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Latest revision as of 13:39, 18 April 2022

Thursday Patrol
Date of Scene: 07 April 2022
Location: Long Island City, Queens
Synopsis: Raven, Superboy, and Superman confront a berserker Solomon Grundy!
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Raven, Superman

Superboy has posed:
Titans, go!

....or at least that's what the warcry would be if they had an enemy to fight. Instead, the city of New York has been abnormally quiet. No gunshots, no buildings blowing up quite yet....just people yelling at each other and honking in the streets.

Not too much outside the norm.

Superboy was flying overhead. He wore his black suit with red pipelining design that leads to the red 'S' in the center of his chest that mimiced the great Superman. He looks down on the streets below as he bobs between buildings and maintains a steady flight.

"I don't see or hear anything." He nearly grumbles. "It's too quiet."

Raven has posed:
While Raven was capable of 'flight' in a limited capacity thanks to her telekinesis, she rarely used it unless necessary. While Superboy kept eyes on the sky, she was leaping from rooftop to rooftop, keeping her eyes peeled and her emotional sensors open for anything that seemed off.

"In a city so big, there is bound to be something bad happening somewhere." Raven assured her teammate at his grumbling, pausing at the edge of a rooftop and peering down. She got low, spotting a couple figures but an audible sigh was heard through the coms. Just people making out. She leaps to the next rooftop.

"What sort of trouble do you want us to find?"

Superboy has posed:
Nothing out of the ordinary with people making out in an alleyway. Best not to interfere in people's personal situations. Conner tuned out the sound of that particular greeting, and instead keeps flying, though he stops himself in a hover.

"The kind where we can put a villain behind bars."

Superboy spoke plainly. "Wherever we can help, I'll be satisfied." His desire to be a better hero is notable and palpable. Near-tangible, even. He narrows his eyes as he looks around. "Where are you..." He mutters softly.

Eventually, he descends down to Raven. His landing is a little rough - not out of skill, moreso of care - and he straightens to his full height. "Do you sense anything?"

Raven has posed:
"You know the real villains are the ones who have too many layers to get caught, right?" Raven said as Superboy landed near her. She glances over her shoulder at him, hearing the somewhat rough landing, but then looks back out over the cityscape. She understands what he wants though.

She closes her eyes, focusing on the surroundngs - the sounds, the smells, whatever she can tune in to. Then she starts to mentally push outward, trying to get a handle on any emotions that might stand out. A few moments later she opens her eyes, quiet a beat before looking back towards Superboy. "Nothing that stands out strongly. Too many artists all focusing on their 'masterpieces'. Maybe your expectations should be downgraded from villain to thief. We might have better luck spotting one of those." It's hard to tell if she's joking.

Superman has posed:
It is Metropolis that most often benefits from the grace of Superman -- look northeast across the waters and that gleaming skyline can be seen in the distance, with the tell-tale rush of red and blue occasionally spotted by those with the keenest eyes.

At the moment, though, Superman is moving across a bridge, flying alongside a stolen car being hounded by police. The driver is a young and panick-eyed twenty-something, an ex-con named Jeremy who, after his sentence, fell back into his old ways with his old crew to support his baby mama. It's the sort of sympathetic mix of noble and intolerable that draws the likes of Superman to do what he does -- to match pace with the speeding car as it forces its way through traffic, making others turn aside and honking wildly.

Of course, Superman helps out, now and then. A little nudge here, a little pull there, and the high-speed vehicular projectile misses everything one might normally expect to be hit during a chase.

"I get it, Jeremy," Superman replies to some unheard sentence the troubled man remarks. "I understand how hard it can be to overcome a lifetime of bad habits; and I think it's a good thing that you're trying to provide for your wife and child, no matter how -- "

"Girlfriend, man. I ain't married. Shit, you think she'd want to marry me? I'm a dumbass, look at this!"

