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Latest revision as of 16:20, 23 October 2017

Centrally Parked
Date of Scene: 26 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: 194, Crusader, Black Widow (Romanoff), 142, Dragonfly (Arazello)

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Mutant violence, super criminals, secret government agencies, lab experiments gone mad, petty theft, drug dealers, gang violence. Welcome to an average night in New York City!

Tonight is going to be one of those nights that stands out, because 'Alien Spacecraft Landing in Central Park' is not something that happens with great frequency.

On the Sheep Lawn, a craft has come to rest, something around the size of an F-15. Not small, but not overly large either. It's entirely crystalline, silvery on the surface, softly glowing inside with a violet-magenta light. Shaped like a smooth, sleek 'X-Wing', it hovers just off the ground, not touching the grass. There's no sign of weapons and no movement; no exhaust, no heat, no obvious propulsion systems.

It is, however, producing soft harmonic musical tones, rising up and down scales in an easy rhythmic wave. It's attracting attention, to say the least.

Crusader has posed:
One thing people expects is average. What people don't expect are, no surprise, the unexpected! The sight of a space craft can mean many things for different people.

For Crusader it ment trouble, a vistor-new earth resident or more fearfully his 'creators' so to speak.

So with Speed and determination he quickly cut a path through the park and towards the craft. He noted it make and structure. ANd most of all the harmonic musical tones. It was...soothing. How to react?

Crusader walks up to the craft and well Knocks. Specificly he knocks in rythem to the already ryhthmic tone that are produced. After all, no need to ruin a good beat!

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Thankfully, for SHIELD, Natasha Romanoff wasn't far away from the 'event' when it started in Central Park.

Arriving via a semi-loud black motorcycle, the Black Widow parks the bike not too terribly far away. However, she remained on the bike for now, observing from behind her black motorcycle helmet, hands still clutching the controls of her bike.

Inside the helmet, Natasha was speaking to SHIELD and relaying everything she was looking at via the helmet's camera systems.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Night time. It's play time for most felines. Especially this one.

Chat Noir is just moving about the city, working on learning his 'new base of operations' while simultaneously looking for Ladybug when... An ear twitched. Green eyes slide toward Central Park. What was that sound?

It didn't take the blond in the black cat suit long to make his way over, perched on a tree branch several trees away, barely twenty feet from the craft now. His head tilts, tail swishing this way and that way in curiosity.

After all, you know what they say about cats and curiosity...

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Dammit! I'm late for work and now this!" Nancy curses to herself in English and the only Italian she knows: profanity. "Oh, good. Others are here; I'm not needed ... right?"
    All that aside she stops and stares, curiously, at the craft, noting its design and nodding at some of the components she recognizes. "Maybe Mr. Luthor won't mind me being late if I call this field observations?" she wonders aloud. She pulls out her mobile to start recording a bunch of pictures, moving, unlike most, TOWARD the craft to get a better view.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Shortly after the landing, police had arrived to keep crowds back and alert authorities (and other agencies) to the unauthorized landing. There had been no communication from the craft, so military organizations were on standby, at least, until reassured by organizations more ... *dedicated*, shall we say, to this kind of event. The onlookers have cellphones out, recording; others are taking pictures, some have come to gawk. None are stupid enough to get close, at least, not tonight.

Knock Knock - Crusader's sick beat matches the harmonic frequency of the craft. Maybe it's the right one, maybe he's just got good timing, because the top of the craft starts to lift up with a hiss of steam and air, the pressure equalizing inside and out of the ship. The cockpit window, previously indiscernable from the rest of the craft material, slides back, and a humanoid figure rises up from the steam.

