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Latest revision as of 03:04, 14 May 2022

The Old Boys (+1) Club
Date of Scene: 14 March 2022
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Pepper Potts, Batman

Iron Man has posed:
Evening in New York City. With the weather warming up, tourism is going up, giving the City that extra bit of oomph to its night life. The fact that St Patrick's Day is coming up doesn't hurt, either. The lights of the city shine through the floor to window plate glass windows, showing off the display of the Empire State Building in all its glory, with the other 'lesser' buildings fading into the background. Just beyond, the river and artistically lit bridges.

All in all, the perfect location.

Within the Penthouse, Tony's dressed down; t-shirt, jeans, a pair of sneakers on his feet. In hand, a drink half empty on the desk beside him. Around him, there's an exploded vision of 'jet engine'. All through the Penthouse, music.. a bit of AC/DC to relax.

Pepper Potts has posed:
While Pepper isn't living in the Penthouse full time, exactly, she is pretty much living there full time. She's gone back to her apartment once or twice, always under guard, to get clothes and various things. But until they are certain all the danger has passed, this has become her new home. It also means she's there to help out around the house, greet visitors, manage the food, and basically be his personal assistant as much as he needs. People might say she should take more time off but, deep down, she enjoys it.

That means she's on hand to greet Bruce Wayne when he arrives during a fairly casual Sunday evening. Drinks and a charcuterie board have already been set out in preparpation and her neat steps are carrying her quickly to the penthouse elevator for when he arrives. She gives him a brief smile, "Mr. Wayne... lovely to properly meet you. I'm Pepper Potts, Tony's assistant. Please, come in... Tony's, well... I'm certain you can distract him." She grins. She leads the way over to her boss and his project, "Tony, you have company. Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Industries."

Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne.

The name 'Wayne' inspires a great deal of mixed emotions in a greater number of people. It's surprising really, how much influence that name has on the world. Ironic then that Bruce Wayne is coming down to New York to have a scheduled meeting with Tony Stark - a man whose surname has brought similar emotions in the hearts and minds of the people.

Unlike Tony, Bruce was dressed pretty formally. Nice suit with vest and tie, blazer draped over his shoulders while he checks his watch. He steps out of a limousine in front of Stark Tower, guided into the building with no small fanfare of paparazzi that follows the moves of every celebrity.

He comes to meet Pepper Potts. "The famous Ms. Potts, I presume? Thank you for your lovely greeting. I'm happy to be here." Bruce gives her one of his classic smirks. And when he enters the Penthouse proper, Bruce looks upon Tony in all of his...casual.

"AC/DC. Classic band. I prefer a little bit of 'Welcome to the Jungle' myself." because music is an excellent ice breaker.

Iron Man has posed:
Not only does Bruce have to deal with the paparazzi, but also cosplayers that do find their way to the front of Stark Industries dressed in costumes based upon the Avengers. Off course pictures; always pictures.

<<Sir, Mr Wayne has arrived.>> The dry, English-accented voice seems to come from everywhere, easily heard above the music. Tony, however, seems to ignore it, or at least make a noise of acknowledgment as a hand reaches out to 'grab' one of the holographic pieces, roll it around in 'hand' before tossing it over his shoulder to the 'garbage'. "Okay," is finally said.

Pepper's disappearance and subsequent re- isn't truly noted, but instead felt. Turning around in the large empty room, vestiges of her are there; the charcuterie, the bits and bobs of life, and once satisfied, he's back to work.

Until, of course, her return with Bruce. Tony shugs his program down and twists around to check the arrival at the same time before, "Music off". The command has silence ruling now, and he offers a smile, his hand moving in a quick circle near his head in gesture, "Helps me get into the mood. How are you?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
A nervous edge of a laugh escapes Pepper's lips as Bruce calls her the famous Ms. Potts. She shakes her head with a little smirk, "I don't know if I would say famous, but yes, I'm Ms. Potts. Please, just call me Pepper. Do you want anything to drink? I've got some light food laid out but I can get something more substantial if you prefer as well." Pepper's voice smoothly rolls off her lips as she escorts him back into the room, the warmth of her presence returning to Tony's notice. She seems to be fitting in more and more around here as of late. It's starting to feel like home.

She relaxes a bit more as Tony turns the music off, escorting Bruce the whole way and then stepping two feet back so she can half melt into the wall. It lets the important men, the movers and shakeers, talk without her bothering them while she still lingers close for whatever they need.

Batman has posed:
"Scotch please." Bruce replies by way of what to drink, giving Pepper a friendly smile. "Pepper it is. I'll keep that in mind as best as I can." Knowing full well that Pepper runs likely a tight ship, considering how laid back and carefree Tony can appear to be sometimes. But you know the saying. Playboys gotta play.

