how an assist feels."

Captain America has posed:
    "Yeah, yeah, I know. Military Intelligence is an oxy-moron." Cap picks up on Tony's vibe and nods in agreement even as he glances over at Natasha. He inhales, exhales, not quite a sigh but perhaps recognition of the difficulties that are going to be in front of them all when they start pushing toward mission execution.
    "I know it's going to be difficult. Right now I want us to mainly take the time we can and give ourselves the best chances at success that we can. And if that's you tearing apart the schematics then let's go with that." Steve looks over at Natasha and adds, "We still have a good amount of time to put everything together.
    Then it's back to Tony, "But we are going to be on a time schedule, and I have..." A pause, then he adds. "I have a bad feeling that if we somehow drag our feet too much or offer a lot of obstacles then they're going to go with a team of people that likely won't fare as well. Although..."
    He looks between the two of them, "It could also be that Thor isn't willing to trust the use of the Bifrost to people without us being a part of it. If I learn that, then... we'll have more breathing room."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the fingerwiggle, Natasha hops up from her seat and heads over to stand in front of Tony. In that past, she might have been more likely to hesitate. After all these years? She's just going along with it. Mostly because she does trust him to get it right, unlike the developers of the tech.

"I mean I've done zero gee training and been in space twice. Once with Thor, once on a join SHIELD, Avengers, Asgardian outing. So I've worked in SHIELD equipment designed for that. But it was a bit bulky for my normal fighting style." Of course she fully expects there to be fighting because she's her. And it always seems to be fighting!

"Course SHIELD equipment likely isn't going to be as responsive as something you put together. If you need me to test things out, be glad to. Unless you mean I get to try on one of your suits then I may go a full on 'hell yeah'."

Iron Man has posed:
When Natasha gets up, Tony twists around to set the holographic shoulder piece onto his live-action model. It looks strange to any of the uninitiated; a glowing active feedback hologram on top of a living, breathing person. He's used to it, obviously. It's how he works.. and the pair are getting that secret look into his modes and methods.

"Okay, move a little. Swing your arm, and it'll adjust. We'll get the data and the parameters, so it'll be fine."

Tony's keen attention to the details doesn't mean the man isn't multitasking, thinking of a thousand different details all at the same time. It's something that does truly keep him up and working. The need to put it all down is a task unto itself.

"Time schedule is fine. I get that. But I sure as hell am not going to send out, much less go out with anything that is less than .." Perfect? Up to his standards. "The fact that Thor won't let anyone else on his bridge?" He offers up a quirked smile, "Priceless. And devious. I'm impressed."

Tony takes a step away to check on the data flow, watching all the information and making mental notes. "To be honest, I could probably make you a copy of the suit faster than changing all of this but-" The quirked grin remains and he shakes his head, "No." But, it does give him an idea.

"You said the OS was still in consideration." He hadn't gotten that far; he's still looking at the physical rather than the software. "A modified AI should be able to take care of the basic function. Help with movement in different environments, too."

Captain America has posed:
    Procuring a grape, Steve eats it and then looks up considering the others as they work on the measurements for the prospective suit. He gives a nod and murmurs, "It's perhaps wise," Thor's choice to have his own requirements for the use of the bridge, "and it does give us a better bargaining posture."
    That said he folds his arms over his chest and murmurs, "I just have only so much capital to expend with these people and I think they're going to balk at the final list of the people I want to take on the missions."
    A look is given to Natasha as he smiles a little and then adds, "Widow already raises some eyebrows."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the instruction, Natasha gave a nod then began to move. Although it was...weird. That was the best word for it. To have this holographic image following her movements. She couldn't feel it so she faced it as a kata of sorts but focused on strikes and punches.

Until she heard those words from Steve and she glanced his direction as she went for an uppercut. "Wait what? Why is there an eyebrow raised over me?" After all she was a high level SHIELD agent and an Avenger to boot. One Steve had personally vouched for in this endeavor.