Bel Canto's mouth is drawn into a neutral line, magenta eyes scanning the horizon. The (presumably) female occupant's attention is first drawn to Crusader, who is knocking on her ship. She opens her mouth, and, instead of speech, the sound of multiple voices in different pitches and instrumentation escapes her lips, soft and melodic, the opening piece to some alien aria that lacks any semblance of words. As she sings, the edges of her armor glow.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader seems rather neutral on the whole matter. He took a simple step back when the crafts cockpit began to open, so whoever came out didn't feel crowded. But than when the Alien begins to...sing? He raises a brow in wonder, especially when her armor begins to glow

Another carefull lookover the ships design and the alien in question. He was shifting through he knowledge of alien cultures, crafts and origins as best he can. Which is good about being a collective conciouse from outer space - your sometimes able to recognize alien species and such. Sometimes not. Hit or miss really.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Just to be clear. No one ELSE was stupid enough to get close to the thing. Chat Noir was just that exact kind of stupid, reckless curious kitten. He had leapt over the gathering police line under the cover of he is wearing black and it's night time and everyone's looking at the ship and not UP.

From his perch, Chat Noir watches the girl sing at the ship. His head draws to the other side, a smile cracking his face, green eyes glinting in the low light of the park at night, the cat-like slits opened into ovals.

"Oh! I've seen this one. What was the name of that movie?" Chat is saying, fingers snapping near the side of his head as he thinks outloud for a moment only to suddenly exclaim: "Rencontres du troisième type!" His eyes went to Crusader for a moment's consideration, and then he leapt, flipped head over heels, to land by the man's side. With an air of being complete besties, the blond in a black leather cat suit moved to drop his arm onto Crusader's shoulder. The leather belt that acts exactly as a cat's tail would is pulled up into his free hand to twirl carelessly.

"Alright. So, we're greeting an alien purrrincess, right? It's a good thing I know a real purrincess. I'm a totaly expurrrt at this sort of thing."

Not really. But, Chat's a show-off. Can't you tell?

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha dismounted her motorcycle and she walked toward the perimeter of the onlookers. Her right hand went up to the side of her helmet and she tapped it gently, causing the helmet to fold in on itself and 'slide' down her head until it disappeared into the collar of her black jumpsuit.

Now, with green eyes exposed, Nat watched the person rise up out of the ship and she watched the others around them... sharing in the witness of this arrival.

Natasha exhaled quietly, and lifted her right hand up to speak into something on her wrist. "No sign of hostility. Yet."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Taking a few last shots with her phone after the ante is upped, Nancy finds a spot that's not being observed--easy to do when everybody's gawping at the spaceship--and secrets herself there. Moments later there's a bright flash cutting through the night, paired with the sound of thunder. And, unfortunately, a burning tree. (Someone's going to have to put that out!) Dragonfly steps out of the flames.
    "Uh, sorry about that," she says to a startled policeman whose gun swiveled to point at her in panic. "I'll have to clean that up later."
    She bounds into the air and swoops down to stand next to Crusader.
    "Hey there, big C," she says. "Friend of yours?"
    Chat gets a closer look. "My, Chat. You certainly do get around."
    She looks at the "princess" and starts calculating forces. The kinds of forces it would take to toss items of weight X distance Y (the harbour). You know. Just in case.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader looks to Chat when he lands next to him "Greeting Stranger" and a look towards Dragonfly "No she is not." he states. He glances around at the crowd noteing Natasha and how she was observing everything... course that was everyone, but She seemed to be connected by higher ups if he heard her right

Crusader goes on "Anyways, this here is a harmonian. Which is worrying since their entire species are isolnisits. Because of how another species tried to take over their planent a few hundred years ago. Which begs the question of what one is doing here?" he says and questions. He wasn't being quiet, merely stated some facts and thoughts

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
With a flourish, Chat Noir bows before Dragonfly, smile growing brighter, if that was possible.

"Madame Dragonfly! What purrfect timing!" he quips, grinning at her as he resumes that lean on Crusader. Because apparently he can.

"I'm a cat. Duh. Of course I get ar-... Oh, I see what you did there. Nice," Chat says, catching on to the (unintentional) implication that as a tomcat he sleeps around. He doesn't, but it's amusing someone would think so. He turns his attention to the space princess as Crusader speaks.

"Maybe she came by fur a vacation?"

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Bel's eyes narrow as she listens to the words being spoken around her. So, this world was filled with monotone life, possessing only one voice, and a narrow range. Primitives, probably - but that doesn't make them any less worthy of the quest she was sent on.