"I'm well, Mr. Stark. How are you?" Bruce approaches the man of the hour, extending a hand to him for a handshake. "You have a nice penthouse. No doubt the technology is state of the art, considering your multiple fields. Of course, I didn't come all this way for no reason and pleasanties."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony lifts the half-emptied glass and empties it, waving it before he sets it on the table for one of his robots to come and fetch it. Sure enough, after a couple of heartbeats, an arm on treads comes across the living room to take hold of it. "Careful. Last time you broke it," Tony warns the 'bot. "Your brother didn't appreciate cleaning up after you." The robot, in response, actually looks as if its grip changes in the middle of the warning. With a nod of his head, Tony is completely free to greet his visitor.
    A step forward is taken, and he extends his hand, "Tony, please. Mr Stark was my father, and, well.." He lets his voice trail off, and once greetings are complete, he retrieves his hand.

"Don't mind them," the inventor gestures towards the bots that are trying to clean up some unseen dirt that is left behind from holographic trash. "They're.. still learning.

"So.." Tony begins again, a slow path is made towards the couches, "what brings you by? Or," and he directs the next to Pepper, "was I just not paying attention at the time?" Which is perfectly possible.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Scotch it is. Will a Lagavulin 16 do?" Pepper asks as she steps over to the little corner bar. There's a bigger bar across the room, of course, made for larger gatherings or when too many people want a drink at once. But when it's just a few, the little bar perched right by the couches does just fine. It's where Pepper keeps Tony's favourite scotches and the best bottles of wine that have come full into their vintage in the last few months.

Green eyes flicker past Tony, over his shoulder, as she crosses behind him. A single touch from her fingertips to the base of his spine comes a moment later. A greeting. A brush of affection. A reassurance that she is there but she doesn't need to be a part of the conversation. She's also confirming that his glass is empty so she can pour him another.

She pours Bruce two fingers of that scotch and drops in a single whiskey ball of ice, one of those made to melt slowly so the bits of water open up the scotch as they go. Tony gets one finger with the same amount of ice. She then brings both glasses over and delivers the pair, Bruce first, with a polite smile before settling into the corner of the couch herself. A helpful ghost, sitting and listening thoughtfully. Tony's question about paying attention gets a slight chuckle, "Bruce simply mentioned he might be interested some cooperative business, and I told him I'd love to talk about the magnet school in Gotham... well, as soon as I get the permits through. It seemed we all had enough on our minds it was worth a meeting. But, Bruce is as mysterious as they say and didn't exactly specify his thoughts." She grins to the other CEO. Yes, she knows the gossip.

Batman has posed:
"A woman of culture I see." Bruce smiles at Pepper. "A Lagavulin 16 will do splendidly, thank you." Though Bruce, in this persona that he's crafted, pretends to be oblivious. But the detective is still hard at work in his mind's eye. He notices how Pepper's step brings her behind Tony. Her arm lifts, not likely to be playful and poke him in the back, no...romance. A tether that could be brought against Tony.

Yet also, a beacon of light and hope, a knowing feeling that all will be well. It's a good thing to feel these things after all. Bruce looks at the bots. "Simple, but effective - most of the time. I tried to implement similar bots into R&D, but we could never really get them to work properly." Except for the one in the Batcave. But that's not the point.

"Didn't miss out at all, Tony. It's nice to officially meet you. As for what Pepper has said, she's right. I intend to offer you a sort of business arrangement. Crime is rampant in New York City. So I would propose a joint business venture."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony twists around to watch Pepper's progress, the touch acknowledged, and when the glass is handed to him, he makes a brief face. He //hates// things handed to him, and only just allows it from Pepper. Brows do rise as he catches the amount given, but.. he'll have more.

"Yes, yes she is," Tony agrees, though it is //his// curated batch of alcohol.

With her there by his side, Tony is most definitely at ease; his anchor. Yes, a tether that he so very much recognizes, thus her presence in the Tower during his current 'crisis'. They look a team. Once he's given the report, he lifts his glass, empties it but holds on to the empty.

"It shouldn't be too hard. Just let me know who's giving you a problem." While he may not be the one leaning, he could get other .. elected officials to lean. Harder.

Tony's attention ocmes back around to Bruce, though it never truly left. "They're helpful, if you remember they have the IQ of a five year old." He's got a bunch in his workshop, after all.

"Now, though.." and he quick smiles, nodding, "Okay, and I'm glad to finally meet you as well. As for a business arrangement?" Tony is honestly a really, really good businessman. He's the one who made most of the billions on the base of Howard. "Crime is pretty bad," he agrees, and he sits down on the couch, finally, offering a spot to both Pepper and Bruce. "But that's hardly my problem. We look at the bigger problem. The underpinnings. Housing, energy.."

Pepper Potts has posed:
As Tony drains his glass quite that quickly, Pepper pulls over the bottle and tops him off again. It's going to be a drinking business meeting. Then she is properly settling into the couch near him. Not close enough to touch, she's still maintaining absolute propriety other than that single brush of her hand, but she's closer than most simple business associates would be.

"I'll put the information on your desk in the morning." She offers to Tony's question about who is giving her a problem, but she doesn't press on it now. This wasn't a meeting about the schools, she knew that much. There was more going on here. So, after that little assurance, she falls fully quiet and sinks into the couch, legs crossed. She's listening, thoughtful, attentative, but not chiming in again. She's here to watch and study as much as she is support.