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An Asgardian walks among them
Date of Scene: 05 April 2022
Location: Rockefeller Center, Midtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Saoirse asks Loki out and the Asgardian accepts. What could possibly happen next?
Cast of Characters: Loki, Saoirse Flynn

Loki has posed:
It is a lovely spring day in New York, and as usual Rockefeller Center is bustling with tourists, business people, and various other out-of-towners. Some...more out-of-town than others. While New York is typically full of a diverse and colorful population, that usually runs the gamut from suits to shorts, blazers to blouses. Sometimes, in Times Square, giant Elmos. A man walking down the street in a dark green robe highlighted by what appears to be ceremonial plates of golden armor definitely stands out. Even if he were not wearing a helmet that bears two enormous curved horns, like some exaggerated ram, upon his head. What is perhaps even more striking about this is that the man walks without attracting the slightest bit of attention from the people who walk nearby. Even _more_ striking than that, even, is that said figure is a dead ringer for Loki, known to some as an Asgardian, but known to the people of New York as their would-be conqueror. There are still spots in the city where you can find traces of the alien invasion that he was very visibly the mastermind and orchestrator of in an attempt to conquer Earth.

But to everyone around, it appears to be an ordinary Tuesday.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse has been around the city for quite some time. And more on the fringe or sideline of super-heroic activity. More support personnel than anything. She's familiar with a lot of the content, including Loki - even if she hasn't participated herself. She's walking along a bit slow, not doing wonders for the flow of traffic. She's just not real great at walking.

Due to..call it optics, servos, nanotech, or what have you - her high level of technology catches Loki as he catches up and moves to walk by. Saoirse is eating a bag of fresh-made cinna-mini donuts from a vendor with a unsweetened ice tea with a straw in her other hand. She gives a smile as she looks right at Loki. "Hey there Loki! Wow, your dressed all up today aren't you? I don't think I could get away with such a bold outfit."

She's wearing a pink dress with wide straps over her shoulders to hold it up. Fitting to her form it's sporting a long skirt down nearly to her feet. And of course white sneakers with pink highlights and laces. She's not dressed like anyone that should know him out of the blue? She doesn't look like SHIELD. Or JLA. Or Avengers. Who *is* she?

Offering over the little bag of donuts she asks "Want one? They were just made, they're really good. So good. Really cinnamony."

Loki has posed:
The God of Mischief pauses in midstep, foot still perched above the ground. Almost like a cartoon character. "Excuse me?" he says, turning to regard the girl who addressed him. By name. He pivots slowly on the foot on the ground, and steps back over in her direction. "I think perhaps you have me confused with someone else?" He tilts his head to study her, gaze briefly flickering out to the others nearby. Confirming that they, in fact, simply see a low-key human in regular human clothes.

There is a glance to the bag of donuts. He may be an Asgardian, and regarded (and reviled) as a God on Midgard, but that does not mean he does not appreciate the finger things in life. Somehow, he seems to have concluded that this creature has in fact pierced the veil of illusion than none save his mother could ever achieve. And he is sure it is because she included a back door in her lessons. He reaches out, tentatively, with his fingers, as he studies the girl. "You would break bread with me?"

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
The bubbly blonde looks rather thoughtful "Well I guess donuts are kind of bread. So sure! Why not?" She takes one herself and pops it into her mouth, chewing. Chew chew, swallow. A lick around her lips to get the sugar off.

"Mmmmn. I might have the wrong person. But I'm pretty sure that only you would be walking around dressed like that. And your visual profile totally matches Loki. Like pretty much all the way. Pretty much."

There's a friendly smile "I'm Saoirse. I live here. In town. It's where I keep all my stuff. Mmmmn." A consideration of something. "If your considering doing something kind of nasty to the city, could you maybe also consider not doing that? I don't know if anyone has ever asked you nicely not to before. Besides..." She's smiling and looking rather interested "You know you can find some really interesting capes and clothes and things here. Things you didn't think of before. And there's always something good to eat. Have you ever had street tacos with pickled onions? Delish!"

Loki has posed:
Reaching out with long, delicate fingers, Loki plucks one of the donuts from the bag and draws it towards his face. He looks at it skeptically, perching the small ring between his thumb and forefinger, turning it this way and that. Not that he does not know what a donut looks like, right?

"Well, I would damn well hope that there is no one walking about impersonating me!" As always with Loki, pride is an undoing, as he glosses over the prior notion of feigning ignorance in defense of his appearance. While his costume is earning no looks, the conversation with his loud protestations and Saoirse repeatedly saying his name is earning at least a few glances. His behavior is not exactly ordinary, either.