Iron Man has posed:
"If they wanted their political patsies, they never would have chosen you to lead the team," Tony reminds his friend. "So, instead, they'll make you their fall guy. Say how wonderful it is when you succeed and how horrible it is when we invariably fail." The man is still distracted, looking at the data scrolls by with every movement that Natasha makes with the holographic shoulder. Poking at the numbers, Tony pinches it, pulls out some variables and sets things running again.

"Besides, Barton needs his work wife." He actually says that with a straight face, even as he works on the movement for Natasha. "And he's like her companion animal or something. A goat.. dog.. whatever."

Twisting around, he looks at Natasha and nods. "Got it. I'll have a prototype for you probably by tomorrow afternoon." From holograph to suit?

"I'm surprised I didn't get a raised eyebrow. I'm a little jealous now."

Rather than her having to 'take it off', Tony shuts that particular bit down and resets it on the encounter suit. As he does, the variables on the entire suit changes rapidly, and ever so slightly, it modifies itself right before their eyes.

Captain America has posed:
    Holding up his hands, Cap seems ready to fend off the verbal sorties aimed his way by the redoubtable Natasha Romanoff. "Because of your past, Natasha. You've done a lot of good work, but I believe there will always be people that look at you funny because of what you did before you came to the side of the angels."
    A glance is spared for Tony as if seeking to gauge his insight into the matter then he takes a deep breath and murmurs. "Of our current crew yourself and Barton are the ones that'll get past easiest." He folds his arms over his broad chest and then looks to the others before he finally confides.
    "The others..." He pushes a hand through his hair, and he can tell that this could go one of several ways, and a few of them unpleasant. "Are Barnes, and..." He clears his throat, looks down, then coughs a little. "And the um, ahem. Batman." Ahem.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper hadn't been home all evening, so she's not aware that they have company. When she does get home and sees Tony not in the apartment, it's easy to figure out where he is. So, without asking, the woman unlocks the door the bunker and smoothly starts stepping down the stairs, her high heels announcing her with quiet clicks.

"Tony, did you actually manage to eat any... Oh. I... sorry. Sorry. I didn't realize there was... company. Shoot, should I... go away? Is this private?" Her eyes narrow a bit more in all of their directions, "For that matter, have ANY of you eaten? I can go get more food. Enough for all of you." Pepper is still in her bespoke suit from the day, hair up in a twist. It looks like she just came quite late from the office.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
A wrinkling of the nose as mention she's a work wife. But then laughing at Clint being her companion animal. "He is my friend and teammate. Not an animal. I am going to tell him you called him a goat though."

Then Cap answers her question. "I see." The words are neutral. As is her expression. Natasha continues working her arm through the various motions she might use. She even adds in for should she need to deploy and swing on her Widow's Line. But she has nothing more to ask Steve since that pretty much covered it clearly.

It's not like she's surprised. Perhaps a little annoyed? Hurt? But after being an enemy agent for far longer than she'd been on this side, it was understandable.

Didn't mean she had to like it.

As he mentioned the other members of the team, the neutral expression was gone and she moved out of the area where she'd been being analyzed for Tony's gadgets back to her seat. "Seriously?" is asked of Barnes and Batman. Or more to be precise, Batman.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony turns fully around and leans on his workbench, once again, his hands on either side of him for lack of a better place to have them. Brows crease, and he tips his head to the side and down, "I'm sorry.. who?" He shakes his head and his hand waves slightly in gesture before it falling towards Natasha, "And you're going to have a problem with //her//?" Straightening, he shakes his head again and a soft, unamused chuff exits his mouth before he exhales.

"Eclectic team there, Rogers. Give you balls points for that one. Why not toss Banner into the works. At least he'll be twice as useful." Heh.

Pepper's appearance coming down the stairs has a twofold effect on the man; it pulls his attention away almost completely, and there's something of a softening before his expression comes back up to that information at hand. "If they have a problem with Romanoff, I'm walking. If they have //that much// of a problem, they can shove it--"

Wait.. food?

Tony swings around again and brings up a hand and wiggles his fingers in her direction, encouraging her to step forward and take a spot near him. "It's okay, Pep. C'mere. We're gonna order out in a little bit. But, I want you here." He's making his own executive decision.