"You've made mistakes, but you've also shown heart. Listen, man. I know you're afraid. Afraid of the future, afraid of your old crew, afraid you don't know how to do anything else -- but I promise you, that fear is the only thing holding you back. I *could* stick my arm out and you'd crash into it and you'd fly through this windshield and you'd *die*, right here, right now. And everything you loved and dreamt of would be gone."

The man stares wide-eyed at the Man of Steel.

"If I wasn't here, that's what would have happened. You've already crashed three times, Jeremy, you just don't know it. You made a mistake, but so far, no one's gotten hurt -- pull over, right up ahead, and surrender to the police. I'll put in a good word for you if you promise to cut ties with those guys. You owe it to your son to see he has a father he can look up to."


A short while later, an old, janky car slows down, sputters, and comes to a stop. The young man behind the wheel slumps forward onto it and sobs, while Superman holds a hand on his shoulder. When the police come, the arrest is made without any fuss, and a few exchanged words between the hero and the authorities. And then he's turning around, raising an arm, and lifting into the air, blasting into the sky...

And descending to float over the heads of Raven and Superboy, a wide smile on his friendly face.

"Raven, Superboy. Good afternoon."

Superboy has posed:
"Yeah." Superboy replies somewhat sternly, not out of irritation towards her words but more so because it's just who he is. He gives her a look though that has the opposite of anger. He waits for her to finish her scan and he listens to her words.

"Okay." He looks back out to the city and he closes his eyes to focus his hearing. He can hear -everything-. He condenses it to the city. A few incidents of insults, maybe a shove or a gentleman's disagreement and resolution.

But he hears something else.

He looks up after he opens his eyes. Superman. The man whose shadow Superboy is living in. The ideal he's trying to live up to. The man he was created to replace should Superman ever die or turn evil. "Superman." He greets him. And for once? Superboy seems to look uncharacteristically shy.

Superman has posed:
Cape all a-flutter, the sun shining across his broad, S-marked chest, Superman cuts quite the figure -- it's a tall shadow to live in, indeed, a plight the superhero is sympathetic to. He floats down until he's no longer hovering above the pair so imperiously, gazing between the two Titans.

"Hey, champ," Superman remarks, and all the formality of his visit seems to melt away. His smile's lopsided and only dimples the left side of his face. "It's a pretty refreshing day, isn't it?"

He inhales deeply, leaning back and staring up at the sun blazing behind a thin, buttery spread of clouds.

"A fine time to be out do-gooding. Would you mind if I tagged along for a bit? I wouldn't want to interrupt you if this is a date.."

Oh no, Superman's channeling his embarrassing relative energy.

Raven has posed:
At that opposite-of-anger look, Raven is glancing away again, scanning the nearby area one more time while Superboy tries to pinpoint something for them. Thus, she spots Superman first as he comes in closer to them, watching the superhero with her ever present, passive expression. "Hello Superman." She greets him, glancing towards Superboy and then back towards their visitor. Superboy might be shy but Raven doesn't seem to be.

It was an interesting opportunity to observe, Raven wasn't going to complain. "We are not on a date. Just a patrol. It's been quiet so far though." She explained, looking back to Superboy, "Unless you heard something?" Her brow quirked for a second before her expression fell back to neutral.

To Superman she elaborates, "You may accompany us if you wish. How have you been?"

Superboy has posed:
Superboy keeps his full attention on Clark. Though with Superman floating above the pair of them, Superboy starts to float upwards until he's looking at Superman on equal height. "Refreshing enough." He tells his 'brother'. He keeps his full focus on Superman enough that He almost doesn't hear Raven.

He opens his mouth to suggest they are not on a date, but Raven beats him to the punch. "I heard something towards the east side of the city. I didn't know what sound it was. It sounded like something...activating."

He turns his head. "It didn't sound like a bomb. It didn't sound like a weapon. But...something." Superboy suggests, though he looks at Rachel. He humms. "I do not mind it if Superman comes with us."