He watches her as the words spill out, content to avoid interruption. Something about this Midgardian has drawn his interest. "That is a very polite way to ask that I not subjugate your planet to my will, yes." The donut remains within his fingers. "No, I must say that I have decided to move on from that phase of my existence. What son has not struck out and attempted to destroy an entire planet to prove his capability to his father, who never seemed to sufficiently respect his son's might?" His voice rises a bit at the end. Definitely some stares now. A cell phone or two is out.

"I think I'd like that taco now," he murmurs to Saoirse. "It does sound divine." He pops the donut into his mouth, face broadening with a smile as the cinnamon impacts his tongue. He waves a hand to Saoirse, as if to command the human to lead him to the pickled onions.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
There's a thoughtful smile "Well. Actually people like to do cosplay. Costume play. Some people like to dress up as others, so I'm pretty sure you'd be some people proudly being you at a convention, along with Thors, Supermans, and other popular people. They like to pretend and portray for a day."

To his statement about subjugation she looks a little lost. "Well. Um..I most I think? Most haven't. At least here on this world. You know, Earth. But there are lots of other worlds that I'm not familiar with at all, those worlds could be completely different! So it's possible that it's just normal for what you were around. It's just not the norm here."

"Oh, follow me to Taco Town!" She starts to lead the way. "You know..just because a parent is smart, or strong, or powerful doesn't mean they know how to interact with you. Or how to love you the way you need to be loved. I know something about that. People have different needs. Maybe they think they are doing what's best for you, but it actually hurts you. It's not what is the best for you. And in the end, you didn't really have a choice."

Saoirse doesn't seem to bother with those taking notice. It helps to slip away some of that attention. As if it's the most natural conversation in the world. "I have a sibling too though. A older sister. I'd have to say she's more successful than me. Though I'm very happy about her success."

Loki has posed:
"People go to a convention dressed as me? And my brother?" There is a twinkle in his eye. The God of Mischief hatching an evil plan. Or at least a comedic one. "I should infiltrate one of these festivities, and convince them that I am one of them. And then when they pose for their recorded images, I can go "HAH!"" he leans forward suddenly, whirling his hand up, and a knife materializes in it. That part, at least, would be visible, no illusion there.

He chuckles to himself as he follows Saoirse, listening to her talk about the roles of parents. "My father is _literally_ the wisest being in the universe. He gave up his eye for all of the knowledge possible." He shrugs. "But he knows _nothing_ about how to rear children."

Older more successful siblings earn a brief downturn of Loki's lips. "Yes, well, the question is - do you have more _fun_ than your sister?" A brief grin. "If so, then who is the real winner?"

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
She listens and Saoirse reaches over to try to tuck the knife back into what she can only assume came from Loki's wrist area. "Well. That all sounds pretty good but let me make a suggestion - maybe less with the knifey-knifey? I mean wouldn't it be interesting to see people's takes on how you dress and such? They are people in their own way celebrating you. I would think you would like that. And yes, they play your brother too. I think he's rather popular at them to be portrayed as. But everyone dresses for fun. They do their best. And I think that should be admired and respected. It's their art, it's how they craft. And it starts at a certain level and grows."

There's a shake of her head "Oh..oh noooooo. Just because you have knowledge doesn't make you smart. I mean just look at me. I know lots of stuff like quantum mathematics and things like that. But that doesn't mean I really have a job yet. I'm kind of living with my sister right now."

"There's how you apply knowledge. I was what you would call a disabled person. I couldn't speak, or think very well. Couldn't communicate or take after myself. My father used his knowledge to make my mother miserable. He used it to reshape me. I became eventually as I am now, but was there anything wrong with the way I was? I wasn't given that choice, he made it for me. He also made changes to my sister."

There's a shake of her head "She bears weight of decisions and actions on her shoulders that weigh heavily upon her." Her smile has worn down, but she isn't particularly downcast. "It's not easy. Growing up under great people. I've been a disappointment to my family I know. My sister is supportive. But my mother and father. Mmmmn. Not so much." She offers more donuts before she'll finish off the ones left.

Loki has posed:
The knife is very real, until it's not - it simply vanishes into the ether before Saoirse can manipulate it too much. "Intriguing." Loki considers for a moment. "Perhaps I shall stage a dramatic interpretation of myself and my brother - I as the noble king of Asgard, and my brother as a ... frog!" He cackles. Yes, cackles. Then he stops himself. "Sorry. I gave that up a few decades ago."