Captain America has posed:
    Cap seems to be amongst a besieging force what with how his expression is, though he does manage to take a moment to lift a hand and give a nod toward Pepper. "Miss Potts." He offers in way of greeting accompanied with another nod then he's looking back to the others.
    Though when he sees that hint of pain in Natasha's face for a moment it gets to Steve as his brow furrows, "Nat..." He says after a moment, but then that single instant in time slips away from them as he nods at the question. Seriously. Yes. Batman.
    Then it's back to Tony and one can see how despite their friendship how these two might get into quite the ruckus. It's there in the way their bristles get up and their eyes meet. No malice, but definite disagreement. "I know. I know. You think I haven't thought about this or covered the angles. I have, to the best of my ability. But with you four beside me I don't think we can fail. And... the Batman." He inhales, then exhales slowly a small sigh.
    "He approached me, and made his case. And it was a strong one, with assurances that I believe. This is the line up we're going with, and if they demand any substitutions we're not going. And if Thor has anything to say about it likely nobody is going. At least not on the Bifrost."

Pepper Potts has posed:
There is a gently confused, slightly too wide-eyed look on Pepper's face as she hears talk of a team. She also seems quite ready to turn right around and give them their privacy considering this is clearly a work meeting. But Tony's made a decision to have her there, and that softening in his eyes is something that Pepper can't resist. Hell, her's have softened as well. Something's changed between them, even if it's subtle. Her smile for him is a bit more immediate. A bit more enamoured, maybe?

"Steve. Natasha. I am sorry if I'm... intruding." But Tony has called her to his side, so that's where she's going. She steps the rest of the way down and then leans up, twining one of her hands in his for a heartbeat and then leaning to give a brief kiss to the corner of his mouth. It's a motion that is NOT just professional. Things have changed.

"I don't know what you are all talking about but, I'm with Tony on this. Natasha is one of the best and you'd be unwise not to have her on your team. Whatever this team is. You don't have to tell me. I can seriously go. I'll order take out."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The words of confidence from Pepper get a soft smilee from Natasha. A thank you without saying the words. She's noticing something different is going on between the pair and that is a question for later.

Natasha takes up her spot leaning her butt against the edge of a table and facing the room so she can converse easily with everyone. "If they are concerned about me, they are likely about to have aneurism over Batman and Bucky. Though..."

Something in the way he phrased it. Natasha looks more closely at Steve. That look she gets when she is paying very close attention. Picking up those non verbal cues as well as whatever he might say.

"Batman approached you? Not vice versa? And what assurances?"

Iron Man has posed:
Tony holds out his hand for Pepper to take it for him to wind her in and set her at his side. The kiss is greeted with a moment when he has his head down, just looking at her for that brief moment before he's all business again. There's a slight shift; there's a protectiveness that is a touch more pronounced, a hint of intensity under his words that may have been missing even a few heartbeats before.

There is a reason why he's doing all of this, and that reason just walked into the room as far as he's concerned.

"What case was that? What did he tell you that would have you join this team; someone that I've //barely// worked with, and I'm pretty sure the others only read about in the papers. Tell me what sort of assurances," here, Tony uses his fingers to airquote before dropping them once more, "were given? I know Romanoff. I even tolerate Barton. Barnes, he's still really, really up in the air for me, if I'm gonna be honest here. That's a little on the 'I'm not so sure' side, but he was your war buddy, so I'm gonna give that to you, grandpa. But.. Batman?"

Finally, Tony looks to his side, and he first looks down, then away, over to his two friends, then back as if there was some sort of confession. "My friends are here because we're forming an intergalactic force to go and seek out new life and new civilizations using Thor's George Washington Bridge." The bridge that connects New York to New Jersey. They're going to Jersey?!

No.. obviously not. "I'm a natural choice because of my ability to work well with others and my diplomatic ability that is so above par that politicians fear me." Uh huh.

"They want my tech, my money, and they have to take me." Not really.. he's just being a jerk.