Superman has posed:
Superman folds his arms before himself, arcing an eyebrow into the air. "A sound, was it?" Of course, the veteran Kryptonian has significantly more experience with his super senses, but he speaks as if he knows not of what Superboy speaks. That lopsided grin widens and he turns, arms unfolding. "I've been quite well, Raven," he replies. "I took a little vacation, worked on my tan," though Superman always has a healthy burnish to his skin, being solar-powered and all, "had a long conversation with a sea monster. It's only thanks to heroes like you, the next generation, that us elderly can afford to relax like we do. These are the best days, the ones when there are no villains to put behind bars -- you'll come to appreciate them in your twilight years."

He's in his thirties. He's insufferable.

"But for now, take point, Conner. I'll follow your lead."

Raven has posed:
"Something activating. Perhaps some kind of locking mechanism or other such device." There are numerous things that could need to be activated that were not bombs or weapons. "It could also be a portal to another dimension." Like a Stargate! Let's hope it isn't.

A barely perceptible frown touches the pale woman's lips before it's settling back to neutral. "How many miles does your hearing reach?" She wondered - thankful she only has to deal with sensing emotions instead of super hearing and she is extra thankful she doesn't have telepathy.

Her attention turns back up to Superboy, motioning in agreement with Superman. "Yes, take point. I will be right behind."

Superboy has posed:
Conner looks at Superman, annoyance written on his face. "You are biologically in your thirties. Kryptonian cells don't age in the light of a yellow sun. You don't have twilight years." Conner frowns as he looks at his predecessor. Or, well, one of them.

He turns his attention to Rachel then as she questions super hearing. "We cna both hear across multiple spectrums, even sounds that humans can't hope to hear." He tells her with a much softer tone than how he speaks with Superman. He must lead the way? Then he must lead the way. He gives a nod to both of them before he takes off into the sky, flying east bound.

"Wait...I hear something. It's....big." He hones his hearing as he keeps flying. Superman might hear it better. Thudding footsteps. Like something not so much colossal, but indeed large. Humanoid.

Superman has posed:
"Oh, roughly the whole world," Superman remarks, glancing toward Raven as he answers her frowning question. "But I need to concentrate to distinguish that many sounds from that many people all around." The Man of Steel is quite laid-back, though he maintains that heroic dignity that's graced the front page of every news outlet and social media giant one time or another. He flashes her a smile. "Don't worry, Raven. I understand the value of privacy very much."

In the face of Conner's annoyance, Superman's own expression remains upbeat and unflappable. "There's more to aging than shortening telomeres," he replies. "But I suppose I've got a long time on this planet left."

His attitude is best described as 'suburban dad', really.

Then the group is off, Superman keen to witness a potential successor in action. His finer-honed senses have detected the footsteps, compared them to things he's familiar with. "It's big," he agrees. "Mind the rhythm of its gait. Don't just listen to the thuds, listen to how they relate to one another -- with time, you'll be able to estimate height, weight, how fast it's moving, and even if it's bipedal, organic, or other things."

Raven has posed:
Raven doesn't quite seem to like the idea of the answer either man gave her. "Good. Privacy is important." She gave a nod towards Superman. Once they took flight, she continued her mixture of parkour jumps and brief levitation to follow. Something big. "Do you think we will need to call in for backup?" She asks Superboy once he says he hears something. She doubts they will with Superman accompanying them, but it's always good to double check.

As they get closer to their destination, Raven starts to hear the heavy footsteps as well. She reaches out to see if she can sense any possible emotions that might be coming from it - that would help figure out if it's organic or inorganic too.

Superboy has posed:
"Privacy is important. I can hear what you do, but I tune out the frequency of it. It's a difficult task sometimes not to tune out too much." Conner attempts to comfort Raven or make her a tad more comfortable to the idea. It might be a hard thing to recover from, but he looks at Superman as they fly. He frowns a little bit. He's gonna have to get used to that 'suburban upbeat dad' personality of his.

