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Latest revision as of 12:41, 14 June 2022

The Reasonable Deployment of Assets
Date of Scene: 30 May 2022
Location: Lower Manhattan, Manhattan
Synopsis: Alexander gets a job
Cast of Characters: Cammy White, Phobos

Cammy White has posed:
The meeting had been arranged through all the usual methods. This representative spoke to that representative who spoke to their supervisor who spoke to the representative who went back to the first and they went to their supervisor and this continued until the dance was completed. In the end, it fell to two agents being sent to speak. For discussion to happen. For arrangements to be made. Because this involved people that were sort of outside but inside.

Cammy White was currently working with Interpol, on a special assignment. She was actually an MI-6 agent though. As such, she was an outsider. The person she was meeting was some sort of outside contractor. That's all she knew. There was a secret phrase for her to know if the person was the one she was meeting. She had no name. No description.

Her task was to sit on a a bench, tablet in hand as she read. She was dressed in a pair of camo pants that were a bit oversized. Combat boots on her feet. She was wearing a black t-shirt, plain with no design, a light jacket also in camo. No beret on her head this time though her usual long blonde braid was present.

Phobos has posed:
    There are reasons why it is difficult to get certain assets from SHIELD. The organization is a broad one that has branched out over the years and has its fingers in many proverbial pies. Some of those pies have gone on to give rise to divisions within SHIELD, W.A.N.D. was one, but other aspects of the spy agency are still somewhat hidden and off the books.
    Which was why the SHIELD intel operative likely might have been perturbed that knowledge of one of their undefined assets was known to Interpol.
    It could have come to their attention during the incident in Latveria. Or it could have come to their attention during the AIM operation in Eastern Europe. Yet the bottom line was Interpol had declared it had knowledge of this asset. And also would like to borrow it. Since they're allies after all. Should be no problem?
    But it was. For a time. There was push back and forth, with at first denial. Then grudging admittance. Then when the mission briefing had been brought forth on what they needed him for... SHIELD finally agreed.
    Which led to word being passed on and the meeting arranged. It led to Agent White settled on that park bench with a tablet in her hand. And with those camo pants assuredly it would draw more attention to her since she'd look clearly like a floating torso on the bench seat. But alas. Nobody seemed to notice.
    Which may have been the thought held and why Agent Aaron's smile is wry as he walks up. At first glance he doesn't look like an agent. Blonde, vibrant, brilliant eyes full of life with a casual air to him considering the jeans and t-shirt and the loose unbuttoned overshirt of blue.
    "You know the weekend would be nice without all the killer bees."

Cammy White has posed:
Hearing those words, she slowly glanced up. Admittedly, she had noticed his approach. He hadn't attempted to be sneaky. Just a normal person walking along and about to sit on a bench with a stranger, making small talk and trying to calm any nerves. Her eyes were bright blue as she glanced up at him, a quick glance over him as she assessed. For a watcher, she was a girl checking out a guy. For the pair of them? She took in those little tells he was a fighter. She had heard rumors about him but not details.

"Not sure it's the killer bees we have to worry about." Her accent was clearly British. She considers him then looks back down at her tablet. "A pleasure to meet you. I'm Agent Cammy White, MI-6, special assignment to Interpol." Because she didn't like using her full name, ever. "We have a situation in Belgium we were hoping you might help with, if you are interested. As an outside contractor, it's up to you."

She tapped a spots on her screen then glanced over at him. "Interested in seeing the file? I have been told to share it as well as cooperate with any questions you might have."

Phobos has posed:
    The smile he gives is a polite one, any on-looker would likely assume they'd just made introductions as he politely asked if he could join her. Then he settled down onto the seat beside her, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees and looking casually contemplative as he considers their surroundings.
    "I'm..." A brief moment held as this was perhaps the first time he'd introduced himself as not exactly part of SHIELD and more just... an agent. "Operative Aaron, formerly of SHIELD. But I do make myself available if needs be."
    He turns those bright eyes toward her, hazel in color, pale yet slightly ethereal as he considers her. "If it fits the parameters. I usually work alone. Infiltration into a secure facility to prep for asset reassignment." A nice way of phrasing for what happens to those assets. "If you would be so kind..."
    His lip twists and then he says, "Elevator pitch it to me."