Captain America has posed:
    There's that pained look again as Steve meets Natasha's gaze, then he grimaces and folds his arms over his chest again, shifting his arms a little. Clear discomfort, but then he seems to solidify and comes to a decision to whatever internal monologue he might be hearing.
    "We met, and he removed his cowl, revealed his identity to me." A look around the room, to each person in turn. "I know to most of us, that isn't a big deal. But for him." A pause as he nods slightly, lending emphasis to the words, "For those around him? That's a very big deal. And it's a risk he took, trusting me with it, that is how earnest he is about getting in on these missions. And I think he knows what these could be. Or what they could become."
    That said he then looks over at Tony and levels his gaze fully on him. It's not often that Cap gives such a steady and firm look. Usually only times in war, or when they are just moments before annihilation. "Tony, you're coming because you're one of the greatest minds of our time. Natasha, me, Clint, Bucky. We're all going to keep you safe. To bring you back home. That's our job. The Batman? Because he's there to enable you to excel. Because he'll push you. The man is smart."
    A look around the room, "Now I know you have your doubts. And you have some trepidation. I do too. But I think with this team, we have our best chance to do this. And do it well. I'll vouch for each and every one of you." And with that he looks around the room again, gaze unwavering and strong.

Pepper Potts has posed:
That hand is taken and Pepper gives Tony's fingertips a tight squeeze as she comes to settle in right next to him. Closer than she used to stand. She's not bothering to hide it. Her smile is softer and her shoulders look just a bit more relaxed than they used to be around Tony. It seems things have finally sorted themselves out. Even if Tony is already being his obnixious self and being pushy about this whole project.

Then her mind catches up with the things that Tony is saying. As much as she can catch. She blinks in confusion. "...Intergalatic... force? I don't think the George Washington Bridge goes... anywhere in space. What do you mean an intergalatic force?" There is that creeping bit of worried panic that Pepper is so good at returning to her face. She blinks between the trio, looking for any better explanation.

"This team. Good, so...Natasha IS on the team? And Batman is going to have to show you ALL who he is, if you are going to be expected to trust the man at all. This is your lives you are all talking about. Your lives in... *space*? If I'm hearing that right? God, this is dangerous... you all have to work together like clockwork. Batman included. And Barnes." She then looks back to TOny, brows furrowed, "You are talking about going to space?? Right? SPACE-Space?? And I'll be stuck here on planet Earth just... worrying about all of you!"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the comment from Tony, the familiar smirk returns to Natasha's face. While he is exaggerating, obviously, it's still funny because it is kind of true. His abilities, his brains, his tech. All things that were great because the man was an anchor for their team. He might have an ego but it was earned. Even if Nat was not going to admit that to him.

"Batman doesn't need to show me his face. I trust him." Which may come as a bit of a surprise to those gathered. "I've worked with him a few times. I trust him with my back." High praise from the widow.

She looks to Pepper, understanding her concerns. "I felt the same way when space was mentioned. Done it a couple of times now. SHIELD has some of us specially trained for zero gee. But it doesn't make me comfortable. Both of my experiences were...uncomfortable. Yet, I realize this is important. So I signed on, despite having the opportunity to walk away."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony keeps Pepper's hand and for Steve? Brows rise and his head pulls back before he shakes it slowly. He put a huge target on his own back when he announced that he was Iron Man, so he //gets it//, he does. He really, really does. Every creep in Gotham would go after him, after his family.. what?

Sound familiar, maybe?

Tony does hold Steve's gaze, his back straight; the men are born almost of the same stuff, though to get where they are, a completely different path had been laid out. Together, they're almost impossible to beat. It's just //getting there// that is the hardest part.

"He needs to show all of us if we're gonna do this." Tony's tones are low, serious, devoid of the snarky humor that he'd shown only seconds before. "He may be smart, fine.. but he'd better not get in my way. And, I sure as hell have to be convinced he can hold up his own."

Tony levels his attention towards Nat, brows rising in that 'et tu, brute' expression. He can read that smirk; it got its traction where it should have. Annoyed Steve and amused Nat. And himself, really.

It's Pepper, however, he turns to allay fears as best as he knows how, which really isn't all that good, really.

"Pep, hun.. it's fine. Not.. space, space. Like spacewalking space. More like, taking a look around out there. We can talk about this later, okay?"

