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Return of the King
Date of Scene: 11 May 2022
Location: Fort Joseph, Haven
Synopsis: Ash Williams returns to Bludhaven, meets some new friends. And some old ones.
Cast of Characters: Ash Williams, Sarah Connor, Speedy (Queen)

Ash Williams has posed:
Bludhaven. It's like all of those other places you've been, except that it's worse. Whether that falls on gerrymandering or demonic possession is really just anyone's guess.

A 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 comes rolling up to a curb in just about the center of Fort Joseph, it's gleaming bumper smacking into a parking meter before it rocks to a halt. The engine is killed and the driver side door swings open followed by a tall, broad shouldered man with a chin that could cut glass steps out.

"Didn't miss this shithole," he asides, slamming the door shut and stepping around to the trunk.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah had been roaming the neighbourhood. She figured it was better to be safe than sorry. After a bit she turned off the truck and looked around the centre of town. Hell, they even had a hotdog cart.

So she bought one and leaned on her truck while she ate it.

As it was, it was pretty dead.. except for the new guy. She laughed underneath her breath.

Ash Williams has posed:
Dead indeed.

Ash grumbles as he flings the trunk open and begins rooting around in it for something. It's then that a sweet-looking elderly woman steps down off of the curb towards him. "Hello dearie, would you be so kind as to point my way to the post office? I've gotten dreadfully lost, it seems," she explains, the weariness very clear in her voice.

"Yeah, no problem-holy shit!" Ash exclaims, before the clear sound of a shotgun report can be heard and the old woman goes flying backwards, flipping through the air.

"Nice try, assole," Ash says, stepping onto the sidewalk with his shotgun held lazily in front of him, but clearly at the ready.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Woah. That was unusual. Then again, when Sarah killed a terminator people thought /she/ was committing hairy-carey.. Until the terminator fired back. Or worse.


"Hey, you! Yes you." Ash. " Why don't you pick on something.." or someone.. "your own size." Good lord, what was she getting herself into. As she talked to the man, she opened up the gun safe and pulled out a rifle. A very high powered rifle at that.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Huh?" Ash asks, having forgotten that there were other people in the world, apparently. It's a thing that happens often with him. His dark eyes shift over to the woman with the big-ass gun. "Hey, listen lady. I know what this looks like, alright? But you're just going to have to trust that I'm doing what needs to be-OOF!" Before he can explain to his new opponent the very real intricacies of Deadite hunting, the woman he'd just blown a hole through has somehow found the strength within her to rend that now-wobbly parking meter from the ground...and swing it full-force into Ash William's side, sending him bouncing over the roof of his Oldsmobile and dropping to the street on the other side.

"Naughty boy, Ashy Slashy," the elderly woman says, her voice now distorted and wicked, her skin seemingly rotting off of the bone, and her eyes a pale milky color. "I'll finish you later, Ashy. There's somebody *new* to play with," she says, her attention snapping to Sarah now, seemingly unafraid of the rifle she's wielding.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     The sound of a gunshot was ringing through the streets, where Speedy had some from...? Well, she was nearby. Thats proven as she slides down the side of the building that housed the Blue Lady club. The red leather clad woman comes towards the others at a sprint, a black masks covers her eyes, and a red hood covers her head. The identity of the woman wouldn't be to be determined.
     Speedy had gotten there just in time to see the older woman blown away and the exchange between Ash and Sarah. Her attention was more on focused on the fact that the old woman that just had a hole blasted into her was getting back up and talking. "What the F-"

Sarah Connor has posed:

Sarah might not know if it's a terminator (it could be?), or a zombie (thanks Faith!!) but she knew how to blow them up. Right between the eyes. And if it was a terminator once down she had two minutes to strip the CPU from it.

Zombies? Well she would wing it.

Without a pause she blew the lady between the eyes.

Ash Williams has posed:
The shot from Sarah's rifle pops the old woman's head like an overriped melon, sending blood and chunks of skull all over the immediate surroundings. Poor Oldsmobile. The window was even down.

Aaaaaaashy," calls another voice. Or...a trio of them, rather, from around the corner. The source is revealed as three largely inconspicuous civilian-looking folks round the bend and stare Sarah down, their faces stretching and distorting to horrific proportions. "Little giiiirl, where's our Ashy Slashy?" they ask of Sarah, their feet levitating off of the sidewalk as they begin to slowly glide towards her.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Speedy is careful with her footing, rotating and moving with her back against the walls of the buildings around her and keeping the creepy mutated levitating people? Things? in sight. Given the size of the guns that both Ash and Sarah had, speedy forgoes the arrows and slides her large sword from the sheath on her back. Raising it over her head and bringing it slowly down in front of her.

Sarah Connor has posed:
"Jesus H. Christ. Not terminators." Sarah shot at another one. "Listen. I don't know about this Ashley something-or-other."


"And I really don't care. What I do care about is you killing innocent people." Was this Ashley dude innocent?? Well he was alive; they were dead. Simple. Living > Dead any day.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Mother Mary," Ash groans, still knocked prone on the other side of the car. Deadites have a penchant for hitting *really* hard. But Ash has a penchant for...somehow managing to take it. He coughs a bit and begins working his way back up to his feet.