The topics of her knowledge earns an eyebrow from the Trickster. "You are an unemployed quantum mechanic? That seems like a horrible waste for such talent." He considers her for a moment. "You do seem a bit young to be an expert in the field, however. I am far more used to grumpy and balding ones."

"See, that is it, exactly," replies Loki. "Burdens and no fun upon the eldest, nothing but fun and entertainment for the one who bears none of that weight." He frowns a bit to hear that she is considered a disappointment. "I am glad that your sister is supportive. Mine cast me out into oblivion because I dared have a different opinion." A slight exaggeration, perhaps.

He does accept another donut, less tentatively this time. Munching happily. "These are truly wonderful. Who know Midgard had such delights?"

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
"And in you go!" Saoirse drops off the waxy donut bag now that it's empty into a trash bin. She looks back over to Loki as they walk. "Well Thor is a hero here, and kind of a enigma too. People don't know him too well. You have to consider your audience. Give them what they want. If you do things in a subtle way that make them think slowly something different about you and Thor than what they know, then it's successful. If you just try to change people's minds suddenly it's not going to work."

There's a blush "Well, it's quantum mechanics as in mathematics. Stuff like calculating a dimensions drift, distance between stars and the drift they have from different points depending on the factors of the area and the universe, things like that. I'm just kinda naturally good at it, even if I don't really know how to apply it to an everyday life that well. I kind of cheat at it to be honest. My body does most the work and calculations." There's a pursing of her lips "Well. I think that you've done some kinda mean things to your brother and others. But they have probably not seen your viewpoint and done some things to hurt you. I can kind of understand that really. I'm left out of a lot by my sister. She doesn't want me to become embroiled in combat like her. She's sort of a soldier. Kind of. The last thing she wants to do is hurt me, but sometimes the way you feel can be just as bad. But you know that doesn't mean we can't be in our siblings lives. I know it's pretty complicated with you and Thor. I can get that a little. I mean. You have a long time. Just like I have a long time too to prove myself. That I can stand on my own. Eternity is a pretty long time right? Considering neither my sister nor I age. Not traditionally at least."

She's back to smiling "Oh there are so many tasty things! Watermelon peeps! The fruit punch ones are just okay. Have you ever had teriyaki? Oh it's delish! There's not just one, but dozens of major different types of cuisine, and thousands and thousands of treats across them all. I'm sure you'd find something in each eventually."

Moving up to the 'TacoTown' taco truck, they are in line behind about 8 people. "So what brings you to New York? Are you trying to settle into something productive? Or are you just visiting and passing through?"

Loki has posed:
"But why can I not simply _command_ them to change their mind?" Loki seems earnestly perplexed about this part. "A writ from the King could turn villain to hero, why would Midgard not follow suit?"

Loki absorbs the discourse on her capabilities. One thing sticks out. "You do no age?" He leans back as he looks at her. "How do you forestall the passage of time? What magic is that?"

He gets in line with her at the Taco stand, craning his neck to read the menu from this distance. "I grew bored, which is usually the stimulus for whatever it is that I end up doing. And I thought I perhaps would visit Midgard and see how it has been doing since my last visit." He pauses. "You know, I would like to think that I did this world a favor. You were all squabbling children when I first came, and you have grown up, and learned to cooperate. Repel intergalactic threats." He looks around for a moment. "I almost feel pride in how you have grown, with my little bit of nurturing." He smiles. "Maybe I am a true leader, after all."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse in considerate of that view. "Well. That's because people like to come to their own conclusions. And they don't typically like being told what to do. Effective leaders learn how to bring people to their viewpoint but drawing them to their own side by having them make their own decisions. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. The diversity is something that can be quite a draw."

"These things would have happened at some point anyway. The thing you were a catalyst for aren't all good. My father is a geneticist. He studies how genes, and people work. Stuff like that."

"My father was one affected. He saw the aliens that invaded, including you. He started to think that the only way humans would survive was to evolve. We were both sick, my sister was transformed using military technology on a teeny tiny level. Nano level. I was later as well. My father went a step further to try to infect more of humanity. He disabled my sister for the time. I took some faulty equipment and I stopped him. At the cost of me. I don't remember things that well. But the laser overheated and kind of..melted everything in my head. And I died. My sister revived me. But even from unexpected places and people bravery can come. Even when it takes everything from you, because sometimes it's worth paying that price than knowing that you failed the ones you love. Even if you can't admit you love them. I believe that unexpected bravery can come from anyone. Not just someone strong, or with powers, or a superhero. But from people like me, who don't know how to fight. Who are scared, frightened. Even someone like you Loki. We don't do things because we want people to see us, to know of us, to talk our name. Or because the cost to us is a certain something. We do something because it has to be done. And there, in that time where nothing else matters. That time when you make the decision to see it through at the end of your life. There's a certain softness. Quietness. There is a peace that comes before woosh. It's gone."