She closes her eyes, holds out her hands from her body, and begins humming, still multivocal. Someone record this - it would sell tickets at Carnege Hall.

The air is filled with tiny shimmers of light, as if glitter in a snowglobe had been shaken up and then frozen in time. It's beautiful, but it could be the prelude to an attack. The edges of her armor are glowing brighter, outlining her form.

It ends as fast as it began, the fairyland glamour dissappearing instantly. The glow around her and her armor fades.

"I am here on a quest," she answers Crusader, in a single voice, in English. "The Goddess of Harmony reached out to me in a vision, and before my eyes was this world and its people."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha was just a silent observer in the crowd, only speaking to whomever was on the other side of her communications device. "Harmonia." She quietly said into her wrist. "Yes, thats better than Warmonia..." Natasha rolled her eyes at the SHIELD agent she was connected with.

"Look, just have three teams on standby, and let Fury know whats going on out here. If he doesn't already know."

Beyond that though, Natasha observe the light show and the music that went with it. Something, however, still didn't sit right with her, but perhaps she was just a cynical New Yorker at the moment.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader offers the alien a simple bow "Harmonians are not known for being violent, so one is curiouse what this quest is"

Crusader glances behind his shoulder in the direction of Natasha with and chuckles hearing the word 'Warmonia'. That just funny stuff. But than he looks back to Bel "The people of this world...can still be rather shakey with aliens. Your ship has you can say, shaken things up here"

And than he gently uses a finger to shimmey Chat off from leaning on him. "You will find this is a very...colorful world"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "A quest. Huh. Hear something new every day."
    Dragonfly looks over at Crusader with a querulous expression. "How do you know about this woman?" she asks. She pauses. Ooooooooooh! Right. "Never mind, stupid question," she says.
    Since nobody else seems to be taking the initiative, she decides to step forward, keeping her hands where they can be seen, trying to look as non-threatening as a half-person, half-insect-demon can. "Welcome to New York," she says. "I'm Dragonfly. The big brick here is Crusader. The thing ropy thing next to him is Chat Noir. We're kind of defenders of the place, but as you seem to not want to cause trouble I guess we're just here to say 'hi'." She holds up a hand and wiggles fingers in a mini-wave. "So, uh, hi, I guess."
    Another speech for the ages, alongside "ask not" and "have a dream"!

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"ooh.. I was wrong. She's totally Diva Plavalaguna," Chat Noir says, leaning from Crusader to say not at all softly to Dragonfly. One ear is canted toward Harmonia even as he straightens up and starts forward boldly, brashly. He's a Knight, afterall! Not... HER Knight. He's Ladybug's, but a Knight must still help a lady who's in need when he can. So, there goes the black cat with his black cat luck, tail sweeping behind him.

Just as Dragonfly steps up with him. He grins hugely at her and when his name is spoken, the black cat once more sweeps into a flourishing bow which would fit perfectly in "The Three Musketeers" ... the one with Tim Curry and Oliver PLatt, and Keiffer Sutherland, and... COME! D'artangan! We are gonig to save The King!

"Tell us your quest, oh beautiful Maiden of Song. How can Earth's humble heros assist mew?" he's asking as he sweeps up from his bow.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Bel doesn't know any of the references these people are making. She soldiers on, the cultural nuances flying well over her head and into the outer atmosphere. "Your greetings are appreciated. I ... see there is a variety of species on this world, not just one. That may indicate a source of disharmony," she points out matter-of-factly.

"I am Bel Canto, Knight of Harmony, of the House of High C, and upon completition of my quest here, I shall return to Harmonian to ascend as King. The Goddess indicated that your world is shadowed by deep disharmony that may one day destroy you all. I do not know when this disharmony shall fall, but I am here to stand in defense of your planet and its people."

Stating this, she raises one leg to place a foot on the top of the ship's 'hood', and upon flexing her knee for the next step, launches straight into the air.

