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The Art of the Deal
Date of Scene: 10 May 2022
Location: Orchid Bay, Starling
Synopsis: Thea inserts herself in a conversation about some questionable tech that Baxter Stockman is developing.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Speedy (Queen)

Shredder has posed:
    Orchid Bay is known for arts, it's true. It's not the place where crime is seen commonly. It's not the place where you expect rough around the edges characters. It's fancy dresses and tweed. It's cocktails and parties.

    It's not too strange to expect someone like Baxter Stockman to attend, as far as that goes. Hardly the art connessieur, Dr. Stockman is, however, very interested in science, and finding people to work with him on projects that aren't in the public eye. To that end, he's often hobnobbing in events all around the country for exactly that purpose. StockGen has become something of a murmur. Weapons contracts are being talked about. Developments that can 'change the tone of war forever'. Whatever that means.

    More importantly, Baxter and his immense ego are meeting with Lon Rehmann, A businessman in Starling who has some never clear, though clearly obvious, ties with weapons dealing. It can't be a good thing that they are both here. The evening art event however, is a very peaceful place for two such people to engage in civilized conversation, if that's what it can be called.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     The rumors of StockGen had reached the Queens, they made sure to know all about any murmurs around Starling, especially if it had something to do with weaponry. The youngest Queen, Thea was present at this soiress. Dress in along red dress, her short hair curled into waves and her make up the picture of perfection of a Queen. A smile that she was born with was plastered on her face as she made her way around the room.
     Hidden beneath the waves of her hair was an ear piece, "Are you sure he's here? I don't seem him yet." Thea says to Felicity on the other end, her girl behind the desk. Unknown to the rest of the crowd, she gets a response "Go left and head towards the back."
     Following instruction, Thea moves through the crowd until she can spot Dr. Stockman, "I see him. He's talking to Lon Rehman. I'm going to approach." And that she does, walking confidently up to the two men, "Good Evening gentlemen, You two look far too serious over here." Turning her head momentarily to pluck a glass of champagne off a passing tray.

Shredder has posed:
    Stockman's dark eyes turn, his trim physique shows that he cares for his health, though he's hardly an athelete. Dark skin contrasting with the white collar of his dress shirt. "Frivolity is for the weak of mind," he answers bluntly. Dr. Stockman's bedside manner makes it a good thing that he's not a medical doctor, and he's almost infamous for his condescending attitude toward other people. He always is convinced he's the smartest man in the room. Unfortunately, he's also usually right.

    Lon, a white gentleman with less care for his physique, raises his glass. "Baxter be kind to the girl, she's only looking to forward herself in the world," he says congenially. Thea Queen. Lon Rehmann, I don't think we've had the honor of meeting in person before," he says, indicating he's fully familiar with the Queen family.

    It doesn't seem to impact Stockman much. "Are all of the Queens so apt to interrupting private conversations?" he asks with a tone so neutral that it must be condescending.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     "This man is a condescending ass, he would be a involved in killing off the masses that are less than himself." Felicity's voice is heard in Thea's ear and there is a small smirk that touches her lips, but it would be considered great timing with Lon's comment of furthering herself in the world.
     "Mr. Rehmann, I do not think so, but I certainly know who you are. It's a pleasure to meet you, finally." There might have been more she was going to add, had it been for Stockman's words.
     Turning her attention to the Doctor, "The short answer? Yes." though it was meant condescending, she smiles all the same, "If you'd rather not have the Queens money invested in StockGen, I can take me millions elsewhere?" This was not just another innocent young ditsy young girl.

Shredder has posed:
    Lon laughs at the interaction as Thea jabs back at Stockman playfully. "They are that," he agrees with her. "Though some interruptions are quite welcome," he adds, slightly flirtatious, though he's surely old enough to be her father.

    Baxter doesn't seem too terribly moved by Thea's play. "Yes, well people who invest in StockGen are more often interested in it's quality than my pleasantries," he says. "People who invest in pleasantries are ripe targets for con artists. I understand that Queen Consolidated has holdings with Star Labs, am I right?" Was that a jab at Star Labs? Or a change in subject? He remains so neutral with his tone it might be hard to be certain.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea was use to be flirted with, from the oldest to the youngest of men. It didn't bother her, in fact she played into it most of the time. Including now. Thick lashes flutter as she laughs softly at the not so funny words of Lon, but he was laughing so she would join him.
     "Did he just insult Star Labs right now?!" An upset Felicity says into her ear. But its dismissed immediately
     When her attention falls to Baxter again, she takes her time to reply, taking a sip of the bubbly in her glass as she regards the man over the rim of the delicate crystal. "People that do not know how to converse pleasantly usually find themselves without investors as well. I am well away of the quality, but it means nothing if the man behind it is an ass." The words are spoken so sweetly, someone might not even realize she was insulting him.

Shredder has posed:
    Stockman arches one dark eyebrow. "I'm a man of science, Ms. Queen, and my reputation for remarkable advances in the areas of both genetic research for medicine, and my TCRI's robotics department has no equal. Which you may well know that we were instrumental in the reverse engineering of the infamous Sentinels fiasco a few years ago. If someone's ego is so hurt that they allow themselves to miss out on such lucrative advancements, they are not the quality of investor that I need."

    "Ahem," Lon interrupts. "Perhaps we can talk about a different topic," he encourages. "Queen Consolidated has been involved in quite a few beneficial investments, hasn't it my dear?" he asks. "We were just speaking about some new ventures that could do a remarkable job of benefiting the living situations for countless peoples." He points at Thea with his hand holding his champagne. "Neglected minority groups, more specifically, mind you. Go on, Baxter, tell her and stop being such an old stick in the mud."

