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Latest revision as of 02:56, 14 May 2022

It's not the /wreck/ room.
Date of Scene: 13 May 2022
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy and Laura chat, watch movies, and play some pool.
Cast of Characters: X-23, Gambit

X-23 has posed:
     It was late afternoon, it was crawling towards the evening but not quite dinner time. Laura was sprawled on the couch, slouched down with a bowl of popcorn laying on her stomach, idly her hand scooped up popcorn and and brought some to her mouth. The popcorn was shoved in into her mouth, a couple of pieces fall to the side and roll onto the couch. "So, let me get this straight." she says around popcorn chomping, "You mean to tell me people get paid for this? They get paid to talk during movies and make fun of it?"
     Laura was still getting use to the very basic things of life, that things like MST3K still existed, or that you could just lounge on a couch eating popcorn and not do anything at all. She was dressed in a cropped white beater tank top, low hanging hip jeans and black combat boots. Dark hair left down, though its flipped over the back of the couch.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins slightly, tossing a kernal of popcorn high into the air and catching it with his mouth. He hasn't missed yet, and he's done it over a dozen times in a row. "Well dat was de general idea, yeah. Dare was dis 'ole backstory how dey trapped on a space station and dey get sent dese bad movies ta drive dem insane." He smirks a bit "Now dey make dese audio files for yah computer and yah can play dem ovah yah ot'er movies. It's a 'ole industry at dis point. Still like de original de best.

X-23 has posed:
     "That sounds like a waste of time." Laura was paying attention to the tv, but it wasn't the main focus of her attention. "And also a special sort hell and torture. No wonder they went insane." More popcorn is stuffed in her face.
     "Oh, I got fired again." Remy might remember that she had an overnight shift as a waitress, she hardly slept, the nightmares kept her awake most nights and so she just stopped sleeping if she could help the situtation. Though, she doesnt seem to bother her that she got fired, nothing seemed to bother this young woman. A shrug.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit, Well dare is dis t'ing de refer to as de MST3K law, which is right in de t'eme song. 'If yah wonder how de eat and breat'e and ot'er science facts, tell yahself it's just a show and Ah should really just relax," he says with a grin as a small critter blows up a man leaving behind just his sneakers and Crow comments on the complete lack of blood or bone. At the comment about her being fired Remy sighs. "What 'appen?" He doesn't assume it was her fault, ever. Just wanting the facts.

X-23 has posed:
     "Sounds like a dumb law." The bowl of popcorn is slide off her stomach and onto the couch space beside her, doing so allows her to sit up from her lounged position. "Some of us still have to wonder about the science facts of life." Shifting so that one leg is positioned under her body and then the other follows it, doing the same thing. "I fell into a day dream." she admits, "When I shook it off, my claws were out and there was a napkin dispenser stuck on one of my claws." The story was short and he could image the rest. "It was 2am, so there there was only one customer."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau sighs a little bit and reaches over and grips her shoulder lightly, but firmly. a reassuring touch as it were. "Yah know when Ah was 'bout 14, dats when mah eyes changed. People start callin' me Le Diable Blanc. So Ah get how some people can be a connasse about it." He offers her an easy smile and takes his hand away

X-23 has posed:
     He's notice that when he placed her hand on her shoulder, Laura tensed considerably. It took much practice and training to fight against the urge to attack when someone did something as simple as touch her shoulder when offering comfort. Forcing herself to relaxed, she closes her eyes for a split second before she opens them again, nodding in response to his words. "It's alright." shrugging off the whole thing, "At least I have a roof over my head, for now." Looking up at the ceiling of the room and then around. It was the best place she'd ever slept. "It was just something to keep me busy at night when everyone was sleeping." Turning her head, she lift a brow and makes a showy display of looking him over. "But you are a White Devil." she smirks with her teasing remark.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau knows how the girl feels, and is 95% sure if she swiped at him he could get his hand back before she cut it off at the wrist, still he also knows getting used to someone she trusts touching her will help get her past some of that trauma. He nods, smirking a little bit and looking around. "Is a pretty nice lil place, gotta give it dat. Still gettin' used ta 'aving somet'ing ovah mah 'ead every night mahself, an' Ah ain' 'ad ta live on de streets since Ah younger den you."

X-23 has posed:
     They had that in common. Living off the street or wherever they needed to just to survive. It was part of why Laura had allowed herself to feel more comfortable with him, he knew some of what she had went through. "Yeah, well, it'll be good while it lasts. Nothing good ever lasts forever." Positive one, ain't she? Also, never being able to sit still she looks around, "You wanna play pool or something?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau being a pretty cynical one himself just shrugs. "non, it doesn't, but dat's why it so important ta enjoy it now den, isn't it. Ah mean yah likely ta live a very long time, non? But no matter 'ow long it is? Yah nevah get now back. Gotta take it all in, an' suck de marroe from de bone." He smirks as she suggests pool and he nods amused. "If yah like. Yah wan' a t'ree ball 'andicap dis time, or yah t'ink yah ready ta move down ta two?"

