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Latest revision as of 18:50, 23 October 2017

About Uncle Lex
Date of Scene: 29 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgaTQ5-XfMM
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Dazzler, 110

Deadzone has posed:
Ah, a day off to do whatever she likes. Is it any wonder that Tatum can be found in the music classroom, borrowing one of the classroom cellos? No, not really.

The strains of the music fill the room and trickle into the hallway. Christina Perry's 'A Thousand Years' can be heard and the an emotional well of affection can't be denied by anyone that hears it.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison's comings and goings over the last few days have been unrecorded, unremarkable. If she's been in her room, she has had headphones on. If she's been out, she's not blared loud music upon return. Creeping like a church mouse she's been, sneaking off for phone calls and programming information into her new LexCorp cell phone. Two-dozen apps are a pain in the ass to transfer, truly.

Music, however, always brings out the Folger's moment in Alison Blaire.

Hearing the cello from down the hall, Alison brushes her fingers down the front of her 'dress shirt dress' and drags a comb through the last strand of her blonde hair. Leaving her purse behind in her room, she tip-toes in her designer boots down the hall, around the corner, down to the room she teaches in, and stops to lean in the doorway.

Alison closes her eyes, reaching out with her ears, entering a trance of her own.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate doesn't even have her eyes open. She just lets the music flow through her, her hands knowing exactly where to be to get the sounds that she needs. Whether its the nature of the piece or her playing, listening to the gentle melodic strains of the cello almost bring tears of joy to those that listen.

As she plays, there is a soft smile on Tatum's face. When the song finally comes to an end and her eyes open, she realizes she has an audience. There is a brief moment of a blush before she nods her head in a bow.

Dazzler has posed:
Arms folded loosely around her waist, Alison dips the toe of her boot into the floor and sways, using the frame of the door as a point to hold her body upright. A pleasant curve remains at the corner of her mouth as she absorbs the tones from the cello music that is best described as 'content'. A musician herself, she knows the tone of notes and how to express a mood through music.

It's a shame, really, when it all comes to an end. The world-reknowned pop starlet breathes a gentle sigh through her nose, cracks her eyes open to find Tatum, and begins to walk across the floor towards her. She rounds behind the woman and reaches out, wrapping her arms around the gothling in a hug that attempts to not upset the cello.

"Someone's happy, isn't she?" Alison bestie's the squeeze, mindful of makeup, so she air-kisses Tatum's cheek, then withdraws. "That was beautiful, Tates."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum laughs as Alison comes over to hug her. She rests her hand on the arms that wrap around her and squeezes back. "Does it show that much?" she asks, smirking softly. She laughs then. "You know, I think that alien did me a huge solid sending me here. You're all around my age. You're a hell of a lot nicer. Certain things haven't happened here... I think." She takes a deep breath and lets it out in a soft sigh. "So, where have you been? I haven't seen you in days."

Dazzler has posed:
"It doesn't take someone who glows for a living to catch a little glow here and there." Alison grins as she steps back, reaching behind her to brush the hem of her shirt-styled dress and ensure it's in place. In a lean, she drags her rolling teacher's chair over and sits upon it, deftly crossing one leg over the other. "I'm happy that you're happy, Tatum. I haven't had another dimension to sample, but I like to think that I've got a good one." Twittering fingers, a trail of purple-blue light flickers away like stardust, expelling the unspent energy from Tatum's cello performance.

"I went to the LexCorp thing and got a goodie bag with a new phone, some software," Alison quirks her lips. "Rubbed elbows, schmoozed, about forty-five phone calls about this upcoming thing with Jay. I've been busy, girl. So busy."

Deadzone has posed:
Tate does not deny the glow, but she's not going to say anything about it either unless directly asked about it. Besides, considering all the times she and Alison have talked about Tate's biggest gripe about this dimension, the fact that the goth isn't complaining is probably clue enough. "Well, at the very least, here you are one of us. So I got to meet you. So, that is pretty cool." And Angel still has feathers opposed to metal, and no one has mentioned that Bobby Drake is dead. Yep, this world is an improvement.

"Ooooh! What's the new phone like? I have one of Hank's, so I don't get to deal with all the software you do. Was Mars at the thing? Being his neice and all."

