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Latest revision as of 12:50, 1 June 2022

Avengers on Broadway
Date of Scene: 31 May 2022
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Jen and Steve head out to see Avengers The Musical, much to Steve's chagrin
Cast of Characters: Captain America, She-Hulk

Captain America has posed:
    Three weeks passed as they were wont to do, time flying by for the Avenger known as Steve Rogers. It's just what happens when an individual keeps busy, time gets away from them and eventually you're answering the phone and saying, "That's tomorrow?"
    He had looked at his phone, then looked at the paper calendar he actually keeps in his quarters, flipping forward a little since the month is almost over. Then his eyebrows shot up as he rubbed at the back of his neck. "Well I'll be."
    Which had him changing the phone in his hand to the other ear as he turned his head to the side. "Well alright, you're sure you weren't able to find anyone else? I'll admit it's going to be a little embarrassing to going to... a play. About yourself. Even partially."
    But he nodded to the phone even as the person on the other end of the line didn't see it and then he murmured, "Alright. I'll be ready tomorrow around six if that works. We can meet at the mansion. Does a suit work or how does it work these days?" Since he hadn't really had much experience of late about such.

She-Hulk has posed:
"Thanks. Have a safe night," Shulkie said as she got out of the back of the Uber. She'd made sure to put a good tip into the app for the driver but right now she was in a bit of a hurry. They had seemed a little stunned to have six and a half feet of green amazonian woman as their rider upon pickup.

She was dressed to the nines. A black Vera Wang gown that hugged all the right spots. Which looked lovely with her complexion. Not really any makeup because it wasn't like they made foundation in her shade. Outside stage makeup and it was too thick for her. Just a little around the eyes and some blush and she was good to go. She even had on heels, which didn't really matter since she was already going to be taller than her date without them.

She had a wardrobe bag hooked on her index finger and slung over her shoulder as well as she headed for the front door to the mansion. Sadly, the person she had arranged to go with tonight had cancelled the day before. Which led to the pitiful call to Steve asking if he'd be up for it. Which led to this moment.

She opened the door of the mansion and stepped inside. "Honey, I'm hooooome."

Captain America has posed:
    The casually upbeat voice of JARVIS was heard albeit distantly as in the kitchen the artificial intelligence relayed her message. << Miss Walters has arrived, Captain Rogers. >>
    "Thanks, Jarvis." Steve says even as he's finishing a quick drink of water from a plastic bottle while standing in front of the refrigerator. A small thing he learned while on campaign that if you don't know how something is supposed to go, your best option? Hydrate. Which is what he was doing. Then the rest of the water is put back in the fridge and he turns away, stepping into the hallway in line with the foyer, coming into view with a mirthful smile on his handsome features.
    "Is that you Jen?" Even though Jarvis told him. "I thought it was a movie star fresh off the red carpet."
    Which has JARVIS raising his voice again, << Very clever, sir. >>
    Though that earns a slight sardonic smile. Steve steps further down the hall, and he's actually cleaned up rather well. Not quite a tuxedo or that level of formal affair. But he's wearing a typical black suit with a white shirt. A blue and red tie hangs from his neck and a white kerchief is tucked and folded neatly in the pocket of his jacket. The clothes are clean, flawless, without even any bits of dust or thread. And the black leather shoes are bright shining like they're carved from ebony.
    Though as his eyes widen a little he says, "This is a good plan, She-Hulk. When we get there nobody's going to be looking at me."

She-Hulk has posed:
"Jen," she corrected automatically. Since she preferred that name in this form. Jennifer she saved for her other half. At his compliment, she had smiled. She couldn't help it. It was always nice to be told that the hard work of trying to look nice had succeeded. She had pride and wasn't afraid to admit it. Be it physically and mentally based.

"Actually, that was part of my strategy. Figure if people are looking at me, they might not notice you so much. But I also wondered if the opposite might be true. If you think we can fly under the radar if I'm less..." She paused to look down at herself then shrugged, with a half-smirk. "This."

She held up the wardrobe bag, which was a little heavy at the bottom hinting there were shoes in there as well. "I brought a dress for Jennifer Walters if you would prefer that? I can go upstairs and change." In all the ways that could be taken. "I'm quite non descript and wouldn't draw the eye of anyone. Maybe you could be less noticeable?"