Cammy White has posed:
That got a brief nod but there was a moment where it looked like she was pleased with his answer. While she was one to be very thorough in preparing for an op, at the same time she really just wanted to get out there in the action. So she could appreciate such a point of view.

"There is an arms dealer who has managed to purchase some nuclear weapons with enough power to wipe off half of the European continent. This dealer is looking to offload to the highest bidder in an underground sale, to be held in Antwerp. We have the information about date and time but that is about it, outside a list of potential buyers. Some buyers are governments that do not have such capabilities yet. Others are nefarious organizations looking for their opportunity to increase their power."

She touched the screen a few more times then set down the machine on the bench beside her. It gave him a view of some data on the screen if he happened to glance down. She turned her attention toward him. Again as it would seem they were just two people opting to converse since they were sharing a bench.

"There will be a lot of firepower present. And as such, it is feared sending in a normal team will be too dangerous."

Phobos has posed:
    That does cause his brow to furrow, small tells that he hadn't expected that answer and his manner shifts more business-like as he nods. "That is a big deal," Even though the world had experienced threats that were above and beyond such a scale, the djinn of nuclear weaponry was not one that could be put back in the bottle too easily. It still had a menace to the world where it comes to the possibility of it getting in the wrong hands.
    "What sort of time-frame are we looking at?" He asks as he leans over to get a better look at the screen. It's enough that he's sort of closer to her shoulder, to the casual observer in passing it might seem like he's becoming more friendly...
    Though with the two of them it's more his tone lowering and his eyes settling on the data display in her hand.

Cammy White has posed:
"Fifteen days. We only got the information about 36 hours ago. Interpol approached SHIELD for assistance. After much back and forth, here we are," Cammy said as she gave him a slight smile. Again, just a pair of people having a nice conversation.

"I don't pretend to know what you can do. But from what SHIELD told us, you are singularly equipped for such a situation." She tilts her head slightly, the curiosity on her face. "Which as an agent, has me wanting to ask a million questions but I know that is it inappropriate. I'll leave the tablet behind." She pulled out her telephone and made a show of opening it then looking at him. "We'll exchange numbers if you wish. If not, just make it look good for anyone watching and we will continue to communicate through SHIELD. Then when I leave, you will have a cover for how to reach out to return said tablet. Obviously, you are not expected to do so."

Phobos has posed:
    "That's why I'm in this line of work." Alexander says as he accepts the tablet, "The free electronics." Though it's said with such dead pan aplomb that it might be hard to imagine he's being sarcastic if it weren't for the clear ludicrousness of it all.
    Then he produces his cellphone from his pocket and rests it on his thigh, swiping it to life. Not an easy mate and pairing between the two phones, as the applications on the devices do an elaborate dance of give and take, signs and counter-signs for the two intelligence agencies to make sure that the two comms devices can trust each other before conveying intel. But once it's all done, they end up with each others' number.
    "We should probably stay a little longer." He says as he looks around the place then laughs a little as if she told a small joke. When he looks back though, his eyes do have a touch of mirth. "I can't answer a million. I'll answer three."

Cammy White has posed:
"Not sure that the tablet is worth it. Doesn't even have solitaire on it." Cammy smiles a bit but then something seems to occur to her. "I heard it used to be free on computers. Not sure why it has become something to pay for or requiring data mining."

She does look surprised when he offers her three questions. It takes her some time as she considers. Sorting through, considering semantics. "That is gracious of you to offer. I'm not sure that I should however." She looked like she was weighing her options but finally she made her choice.

"Why you?"