Captain America has posed:
    Addressing Pepper directly, Steve tells her, "No, Pepper. He's shown me, and I trust him. Others knowing that identity won't help fulfill the mission. Though I hope with time there will come trust." Which is a good hope to have, albeit it a slim one.
    A nod of thanks is given to Natasha but he takes a deep breath and looks at Tony, "I can't ask that of him, Tony. If you want to, then feel free. But I think you should give him a chance, talk to him. We've worked with the League before, and they've done as much or even more than us in some ways to protect the Earth. I'm not doing this on an impulse."
    A breath is taken then he says, "If that is something you can't handle then we'll try and figure out options. But I hope it doesn't come to that."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The worry in Pepper's features only deepens, especially as Natasha confirms her suspicions about space. The reassurances about Batman only help her relax a little bit because space is a VERY big worry to handle. It sort of makes Batman pale in comparison. "I... I'm glad you seem to know what you're doing, Natasha. I'd like as much information as you can... give me. If you will." Since she's been through the space training already.

Then Tony is looking back to her, reassuring her that it's going to be fine. Spacewalking is fine. Pepper stares hard at his dark eyes, skepticism on her features. But she's not going to argue with him in front of their friends and his coworkers. She takes a deep breath, swallowing her heart back donw her throat and giving his hand one more squeeze bfore she's looking back to Steve. She gives a slight nod about the Batman issue. It's not her choice. Not at all.

"I... I need to finish up the day. And you all need to eat. And I need to... process this without interrupting your meeting." Because clearly she wasn't going to stop them from going to space, but she had to get her head around it in a place she could panic in peace. So, she kisses the back of Tony's knuckles quietly and then lets go of his hand. "I'll order us all greek. I know a good place. There will be.. plenty of food. Finish your meeting. Come upstairs when you're ready to eat." She gives the group one last smile and then lets go so she can retire up the stairs and go quietly scream in private.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"We are going to be the death of that woman," Natasha murmurs as Pepper heads out of the room, shaking her head. She looks at Tony, a bit more pointedly since it's obvious things have changed with the pair. Seemingly taking that next step instead of tiptoing around each other. Something to ask about. But she'd ask Pepper later. "I'll talk to her a bit more. Maybe have Alexander get together with her as well. Since he's got to deal with what she is. Maybe he'll have some insight or they can at least commiserate together."

She does not get into the middle of Batman this or that because that was for Tony and Steve to hammer out. Or not.

Iron Man has posed:
"My problem here, Cap, is that there are basically 2 people I'm taking on faith here, and you gotta admit that that's a lot of ask."

Tony takes the moment to just talk quietly with Pepper, solidifying the order- he wants stuffed grape leaves! "We'll be up soon. Promise."

He watches as Pepper takes her leave, and as the door closes, he's back to the fray. "Oh, I'll talk to him." Why does that almost sound like a threat. "I'm still not getting it, though. Walk me through this. He approached you, said he wanted in and removed his cowl. Exactly //how// did he know about all this?" Tony pushes off the table and pulls the suits out of the air, setting them into a little holographic box for later. Turning, his gaze flickers from Natasha back to Steve. "He approached you about this." Tony spins around, and looks to Natasha again, his head cocking, "I didn't mention this to anyone, and I'm pretty sure you didn't. Barton is a mess, but he's quiet mess. Besides, no one would believe him anyway." The spin is full, and he comes back to Steve,

"So, how'd he work it out, and how can we be sure others didn't."

Captain America has posed:
    Looking after Pepper, Steve smiles a little sadly, taking a deep breath and pondering the fact that he's endangering the light of her eyes. Then he shakes his head and looks sidelong at Natasha as he asks, "Alexander?"
    The name not ringing any bells.
    But soon enough his attention is back on Tony. And as Tony works through it he actually smiles a little at the summary and asking 'how' he knew about it. Which then has Captain Rogers biting his lower lip a little and then answering. "You should ask him but..." A hand lifts as he uncurls it toward Tony, "He is... the World's Greatest Detective."
    Then he nods again, "And as for him working it out, and being sure others didn't? We can't be sure. I am reasonably comfortable thinking that he must have come at it from the powers that be, having his own inroads. Since our people? They wouldn't talk."
    A tilt of his head is given slightly, "And if you come back and say that this is a no go then we'll figure something out. If we don't take part, however. I think the governments that have put this into action they may do something else entirely and people will die."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"That's quite a leap. But I can see others approaching exploration in a way that isn't so friendly. As opposed to just going and trying to learn more. Trying to add knowledge without causing friction with whoever (whatever?) they meet out there.

