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Latest revision as of 03:29, 12 April 2022

After AAR reporting.
Date of Scene: 11 April 2022
Location: Food Court, The Triskelion
Synopsis: In which a conversation about a pretty face leads to torture.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Phantasm (Drago), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It has been about an hour. Yup, that long. An hour for Hawkeye to write the damn report. And during this time, some agents glanced at him, sitting at the table, hitting at keys on a laptop. From their reaction, it seems that this scene is rarely seen. Lots of agents use their lunch break to work on their computer. But most of them can't remember seeing Clint Barton doing so.

With one final hit on the enter/send key, the archer groans, visibly annoyed by the red tape he had to submit.

"Dang, second report of the year. What are they turning me into?" he says, talking to himself.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Ah Breakfast time.

Or is it dinner? Who knows. At least for one Nick Drago, it is the first meal of the day in the food court. And what's more breakfasty than...

A sandwich?

Eh. As boring as Nick's meal selection may be, it is nicely wrapped and ready for him to carry back to his room. But as he starts to head back, the number of heads turned to look towards Clint causes for the performer to glance over curiously as well. Seeing the laptop, he cracks a small smile. Ah.


Quake has posed:
Skye was just about to leave, having bought her extra large coffee, and the nearest chocolate bar and headed back to her office.. yes, I said office, ahem. When she caught Clint in the corner of her eye. Clint with.. get this.. a laptop.

Will wonders never cease?

Coming over, she wonders, "What the heck, Hotshot? A laptop?" A pause, and recognizing Nick, she lifts her chin, "Hey, are you responsible for Clint?" She grins.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint Barton looks up, briefly smiling at Skye, his eyes quickly browsing the room. More than one agent lowers their head to stare at their plate, at their companion or anywhere else as long as it not in the archer's direction.

"Yean, a laptop," he replies, still annoyed by having had to write reports. "Options were to write the report, or be interrogated by some wannabe interrogator agent."

A wave is given in Nick's direction, while he pushes a chair with his foot, silently inviting Skye to sit down. The laptop is pushed away on the table, were a couple of empty coffee cups have been stacked.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's eyes shift to look to Skye as she tries calling him out for Clint's current situation. "Hey he was like that when I got here." He protests, holding up his alibi-sandwich. "Just grabbing something to eat."

In a Food Court.

Fancy that.

Seeing the wave from Clint. Nick lifts up his non sandwich holding hand to return the gesture. The hand lowers as he strolls over, looking to the empty cups, "Seems like you're due for a break."

Quake has posed:
Yeah. Skye was used to being the centre of attention lately. And one of the reasons was Clint. Skye seems to have taken him back.. sorta. At least she called him Hotshot. And with that in mind, and Clint doing the dreaded AAR's, everyone was nosy. At least the lower levels.

The upper Agents knew better than to talk gossip in front of either one.

"Sure you did." She grinned at Nick as she took a seat across from Clint. "Do you need help, Clint?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Naw, thanks," Clint replies to Skye, trying to get out of his current frustrated mood. "I think I'm done with 'em." It's unclear if the archer is referring to the AARs or to the ones who asked for them. Might be both." As he speaks, his eyes travel over Skye's nice figure, admiring her arm, hand and... stop at the coffee cup. "Coffee. What would we be without it?"

He then shakes his head at Nick, sighing. "No shyte, Nick, what I need is a raise." And then, a light smile appears on the archer's face. Right, maybe he did need a break.

"Come on, sit down. You can eat here," he says, "Don't forget to unwrap the sandwich." Oh yeah, he's so funny.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
You look like how Wade does whenever he has to redo multiple bookings in one sitting." Nick comments as he moves over to the table.

Hearing the archer's warning, Nick looks to Clint with the look someone would give to someone who just kicked their puppy "But. The plastic's the best part."


Nick sits down in one of the empty seats, starting to bring the wrapped sandwich up to his mouth.

Wait...Is he serious?

The other hand reaches up to unwrap the sandwich before he bites into it, giving a closed mouth smile.

Clint's humor is a bad influence.

Quake has posed:
"Amen. There were whole weeks that were dependent upon coffee and candy before I came to SHIELD."

Who was Skye kidding - after she came as well!

