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Latest revision as of 18:14, 23 October 2017

Hell to Work With
Date of Scene: 28 April 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hellboy, Black Widow (Romanoff), Captain America

Hellboy has posed:
It's the middle of the day-to-day business of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s bureaucratic apparatus. Agents and support staff bustle about in pursuit of myriad specific goals.

Two technicians carry a giant metal crate of who knows what, slowly maneuvering their way through a loose crowd that's not paying much attention to them.

A large red figure walks next to a thin man, the latter carrying a folder crammed with papers. The red figure is handed one page at a time. He looks at it and either hands it back or crumples it up and tosses it over his shoulder. In response, the thin man catches it, attempts to smoothe it back out, and hands another.

"...just need some sort of signature for the expenses you're claiming here, agent--" the man says.

"--Look, Meyers, I get it. But here's the thing," Hellboy replies, clutching a smoldering cigar stub in his right hand, "I just don't remember. Wait," he adds, "that's not right. I don't /care/."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha Romanoff was practically in the charging path of the large red guy and his follower dutifully following him. Natasha was in a black SHIELD jumpsuit, with a matching utility belt strapped around her waist (all kinds of gadgets hanging off of the belt) and twin pistols strapped to the outside of either thigh. She was a towering figure of her own, measuring in at a daunting 5'3" tall. With her arms crossed over her stomach she listened to another agent that was speaking to her, nodding her head. Nat couldn't help but be distracted by the approaching Hellboy though, her green eyes looked over at him and she stared at him with a blank and emotionless gaze.

Captain America has posed:
     "Hey now, is that any way to talk to another agent?" Cap asks kindly as he walks in fresh off from another mission.

     His suit is singed somewhat and there are little flakes of debris falling off of his shoulders, parts of a building of some kind. His deep blue suit is of the more modern design he's worn for the better part of two years now, and the mask is down from his head hanging off the back loosely.

     "We're all still a part of the same team here" He adds on coming to a stop.

Hellboy has posed:
While he seems mostly preoccupied with the never-ending stream of paperwork shoved in front of his face, Hellboy catches the diminutive Russian over the edge of some form designated H13-X-whatever. Just then, Captain America's voice reaches his ears, and the trenchcoat-clad creature stops in his tracks.

"Uhhh..." he intones for a long moment, staring at Natasha. "Excu-u-use me. Meyers, you bozo, why were you saying such horrible things about our colleague here?" Hellboy shoves his thin companion to the side, scattering the papers he'd been carrying all over the hallway floor.

"Let me apologize on behalf of my handler, milady. And Cap," he adds, looking over his shoulder toward the super-soldier. "Meyers can be a little ... what's the word ... insensitive."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha's emotionless stare continued on as Captain Rogerse approached and spoke to the large red man. She just stood there, watching, with her big green... deathly intense, eyes. The eyes moved about though, here and there, watching what became of the poor Meyers... then back to the Red Man as he spoke to Rogers... then to Cap himself.

"Captain." Natasha said in a flat and even tone of voice, just a simple one-word greeting. AFter that, her green eyes went from Cap to Hellboy, then back to Cap. "The two of you have had a busy night, I presume?" She asked them both in one fell-swoop of a question, her voice was husky and toned with an unplaceable generic American accent.

Captain America has posed:
     There's a long moment of silence from cap before he just shakes his head in response to Hellboy, hands going down into the pockets of his suit, as a bit of drywall falls off the shoulder onto the ground.

     When Natasha speaks up he gives a quick reply. "Was out all night getting bounced from one call to the next, so I guess you could say that." A lighthearted chuckle escaping his lips. "Must be something in the air, seems like everyone's trying the whole 'act of terror' thing this week."

Hellboy has posed:
"Yeah, Cap," Hellboy says wryly, "it's hell out there." He allows himself a smirk before an expression passes over his face and he effects a serious look, punctuated with a clearing of his throat. "Uh, that is, I just got back myself from an encounter with a chupacabras. Annoying little bastard. Almost all mouth."

Hellboy glances to Natasha. "Ever tangled with a goat-sucker? And I don't just mean figuratively, like that mess of forms Meyers dropped." He points his left thumb over his shoulder toward his beleaguered companion.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha's eyes watched the drywall fall off of Cap's shoulder and down onto theo therwise spotless floor that the little vacuum robots would have to come by and sweep up eventually. She overheard the two boast about their adventures this evening and she'd look back up at them. "I blame the internet." She said to Cap. "It glorifys terror as a way to be remembered by the media."