"I don't see any of the team talking. Batman has access to his own resources, Justice League. I doubt that this is completely free of being in government computers so it may be able to be tapped into by someone resourceful enough." Like Tony. She looks at him pointedly.

Iron Man has posed:
"That would be Sherlock Holmes," Tony returns. "Not sure Batman counts there." There's a hint of the lighter snark under it; a subtle tone that marks his backing off, if only a little. Apparently there's something else that's caught his attention, now that Steve's remarked upon it.

"Wait.. what? Alexander? Are you setting Pep up with someone too, now?" There's a touch of posture there, an ounce of protection. He's getting quicker on the uptake there than he had in the past; faster to arrive at that almost 'jealous' moment.

Catching that last bit from Steve out of the corner of his attention, it's remarkable how things get expressed on the man's face. He's crossed back to his table, and with a quick, easy hop, he's sitting on his workbench. As he moves, one of his robots pulls its arm away and out of reach. Tony looks to his side, his tones slightly annoyed, "You're fine. If I damage you, it means I have to fix you. Don't be such a baby.

"Now," and the billionaire, genius, playboy philanthropist begins anew, "now you did it." He exhales in the sigh, a theatrically exhasperated one. "Did you hear that, Romanoff? He's guilting me now." Swinging back around to his friend, his father's friend, Tony begins again. It's a way out that he's taking, so both can stand down. "Anything the government gets its hands on.." They're both undoubtedly in agreement there.

Natasha's points rising has Tony pointing at the spy, his hand waving in the air as he does so. "She's got a point, Rogers. And, more importantly, exactly who is this Alexander?"

Captain America has posed:
    The smile returns to Steve's features as he shakes his head and extends a hand toward the man's shoulder as he tries to offer that connection to instill confidence as he can, trying to hold the man's gaze. "I completely understand why this whole thing might give you pause, Tony. Really I do. Just... I feel this is the right play. And if it's not, then you have carte blanche to give me grief about it for as long as we live. Alright?"
    That having been said he takes a deep breath, "Now we should move on to the next important topic," Which has him looking at Natasha, "Yeah, who is this guy? Should I have Mabel meet him? Check him out make sure he's not up to any shenanigans?"
    Ok perhaps not the best course of action, but perhaps using her name to conjure up the very reason in Natasha's mind that she /deserves/ this grief.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
This is not going the way it should be. It was supposed to be about the mission. About the equipment. Lots of details to hash out. Concerns to be soothed. Instead they are focusing on her. Or more precisely Alexander.

"Wait no. This is about the mission. About Batman. About the multitude of trust issues between the three of us. Stranger Danger and all that."

Seeing the looks, she knew she wasn't going to be avoiding this. She sighed and shook her head. "No Mabel. I mean, he'd be fine meeting her I'm sure but you don't need to have her vet him or anything."

She took another deep breath. "Alright. Fine." She holds up her hands as though surrendering.

"Alexander." She tried to think of the term to use but wasn't sure that those which applied were truly adequate for her feelings. "He's my boyfriend. Has been for a year now. We worked together in SHIELD for a time."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony gives the other man a quick smile; no hard feelings, nothing. There and gone, and he nods quickly, turning away. Why is he suddenly reminded of Howard? That's pushed waaaay back into the back of his head as he comes together and forms that united front against their third teammate.

All in fun, of course, and he catches Steve's eye, checking first if he'd actually heard correctly. He silently mouths, 'boyfriend', as if that's just.. not a thing. Or is a thing!

Still, the first word out of Tony's mouth to Natasha becomes, "Boyfriend?"