"Innocent!" The two remaining laugh, their necks craning back unnaturally as they let out their screeching cries of joy. They split, one turning its attention to Thea and the other continuing towards Sarah. They've instantly picked up a whole lot of speed, essentially sailing through the air at their intended targets.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea had been watching the remaining too very carefully, expecting, waiting for them to attack. Though she might not have thought she'd been seen by them. That was a dumb mistake.
     Jumping in to the air, her left foot catching the side of a building before spinning off and coming to land behind the levitating creature. Wasting no time, her blade rises to the side before slashing out and taking the head off. The body it was attached falls limply to the ground.

Sarah Connor has posed:
For some value of 'innocent' - after all, she was on the run from the FBI herself. As Sarah orients herself on the one who was attacking her, she caught, out of her eyes, Thea.


She had better be able to hold her own till one of herself, or Ashley, could help her. And with the speed of this one she was thankful for all the training she had put in. Holy crap! Firing, she had to move. Quickly.

This time she wasn't quite certain she had hit the mark.

Ash Williams has posed:
Both of the ladies' targets go down in huge sprays of gore, their bodies convulsing as the spirits leave behind only lumps of uninhabited flesh and their nervous systems start to play havoc.

All is quiet on the now-abandoned city street, any person with half a brain having run away long ago.

Quiet, at least until a washing machine comes sailing out of the nearby appliance store, shattering the glass window and smacking into the Oldsmobile's passenger-side door. A hulking store clerk comes stepping out of the store and jerks his head towards Sarah and then Thea, mouth peeling back into an awful smile. His reign of terror is destined to by cut short though as the revving of a small gasoline-powered motor fill the silence.

"Hey, asshole; your fight's with me!" calls Ash, cop-sliding over the hood of his car and swinging the running chainsaw that's mounted on his right forearm into the big man's neck. The teeth catch on the Deadite's neck for a time and shower all those gathered with egregious amounts of blood before the bones give way and his head goes sailing to the concrete below.

Ash stands hunched over the body for a moment before he straightens up and looks at the two women.

"Ash Williams...nice to meet you."

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     It was a good thing she was wearing red leather, the blood and gore was easy to wipe off and wouldn't stain. Allowing herself to breath and walking over to the slain body before her, only to jump again from the sound of a shattering glass window. Turning sharply at the sound, sword ready for more.
     That isn't needed it seems, as Ash slides over with his chainsaw to take care of the problem at hand. Her shoulders relaxing again, as she looks around, waiting for the next thing to pop up.
     At the introduction, she nods, lowering her sword a couple of inches, "I'm Speedy."

Sarah Connor has posed:
And then there was silence.

Sarah wiped her face with the back of a hand. Sorta. "Sarah. I guess I owe you an apology." She didn't give one. "What the hell are those?"

She looks around at the blood and gore surrounding them. If she were a normal person, she would have shit her pants, or some such. As it was, she still didn't believe it. Apparently, Speedy wasn't a normal person herself.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Deadites. Ancient evil," Ash half explains, twisting his chainsaw off of his stump and throwing the tool back in the trunk before he's lifting a mechanical hand and popping it on in its place.

"Got a bad habit of following me around. Or maybe it's the other way around," Ash says, pausing for a moment and flexing his newly-attached robotic digits. "Speedy, huh?" he asks, looking the woman over. "I don't get. Are you really fast or something?" he asks, pulling a flask from his pocket and unscrewing the top before he takes a long pull from it.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Speedy was not a normal person. At all. If the red leather jumpsuit, hood and mask wasn't enough, she carried a sword and arrows on her back. Speaking of that sword, she lifts it over her head to put it back in its sheath. A splatter of blood was on her cheek, and a black gloved hand comes up to wipe it off.
     "Its a long story." Her name. It was a long story and very unimportant. Stepping closer to the other too, interested on how he's going to answer Sarah on what exactly those things were. "They were the undead." The words spoken in a flat matter of fact tone. "I've seen it before."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Taking a look around to make certain there weren't anything around still moving, Sarah put her rifle down in the cab of her truck.

"They were extra spiffy undead." She closes the door to the truck, and leans on it. "I figure we've got ten minutes to head out or face the police. And I don't know about you guys, but I am not sticking around for them."

Ash Williams has posed:
"Worse. Way worse and that's a fact," Ash says. "Zombies are baby town frolics compared to Deadites. Super fast, super strong, flight, possession...it's a whole different league. Sometimes even destroying the brain doesn't work," he explains, reaching up to close the trunk before he's kneeling down to scrape up all of the loose change they flew out when the old woman hit him with the parking meter.

"No time for a Deadite 101, though, kids...this hero's gotta scamper, too, before the cops get here," he says, walking back around to the driver's side and climbing in. The engine roars to life and Def Leppard blares out of the radio.

"You gals coming or not?"

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
Thea looks at Sarah, pausing to listen for sirens, " seven minutes out." confirming off the time frame that Sarah had just said. The invitation to join Ash gets her attention. The masked vigilante stares for another second, "I'll follow you."

Sarah Connor has posed:
"Coming?" Sarah quirks a brow.

It's not that she believes she has to, but she most certainly is curious. Ash apparently doesn't like the police as much as she did. "Sure." After all, she can take off later, as well as now.

Ash Williams has posed:
With the two of them set on escaping the clutches of the police with him, Ash cranks up the stereo and jams the Delta into Drive. The pedal meets the proverbial medal and the tires chirp for a moment before finding purchase, sending the old car down the road, busted passenger door and all.