At Hellboy then she would look. It was then she did something unheard of. She showed a small lopsided smirk. "I was pretty sure that those were a myth, until this moment. Hairless coyotes, or some such." She slowly shook her head right to left. "But if you saw them, Red... Then I believe that they are real, and I will do everything in my power to never be near one." All of her words were spoken in a dry manner, like someone who'd been awake three days straight, but she didn't look tired at all.

Captain America has posed:
     "After a while you just learn to accept that just about everything is real, and there's not much we can do about it except smack it back down when it crops up." Cap points out with a bit of a lighthearted laugh, as he moves back over towards a nearby table for a bit of that hallway coffee, the best kind of coffee to be honest. Better yet it's the bottom of the pot.

     "Surprised SHIELD hasn't literally sent us there yet this month." Spoken right before he takes a sip of piping hot coffee, tipping back the mug, to enjoy some half day old brew. "Right about now I'd almost say it was a vacation."

Hellboy has posed:
"Yeah!" Hellboy says, breaking into a grin. "I heard that, Cap'n!" He extends his left fist toward Rogers for a bump, but after a moment he drops his arm back to his side. "Sorry, sir. Just excited to be talking with you."

"And you," he says to Natasha, "you ain't never gotta worry about the chupacabras. You smell way too nice for them to be interested. Me, though ... I can never quite shake 'em whenever I'm remotely near their territory."

Hellboy rubs his chin for a moment. "Can't say I disagree about the vacation. 'Course, I'm happy whenever I'm not sent to Hoboken."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha's gaze followed Cap as he walked toward the coffee and she just... was silently -fascinated- to see that he was actually going to drink it. There was even a bet placed inside her mind, with herself, that there was no way he was going to drink it... Was that coffee even made this WEEK?

But on the outside, Natasha just was emotionless and devoid of any signs of her internally dialogue.

Her eyes returned to Hellboy and she smirked at him after he complimented her. She lisented to the rest he had to say and she slightly tilted her head to the left. "Maybe they love the smell of your cigars?" She asked. "Maybe you should switch chewing gum." It was said as a matter-of-fact sort of way, but anyone who knew Natasha would know that this was her playing with them, teasing them and joking around.

Captain America has posed:
     As Cap takes a sip he's reminded on the spot that it tastes just like the coffee mom used to make. Just as overtly strong, burnt and watery all at the same time that mix that would make a lesser man potentially swear off coffee all together, so naturally he just keeps drinking.

     If one went through the camera logs they'd likely find that no one really has drank even a sip of the stuff in at least a few days, just coffee left to burn away on that cheap, yet good looking coffee pot. The whole thing was more for decorations anyway, the only people who even drank the stuff visitors who didn't know any better.

     "It's alright, we all get a bit overzealous sometimes." A friendly smirk stuck on his face as he goes in for another sip from the cup. He lets out a low contented sigh, as he goes back for a top off from the pot, getting a few looks from the other agents.

Hellboy has posed:
Agent Meyers steps into the room, arms cradling a poorly organized pile of papers, a few of which are on the hallway floor behind him like a trail of crumbs. "Uh--ah--Hellboy," he says timidly. "We've got to finish this paperwork before tonight's deadline."

Hellboy's in the middle of offering Natasha a soft smile, but his expression drastically changes at the sound of Meyers' voice. "Meyers," he growls out of the corner of his mouth. Blinking and turning to offer his handler a practiced, thinly stretched smile, Hellboy nods. "Of course. We're all on the same team, after all."

He raises both hands before him, palms up. "It seems I must be on my way. They say knowing is half the battle, but it seems like paperwork is 80% of the battle. And there's no way we can get to 130%, right?"

Hellboy thrusts his cigar stub back into his mouth, where he all but chews on it, grumbling incoherently as he begins walking to Agent Meyers, his tail flitting about, barely visible, under his trenchcoat.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha put her eyes back on Cap just in time to see him take another drink and her stomach rolled over at the sight of it. She exhaled/kinda groaned... unfolded her arms and walked toward him. "Stop that." She told him, her hand going up to take the coffee cup from him. "Give me that..." She'd say then, before turning to go to the pot of Hallway Coffee and pick it up off of its stand.

Natasha would then look back over to Hellboy. "Hey, Red." She said at him. "Pick me up sometime when you're going out for one of these hunts. I'm curious about what you do on these expeditions. I want to see it first hand." She said to him while cleaning up the Hallway Coffee and preparing to make a new pot.