The problem with the gait was that it was heavy, but irregular. Like it had an injury or simply didn't know how to walk. Yet, both Conner and Clark would hear something....strange. Like some kind of awful nursery rhyme:

"Born on a Monday...Christened on Tuesday....Married on Wednesday..." The voice was deep. Gravelly, like the body the voice belonged to had gone through the worst horrors. Conner shakes his head at Raven. "We won't need it...but whatever that sound is, it's not happy." Superboy frowns as he looks ahead.

Raven could sense it. A collection of mysterious energy. As for the emotion? Rage. All it knew was Rage. Not like the Jolly Green Giant of the Avengers, but something stranger.

That's when a boulder that was coming in hot comes flying at the trio! It was less a boulder and more a giant slab of earth.

Conner immediately moves in front of it, fist reeled back, but Raven or Superman may react faster.

Superman has posed:
The familiar voice of Solomon Grundy drifts to Superman's ears. The undead is a more frequent foe of Batman, but the Man of Steel has a passing familiarity with him due to his connections with the Justice League and long career as a superhero; by and large, he's not a villain that will pose a serious threat to Superman himself, but...

... well, Superman isn't actually helping, he's observing. As that misshapen lump of earth beats the air and whistles toward the trio, all Superman does is fold his arms in front of him, hovering between Raven and Superboy. Let Conner take point and show the world what a hero looks like by smashing through it -- for his part, Clark's content to watch, and prepared to annihilate any stone fragments that might fall down and threaten buildings or pedestrians in the area.

"Raven, Superboy. You're up."

Raven has posed:
"It is very angry." Raven confirms, a small shudder running through her as the rage resonates within her. She quickly puts that figurative wall back up, lest any of her own pesky emotions start causing mishaps. Raven lets Conner take point on the boulder, jumping down to a lower roof to get a better view of their target, her brow furrows. "*He* is angry." He clarifies. As if the hurtling boulder wasn't enough of an indiciation.

She hasn't even fought Solomon Grundy before, but the song is vaguely familiar and surely she's heard a story or two through the grape vine. Once she has eyes on him, Raven starts to lower into the building thanks to her intangibility. "I am going to try and restrain and distract him." This would give Conner more of an opening do some real damage to the (un)dead man.

She phases back out of the building, still out of arms reach, summoning up two claw-like hands made of Shadow that try to grasp around Grundy's feet and drag him prone.

Superboy has posed:

Superboy strengthened his hands and caught the massive projectile. He shows no sign of strain, but he stops it clean. They look below. On the outskirts of the city was Solomon Grundy. He looks....strange. Well, stranger than normal. He looks larger, a tad bit more deformed, and there appears to be some kind of...circlet? Circlet around his head. Superboy simply throws the boulder straight back at Grundy, an effort that fails to rattle the zombie. A larger than normal fist completely punches through the large boulder.

Conner looks at Rachel as she states her distraction, and starts to move. She grabs at Grundy's feet, but she finds that he is incredibly difficult to move. She drags his feet, but he stays upright. The zombie growls, looking at Raven as if she had made the most grave error she could have possibly made.


Superman has posed:
Superman darts about the battlefield, focusing his senses on Grundy. In his normal state, the resurrecting zombie is merely super strong, super durable, and nigh-impossible to put down -- this enhanced form, though, makes the Man of Steel's brow furrow. What might have brought Grundy here, and what might that circlet be doing?

"Grundy looks to be in some sort of empowered state," Superman remarks, though he holds back on interfering at this moment. If it looks like the two of them are in genuine trouble, he'll step in, but it's clear Superman does not want to steal away the opportunity for the young heroes to shine and overcome an enemy on their own; as noble as teamwork and companionship are, young heroes need room to test themselves without being overshadowed.