"I can't tell you what to do, who to be. But I hope you choose to be a hero Loki. In whatever way that you deem that you could be that matters to you."

Loki has posed:
"Why would I demean myself to explain anything to you people, as if your minds were capable of greater insight than mine?" Loki tilts his head, studying the girl. The concept seems alien to him.

Her story, though. More than anything else, at the core of Loki, he is a story teller. Those stories may typically come from tricks, but he crafts a narrative all his own upon the world. It is what gives him life and meaning. So to hear a story such as the one Saoirse tells, a story of heartache and pain, collateral damage caused by his actions. He is moved. And the God of Mischief is not moved often.

He opens his mouth. And then closes his mouth. Even rarer than being moved is for Loki to be rendered speechless. He looks down at Saoirse, and while it seems many things go through his mind - retorts or otherwise, what comes out are just four words. Spoken in a quiet voice, absent the bravado that he has been using throughout the entirety of their encounter.

"I am so sorry."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse responds "Why would a father teach a son? Why does a mother teach a daughter? They do not understand. They do not have the capability of understanding. I couldn't understand my mother before she hated me and what I had become. But parents give their children a little. A little. And slowly they teach them and one thing builds upon another. Until they can stand on their own."

Saoirse reaches over to give Loki a soft hug. "It's okay. Those things are done. What's important is we try to look forward and have a good future. If you just brush people aside because you think they wont be on your level they never will be. Or they will grow up in spite of you. If you think you have something beneficial to share of yourself I think it could be good to share that with others."

Loki has posed:
Perhaps surprising even himself, Loki returns the hug. "What manner of being are you?" he asks. Not in a negative sense, not meant to be demeaning. An earnest question. "You speak of wisdom beyond what I would expect from any Midgardian. And you have a great capacity for compassion."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmms. "Well. That's not that easy to answer exactly. I used to be a human. A very disabled human whom was very ill. I'm not sure if you know what Nanotechnology is, but it's a teeny tiny computer. The size of a cell, and they work with other computers in the same size. And together they make a me. They were made to take my sick cells and turn them into healthy computerized ones that knew how to work."

"My mother didn't want me to change because it was unnatural. But my father injected me to start the process. But my sister thought he would so changed the programming. Instead of making the cells be the best they can be as a computer. She made it so that they would preserve my humanity instead. That was it's most important mission. To stay human. And to make it's own decisions, not accept any input from anyone else. So I'm a human built by a computer's desire to cover what I need to be as a human. It can't quite understand what one is. But it does it's best."

"It's all pretty complicated and I don't explain the specifics well. But were you able to understand it? My sister had cancer, really bad. My father used military grade Nanomachines to rebuild her with that technology. I was built with technology not derived for military use. But mostly it's been built and maintained by my own body. It's really grown on it's own design. I do worry sometimes that I might cease to be human one day, and forget what it's like. I've been told that I shouldn't worry so much because I'm a very human person. But it's still kind of a worry. There was a bit of an incident. I'm not really supposed to talk much about it. But. I've seen the abilities I have used in a violent application, and it's very powerful and very frightening. To use that kind of power without remorse. That's not something I could do. But others could."

Loki has posed:
The Asgardian turns this over in his mind. "You are a symbiote," he concludes. "You have a computer within you, the purpose of which is to sustain the human form, and then you are the human form." He tilts his head. "The nano technology does its best to replicate what a human would be, and you are the human that it creates. So in a way, you are both the computer and the human." He looks at her. "Fascinating."

"And you are a creation of love. The computer the tool to sustain the life that was lost. So you are neither the human you were, nor truly the human you are now. Both, and neither." Loki nods. "One of a kind. Unique among the universe."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
"Well I guess you could look at it like that? I kind of sort of died once. My brain got overheated and well. It wasn't good. And some other unpleasant things happened. I was revived, but my memories were all pretty all over. I had to learn how to talk and interact again. And to walk. I can float, in fact I could float before I could walk so I never got great at walking. I'm more comfortable floating. But it makes people more comfortable when your more like them and walking. So I made it more of a priority. Though I've been attending classes at the community college here. So it's okay. I hope I didn't lose too much of who I was before. My sister says I'm still the same person inside and it doesn't matter."