Dazzler has posed:
"I'm glad you didn't come, even if you're quickly becoming one of my besties." Alison grins and swings her fingers around. The other hand comes up. Each hand makes an L-shape, forming into a square over Tatum's face. Alison's thumbs 'click', as if taking a picture. Still not asking, Alison drops her hands into her lap. "If I have a say in it, we're keeping you. At least I am. I'd miss you."

SCREECH. Change of subject. Alison perks up quickly and reaches to the breast pocket of her dress and pulls out a sleek-looking smartphone. One heel digs into the floor and she rolls her chair over.

"Lex Luthor is fucking amazing, Tate." Alison goes into gab-mode, voice pitching up in key. "It was one of those things where everyone was moving fast. I took about a bajillion pictures with other people, but I didn't see Mars there. BUT-" Alison shoulders into Tate, showing her a spinning gallery of selfies. A third are of Alison in a stunning, blue cocktail dress, but the celebrity faces fly by. Jon Bon Jovi. Pink. Derek Jeter. Jared Leto...

Deadzone has posed:
Laughing at being declared a bestie of Dazzler. DAZZLER! Like seriously? How cool is that. Okay, her music isn't what she normally listens to but even Tate has to admit that Alison puts on an impressive show. Her cello still between her legs, she makes a show of holding out an invisble skirt as she bumps a hip in way of a curtsy.

The gallery of photos is ooh'd and ahhh'd at, Tate loving the selection of celebrities. "Yeah, I've heard he's almost as smart as our Hank. Only he's more into inventing things that bring him the big bucks." Call her biased, but in Tate's mind there is only on person on the top of the brains pedistal, all others just not able to compete, no matter what evidence may be brought to bare to prove otherwise.

Dazzler has posed:
Showing off in her own thoughtless way, though not bragging about it, Alison doesn't gush about the celebrities in oohs and aaahs. A few quips about talking tour schedules with a few of the musicians paints them as coworkers in the industry, more than anything. More importantly? No mention of upcoming -dates-. "Lex may not be as smart as Hank, I don't know, but Hank's accessible and lovable. Lex is more like a...Bill Gates. I really admire all of the charity work the guy puts out, you know? Quillionaire or whatever he is, I'd never wanna be one of his arm-candy girls, but he's a sweet guy, it seems. And, this phone is the bomb-diggity. Check this out."

Alison flips through the phone's settings, throwing up the camera to selfie the two of them, then goes back to thumb-swooshing. "It's way faster than my work phone."

Deadzone has posed:
Tate smiles and shakes her head, amazed at just how casual Alison is about all these big celebrities. Mind you, in a couple years, that would have been her on the concert circuit. Still... music? Happy life with a family that gets her with friends and... more then friends.

Deadzone has posed:
"Well, that's true at least. If yer gonna have all that money, might as well do something good with it. Like Stark with the Maria Stark foundation. That makes me think.... you know, just cause HYDRA never made *me* here, doesn't mean that experiment didn't happen at all. This world just might have had my mom not sign up for the experiment. I think I want to look into it. Make sure my ... experiment family isn't here. Cause if they are, we have a huge fight on our hands."

Taking out her phone now, Tate and Alison compare phones. LexiCorp or Hank's own design that only a select few get to own.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison uncrosses, then recrosses her legs next to Tatum. The chair she sits in while teaching is planted next to the Home-EC teacher's. Shoulders together and arms out, Alison

Dazzler has posed:
Alison uncrosses, then recrosses her legs next to Tatum. The chair she sits in while teaching is planted next to the Home-EC teacher's. Shoulders together and arms out, Alison's blue eyes dart back and forth. HankPhone vs LexPhone. In truth, Alison's is the LexPhone, and hours spent transferring data over to it has made the idea of swapping for a HankPhone unlikely.

"You never told me about that, not that it changes anything." Alison replies, pausing to look to the gothling, then returns to her teenaged-habit with the phone. "But if it comes to the worst, you know we have your back, and their back. Family's important and I don't just mean in that Disney way. I'm a celebrity and I've had to keep an eye out for my mom. Last thing I want is some bad guy trying to find her. So..." Alison grins her painted lips, mimicking a Georgia, slitery accent. "...Bear Clan X don't cotton no badgerin the nieces and nephews."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars was at the lexcorp event, but she was largely in the background. Keeping people from shoving hamburgers into thier intradimensional purses, calming hecklers, and staying out of the limelight. And being blissfully unaware she walked right by the Joker without having any idea several times. The girl steps into the classroom to pick up her books. Oh, it's the Brittany spe..erm, The Dazzler, and that really creepy-dresser! The streetwalker? The girl knows how to put on a genuine looking smile "Oh, hello. I don't mean to interrupt, I'm just here to pick up my books." Her halo-glowing eyes flit to her seat, and she slips her backpack off of her shoulders and opens it to prepare for the materials.