Still, there is one thing he needs to do, regardless... and that's make an effort to defuse the situation. He floats down above Grundy, then lowers to be eye-to-eye with the deformed behemoth. That this might distract him away from Raven for a moment is coincidental.

"Grundy, I can tell you're upset," Superman begins, voice calm and stern. "But this isn't the way. If you talk to us, we can help you."

Now, he's probably going to eat a punch to the face for this. But it's something you always need to try!

Raven has posed:
Raven's eyes widen briefly as Grundy doesn't fall. At least it distracted him! She stares back at the undead man as he shouts at her. These are the times she is grateful for all her training. It's best not to show fear on the outside, ever. She levitates up higher, away from his grasp as Superman comes down and tries to reason with the man. Good luck with that.

She looked back towards Conner and then to the circlet that was on Grundy. "The circlet is causing the enhancements. If it is what I think it is, then it is inducing a berserker-like rage. Old magic." And old magic is usually dangerous magic.

"We must remove it from him." She tries to target the circlet now with her telekinetic ability, concentrating a fair amount on trying to lift it off as she is sure it will not be easy.

Superboy has posed:
Grundy roars at Raven, heavy mallet-sized fists raised high. She gets away before she can be turned into a fine paste, avoiding the crushing blow completely. Grundy looks about to jump, only for a Superman to be put in his sights.

Superman was a class-act. He had a charm and way about people that made them want to be better. He connects easily with the hearts of others. That was with people who had some semblance of normal.

Grundy was not that.

A large fist swing as Superman's face. Normally the Man of Steel could just stand there while others broke their hands on his face. But this creature has been amplified and has never showcased this level of strength. If he connects, Superman may be in for a surprise!

Superboy flies down near Raven. "How do we remove it? The circlet looks like it's seared into his skin."

Superman has posed:
It might not be tactically smart, but it's a habit long ingrained: Superman always takes hits more than he dodges them. His reliance on his superhuman invincibility is as iconic as the S upon his chest, a living symbol of heroism -- and, so long as trouble is hitting him, it's not hitting someone else. Someone less able to take it.

And so Grundy's fist connects with a steel jaw, sending Superman spiraling through the air with a whirling dervish of air surrounding him. The impact of that fist is like a thunderclap, washing over the city's outskirts with trembling force. It's only a crash into the ground that arrests Superman's backwards momentum, having made a rather deep dent in the earth.

He rubs his jaw, thumbing red from a bloodied lip.

"Enhancements," the suckerpunched hero echoes. "We'll find who did this to him -- but first, we need to stop him!"

And then Superman's back into the fray, swinging a wide haymaker right back at the souped-up zombie!

Raven has posed:
Raven narrowly dodges out of the way of that huge fist, heart racing at the close call. She does not want to turn into paste today and she has zero issues letting Superman trade blows with the giant while she and Superboy try and focus on disabiling that circlet.

She scowls as the telekinesis doesn't appear to help, lowering her hand and looking towards Superboy as he comes to her side. "You can shoot laserbeams right? Can you try and laser it off?" Hopefully without hitting Superman in the process. "I am not so sure mundane means will be able to break it, but that will be the next thing we try."

She summons those shadowy hands again, four this time. It is less trying to trip Solomon Grundy up and more just trying to keep him still. Her brow furrows in concentration as she tries to maintain the hands and their grasp on him.

Superboy has posed:

A shockwave moves from Grundy's impact with Superman, sending him flying a good distance until he strikes the ground. With Superman engaging Grundy, his fists connects, but the zombified flesh is not giving way to the blows and when they are? They regenerate the damage as soon as it's done. It knocks Grundy to a knee, but he reaches for Superman's cape to try and whip him back into the ground.

"I've never tried surgery but I can damn well try." Superboy takes to the sky at his fast speeds to try and limit Grundy's reaction to him. Grundy is pinched between the Titans, with Superboy managing to grip his arms around Grundy's neck as if in a tight chokehold to keep him locked, while Raven's shadowy hands keep Grundy still, gripping him. It's no easy task for either of them.

