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Latest revision as of 06:47, 25 April 2022

Fishing around for information.
Date of Scene: 24 April 2022
Location: Skye's Brownstone, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Skye help the guys gather more information on Sarah.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Phantasm (Drago), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's rather late at night, and all regular activities - including filing red tape and training - are over with at the Triskelion. For most, it's about time to hit the hay. But for Skye, it's the time of day - or rather night - best used to fish around the internet for information.

Well aware of this, Clint had asked her to do a specific research on this mysterious Sarah he met a couple times. Although the lab technician had been curious about the archer's request to extract a DNA sequence from a half-eaten hotdog, he finally provided Clint with the needed information.

On his way home, the archer invited Nick to come along, with a plan to stop by the Chinese restaurant and grab some take out. The rock star has also met the mysterious - and annoying - woman, and might be helpful in their search for information.

With all kinds of Chinese food, Clint finally arrived at Skye's, ready for a long night.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is good timing that Clint came by when he did. Had this been a day prior, he likely wouldn't have gotten ahold of Nick. Considering how punchy he was when Willow called for his help, it seemed pertinent to take a day to make sure he was rested and that methodology made him pretty much dead to the world.

Nick followed Clint, stepping up alongside him once they came to the door. Upon coming into the light, Nick takes note of a stray dog hair on his shirt and reaches over, plucking it off to let the wind carry it away.

Quake has posed:
Skye was sprawled out on one of the couches, with the two cats laying on the other one. For two cats they took quite a bit of space - more than Skye, and her laptop!

"Door's open. Same rules apply! If you're going into the kitchen, put the coffee maker on."

No, she didn't look up. They could have been anyone.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Coffee, the real blood that can be found in every SHIELD agents!

Clint walks to the kitchen, placing the take-out food on the island, then starts to make coffee. "Come in, Nick, you know the place already," he says. "Let's get grab some grub, then join Skye. Man, this will be a long night."

Soon the coffee is ready, and three cups are filled. Then Clint fixes a plate for Skye, making sure to add some veggies on top just to tease her. He's not so mean as to serve her chow mein - besides, her help is needed!

With coffee and plate in hand, the archer goes to the living room, and places them on the coffee table. "Let's eat a bit, while Nick and I debrief you on the matter," he states.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is careful stepping in to the home. Considering the last visit involved felines fleeing freely, he didn't want to contribute to that type of situation. Once the door is closed, he does follow Clint over to the kitchen area. Once Clint prepares his and Skye's food, Nick works on prepping his own.

Once the black coffee and dinner is ready, he follows afterwards. He finds a spot to sit that's not directly next to Skye, leaving that spot to Clint. "Hey Skye." He greets. Nick also has veggies on top. But he did that to himself.

Quake has posed:

Good god! That Chinese food smelled good. Yes Clint, Skye bought some groceries the other day. Now, did she use them - that was another question. Answer: the Mr. Noodles (according to the trash bin) were definitely being eaten. And bagels with cream cheese.

Not a veggie in sight.

"So.." She picked up her plate, and stared at the vegetables - orange vegetables in fact, which she pushed them into the edge of her plate. Then she began to eat. "What are we looking for, anyways?"

She knows the drill by now.

"Hey Nick, welcome to where the shit gets real. Or more exact, shit that doesn't go on SHIELD's computers. Move the cats over. Yes, you Grant. I see you. Jeezes. Stupid cats. Think that they own everything."

Well, they do in a roundabout way.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Since the cats don't obey, Clint pushes them unceremoniously. Hissing their disapproval, they run to the bedroom to find peace. Another fight for space will ensue later.

"Alright," he says, opting to sit on the now vacated couch. "So I met this woman, Nick did too. We have partial information on her, and I doubt all of it, but for one point. The threat against her is real. They are called Terminators, kind of robots she said are from the future. We have a name - Sarah. And her DNA. Company names. How much can you find with this?"

And true to his word, eating is the priority. He's lucky Skye didn't throw the carrots at him! "Nick might also have some other details to share." Because for now, the archer is eating.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the cats go off to plan their revenge upon Barton, Nick takes a bite of his food. Clint starting up the initial introduction to the Sarah chronicles does allow for him to at least get something somewhat of an appetizer in. When Clint passes the discussion over to him. Nick blinks. "Mmph." He chews quicker. Swallowing down the food once he's able.

"While she is concerned about them, she's more concerned about the one she's protecting. Which based from the first two times I've encountered her, I assume that one to be a son." Nick pauses, "She has a very big mama bear vibe coming off her. Also she knows that we sometimes get to go orders from Fred's. Oh and not to steal from Clint's presentation but he pisses her off."

Quake has posed:
"Depends." Skye shrugs. "Depends on what's out there."

She types what she has into the search engines - the dark web search engines in particular - and waits. And waits.

"A son?" She adds that. To no luck. "Weird. Either you are making it up, or someone is cleaning up after her. "There are some weird things around something like a terminator. Even so, it's been swept under a rug, so to speak. But they have been identified as something else."

She chuckles at Clint. "You? Pissing off someone? Noooooo."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Hey, I'm paid to piss off people," the archer retorts, "From deities to mafia goons," he adds, grinning between mouthfuls.

As he eats, Clint reaches for his pocket, producing a mini data chip that he flips between his fingers. "Here, DNA, freshly extracted from a not so fresh hotdog."

Leaning forward, the archer places the data chip on the armrest near Skye, stealing the carrots from her plate. She will not eat them, no way.

"Nick is right, she seems to be protecting someone. Maybe a son. Oh yeah, and she escaped an asylum at some point, according to her. Works in a diner. Carries big guns. Hrm, did I miss anything?" Looking up at Nick, in case their companion had more details which escaped the archer for now.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick frowns as Skye says nothing pops up. Closing his eyes as he thinks back to the conversations. "Any mention of Cyberdine, Skynet, or talk of a Human resistance?"