There's a soft pursing of her lips. "My sister is kind of like me. So she doesn't age. I mean if we get beat up too much, thrown into a sun, or something like that. Sure we could pass. But not by age because we regenerate. Though this body is the body I will have for the rest of time really. My dad transformed my mom into being like us, as well as himself. They are still out there. Probably not up to anything good. They got away. My mom didn't want to be like this. She thought it was an affront to god, that's what she'd call me at least. So he made her like us because he could make her do what he wanted then. At least that's what I think."

"Sometimes it's difficult to see past our own point of view. We are so strongly attached to our way of thinking, or we are the superior. We are the strength. We are the right, the rightous. But. Well. If you can't at least consider the other person's point of view you won't be able to understand them. Things can twist. The better you understand someone. The better you can relate. And make good choices in working with them."

As they move up she looks at the typical taco truck menu. They are about half way up now. "So you pick the meat you want, then the veggies that are grilled and such, and then you go on the bar here and pick the salsa. From mild to spicy, sour cream, cilantro crema, mango salso, or other things you want. Carnitas are pork, that's a pig. Pollo is chicken, steak is..well beef, barbacoa is more like a mexican spicy-ish beef. I'm thinking mango barbacoa."

Loki has posed:
"You are a testament to love, but ..." Loki trails off again. He truly is at a loss for words, as he regards Saoirse. "And yet, here you are, with a bright outlook. Inviting Midgard's would-be conquerors to..." He looks to the truck. "Tacos." It is clear that the implications, moral and otherwise, of what she is is going through Loki's mind. He turns to regard her again, his eyes moving over her. His fingers flicker for a moment, and there is a slight sparkle to his eyes. He uses his magic to glimpse deeper into her, trying to see the underlying technology. How much of her is human, how much is not. She is a fascinating subject of study. "No goat?" he murmurs, keeping the conversation up as he magically dissects her.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmms. "Well..." she starts off as she considers Loki's words. "I've seen that the things built into me can be used horrifically. I think that such power should be wielded with compassion. I have to admit that yes - there are times where using abilities needs to be done. But there's always a cost somewhere to it."

There's a soft giggle "Well there just isn't much call for goat in the big city. Other countries though, Lamb, Goat, other things. Fish can be popular in tacos too. Do you like fish?"

Saoirse's body is hard to tell. There are parts that are human sure, but no part is completely. About 90 percent of her is nanotech. She has a tiny reactor near her heart. She has equipment installed in her joints for gravity manipulation. Even her brain is nano and human blend. The Nano's consume and replace slowly, cell by cell. It's been a process that has been ongoing for many years. The unhealthy cell goes in, and is reformed into a new nanocell that the Nano's think will work best to serve Saoirse's body. It's a surprisingly chaotic blend for a machine. Chaotically efficient.

Saoirse's body has been largely transformed to perform many of the functions of a human body however more efficiently than before. Unlike her sister who has robotic limbs and was tweaked for combat - she was meant to blend in and simulate life. Something that her body is continually assessing, changing. It makes mistakes, it eventually recognizes them, and then may try to change them. It's trying to make it's own decisions on what humanity is so it can achieve it's goals.

Loki has posed:
"You are fascinating, child," says Loki, as his eyes look over the varying aspects of her. "Not just in technology, but in outlet." He considers this for a long moment. "Truly, I am impressed that you can put forth such an outlook given everything that has happened." He nods to himself, as they continue to move up closer along the line, until they are next. "What is it that you want to do? For yourself?" He waves a hand around. "You speak of going to college, but that sounds like something imprinted into you. What does your heart tell you?"

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
There's a soft little confusion there. "Oh. Well. Thank you! I'm not sure exactly. I kind of went to a superhero high school. It was a special program. I wasn't really cut out at that age to be a superhero. But it was more to socialize. At least with me. I did meet someone there so I guess I thought I'd be a bride. But that wasn't to work out, and I have trouble remembering them after the incident. There are bits and pieces. I loved them very much. But I can't remember all the facets of them. So that kind of fell apart."

"I just kind of thought I should do *something*. So I've been attending classes in the paramedic program. I'm good with numbers and I can lift people up pretty good. So it seemed like a constructive way to use my abilities. I'm not that far in. Also. My grades aren't really that great." A little blush and slipping out of her tongue. "I might be good at math, but I'm not very good at english and writing. I'm kind of a dumb smartbot. Most robotics and computers are meant to achieve the pinnacle of what they can achieve. I was kind of built to be able to fail. Which is human sure, but it's counter to the natural presence of a computer. And I'm lots and lots of little microcomputers."