Captain America has posed:
    "Jen, go however you like." Steve says with that leveling of his eyes and chin, the reasonable tone in his voice. As if he were explaining a universal truth. "I'll be proud to be seen with you however you wish. And I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me." And him flying under the radar.
    He takes a moment to adjust his tie in the mirror in that foyer, frowning a little as he shakes his head. "I've never felt comfortable in these, despite all the events and functions we've done."
    He turns away from the mirror, grabbing his wallet and keys from one of the drawers in the desk nearby. Straightening up the blond man looks up at her, meeting her eyes with a slight exhale before he smiles. "How's it look?" He asks, meaning the tie most likely.

She-Hulk has posed:
"I just know you already feel embarassed about the whole attending a thing about yourself so wanted you comfortable. That's all. But if it really doesn't matter, I'll stick to this. Probably for the best. Not sure if I remembered my Jennifer undi--nevermind!" As she remembered who exactly she was talking to. She moved to one of the closets used for coats upon entry, particulary in challenging weather conditions. There the wardrobe bag found a home hanging for now.

At his question, she turned to look over as she shut the closet door. A few steps brought her over to stand in front of him. "It's because you are cutting off the oxygen to your brain," Shulkie points out. "At least, that's how it feels. Any consolation, I hate them personally when I've worn them." She tilts her head to the side. "It's very patriotic. So, perfect for you." The red and blue on a white background sort of screamed it. "You look very handsome."

Captain America has posed:
    As she pays him a compliment he looks back in the mirror and quirks his eyebrows as if he was about to argue the point. But he lets it lie for now as he then furrows those brows then gives a few nods. "It'll do I imagine."
    Then he's looking back to her, "Did you want to drive or should we hail a cab?" He said as he started to the door, stopping with one hand on the knob and resting there. Then he lifts his chin a little, "And are we supposed to eat before we go there or after?" It's clear his mind is a smidge distracted by... the logistics of things. Since that's partially how he approaches things. As hurdles and obstacles to overcome.
    But then he seems to grab hold of himself mentally and takes a deep breath before he says something mildly... unCap-like. "Mmm, maybe we'll just figure it out as we go along." Clearly a Skrull.

She-Hulk has posed:
"I ordered a car and driver," Shulkie offers to answer that question for him. "Should be here in five minutes. Nothing too fancy but it's nice. Was cheaper than paying for parking to be honest." So that's why she did it. Or perhaps she didn't want to take another Uber. Either way, the ride was covered.

Then he brought up the question of food. And...stammered? Cap? Suddenly she was moving behind him, putting her hand at the back of his neck. Gentle fingers brushing there. "Pardon me. Looking for a mark. I saw a movie once where these creatures took over the bodies of humans and the only sign was a little mark at the nape of the neck at the hairline."

Not finding the mark she was looking for, she stepped back around him. "Who are you and what have you done with Steve?"

She couldn't help grinning a little. "I'm used to you being far more decisive. Though, admittedly, this doesn't someone trying to kick our ass--ets." It was going to be a long night.

"Dinner can be before or after. But our time, it would have to be after. Though you don't have to do a dinner. Cause, I know this isn't a thing for you. Like a real date or anything."

Captain America has posed:
    Her wryness gains her a smirk as he lifts a hand to hers and gives a squeeze but then pulls it away from searching for whatever mark she might imagine on the back of his noggin. "Very funny." He offers in reply while shaking his head.
    "Can't a fella be a lil bit nervous about going to a shindig that's... tacitly about him, huh?" That Brooklyn accent coming out ever so slightly as he gives her a hard time right back. But then he pulls open the door and they start to step out into the brisk air of the afternoon. The sun is still up, of course, since that's the time of the year, but the heat's eased off as the clouds wander in from the coast.
    << Have an excellent time, Captain Rogers. Miss Walters. >> JARVIS offers in his impeccable accent before the door closes behind them.
    Which leaves them to each other as he starts the walk down the path between the immaculately landscaped hedges and trees in the yard of the mansion. Though it's what she last said that has his attention as he gives her a side-eyed glance. "I don't know, would you want this to be a real date?" He says with a slight half-smile.
    "I don't see you as a woman going for a hundred year old fossil who can barely update his facetube page." As he says that he's smiling, though he does add. "I've seen you with some of the movie stars and super models running around. I don't exactly fit that type."