    Stockman gives a slightly annoyed glance toward Lon, one that could easily read as coldly annoyed. After a moment of weighing, and then regarding Thea once again, he seems to assess her to be of a minimal threat. "Yes. We've developed new medical treatments that can be beneficial to those who express the X gene and are otherwise at the mercy of nature due to its interference with conventional medicine." Somehow doesn't sound anything like weapons when he says it like that.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     "Being a remarkable scientist is nothing if you have no character. As Albert Einstein once said 'Most people say that is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong, it is the character.'" At that Thea tilts her head, "Are you saying that Albert Einstein was wrong?"
     Leaving her eyes on Stockman for a moment longer before she allows Lon to interrupt them, from that point she looks between the two men for a moment as they share a wordless exchange, sipping her glass once again.
     Surprisingly, Stockman continues with the explanation. "Mutants," she says the word plainly. "Is this to reverse the effects of the X gene?"

Shredder has posed:
    Stockman doesn't seem to feel compelled to respond to the Einstein quip, but when asked about the X gene effects, he has no hesitation. "Nonsense. The X gene is a pathway to innumerable advances in virtually every field of science. Only bigoted fools would try to reverse the effects," he says dismissively with a wave of his hand. At least he isn't siding with the Friends of Humanity. "What we are working on is more of a temporary suppressant which would enable mutants who cannot normally receive medical care to be able to do so without danger." He tugs at one lapel proudly. "Of course, it provides alternative uses. There's no shortage of powered crimes, and development of such a technology could also preserve the lives of law enforcement around the world. Politics aside, it's objectively something which can be used in a mutually beneficial way for humans and mutants alike, as well as people who may have other abnormalities which could be in question."

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     There is a smirk at the fact that he doesnt want to respond to what one of the greatest minds of all of time referenced in regards to character. There is a knowing side glance at Lon before she turns back to listen to the Doctor.
     "It seems like you are messing with nature when you start trying to start changing the bodies make up to serve a purpose. Wouldn't it be better instead of temporarily suppress the the gene, to find ways of treating them the way they are, the way the their body is made up. We alter our thinking, not alter them?"

Shredder has posed:
    "That would all be well and good," Stockman answers casually. "But to stop you at first. I didn't say that this was going to make any alterations to them. The details, as you might expect, are highly complicated and scientific." Translation: Beyond you. "Secondly, when a scientist embarks on discovery and development, it is the ethical responsibility to consider the implications. As you were so fond of quoting Einstein a moment ago. Character. Character has nothing to do with manners, Ms. Queen. It has everything to do with integrity."

    Stockman picks a small sandwich off a passing tray, toothpick through it. "Let us say this was our subject. A mutant with skin, so powerfully thick that no currently developed scalpals can pierce the skin, he pulls the toothpick and touches the bread. "However, he is not immune beneath the surface." An indication to the meat and cheese beneath.

    "He is in a car accident, and has a ruptured spleen. He will bleed to death if he is not promptly operated upon. He lives in a small rural area of Alabama. He now has approximately three hours before he bleeds out. The closest advanced facility is in Florida. Not a hospital mind you, but a weapons research plant which has the necessary device that can break the skin. Certainly his local hospital cannot."

    Baxter arches his eyebrows. "Now we must find, fuel, fly, prepare a sterile environment in a space center, and stock it with the rest of the necessary medical equipment in order to save his life. What do you think the likelihood of his survival is?"

    It seems that to wax intellect is his gift as he continues. "Let's say that we now have made this weapons grade method available. And affordable enough for this small Alabama town to have one. We now have incredible firepower floating around the nation in such various levels of security or non-security that it is accessible to any ne'erdowell who fancies one. We have rampant destructive power at the hands with which to stop some of the world's most powerful heroes." He takes a bite from the sandwich, and chews. "Do I sufficiently answer your question?"

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea listened very carefully to every word he said, knowing full well that Felicity was listening too, perhaps even recording what he was saying to be played back to the rest of the team. For now, she needed to play the investor. Another sip of her glass, eyes focused on him and his explanation.
     "Interesting that you use the words to stop some of the world's most powerful heroes. If they are just that, heroes... why would you want to stop them?"

Shredder has posed:
    "I never said I did, child," Baxter says with that condescension in his voice. "What I'm saying is that your proposal suggests giving people ways to stop them. My technology evades that issue." He huffs.

    "Anyway, perhaps we could continue this conversation later, Mr. Rehmann." he suggests to Lon, who has been dumbly sitting without a certainty on how he should insert himself in the conversation.

    "Yes, yes of course," Lon agrees. "But you are quite right, Dr. Stockman," he says. "Ms. Queen, this man is quite the genius, you'll understand. I daresay one of the greatest minds I've ever met." Brown noser, clearly.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     The heat rises in her Thea's blood at the word 'child'. "You might not have said it, but you implied it. That it could." She wasn't going to continue this conversation if he didn't want to. Considering he wanted to insult her at every turn. "Oh, yes, because why would you want to continue in the likes of me?" she says rather bluntly. "Don't worry, you can continue your little conversation, I'll leave you both to your business. I'll be happily spread the word of our conversation and your idea with others. You've given me more than enough information." 'Others' being like people with money that could invest in his project. And maybe some others that would be interested in knowing.
     Those are her final words. Not saying goodbye she simply just walks off to mix with the crowd.