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Latest revision as of 03:27, 29 April 2022

We meet again.
Date of Scene: 26 April 2022
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: A springtime evening, had Lucas, Nick, and Willow finding themselves in the Apple Park. Willow told Nick about Buffy just before they parted.
Cast of Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Lucas Farmer, Phantasm (Drago)

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was off this afternoon. No work. No schooling. No Watchtower. No Magic Box. Nothing except what she wanted to do.

Of course, being Willow, she found herself out in the Park, enjoying the sunshine. Though by now, things were getting a bit cooler. Kids had gone home for supper. There was only a few people drinking up the last few rays of sunshine.

Lucas Farmer has posed:
Among those still enjoying the Park is Lucas, with Puppy secured under his arm. It has been a few days since they were rescued out of the elevator shaft in the abandoned warehouse. No foster home could be found yet for Puppy, so the young man had brought it back to Xavier's School with him.

The young man did not expect that the presence of a young dog would cause any trouble in a school where there was a lot of noise and shouting already. On their side, the school's staff had noticed how Lucas seemed more at ease with Puppy around. It helped him socialize with the other students and, maybe for this reason only, Puppy was allowed at the School. For a time.

Right now, Lucas is walking slowly, allowing the pup to trot by his side, and no further than the leash will allow.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick has been off for awhile and honestly that's giving him a bit of cabin fever. So, today is a practice day. No, not target practice. Not dodging bullets practice. Just powers practice because God forbid he have another slip up again.

Despite it being in the day time, one can usually rely on there being a few people in the general area napping. Unfortunately the last one was a bit of a doozy which leads to a chase and the need for a quick exit.


A raven appears in the sky mid barrel roll and for those with exceptional hearing, mid-curse as well. "-cccckkkk."

The bird comes to a halt in the air, wings flapping as he looks around cautiously.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Unfortunately, without a body of standing water, there are few birds to feed.. Mind you, with the peanuts she bought on her way over here made up for it. Squirrels were nearly as nice! And with it just turning spring, the squirrels were out and about looking for food. Which Willow was happy to provide them!

Of course, she was almost out.

"Bummer!" Really, she should pack up and head home. "Sorry all gone." She threw out the remaining peanuts, and began to pack up.

Funny. That almost looks like the puppy from the other day. Only cleaner, and perkier.

Lucas Farmer has posed:
Oh yes, Puppy had been bathed before being allowed inside the school. And as Lucas and Puppy approach, the dog starts to get excited as it spotted Willow before his master could.

Keeping the dog well on a leash, despite it wanting to run away - either toward Willow or something else - Lucas glances around. Oh, this is the nice woman who helped them. Raising his hand, the young man waves at Willow. "Hey, Willow!" he calls, smiling.

But as he was about to hasten his pace to join Willow, Lucas frowns, looking up at the sky. Having been raised on the Farm, in the middle of a forest of plain old nothing but trees, the young man knows most animals. Ravens can emit an array of sounds, but this definitely didn't sound raven-ish.

Despite it being quite young, Puppy already possesses the instincts of his species, which instincts dictate to him to be cautious as there seems to be something not quite normal over there by the treeline.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the bird gets his bearings, he feels like he's being looked at. Flying over to a branch the phantasm perches. The wings fold in as he turns around on the branch, eventually looking right at Lucas.

Hey, he was looking first.

A wing lifts, giving Lucas a wave.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
It is the puppy!!

But before Willow has time to greet him properly, he was ruffling up his hackles beyond the tree tree. She frowns - after all, she has spent a lot of time /in/ those trees having pagan rituals.

Looking up towards Lucas, she holds out her hand. "Let me check.."

The raven was fluttering down to sit. (First clue!) But when the raven waves to Lucas, Willow rolls her eyes. "It's just Nick. Phbt.."

Lucas Farmer has posed:
Just Nick? The young man looks at the Raven, then at Willow, then back at Raven. Ravens don't wave, at least, not those up North.

"Nick?" Lucas repeats, uncertain of what he's seen.

The pup gets so excited, that the young man decides to keep him under his arm. Give him a couple more months, and that won't be possible anymore since huskies grow to a large size. This does not stop the dog from yapping at the dark bird.

Since Willow seems to recognize the Raven, Lucas relaxes a bit. Just a bit. This is certainly a strange world filled with strange people.

As he slowly walks in the direction of the tree, the young man keeps his eyes on the raven. They certainly are brilliant birds, so smart and resourceful, and this one seems special indeed. "Nick?" Lucas repeats, half greeting and half doubting as he stops at a decent distance.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The bird glances around, seemingly looking for any other persons that might be in the area beyond Lucas, the pup, and Willow. Seeing little risk, the bird shakes his head at Willow. "Way to make me feel welcome there, Willow." The sarcastic toned voice that comes out is similar to the one over at the warehouse.