She-Hulk has posed:
"If it feels better, the play is about a bunch of people." Not her. She wasn't in town at the time. "Not just you. Although I'm sure the fake Cap will be front and center cause you are one of the most beloved."

She steps out the door before him because that was the time he was from. Holding a door open for a lady. She wasn't one to take offense at it. In fact, it was kind of nice.

At his comments, Shulkie had to glance away. Head turning toward the street. Tracking cars passing by as they went about their normal day. Her thoughts were internalized.

"You know why the movie stars and super models ask me out, Cap?" She turned to look at him, green eyes serious. "Because I look like this. Because I draw attention. Because I get them more photos in the press and publicity is everything for them. The first time I start talking to them about case law that applies to a trial I sat in on, in the gallery, their eyes glaze over. It never lasts because they want the outside, not the person inside."

Her smile is back though a little sad, as she shrugs a little. "While it would be a honor to go on a real date with you, because I like you both as your outside and the man you are within that I've gotten to know of the years, I also realize that you are far beyond my level. You're too good for me. I'm a lawyer. We're always a little sketchy and you are a symbol of all the good things."

Captain America has posed:
    "Jen," Steve pauses as they get to the wrought iron gate, his hand resting on the clasp that holds it closed. But he doesn't open it yet. Instead he turns to look at her, up to her a bit considering the height. And the heels. "Although I can't promise you I'll..." His smile slides more towards the wry, the self-deprecating. "That I'll understand what you tell me about case law or what you do in your office beyond what little knowledge I have... I can tell you that my eyes won't glaze over."
    So he settles that, then he undoes the latch on the gate. "And the way you talk me up, it sounds like it leaves me with few dating options. Like maybe just Mother Theresa. Or the Dalai Lama." Which has him half-smiling, "And to be fair neither of them return my calls."
    He then opens the gate and starts to walk outside and he says. "You know that Natasha has been giving me a hard time for..." He shakes his head, "A few years now." He chuckles a little, "About dating. Only recently I actually went out with someone." A glance is given to her as if to reassure her that he indeed did so and was serious by biting his lower lip a little and nodding a few times. "Twice even. But she was someone that... pursued me a good bit. And I kept... not letting myself be available. Until I saw all the effort she was putting into things and I realized that I wasn't being fair to her. Or myself. Or anyone really. So when she asked, I said yes."
    Out on the street they walk a little ways and he smiles sidelong to her, "So I guess what I'm saying here is you have to ask yourself if you really want to ask. And I'll treat it like you've given it thought and reflection, and give you an honest answer."

She-Hulk has posed:
She knew about the whole dating app fiasco and how one of the scariest people she'd met had been so worried about Cap's love life. Though it was more his life, than romance. He spent too much time in his past and not his present. Those who knew him best knew that. Jen didn't know him as well as some of the original members and even she realized things were tough for Steve Rogers here.

"So I have to do the asking." She pursed her lips a bit a nodded. "Instead of being the shy wallflower I'm known for," she added with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

It was that moment the car rounded the corner. It came to a stop and the chauffeur jumped out to open the back door for the pair. Shulkie ducked in first, sliding across the bench seat and taking up a spot on the far side, giving him plenty of room.

Once he was in and they were back under way, she turned his direction and spoke. "Fortune favors the brave, right? So in that case, I would very much like to have dinner with you after the play. And to steal a line from Pretty Woman, I had a great time tonight. Just in case I forget to say it later."

Captain America has posed:
    And, of course, Steve gives a smile and a nod to the chauffeur and shakes the man's hand. Perhaps there's a tip given subtly as that was the way in times past, but then he's easing into the seat in the back to settle on the rear bench of the long car. His eyes widen a little as he takes in the surroundings of the luxury vehicle then looks across the way to her. "This isn't exactly keeping a low profile."
    But then again it would draw attention to Jen as well. Perhaps she knows what she's doing in that regard.
    But then after she asks her question he smiles and says, "I'd like that very much, Jen. It'll be nice to get to know you better."