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Latest revision as of 03:04, 14 May 2022

Once is Chance, But Twice
Date of Scene: 18 March 2022
Location: Oyster Bay, Nassau County
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Poseidon, Quicksilver

Poseidon has posed:
There are some days with then Atlantis Poseidonis Embassy is a busy place. Today.. does not happen to be one of those days. Stepping out of the Embassy right now is what appears to be an eldery man, his hair silvery white. But his carriage is upright. His bearing almost regal. His face unlined. His silvery white hair is pulled back into a tail at the nape of his neck, just to get it out of his face. The weather is clear and at least sixty degrees. The sunshine is nice after it has been so cold recently.

Quicksilver has posed:
It isn't often that Pietro actually takes the time to walk to somewhere. Although, he had been running up until coming into this particular area, when he'd slowed down. He wears a long sleeved blue shirt, a pair of black pants, and a pair of running shoes. He's debating if he's hungry or if he should keep running, feeling a bit indecisive in the moment. Lifting his left hand, he lightly pulls his fingers through his white hair as his gaze passes over the area. He spies the older fellow and offers a nod, and a bit of a smile.

Poseidon has posed:
Said older fellow pauses and peers closer at the indecisive man who nods at him. "I know you," says Poseidon, expression thoughtful. "I have met you somewhere before." He walks toward Pietro, and around him in a circle. At least, if he's not stopped, he does. He stops in front of the man, and closes his eyes, head tilted ever so slightly. "A park," he says. "A chess game. A child. Cookies."

Quicksilver has posed:
The white-haired speedster raises an eyebrow slightly as the older fellow addresses him, and there's a flicker of curiosity that chases through his blue eyes. He... wait, what? "You do?" he asks, a touch of curiosity to his voice. He doesn't recognize the fellow, and his mind sift swiftly back through memories to see where he might have met him. He stops, and he tilts his head slightly to one side as a circle is walked about him. "The only child I play chess with is a boy named Ivan. His mother often brings cookies of one kind or another when she comes to get him afterwards," Pietro says, his tone thoughtful.

Poseidon has posed:
Because clearly, Poseidon does not know this other white haired man. The two had never met before. Not as far as Pietro would remember, at least. "Ivan," he says. "Yes, that was his name. The cookies were good." Poseidon smiles. Mystery solved, he turns and starts to walk away, continuing on his way. Toward the nearby burger joint, Big Belly Burger.

Quicksilver has posed:
There's a soft chuckle from the speedster, and he gives a nod. "Yeah, they always are. They're homemade," Pietro comments, quirking a smile. It's something he always looks forward to, in addition to the chess matches themselves. He lifts his left hand to pull his fingers through his hair again. As the fellow heads for the burger joint, Pietro tilts his head a bit to one side, and then he swiftly steps forward to the door of the place in order to pull it open for the older fellow. He pauses with the door only partially open, though. "I didn't catch your name, sir, and I don't recall having an observer," he says, curiosity in his voice.

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon tracks the movements of the younger fellow and offers him a nod of thanks. "I didn't give it," he says with a faint smile. "Percy." His smile grows. "You had an observer. I even made a move on Ivan's behalf." He winks and steps inside the building. Giving hints as to his identity on that day.

Quicksilver has posed:
As Poseidon introduces himself, Pietro pulls open the door and makes a slight gesture for the elder man to precede him. There's a smile that quirks at the corners of his lips, and he gives a nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Percy," he says. He studies the fellow for a moment with the hints given, and one of his eyebrows quirks up. Wait... what...? He pauses for a moment as he thinks, then as he realizes something he tilts his head a bit to one side. And he moves to step into the building after the man. "You... were the fox?" he suggests in a quiet tone. That was the only move that Ivan hadn't made himself.

Poseidon has posed:
As the younger man hesitates at the hints, Percy chuckles. "I wasn't as I look now," he adds. Helpfully. Not really helpfully, but there it is. Then he nods at the question. "Yes I was." The fox, presumably. Inside the building, Poseidon moves toward the counter. He might be hungry!

Quicksilver has posed:
While there are times when he can be a pain in the ass, Pietro manages to keep that particular reflex in check at the moment. He quirks a bit of a grin, and then he gives a nod to the older man. "You might not have looked then as you do now, but... it was quite memorable," he comments, his blue eyes showing a flicker of curiosity in them. He follows along, heading towards the counter. "Is that the only other way you can appear?" he asks, curiosity in his voice. He might be a bit distracted from the 'expected niceties', given that he hasn't introduced himself yet.

Poseidon has posed:
It's probably a good thing that pain in the ass reflex is kept in check. Given that Poseidon can turn himself into a fox, what else might he be capable of? What if he were to turn Pietro into a turtle? Or worse, a toad?? He smiles enigmatically at the question of appearances, and... does not answer it with anything other than that smile. Stepping to the counter, he looks over the menu.

Quicksilver has posed:
That thought might have crossed his mind. It's probably best not to anger someone who can shapeshift themselves -- and possibly others. It's often best not to anger folks who have power -- people like his sister, for example. Pietro would rather not end up trying to explain to his sister just how he ended up as a toad or anything else. He raises an eyebrow slightly at the smile his question earned, and he quirks a bit of a grin. "That smile seems to indicate it's not," he comments. He's quiet for a moment, at least in the way of words, and the fingers of his right hand lightly tap against his thigh. His attention turns to the menu as well, perusing the options.

Poseidon has posed:
Maybe not a toad or a turtle. A squirrel would suit the speedster better. Or a road runner! "I have given you my name," he says. "And yet you have not." He speaks nothing of magic now. There are mortals about. Mortals who aren't In The Know, at least. His silence is pointed. Don't freak the mundanes out! His eyes stay on the menu until he decides on a burger combo with a drink and fries.