Phobos has posed:
    "I didn't say I'd answer them," As he says that his smile comes to the fore, just a hint of it beyond the norm that's worn to give the semblance of friendly chit-chat in case others were watching. But his eyebrows rise as she asks that one and he answers calmly. "I think because I'm expendable, and so far have been successful. The typical sub-contractor benefits."
    Though his eyes slip away from her and consider their surroundings as he looks over the park and the small number of people wandering by. "Could be because I am more effective when I'm not part of a team."
    Which has him tilting his head back to her as he says, "Which, by the way, if I do go in I'd appreciate if you'd arrange to have any personnel evacced before drop time." If only so he didn't have to be mindful of such in the field.

Cammy White has posed:
"We're all expendable so that isn't it."

Cammy has a illusions about her place in things. She knows she is just a cog. Nothing important and easily replaced. She doesn't know the details of her past. It is still a blank slate. Maybe someday those would be filled.

As he explained, she considered those details. So he was a loner. Not a good team player. That's what it sounded like but she wasn't so sure that was the truth of the situation. "If you go in, we will have our agents as far back as you require. I will be one of the people on the ground." So he has that much at least. "This is not going to count as one of my three questions..." Because she wanted to be sure he didn't play any genie games here.

"But how far away will that be?"

Phobos has posed:
    "Out of the operations area, that's for you guys to decide." There's a pause as his eyes distance and his lips curve up slightly. He tilts his head to the side, "I just realized I sound like one of those action movie people. I work alone. Keep your people out of the way."
    His eyebrows climb as he murmurs a small 'hnh' to himself while chewing his lower lip in reflection and perhaps self-realization. Then he shakes his head, "But really it's better that way. Just out of the op area."
    Then he smirks a little and looks away, "Two questions left."

Cammy White has posed:
The comment about the action movie people has her smiling again, a bright momentary flash as she let out a slight giggle. Because that was exactly what he sounded like. Now that he put it out there in the universe for her to see.

She turned a bit on the bench, bringing up a leg at an angle, letting her look at him a bit more fully. As though interested. But in truth, she actually was. This wasn't some ploy. Just a curiosity about this person who was badass enough to draw such an assignment.

"The distance will be determined by your M.O.. For exmaple, if you are going to blow up the entire place, we need to be further away than if you just want us out of the building itself. It's only a few miles difference but an important one."

And she realized before she even asked, her next question was unnecessary and driven personally. Because she knew she was good. Great even. Yet, this unassuming young man was apparently better. And that sort of poked a stick at her ego.

"Are you a meta?" Meaning powered by whatever means. Mutant, radioactive spider, vat of chemicals, clone from a megalomaniac who had powers and meant to be their vessel in the future. Whatever.

Phobos has posed:
    "No," Alexander says. Then he elaborates, "I just want to have target clarity during the operation. Hate having to slow down and figure out who is a good guy, who is a bad guy. Takes so long and I'm a millenial."
    Though there might be a slight twist of a smirk there as he adds, "But just out of where you expect me to be. Line of sight, no explosions." He leans back a little on the bench, arm extending to the side not quite the Greg Brady maneuver but close enough to give that slight hint of body language of interest as well as if there were observers watching.
    "I come from a family that have gifts due to their heritage. So yes." He answers, there.

Cammy White has posed:
There is a nod to the mention of being sure he has the clarity of action during the operation. It made sense to her. It allowed for a certain amount of freedom. She made note of distances in her brain and factored them in for the future operation.

She didn't ask about the powers. It seemed a bit too forward. Especially since she wasn't going to be in the op with him. As such, it was asking something like his...shoe size. Or the like. It was just something unnecessary for her to know and she wasn't going to cross that line.

Cammy glanced down at the tablet, the screen which had gone to a saver by this point. It was locked. But it was also programmed with his fingerprint to open it as well as hers. She considered a bit and glanced up at him finally.

"I think I'll save my third question. If you take the assignment, I may ask it after."

Phobos has posed:
    "Alright," Agent Aaron seems to find that acceptable as he takes the tablet and nods. "Be seeing you." And as he says that he rises up from the bench seat, pocketing his phone and taking the tablet with him. With little further ado he turns and starts to make his way from the meet, leaving the Interpol agent with that last question.