She inhales with a giddy smile. "Oooh, they smell good! The chicken has ancho on it! I love ancho, it's poblano peppers that are ground and dried. They really aren't spicy at all."

Loki has posed:
"Were those memories before your transition?" Loki looks at her, considering. "Perhaps there is some way that I could help restore them. If you loved someone, truly loved them, then maybe we can restore that, and you can achieve some measure of bliss?" Authentic offers from Loki. Who thought they would see the day?

"I am sure they are just trying to model the condition of you..." He pauses, correctly whatever word he was about to use. "Humans. And failure is a prime factor. But that is only because persistence and overcoming adversity are central to what make humans human."

It is their turn in line. Loki looks up to the proprietor, moving one hand to brush against Saoirse's back to guide her forward, the other hand reaching over to the napkin dispenser just below the window. "I will take three tacos of pork, and please supply her with whatever she wishes." He presents the napkin to the man in the window. "Do you have sufficient change for this?"

The proprietor looks to Saoirse for her order. "Yeah, I can break a fifty, no prob buddy."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
There is a nod from the bubbly blonde. "Her name was Sierra. She was a mexican national. She's moved on in her life. And I've moved with mine. Sometimes things are unexpected but just end up working out. If something is an illusion it might look nice and you can wrap yourself in it, but is it really that nice when you realize eventually that it just isn't true?"

"I'll get this. Don't worry, I have a credit card." She pulls out a credit card, reaching over to bop Loki on the battle armor with it.

"Your not the only one with magic. Watch this!" The person holds out a payment device. She holds the card out and it beeps 'paid'. "See? No touching or sliding! It's magic!" She sways her hips as she dances in place, waving her hands above her head. "I paid by maaaagic. I paid by maaaagic."

The proprietor *stares* at Saoirse. "And what do you want?"

Saoirse blinks brought out of her revelry. "Oh right! 2 ancho chille mango tacos please!" She steps aside at the wait window while the food is made, and so others can order, tucking her credit card away. "So maybe it's not magic, but we take the wins when we can!"

Loki has posed:
Loki frowns as Saoirse pierces the concept of illusion vs truth. "But what if the illusion is so good that it becomes indistinguishable from truth?"

He watches as she pays, despite his offer to treat. The man in the window shrugs, and hands Loki back the napkin. "Your magic appears to be more impressive than mine, then." He crumples up the napkin and tosses it over his shoulder, prompting a bit of a wrestling match between two people both trying to claim it.

"Take the wins when we can..." Loki turns that over in his head, and then looks at her, with a smile. "You have been a truly enlightening Midgardian. I rather enjoyed our time today."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
There is a shake of Saoirse's head. "Maybe one might be happy. For a time. But is it really gratifying? Is it really in the best interest whether it be one's own happiness, self-care, when they are only interacting with themselves? Am I really doing myself positive when I love a perceived version of my former lover? It would not be fair to me, nor to her to hold her in memory that was false. So I think living in the reality is the best way even if it's painful. Not that living in a happier fantasy life occasionally might not be relaxing and fun. But I think living in reality is better even if it can be painful."

Saoirse looks back at the napkin fight. "Mmmn, that's not good." Then back over to Loki. "You know if you talked to people like this more often they would probably enjoy talking to you. Though once trust is gone it can take a time to re-earn. I encourage you to be earnest with yourself as well as others. It would take time but eventually people I think could accept you for how you are. I just try not to judge because I know what it's like being judged for things you can't change. And it doesn't feel very nice."

Loki has posed:
Loki thinks on this point. For a moment. "I feel that may be spoken by someone who cannot be impacted by illusion," he murmurs. "Most people I encounter would gladly live in an illusion if it gave them what they desired." A slight shrug from the Trickster God.