She presumed by Clint's hush-hush demeanour he was doing something he couldn't tell her about with Nick around. "How are you Nick. Still avoiding your backup?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The archer observes as Nick pretends to eat the wrapped sandwich, and grins when the young man removes the wrap at the last moment. "Ah ah," is the only comment from Clint. "I know one Wade and damn, I'd like to survive this day, so don't jinx me, will ya?" It is doubtful the archer knows of any of Nick's entourage, and he's more likely refferring to Deadpool.

With a nod, Clint concurs with Skye, "Coffee over money, should be SHIELD's moto." He grins at that, feeling the frustration slowly abating. "I was taking notes on our last night visit with a contact." And before she asks, which would be normal, he adds, "Nick and I."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to Skye, smile deepening to almost Grinch-level mischevious portions, in response to her question. Sometimes a visual is all that's needed and he holds the expression for a few moments before the expression resets, looking over to Clint as he describes a different type of Wade. "Mmm." Nick shakes his head, swallows his bite of food. "That sounds like the other one. No, I was talking about the responsible one."

But Clint had a point. There's no need to attempt the Beetleguise approach when it comes to that guy.

Eyes look over to the back of the laptop for a moment as Clint explains what he was working on. "Oh...helicopter Grizzly-mom."

Quake has posed:
"Don't remind me! Wade is something else." Skye shakes her head, and shudders. She, too, means Deadpool. Oh the stories she could tell..

Looking between the two men, "Spill it!"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint rolls his eyes. Is it the mention of the other Wade, or of the Helicopter-Mom that elicited this reaction? Hard to tell. But since yeah, no need to play Beetlejuice here, he'll address the other topic.

"I was going to try to get additional information on something," he explains to Skye, "And since Nick takes orders, I called him in. Some sort of training, you see."

He pauses, pointing at the laptop, "You'll find the full AAR posted. Classified intel. Nick didn't have access to anything classified, since our contact was in a pissy mood. I think I got more from the goats than from our contact."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I was offering to grab food orders when I went out to get dinner." Nick clarifies to Skye, "The true lesson is I need to choose my words more carefully around him."

He looks over to Clint, brow arching, "Ok what is it with the goats?"

Quake has posed:
"Ouch! That bad?"

Turning to Nick, Skye asks, "Did you like it? Being an Agent, I mean." Looking around the table she pouts. "Damn, Clint, no french fries?"

As if she didn't plan on deking out with her coffee to her office - without any french fries herself.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"The goats are classified intel," Clint replies, grinning. "And if I tell you more about it, we'll have to eliminate you." Try as he may, the archer can barely keep a straight face as he says that.

He shakes his head at Skye's question, 'Nope, no fries. But damn the onion rings were good. Remind me to send Nick again next time."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick frowns, "I'm not an agent. I have agents. Who honestly are probably getting testy having to deal with angry phone calls while I'm hanging around here."

He pauses, tilting his head to the side in consideration, "But, since I'm here..." He shrugs, "I'm ok with helping...a little."

He looks to Clint, "Just no more food deliveries for him."

Quake has posed:
Mmm onion rings. Now she was hungry!

"I heard some things about you Nick." Skye grins. "Something about a smile? We never give a smile!" She looks back at the cafeteria line and decides it's not worth it. "By the way, nothing to find about the note. I couldn't find anything about its origins. I think I have to wait for another clue."

Which makes her scowl.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint chuckles at the mention of smile, "No kidding, Keyboard," he says, "The smile this guy can plaster on his face, damn, you'd think he got private lessons directly from the Big Boss." And that's something! Fury's name isn't mentioned, since the archer isn't certain if the young man is privy to this detail.

The mention of the note brings a frown on the archer's face. "Nothing, no fingerprint. Figures. You're mom is to smart to be found easily. Waiting might be an option, but you know me, I hate to sit and wait."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head as the other two start talking of a smile. And being there's only one specific type of smile that got brought up in the past week, Nick leans back in his seat, smirking. "Knock it all you want but that smile can shed off a good 30 minutes from a three hour signing session. Which is an extra 30 minutes I can better use elsewhere."

As the conversation drifts to the note, Nick takes the opportunity to get another bite of sandwich, chewing thoughtfully as he listens to the the information he wouldn't otherwise be privy to.