This was not intentional. You can tell by the startled howl she'd made as she goes straight up.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader face palms at Chat Noir a moment bring his hand down and through his beard "He does not speak for us all" after all, they do not know anything about her

Once Bel continue her statement and quest Crusader was about to pose a question.... untill she launched up into the air. He looks up at where she went "Oh, by the comos" great the harmonian isn't sure how to even walk on low grav worlds!

"Dragonfly, can you get her down safely?" he asks. Granted there were some questions running through Crusader mind, but right now was not the time.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha walked back to the side of her motorcycle and she leaned over against it. "It would seem that the alien life form is being greeted by Earth's finest." She spoke softly into her wrist communicator. "I'm sure this means we're definitely not going to be embroiled in an inter-galactic warmonia come morning." She said in a dry tone of voice.

"What?" She asked whomever she was speaking to. Natasha would then sigh. "No, I didn't mean ALF... Yes, I know what it stands for. Is there anyone else on duty that I can work with in the control room?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Without even thinking Dragonfly shows her true colours. Her constant whining at not even WANTING to be a hero notwithstanding, at the first sign of distress from the alien princess she's up and in the air even before Crusader started to ask.
    "Easy does it, Princess," she says reassuringly as she grabs the heavy armoured form as if it were a rag doll. "I've got you."
    She flies with the princess back to the ground, depositing the alien on the pavement gently.
    "You've got to watch that first step there," she says, stifling a giggle as she continues, "it's a doozy!"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Up goes the Alien and down goes Chat Noir's lower jaw. His eyes wide, he had no idea anyone could JUMP like that.


So eloquent! So smooth!

"uh.. I mean. Dude. She can jump."

Because that's SO much better!

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
"Please, I am a Knight first," Bel Canto protests gently, caught by Dragonfly. "This planet - the gravity must be fractions of mine own!" Her brow draws into frustration. "... I will have to tread lightly. As lightly as possible. This is going to slow down my progress." Bel seems pretty serious business, and the lack of control in even the basics of walking has already wounded her pride. "Nevertheless, thank you. I am in your debt. Sharps and naturals to you, Dragonfly. Can I be taken to your planet's central authority, priest or King as soon as possible? That way I can determine the exact nature of the threat."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader looks to Chat "Really? One has not noticed. Though you may want to take a picture instead of just stareing. Lasts longer" he quips

He looks back to Dragonfly and nods in thanks to her before saying to Bel "Well Lady Canto, you will find you will need to adjust to earths Gravity...or get yourself weighted down" he suggests.

But when Bel mentions a central authority and some such, he takes a breath. "There is no central planatary authority. This world is divided into around 200 different countries. Some mind you that are with war with themselves and with others. And counties themselves can be divided even further." he explains "Though there IS a world concil, more or less"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"I could, if I wanted-" BEEP!

The ring on his right hand beeps at him, the sound interrupting him with a start. His green eyes look at it in disbelief.

"What? Already? Man! I was just getting-" BEEP! "Okay! Okay! I'm going. Sheesh!"

Chat Noir grins at Crusader and salutes before he gives each lady here a flourishing bow -BEEEEP!!!- and eyes slightly wide in worry, Chat Noir turns and sprints away, leaping onto a cop car and then a street light across the way then up to a fire escape and up and onto a rooftop and then out of sight.


Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "That was odd..." Dragonfly's face turns to watch Chat's unique means of departure. She turns to face the alien. "I'm with metal man here," she opines, absent-mindedly taking off her sunglasses and revealing her compound, insectoid eyes. "There really isn't a central authority. I mean that 'world council' meets over there..." She gestures vaguely in the direction of the UN compound. "...but it's not like that world council exists for anything except posturing stupidly. You'd probably be better off meeting with some of the captains of industry like Mr. Luthor."

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Bel almost staggers. "Two hundred sovereignties? My goddess, the planet is drowning in sin," she murmurs under her breath. She inhales and exhales, centering herself, returning to calm. "Very well. I will need to find this council of nations and establish proper relations. I do not come as a conquerer, I come to bearing the Song of Peace."