"Oh, but you see, I cannot do that, because most of the people here on Midgard are so far beneath me that it would be..." He waves his hand around. "Akin to speaking with an ant. And that is not usually interesting." He points his finger at Saoirse. "_You_ are interesting, and worth talking to. The rest are just..." He shrugs again. "Mindless meat puppets compared to us."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
There's a a quick shake of her head. "Mmmmn. By that thinking the ants can band together, spread, and become a real problem. People will work together towards a common goal or enemy. There are things like nuclear weapons, space lasers, I know something about those. And all kinds of things. That even to the most powerful that could pose a problem. If you turn a blind eye long enough you're going to regret it. With that said though, there's also the diversity. People live lives. They love. They hate. They are interesting. My circumstances may be special, but I was made from ordinary, if not flawed people. One of those ants. And they tried to make more. Love is more than just snuggling in under sheets at night. Love is something where you can accept differences, it can be amusing. It can be intense, or soft. But it tickles at things you wouldn't most expect."

"If you pretend to be one of the people you can see just what they are like. There are stories here. Just like anywhere. There is pain. They is love. Joy, vengance, revenge, obsession, lust. There are tales that twist and turn. Lovers scorned, or lovers building families. Things connect in interesting ways you couldn't forsee. If your willing to step back and just watch them, you may even be able to affect their lives in meaningful ways. I hope in positive ones. But..well. One can never always tell. But there are stories here. All over the world. Told every day, one day at a time."

Loki has posed:
Again, Loki just listens as Saoirse speaks. Taking it all in. He does not argue about how he could easily stamp out an ant hill. He knows that is not the point. "I have never snuggled under sheets at night," he murmurs, almost absently. Some sort of odd confession, perhaps.

"You realize that is precisely what I was doing, right?" Loki asks. "Walking among them, as one of them. To see what it is that makes the people of Midgard special in the eyes of my father and my brother." He chuckles. "Odd that for all of that, I learned more about humanity in this conversation from you, who saw me as I am, and who yourself are not exactly human, either." He reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you, Saoirse. This has been enlightening."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse takes her tacos as they come up, and Loki's are ready too. She puts some mango salsa on hers, some cilantro, and some cilantro crema. They come in a little paper tray.

"Well with that outfit your not going to blend in I'm afraid." Well..seems she can't even see the illusions. "You should totally find a nice big body pillow at night. They are quite comfy. They help me to sleep better."

"Well, maybe your finding reasons why you like it here? Their reasons may not be the same as yours. And they don't have to be. And there is a good way, and a bad way to go about making change. Coming with an invading army? Mmmmn, that's not going to make you friends. But approaching constructively may yes - take longer. But people will like that approach more. You wouldn't like it if people went to Asgard and started hurting people I imagine? There are also I'm sure lots of things that could be both amusing and entertaining while not being constructive. Though...noone really *likes* to be tricked. Though sometimes people can take a good joke. But there is a certain going too far. Learning that balance for different worlds might be the tricky-tricky part for you."

Loki has posed:
Looking down at this outfit, Loki spreads his hands out. "But this is the proper regal attire of a Prince of Asgard!" He shakes his head. "Besides, other than you..." He waves a hand to indicate all of the people. "They just see a normal human in a snazzy grey suit."

"The problem with all of that is that it sucks _all_ the fun out of it. What am I supposed to do, live among you and get a job as an accountant?" He shakes his head. "Perhaps I could explore doing something else...a star in your theatrical performances." He looks upward, jutting out his chin, an actor's hero pose.

"You have given me much to think on," he says, taking a bite of his taco. "And this is quite a lovely savory," he says, stepping back as the taco crumbles and pieces of the contents hit the ground. "I promise that I will take your words into consideration. Thank you."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
"Oh? Can they?" She looks rather surprised. "Well different royalty wear different things all across the universe then."

There's a thoughtfulness to her as she chews on her taco and listens. "Well..." A glance down at the street where he had thrown the 'money napkin'. "I don't think accounting is really the best fit for you..." Fraud anyone? "Though being a thespian might be right up your alley, like on broadway. But you do have to be able to take criticism pretty well." She thinks back, how many times have Loki and Thor been at odds? Probably a lot. "But I'm sure there's a place for you where you'll do great and have a great time."

"Op! Uh oh!" She laughs softly and holds her hand under her taco "Like this, or lean over and take a bite over the container, you don't want to make a mess on yourself. While tasty, they are kind of messy."

"Do you use cellphones? I don't imagine they are popular in Asgard. But if you want to hang out sometime we could. Maybe eat some treats, watch some TV. Or you know, maybe something you'd like to do? I could try to help you find constructive things to do that would be fun for you here in the city?" An entertained Loki is a undestructive Loki right?

Loki has posed:
"I do not know how I take criticism - none have dared criticize me." Loki proclaims. "Well, other than to say that I am a horrible villain." A shrug. "And that is not really criticism so much as lamentation and character assassination, and I do not believe that those are the same." He looks around for a moment, considering. "I imagine that I could be quite a master thespian if I tried. Costuming would be a breeze. Unless you were in the audience, of course."