Quake has posed:
"You hate?? What about me?" Skye definitely is frustrated. "And no. There was no fingerprints. Nothing about the paper. The chosen characters. Nothing. I felt as stupid as you guys must feel when I'm finding things about the internet. It's.."

She shrugs, rather than finishes.

"I heard, Nick, that you light up a room when you smile." Well, that might be a little bit over the top.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"We'll see what can be done," Clint assures Skye, although right now, he's not sure if anything can be done. Many people have been looking for the elusive mother over the years, in vain.

Dropping this topic for now, the archer decides to focus on a lighter topic, meaning, Nick.

"Skye, would you say that his face is too pretty for a spy? I mean, pretty, really?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's so good that Nick took a huge bite of sandwich when he thought the topic was delving into territory he knew nothing of. For when Skye brings it back towards the lighting of the room. Brows lift, The head tilts to the side and he shrugs. All while shrugging.

When the archer switches the topic to the prettiness of his face. It takes Nick all he can to NOT choke on the bit of sandwich in his mouth. Mainly because from his vantage point he can see the agents at the table behind Clint turning to look curiuosly towards the SHIELD agent.

Quake has posed:
Skye takes a look. A long look.

"I don't know. I mean when he is giving his show.. maybe?" She shrugs. "Why?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
A guy who relies on seeing everything around him in order to stay alive can't miss the looks he's given by other agents around. He take time to clear his throat.

"Those with yhr required clearance know what I'm referring to," he says, his voice getting louder as he adds, "And the others should MIND THEIR BUSINESS."

This being clarified, he explains to Skye the part of the previous night related to the comment, "The Helicopter-Mon we talked to, yesterday, said that Nick's face is too pretty for a spy. I guess she was high on something, especially considering her pissiness."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There's the quiet movement of the agents turning back around.


"Hmm. She probably thought I looked like an actor or something." Nick offers up, "You know, the guy who gets hired to play them on TV..." He lifts his sandwich up again, "I wonder where'd she get such a silly idea like that."

Nick takes another bite.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
If he tried to get a raise out of Nick, the archer realizes that it doesn't work much. Instead, he changes the topic to a more serious, albeit maybe more stressing, for the young man.

"Yes, I guess she was a bit out of it," he says. "Oh, talking of being out of it..." Then a large grin appears on Clint's face. The same he had when they did the bullet dodging.

"Training. Well, I mean, not training cuz you're not really a trainee. But still. There are many aspects in protecting yourself. You'd have to be trained in resisting interrogation and torture."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's chewing slows as Clint starts to lead into a discussion about training. Upon the grin forming, the chewing stops as Nick preps for some type of joke at his expense.

At the mention of interrogation and torture, Nick glances up to the sounds of some agents sputtering behind Clint.

And there's the coughing.

More coughing.

Nick starts chewing again. He takes his time swallowing.

"Getting ambitious, aren't you?"

Quake has posed:
"Don't tempt him!!" Skye laughs. "Though I rarely do it the usual way. I'm used to get friendly with everyone. Often I'm brought in to watch, and I'm questioned about everything after the interview is over."

By Fury. Skye has a unique way to cut through the bullcrap and deliver what Fury wants of them.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's not when the archer calls his shots that one should be wary. Rather the opposite. By now, Nick must realize as least the first of these facts. Nonetheless, Clint is amused and maybe even encouraged by the reactions of the agents around.

"That's it. I can see Skye try the friendly interrogation approach while the Widow makes you spill the beans about everything, up and including your teenager dreams." He pauses, seemingly thinking for a moment, before adding quite seriously. "Oh yeah, I've heard Bucky needs to practice /intel exhortion/, y'know, just to keep his hand in."

Talking of /the Widow/ instead of mentioning their fellow agent by her name adds an additional dramatic hue to it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Tempt him how? " Nick asks Skye, "He doesn't need me to encourage him. He's on autopilot." He balls up the now empty wrapper, "I just, don't know what to say to that other than ask if this is some type of weird competiton he's got with Bucky at my expense?"

Nick gets up, giving a slight bow of the head to the two, giving them the smile from the diner "Either way. I had my rest, I have practice to do. Have fun you two."

Farewells given, Nick heads off back towards the Guest residences.

Quake has posed:
Skye rises up from her seat. "That I can't admit. You know, or I'd have to kill you." With a wink she goes as well.