He frowns, "Well, minus the FoH bullshit." He really likes using that word.

Quake has posed:
"You know, you could have started with that piece of information first!"

Her plate has been set by the way side while she looks at this information. Including the DNA sequencing. "I bet she's sorry for leaving that behind."

At first it was a trickle. Enough to give her a direction to go on. When she added a few more guesses.. the laptop went wild with hits. "Hoooly shit. Wow. No wonder she didn't want you around, Clint."

And she turned the laptop so he and Nick could peruse it.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint leans forward, perusing the information displayed on Skye's laptop.

A low whistle escapes his lips as he reads on, "Man," he says, "It's really her there," pointing at a mug-shot, "You can't forget such a non-engaging smile."

Of course, Skye didn't find a complete data sheet on this Sarah - there might need a bit more prodding the web for additional information. "Connor. Oh, and she was true about her first name. Wonders won't cease." He looks up to Skye, "Did you check what SHIELD has on her, if anything?" It's a strange question, since she probably did it, but hey, he has to ask.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances to the displayed image. Giving a nod. The comment about the non engaging smile gets a glance before he glances to his plate "Sometimes it's hard to smile when your life gets torn apart."

Leaving it hanging on that comment, Nick puts another biteful of food into his mouth, chewing quietly.

Quake has posed:
"You must have caught a nerve." Skye frowns. "According to this, she's got an arrest warrant for, well, a few things. Including gun running, escaping a mental asylum, and kidnapping her son. Think he's the one she's meaning?"

The question is: is she nuts, or someone like Nick?

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"We'll keep everything you find on a file," Clint states, his empty plate placed on the couch by his side. "Definitely her," he comments on the description provided by Skye.

Taking the time to enjoy his coffee before it totally cools down, the archer frowns. "I doubt she's nuts," he states, "And I'm not saying it because she hates me." Pause. "The Terminators are real, some sort of replicants with a single target: her. They will kill on sight. It has something to do with her son, she told us so much. Though she's not the most sympathetic individual, I'm concerned about her, and her son. But mostly, for colateral victims of their shooting games in the streets."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick chews his food and swallows. Closing his eyes.

"At least two targets. The hypothetical she gave you about keeping a person alive to save the world? That sounds like a big reason for these Terminators to have him included on the list." Pale eyes glance over to Skye, "Any picture or name for the son? I'm guessing if she's still using her first name he's still using his."

Quake has posed:
What are we going to do tonight, Brain"

"As far as the files state, there's no such things as terminators. Mind you, we could look through her files, the secret files.." Skye could easily peek through them. "..But I'll your word over them. By the way, the charges for the gun running actually are true."

Maybe a little trumped up, but true.

"Do you remember me, Clint? Sleep with them. Toss them to the curb? How is she different?"

As for 'John', Skye went through each of those aliases, as well as Connor. Only Connor had a hit: the missing kid poster. And it wasn't very good. Blurry. A half portrait.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The archer finishes his coffee, a concerned look on his face. It's one thing to gather and collect information on Sarah, it doesn't help in planning what to do next.

"Yup, you're right, Skye," he nods, "And you have my report on Terminators."

Something Skye mentioned peaks his interest, something about a warrant.

"Right, then what's next. I seriously think SHIELD should talk to her. Use the warrants to bring her in, if needed." He glances over at Skye, "I'm not going to do it. This will require clearance. Which means, talking to Da Big Boss."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Assuming she hasn't been spooked out of town already." Nick muses, looking to his food. "...How old would he be now?"

Quake has posed:
"You know, maybe I can get more info before we can go to the big boss?" Skye sits back with her laptop. "You know he'd just have me do it then." Or not. Sometimes Fury says no. (Even though he knows that Skye would look into it despite him saying no.)

"Try not to piss her off in the interim. A neighbourhood we maybe know is a damn sight better than three sheets to the wind."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The archer shrugs at the mention of not antagonizing Sarah. "I had no intention of contacting her," he states, grabbing his empty plate. Cup and plate in hands, Clint heads for the kitchen, starting another pot of coffee.

"I am thinking more about having her under surveillance," the archer adds as he returns to sit on the couch. "You are right, though, let's find more about her before we talk to the Powers that Be. Heck," he grins, pointing at Nick, "You could try to find out more, she kind of likes you."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head at the mention of antagonizing Sarah. "I don't know what led up to the first diner, but the other two times she approached us." He pinches the bridge of his nose, "And good luck with the surveilance thing. I'd be surprised if she's still working at that one diner."

There's this sense of irritation to the thought as he glances in the direction of Clint. Why does he get the feeling he's going to be doing a lot more 'to go' orders from a larger variety of diners after this?

"Yeah sure Clint. If she pops by inviting me to coffee. I'll be sure ask her for her home address." Sarcasm? Hopefully so. "Although I'm pretty sure what the answer will be."

Quake has posed:
"Ooooo.. You are sure you aren't an agent in training? He sounds like us."

Skye nods her head. "I wouldn't work anywhere I had met you. And from what I can see, she's actually good and hiding her tracks. Up to you though. As for me? I'm going to pull out the big guns and see what else I can see."

After all, she was infinitely better than the FBI.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
They both have good points, and Clint can't but agree with them.

"Alright," he says, stretching his legs before resting his feet on the coffee table. "We've found interesting information, and I'm sure more will be found. Hopefully, no one gets killed by a stray bullet in the meantime."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
To the tease, Nick's eyes narrow. But as the conversation seems to die away, Nick finds other ways to keep himself occupied. Namely eating the food and coffee he got.

Nick is NOT an agent dammit.