The Phantasm looks over to Lucas as he sees the slow approach, "Ah hey Lucas. How're you and the pup doing?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blushes. "Nick's a friend, Lucas. He helps the Scoobies with, well, bad guys." Sorta. "I'm sorta the one who.. well, with the Scoobies I don't really use my powers." She frowns. That maybe changing?

"And he might have been afraid of you, Nick! And he has a puppy!!" Pouts. "Nick uses his powers a lot more than I do."

Lucas Farmer has posed:
So this is Nick! Really? The young man seems incredulous as he carefully approaches, the pup still secured under his arm. Incredulity is soon replaced by curiosity, the mother of knowledge.

Listening to Willow's statement about her and Nick, Lucas nods slowly, "Yes, I know people with powers," is all he says in return, most likely referring to the students and staff at Xavier's School. The young man is still quite cautious with information he isn't sure can be shared with /strangers/.

Glancing over at Willow, Lucas frowns a moment, thinking. "I don't know what Scoobies are, Willow," he simply states. "What are they?"

Then an idea crosses his mind as he looks back at Nick, grinning, "Can you turn into an eagle? Eagles are nice too."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The bird looks over at Willow, lower beak dropping in response to her last comment. There's a moment of silence of him just staring at the wiccan before turning his attention over to Lucas and his question.

"Well. Some forms are easier than others. Other than the me shaped ones I got about 3 default forms that are easier to transition to. But...If you give me enough time and my head's clear enough, I can probably do it." He tilts his head, "Mind you, I'm not an ornithologist. I'd probably get some details wrong."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Yep. As usual, people found Nick very interesting. Where they glossed over Willow. At least she could say she was a part of the Justice League of America.. could. She rarely talked about it.

"The Scoobies are a gang that keeps my hometown safe. They are led by my other friend Buffy."

Lucas Farmer has posed:
"Oh, you don't have to do it, Nick," Lucas shakes his head, as if he didn't want to be any trouble to his new friends. Now that Puppy got used to the Raven and calmed down, the young man sits on the grass, just like that, crossing his legs and keeping the dog close to him.

Listening to Willow, the young man has to wonder, "There aren't any police in your hometown to keep people safe?" he asks. While he is used to the company of fellow mutants, Lucas knows nothing of magic. Really. The only safety he knows about, from the Farm, are guns, electric fences and dogs. Lucas strongly doubts that's what Willow's business is.

Puppy yaps and runs to Willow, his interest now turned to the woman who once took him. The dog is given enough leash to stop in front of her, and not more. Looking up at Willow with puppy eyes - literally - Puppy begs to be taken.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Lucas says he doesn't have to do the eagle shift, the bird nods. "Thank you." He replies to the youngest in the group.

As for the police question...I'll let Willow field that one. Being I'm just an outsider and usually only ends up seeing them when they're calling me in to help with something." The bird comments, looking over to Willow, looking quite cross for a bird, "Which is probably why you think this is all I do."

With that the bird leaps off the tree, wings spreading to perform a loop to essentially land behind the tree and out of sight.

There's a few moments before Nick emerges. Now as his human form. "I'm getting a hotdog." He grumbles, looking over to Lucas, "You want one?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow bent down and scritched the puppy behind the ears. "Well.. you see.. I mean.. and besides.. uuh.." She looks to Nick, and back to Lucas. "The police force wouldn't believe it, and if they did, they aren't prepared to fight them. My friends keep the streets free of other things so that everyone else doesn't believe.."

Oh boy. When she listens to herself it sounds like she is crazy. Literally crazy.

And that's in a world that had mutants!

"I'm a member of the Justice League of America?" If you can't beat them, distract them?

Lucas Farmer has posed:
The young man watches as Nick emerges from the behind the trees. So it is confirmed, it's his friend Nick. If some doubts still exist, they are now erased. How cool it must be to be able to change shape!

"Oh yes, I'd like a hotdog, with mustard," he replies, "I can pay for it too." Yes, he has money, not that he uses it much.

The young man learned a lot of things since he came to live at the School. Lots of useful things, and lots of strange things. A talking bird turned man, a woman talking about things that people don't see. Nothing seems to surprise him anymore. "Justice League of America," he repeats, learning about the existence of another group. There are so many things in this world that he has no notion exist. At that moment, the young man doesn't ask what it is.