Grundy was strong. It took significant effort, especially when Superboy used heat vision on the circlet, singing and rupturing the tough flesh. Grundy thrashed. "Hold him steady!" Superboy called out.

Superman has posed:
The resilient flesh beneath his knuckles seems nigh-impervious to Superman's fists at first, yet with each blow his strength swells that little bit more, until at last he's driven Grundy to his knees. Despite this, though, the zombie's a tough son of a gun, and he manages to grasp Superman's cape and swing him down into the earth in an explosion of debris. A few more swings and Kal-El's cratered the immediate area, a cloud of aersolized rock and dirt particles surrounding him from the sheer force of the impacts.

Yet, when Superboy and Raven grab hold of him, Grundy's thrashing resistance suddenly finds itself frozen in place -- from the smoking crater the Man of Steel's been launched into, a bone-chilling hurricane of freezing breath twists outward, the air around the two younger heroes growing colder.

The ground beneath Grundy's feet frosts and freezes over as that breath continues, until at last the whole of his lower body, and even parts of his arms, are encased in a solid, translucent block of gleaming ice. His head remains unfrozen, though, giving Superboy room to do his thing.

Can Grundy break out of his frozen prison? Sure, eventually. But it sure is a n-Ice way to help the Titans out!

Raven has posed:
Raven exerted as much energy as she could into strengthening that shadowy grip on the undead behemoth, doing her best to help keep him still so Superboy could try and break the circlet. The change in temperature as her glancing briefly towards the most recent crater Superman had formed, then back to Grundy as the ice began to form around their target. Once he seemed secured, her shadowy grip receded from his arms and legs, breathing a sigh of relief.

The ice prison gives them a brief reprevie in order to focus on the circlet. She flies herself Grundy's eye-level, slightly to the side just in case Superboy's laser vision somehow misfires. She stands ready to use her telekinesis to catch possible falling pieces of the circlet or to try and again to assist with pulling it off. "Keep at it! I think it's working!" Hopefully.

Superboy has posed:
The wave of frost coming from Superman's crater makes Grundy try to break through the grip of he pair of inrepid young heroes, but they have him firmly trapped! With Superman's ice prison, Raven's shadowy-hand magic, and Superboy's more hands on grappling, Grundy is immobile! Can Grundy eventually break free? Absolutely. But before they can get that crown off?


Superboy keeps up his heat vision, breaking through the flesh and seared stitching the circlet imposes on Grundy, who roars his pain into the world. He growls as Raven rises to eye level, but with the two Titans working together, the circlet comes free! It sails off of Grundy's head and falls to the ground with a few clinks.

They all hear the whispers of something foul. Dark magic used and freed? Or something more mysterious?

Grundy seems almost immediately calm...and definitely confused. "Solomon Grundy....Born on a Monday?" He says the same words, but more in the form of a question.

Superboy slowly releases Grundy and moves to his eye level with Raven, looking to the crater. "You okay, Superman?"

Superman has posed:
Superman floats up from the crater, wreathed in sunlight and the icy mist of the prison. He looks remarkably well for a man who was smashed into the ground a few times, though he's dusty with debris. "I'm fine. Well done, you two." He turns and flashes a smile to the triumphant heroes, before rounding on Grundy himself. As a calm sets upon the undead, Superman's eyes crackle with molten light, before a focused beam of heat begins to melt the ice. It will take only a few moments for him to free Grundy completely.

"You were being controlled by something, Grundy," Superman remarks, gesturing toward the circlet. "Something dark and magical. But I think you're alright now. We'll figure out who did this to you and bring them to justice, I promise."

He eyes the circlet once more.

"Raven, I think you should hold onto that. I'm not much for magic. Maybe someone can figure out where it came from."