The talk of cell phones brings Loki back to his senses. "Actually, as a matter of fact..." He waves his hand with a flourish, and a mobile phone appears in it. That definitely did not fall from a sleeve. "I found that you Midgardians find these things essential, and so I crafted one for myself." He taps the screen, and it appears to look just like a standard Earth phone. "The basics are the same, mind you, but rather than using your archaic radio signals, this traverses ley lines of energy." He hands the phone to Saoirse. "Place thy digits therein, and I shall send a message."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse shakes her head "A villian depends on the viewpoint. But you don't have to be. Now there is Evil. I've seen evil. And your not it." She rubs at her arm a little with a soft frown at the memories that come with that statement. "Not everyone has compassion."

There's a blink as she stares in wonder. "Oh! That's convient!" She takes the phone and types in her number and 'Saoirse Flynn'. "Okay, this is my number. I also have bluetooth, so you can reach me most anytime." She offers the phone back over carefully to Loki.

Loki has posed:
"I am not sure you know me well enough to say that I am not a villain," replies Loki. "Perhaps what they say about me is accurate. Perhaps not. But I am not without my controversies."

Taking the phone back, Loki looks at her number, and then pushes the button to call her. Waiting to see if it rings. "I did place an enchantment on it so it should route to a local number for you. I would not want you to have to spend long distance charges to Asgard."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
There's a shake of her head. "Nuh uh. No. Your not evil at least. I've seen what evil is. It's someone that stares back at you with malicious intent. Maybe they think you don't need to exist, that you are better than them. But there isn't any doubt in their mind that you need to not be there and by their hand you will be removed. No remorse or hesitation to do that to others. I don't think that's you."

Snapped out of it as her phone vibrates she pulls out her dual-screen flip phone. "Oh! There it is!" She opens it up with a goofy smile. "Hello? I think I knoooow who it iiiiiis!"

Loki has posed:
Listening to Saoirse's definition of evil, Loki tilts his head in consideration. "No, I can't say that I am _that_, no." He frowns in thought. "But wouldn't pursuing your own agenda without regard of the consequences it poses for the ant-like creatures below your level of existence constitute villainy to some extent?"

"Well I should hope so," speaks Loki into the phone, coming out in something near stereo from her phone. "You're literally watching me do it." He then terminates the call, and with a wave of his hand his phone vanishes. "And now you have the means to summon me, should you require assistance in any way." Not exactly why she had asked for his number in the first place, but that seems more palatable to him than her intent to summon him for relaxation.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
The bubbly blonde raises a brow. "Oh? Is that so?" There's a twist of her lips as she's thoughtful. It's pretty easy to tell what she's feeling at any particular moment being expressively extroverted.

"I have a challenge for you. Will you meet me next thursday? You'd need to wear something of human standards, and mask yourself. I don't think I can tell if your masked or not. If you accompany me I will warn you that you will be challenged, if your up for such a thing."

Loki has posed:
If there is one way to garner Loki's interest, it's a challenge. "Do go on..." he says, looking at her. "What sort of mask would be appropriate for this..." He waves his hand around, as he leans in closer to speak with her. "Challenge." Not that that word was particularly meaningful in the context.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse considers the question thoughtfully. "Something human, casual. Comfortable clothing would be good. I'll introduce you to something I don't think you'll have experienced or particularly thought about. So. Sounds like a date then?" There's a smile as she certainly has something planned, craftily in her own bubbly way.

Loki has posed:
A narrowing of one eye. A thought. "A date with a Midgardian?" Loki considers the notion for a moment. "I suppose there are crazier endeavors that I have embarked upon." He turns his attention back to Saoirse. "Very well, then. Where and when shall I meet you?"

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
"I'll text you the time and place. Expect to spend most of the day. It should be fun." There's a soft giggle. "Make sure you bring your Marshmallow A-game. I should get going, if I'm too late my sister will start watching Snowpeircer without me. Even though she said she wouldn't, I know she totally would. But Thursday. Keep your calendar open. I think it'll be an interesting experience for you!"

Loki has posed:
A nod from the Asgardian. "Thursday. It is a date." Loki points at his hand. "I shall await thy message with the details of the summons." He offers a smile towards Saoirse. "If she has started without you, let me know, and I shall wreak appropriate vengeance upon her head!" He shakes his fist at the sky. It is difficult to tell if he is joking or not.