He remains silent for a moment, and Puppy returns to him. "Many people think I'm not very smart," he states matter-of-factly, without a hint of anger or else, "Because I don't know things that everyone knows. If I ask too many questions, they get annoyed." And that's why there are no questions about the Justice League.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head as Lucas offers to pay for his hot dog. "Nah. Don't worry about it. I got it." He continues walking towards the vendor. Now to those who have taken the time to know him, his strides are a bit smaller than he normally does. Perhaps to add time away from the pair, and considering the grumpy expression that's still on his features, it's likely a good thing he did.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Wow. That was her big save. What now? Short of telling him what she meant about the Scoobies.. She really wasn't really ready to explain every. little. thing.

"It's alright. It's something that usually makes people perk up. They're more interested in the other members. I'm kinda like the janitor, you know? Everybody wants to know the really important people. Like movie stars." He did know about them, didn't he? "On the set of the movie, I would be like a janitor. Same union. Different class of people."

"Say, what did you name your puppy? I mean, you're keeping him I presume?"

Lucas Farmer has posed:
"Yes, movie stars, I know what you mean," Lucas replies. Of course, he's seen movies. More than he wanted to, so the girls usually decided to watch /chick-flicks/ instead of sports events, which he preferred. "We also have our stars at the School," he adds, "Popular staff or students, like Logan or Miss Munroe." Are they his preferred staff? Nothing in his voice seems to indicate if they are or not.

Lucas then stands, brushing grass off his jeans, before looking over at Nick. "You two don't seem happy," he states. "It happens at times."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
So it turns out the vendor was a lot quicker than initially expected which results in Nick making his way back with two hot dogs in hand. After stopping to give Lucas his hotdog, the musician starts to lift his up, pausing as Lucas makes a statement about the state of happiness.

"It's been a rough year." Nick allows, He frowns, "Old wounds picked at...Either way I'm trying my best. No point in you worrying about what you can't change. Just, enjoy the hot dog."

To emphasize the point, Nick takes a large bite of his own, drifting to silence as he works on chewing his food.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods. "Like those two." She only knew Logan. However he got the gist.

When Nick came back with Lucas' hotdog, she shrugs, even though she should have been happier. "My best friend.." Who wasn't truly a best friend for a long time now. "had something wrong with her, and she doesn't remember most of the past couple of years."

Ergo the 'not best friend'.

"It's not worth worrying about. Really!"

See she's smiling!

Lucas Farmer has posed:
"Thanks," he says, accepting the hotdog. "We must always do our best," Lucas concurs. "Even if it's not always easy or fun." Yes, eating his hotdog is probably the best thing to do right now. Lucas nods and proceeds to do so. At his feet, Puppy starts yapping and whimpering, begging for food. But this is not food for a little dog.

Listening to Willow, the young man frowns. Memory loss? Ouch. "This must be difficult to deal with," he says, unsure how he would cope with such a situation.

And then comes to time to go home. Puppy is picked up, frustrated and hungry. The young man then nods at his friends, and steps back. "Contrary to what both of you told me, I will worry." He says as he departs. "I always worry about my friends. I hope everything gets better for you both."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There is quite a visible gulp as Willow mentions an amnesiatic best friend. Considering what he does know of the group, the possible list is small. A questioning look is flashed to Willow before Lucas bids adieu.

"Take care Lucas." Nick says to the departing mutant, watching him and the companion pup for a few moments more before looking back to Willow. "...who lost their memory?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Drat. She did say that, didn't she?

"Buffy." Willow says quietly. "She doesn't remember since first year. She remembers living in Gotham. She remembers our Psychology course." One of the only ones they had together. "And then nothing up until two weeks ago."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Theory confirmed, Nick gives a slow nod. "So. As far as she's concerned. We never met." The man's expression darkens as he grows quiet. It's not that much of a transition considering he had been in a mood already.

And then the silence breaks.

"Of course she did..." He sighs, "Oh I ran into Wade. Not former roommate Wade but crazy, threw a knife at my face, Wade. Seems he's having memory problems too."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh?" That was news. "I wonder if there is any connection to them."

"I've not had much time to sit down and figure it out with Buffy. She's been staying at her mother's house, while I've been figuring out what to do with the guys who moved into her room. It's a mess."

Willow looked at her hand in her lap. "I don't know what to do. You?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head, "I don't know. Maybe I could try Raphael's Flask but I don't know if that'd work. Also it might be better if she-" He pauses.

If she doesn't remember, then she can't-

"Yeah it probably wouldn't work." Nick decides, "As for Wade...The guy threw a knife at my head. I'd not going near him more than I have to."

A glance is given to to the sky. "...I got to go. But, if Buffy starts to remember anything, let me know."

Request in place, Nick pops the remaining bit of hotdog into his mouth and walks off chewing.