Superboy has posed:
"Christened on Tuesday....Married on Wednesday." Grundy growls out, even as Superman frees him from his icy prison. He smashes his fists together like an angry gorilla. "Took ill on Thursday!" Grundy looks around, as if looking for the perpetrator of this horrible deed. But he'll be alright and Grundy exhales. A sense of calm washing over him. "Grew worse on Friday.." He nods slowly.

Superboy takes a deep breath. "Glad to know the big guy's okay. Raven is best suited to handle magical items among the Titans. But honestly, maybe we can ask others too if Raven can't discern it." Superboy picks up the circlet and offers it to Raven with a light smile. "Here you go. I trust you. You know more than anybody I think, especially us." Conner smiles at her, before he looks to Superman.

"Thanks for the help, Superman. It's appreciated." Grundy seems to grunt out a nod. "Died on Saturday."

Superman has posed:
"I think the Titans can handle things from here," Superman says, and his voice is proud and content. "But if you do need help, I'll always be there, and so will the rest of the League." He floats into the air, glancing around one last time, as if to confirm his previous impressions that there's no one lurking and watching what happened. "Grundy, you get back home, and stay out of trouble, alright? Avoid mysterious jewelry." He flashes the undead a lopsided smile, acting as if they weren't just endangered and beating on each other.

"Raven, Superboy. You two take care, now -- and look into that circlet!"

Then, one arm raised, Superman launches himself into the air, up, up, and away! There's a flood going on in India at the moment, and every second counts!

Conner alone will hear something once Superman's taken to the skies, though. A message passed via super hearing:

"I'm going to visit my parents in Smallville, soon, with my girlfriend. Let me know if you'd like to come over, too -- I'm sure everyone'd be happy."

Raven has posed:
Raven accepts the circlet, "Yes. I will look into it. This item and incident may be a good trial item of Red Hood's database project he wishes to implement." A barely perceptible frown curves her lips as she studies the circlet. She will consult her books when she gets home.

"Goodbye, Superman. Thank you for the assistance." She watches him leave and then slowly looks back to Superboy...then to Grundy...then back to Superboy. "What are we supposed to do with him now? Send him back the way he came?"

Superboy has posed:
Superboy gives a nod to Superman. "Take care, Superman." Grundy gives Superman a growl that is as close to a 'farewell' as Superman is probably going to get, paired with a "Buried on Sunday." and a little wave. Grundy then looks at the pair of Titans, and Superboy says a simple thing.

"Sure, I'll see you there."

He then looks over to Raven, then over to Grundy. "Honestly, I think the big guy can find his own way home, right Grundy?" Superboy looks at Solomon Grundy, who nods wordlessly and starts furiously punching the ground. It looks like there's a sewer far underneath them. Farther than where Grundy put Superman. Grundy hops into the hole without so much as a goodbye.

"...well, that solves that." Superboy looks at Raven. A soft expression on his face. "Thank you for your help, Raven."

Raven has posed:
Raven watches as Grundy punches at the ground and as he disappears, she nods to Superboy. "Of course. I would be a terrible teammate if I stood on the sidelines." She looked down towards the circlet in her hands again for a moment. "I am concerned as to who got their hands on this circlet and used it. We will have to be vigilant of any other occurances of similar items being found or normal nuisances being turned into something more dangerous."

Returning her attention to Superboy she seems to be working through some thoughts before she asks, "Do you want to get lunch after we do up the report on this?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner smiles at Rachel once Grundy leaves. "I doubt you would ever stand on the sidelines." Superboy gives her the circlet and watches her as she seems to look at it with a critical eye, the eye of a scholar who had just found something new and invigorating. He liked how she took such interest in things like that. "Does this happen often in the world of mystics? Weird circlets attached to people?"

Sometimes people were just -evil-.

She asks him out to lunch?! That was unexpected and his surprise shows in his expression. "I'd love to. It's a date." Conner smiles at her.