X-23 has posed:
     "If my Father is any indication of my life span, then yeah." Laura admits, "I'll be tortured for a long time to come." Standing from the couch, she twists from the waist and stretches her back. Even if she hadn't been on the couch that long, she wasn't use to sitting idle like that. Rolling her eyes, "Don't be an ass." her tone is matter of fact, but her lips crack the smallest of smirks. Walking towards the pool cues, choosing one for herself, "two will be plenty." she says after that.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins wickedly, "If Ah stopped bein' an ass, folks round 'ere t'ink Ah got replaced by a pod person or some'ting." He sys with a smirk, racking the pool balls the removing the 14 and 15 from the corners and dropping them back into the pockets. He doesn't grab one of the school cues of course, reaching high up onto one of the tall cabnets to take down a case and screw his personal cue "Rebecca" together.

X-23 has posed:
     "Your one true love." Laura remarks at seeing him pull out Rebecca from her case, "Have you two set a date yet?" Teasing as she comes around the table to get in position to aim to break. She didn't ask if she could or not, just gets into position. Leaning over the table she takes aim and hits the cue ball directly, all the balls that had been set up scatter, but none go into any pockets. Standing upright she moves to the side to let him have his turn at the table.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks just a little bit, "Oh, Rebecca far too high class a lady ta wan' someone lioke me." He says with a wicked grin, glancing around the table quickly before pocketing the one and the two ball in quick sucession, then just lightly tapping the cue to pass his turn back to her. They both know he is fully capeable of running the table clear, but he usually will pass back to her a few times so thatshe can get some shots in. After all you don't get better standing agienst a wall holding a pool stick.

X-23 has posed:
     Laura's eyes bounce around as the balls move into pockets, taking notice not just where the balls land but the positioning the man takes, his concentration, where his hands move on the stick, where his eyes look. Learning from his movements, and knowing full well that he just touch the cue to give her a chance. Circling around the table, looking for her next set up. "Anyone that called themselves a lady would be too high class for you." then she leans over the table once more, this time as she takes aim, she takes more time to calculate her shot. When the cue is pulled back, the movement is swift and true. The white cue ball makes contact with the 7 and it goes spiraling into a pocket. Standing, pleased with herself, she moves to set up the next shot. Aiming for the 9, but misses.
     Standing up straight, she walks over to a near by table and hoists herself up onto the table top of it, using it as her waiting chair, "How'd you get so good at this anyway?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "Some advice dat mah Pappa give me once." he says, lining up a shot, "If a lady say No, what she mean is maybe." He drops the four ball. "If a lady say maybe, what she mean is yes." he says as he drops the three. "And if a lady say yes..." he taps the ball, sending it rocketing around the table, hitting all six bumpers, not touching a sinlge ball, and ending it right where it started. "Den she ain' no Lady." He steps away to apply chalk to his cue. "Allot of it is mah power. Kinetic energy is litterly putting objects inta motion. Pretty much an expert at any game dat involves t'rowing t'ings or knocking dem around. but don' tell Sam, he keeps t'inking he gonna beat me some day. At dis poin' if Ah ever cash in 'is debt he'll 'ave ta sell 'is soul."

X-23 has posed:
     Laura listens to what his father had told him, she smirks, "I guess that makes me a lady, because I never say yes." her hands are wrapped around the pool cue and her legs kick as they dangle off the side of the table she sits on. Being only 5ft tall, you tend to dangle off things a lot. "So you cheat." she wouldn't tell Sam anything, she didn't tell anyone anything. "Using your powers to win. And here I thought it was all Rebecca, that she was your source of power."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a little bit, "Depends on who yah ask," He says honestly, going to the mini fridge and taking out a pair of sodas, tossing one lightly underhanded to Laura and cracking open the other. "Lets say rat'er den pool we was playing hide an' seek. Would yah be cheating if yah sniffed me out? It's not somet'ing Ah c'n turn off. Not mah fault if people jus' assume Ah'm really good at pool.

X-23 has posed:
     Laura catches the soda with one hand, pressing it against her body until she can use her thighs to hold the pool cue and get her other hand to come over to help open the can. First though, since it was tossed at her, she taps the top of the can to settle any carbonation that may want to burst out upon opening it. Before she answers his question she takes a drink from the bubbly drink, "I guess not." she shrugs, "Though, I probably should play rock, paper scissors anytime soon." Jumping off the side of the table, she settles the can on the table she was sitting on and then goes back to the balls that remain. Aiming up her shot, she shoots and scratches. Sinking the cue ball. For an instant her eyes flash red, and then turn back to green. Irritated. "This game is dumb."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, fetching the ball from the pocket she dropped it into and setting it back where it was. "Dis game, take skill, paitence, and practice." He says calmly and casually "Imagiune a line going from de end of yah stick t'rough de ball. Where dat line gonna go. He gestures for her to reaim then says "'Old it gently, like yah would a baby bird. Yah don' wanna crush it, but yah don't want it ta fly away eit'er. Focus on yah shot. Empty yah lungs... and take it."

X-23 has posed:
     "I can see why I cant do this." Laura murmurs, "I have zero patience and I'm as gentle as an elephant in a china shop." Though, she does as she is instructed and lets out a sigh, leaning down to take aim once more. Trying to follow his directions the best she can, "The aiming laser beam of a gun is easier than this." she comments, but she does try, and takes a deep breath. Slowly exhaling as she pulls back on the cue and then shoots it forward. The cue ball goes spinning again, this time it makes contact with the 10, but just to the side and it moves the ball, but she missed sinking it into the pocket.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins. "Dat was bettah. Yah jus' need a little practice." he says with a grin, then sighs as Jack, his one eye'd derpy dog wakes and streaches. "Okay gotta take de mutt foh 'is run. Ah catch yah latter petie. Yah stay safe okay?