It's not too far into it all, however, before he puts his hand up to forestall. "Wait. Let's go upstairs. I'm gonna want something to drink for this, and Pepper may have ordered the Greek." He's clearly enjoying this; all of this even as he starts to head to the door of the workshop to go upstairs.

"This is part of the mission, my dear Agent Romanoff. Full disclosure. I know about Mabel and her cobbler. Now you and Alexander... a year now? Where have I been and can I be the Best Man?"

Captain America has posed:
    Steve's eyebrows rise as he mouths the word, 'boyfriend' then turns to look at Tony and repeats it though with a little bit more volume and even higher eyebrows, "Boyfriend." As they both echo simultaneously.
    But then he's looking back to her. "For a year. And we haven't met him yet?" Which has him folding his arms over his chest in that oh so judgmental way, blinking repeatedly as if trying to see what she's telling him and finding the whole thing dubious. Then Tony's stating that they need to go upstairs and he gives a nod, "Indeed. Yes. Let's." Almost even sounding a hint British as he says that, now following in the wake of one Anthony Stark.
    "It strikes me as curious that my love life is at times open for discussion and yet we're just learning of this now?" He turns to look back in Natasha's direction and though he's trying to fix an admonishing look to his features he can't help as the grin breaks out over top of it.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Well some of us don't need to come into the current decade and start dating," Natasha replies. It's more to push things away from herself but she knows that's impossible. These two are going to be worse than a dog with a bone now. If she doesn't talk, they will keep at it until she eventually does.

As they head up the stairs, she tries to think what to say. How much. Any details that she should or shouldn't give. This was far more treacherous than it might seem for the average person!

"I thought I was making it pretty obvious though. He's been to visit the Mansion a few times." The headquarters that the Avengers use. "Signed in and everything. Sadly no one was really around for me to introduce him. He's attended some of the social functions we've attended, as my plus one." She looks at them as though they should be familiar already. Not seeing any light of recognition in their eyes.

"There will be no need for a best man. While we are serious, we..." She considered and tried to think how to phrase this. "Have a different belief system about the institution of marriage." That sounded a little odd perhaps but it was true.

Iron Man has posed:
Oh, Natasha, it's a veritable mine-field with these two. Who else, however, could boast that Captain America and Tony Stark were inquiring about their personal life, much less their love life? Really?

Tony looks back at Steve, the smirk playing easily on his face. "Women dig old fashioned, come on. I mean, look at him.. full of 'yes ma'am' and 'no ma'am'. This isn't about him."

Tony walks backwards for a few steps, and all those moments that Natasha alludes to, he is indeed drawing a blank. "Right. I don't live there. You need to bring him here and introduce us. I'll have JARVIS do a full workup, background check.. make sure he's right for our Natasha." He's teasing, of course.


Taking the steps, he catches the hesitation, the almost unwillingness to express it. Or at least searching for a way to do it justice, and when she finds the words, Tony shakes his head. "I did too."

And like a grenade, he leaves it at that.

Captain America has posed:
    The look Tony gets back is Steve shaking his head with raised eyebrows, clearly having no clue and never met the guy. But then he's walking along side ways partially behind Tony and to the side of Natasha. Yet he smiles as Tony brings up the idea of a full background check.
    "You know that might be wise, best to be safe with this sort of thing." Even as he's walking along, though then he gets one of those rare double double-takes.
    The first is when Natasha mentions having a different belief system about marriage. Which has him smiling at first, then beetling his brow as he looks at her with that first double-take, "Wait what? You've actually thought about that?" And he doesn't add the silent, 'with him?' that is clearly in there.
    Only for him to nod as he looks at Tony, agreeing with what the man's saying, "Yeah he did too." That's when he gets that second double-take as he looks after Tony who is already beating feet up the stairs. Only to hear two words chase after him.
    "Wait what?!"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
There is a faint roll of the eyes from Natasha before she focuses fully on Tony. "He's been here. A couple of times. The reason I suggested he talk to Pepper. She knows about him. Has met him."

Then a look to Steve. "It's...complicated." Because she was not getting into the whole god thing. That was too much when they just learned about the man.

But the words from Tony have her head snapping back in his direction, eyes widening.

"Did? Like past tense?"