She turns - carefully - to her ship. "Voidsong-!" The next words are not words, but a complex and commanding arpeggio, short and crisp. Music is the Harmonian language. At the sung command, the ship closes its cockpit, tilts up on its nose, and folds itself down and inward, shrinking in size, until it becomes no larger than a backpack. The vessel, now a long, diamond-shaped crystal, floats towards Bel, and attaches itself to the armor on her left hip.

Settled, she puts her attention on Dragonfly. "If there is no harmony, no unity on this world, then it behooves me to speak to each locii of authority. If your Mister Luthor is such a person who commands others, I will speak with him."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader looks sharply to Dragonfly "Really? Mr.Luthor? Ones apologies, but that is a horrible idea. Unless he has actually run for president or at least Mayor, he cannot offer inside knowledge to the worlds workings, let alone how the concil operates" he states plainly.

And than he looks to Bel and raises a brow "It is hardly drowning in sin. Used to be alot worse. Should have been here when the World Wars were going on." he watches the craft as it folds in on itself. Studying it closely and with intrigue. It was certainly an impressive display

"There is unity and harmony...just not quite your species definition of it" he looks to her his piecing golden eyes looking right into Bels "And one would suggest if you plan to have any sway over the people here, that you....at the very least get to learn the various cultures found here"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Mr. Luthor is an industrialist who is interested in protecting and improving the Earth in various ways," Dragonfly says, glancing over at Crusader. "I think he would be very interested in hearing any message you may have, and he holds considerable resources to ensure your message is spread to the right ears should he deem it necessary." She smiles a bit grimly. "And unlike most so-called leaders, he is known for taking action where it is needed as it is needed instead of blathering endlessly."
    Her face goes paler than it already is. "Not that I've ever met the man," she adds hastily. "But what I've seen of him and his works impresses me. And I happen to know where he is today; I could take you directly to him and you could be speaking to him in minutes instead of days, weeks or months."

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Bel Canto nods in agreement with Crusader. "Your advice is sound. It will take time, but I will do so. It is indeed a symptom of sin - of disharmony - that you cannot come together under a single purpose and government. Perhaps that is the point of my quest. To prevent you from shattering into dust under your own chaos."

"Dragonfly, please direct me to this individual, this Lex Luthor, immediately if possible."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader raises an eyebrow at Dragonfly. He didn't have anything agaist Lex persay. Actually thought he was a good man, but simply not qualified at the moment for intergalatec affairs let alone planatary ones. "Most leaders do take actions when needed. But it just as important to know when to hold back." he dosn't assume to know how the concil works, there were too many unknowns
    "Oh, humans and many denizens of this planet can come togeather at the worst of times. Though one does understand what you mean, as one was made to help bring harmony you can say" though there were quite a few..difference. But he dosn't go into details, not here.

By now some of the crowd has dispersed, but not all. The police were certainly still around.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
"I owe you a debt of gratitude, Crusader. Please call on me if you wish me to repay it. I cannot, however, repay you by engaging in sensless violence or destruction. That is not my way." Bel reaches to the other hip of her skirt, and withdraws a crystalline broadsword. "I am ready now. Let the quest commence."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I can take you to the LexCorp head office," Dragonfly says. "And there are people inside I know to call who can alert Mr. Luthor to your presence and desire to speak to him. How about I arrange all of this and pick you up from a known location. Where would be best to deposit you while I arrange for all the connections. It'd probably be best not to just leave you hanging around outside LexCorp tower while people run around, right?"
    She smiles, a genuine smile of welcome.
    "And really, Princess. Welcome to Earth. You're going to have a blast."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader gives one last bow "There is no dept to repay Lady Canto" he says simply before turning "And one suggest you do not go walking around openly with a sword, it make folks nere nervous" and it was illegal, but let be honest almost ALL heros break the law in their line of work.
    And with that he begins heading off "Oh, and Dragonfly, be safe aye?" he says a parting word. The crowd parts to let the rather titanic Crusader through his cape flowing just behind him. Within moment though, inspite of his size, the man seems to simply vanish.