Deadzone has posed:
Lifting her shoulders as Alison mentions the fact that Tate never brought up HYDRA, Tate sighs. "I didn't think it was important at first. I wasn't in danger anymore. I was never born here. But, that doesn't mean the experiment didn't happen. Just that *I* didn't happen. And if it did? There are about 20 people my age, imprisoned and forced to fight for them, kept subdued and complacent. I'm hoping that it's not something we have to deal with, but if it is? They are in for a world of hurt." She holds up a hand to high five Alison.

If Tatum had any clue that Mars thought of her as a street walker, she would be a little offended and a lot amused. As it is, there are rumours going around by the students that Dr. McCoy has been beating her. After the fight the two had in the rec room earlier in the week and the bruises and black eyes she sports today, even if hidden by make-up, yeah, the student gossip is pretty rife with it.

Looking up, Tate smiles over to Mars. "Hey there! How are you today? Any plans for tonight?"

Dazzler has posed:
"That's not something anyone should have to deal with, and if it's going on here and we find out? Oh, oh //sister//, it's not something that'll keep going on much longer." Alison claps Tatum's five with her own palm, beams her teeth in a challenging smile, and turns to the back of the room where one of her students, no less, has arrived.

"Oh, you're not interrupting, Miss Thompson, not in the least. Come on in." Alison, with a smile, uncrosses her legs and presses them together in a rise from her seat. The LexPhone is dropped back into the pocket of her shirt. "Tatum and I were just talking about the event. I saw you there, but I got mobbed and I couldn't get over your way. After every person I talked to went off, I got one step before someone else came in. It was madness!" Alison stops near a desk and lowers her fingers to its wooden top. "Though before I ask you all kinds of questions about how you enjoyed it, I should put on my teacher's cap and ask you if you were coming in here for help on your work?"

Deadzone has posed:
Rising when Alison does, Tate goes to put the cello away. It belongs to the classroom, not to her, so here it stays. "Oh, I know. I realize HYDRA isn't usually the ones we go up against, but if they are dabbling into mutants, then maybe we should dabble into Nazi organizations." She tosses her hair to the side and then flexes her fingers to loosen them up after all the playing she did.

"Sounds like the party was a blast. Would have loved to have gone, but considering I don't technically exist, I think my invitation got lost in the mail."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars shakes her head holding up a hand. "Oh, it was pretty typical Uncle Lex. When he is passoniate about something, he likes to be larger than life itself. And he can really talk. He has very strong presentation skills. Though I will admit it's actually the first time I've seen him perform a presentation. He has been really excited about LexOS." She points upwards towards herself with a finger "My eyes actually run on a highly modified, more simplified version. I was there to support him, with with my eyes they are still kind of in beta testing. I'm sure he plans on doing a reveal later, so I didn't want to steal any of his thunder away. I also can't really touch the phones and such. Though I did find someone putting cheeseburgers into thier purse, oddly enough."

Dazzler has posed:
"Ohhhhhhhhhh..." The 'doh' comes out like she's just seen baby pictures. A little bit of nasally tone, like she's speaking French, the sound is downright sympathetic. "...gawsh, if I saw someone stealing cheeseburgers I would have done something to get them some food. Stealing cheeseburgers from a tech event? Sounds like the last place world hunger would hit, though." Alison demurely lifts a shoulder, pinching it beneath her ear on the side of a tilted head.

"We'll bring you to the next one, Tatum. It was really fun and she's right, Lex has this magnetism to his presence that draws people in to listen. I'm kind of amazed he hasn't gone into politics, but he can work a podium like you wouldn't believe." Alison sways her eyes from Mars, to Tatum, then back again. "But, like I was just telling Tatum, here, your Uncle's really sweet for helping you with your eyes, and I think very highly of him and his work for everyone's better."

Deadzone has posed:
Tate arches a brow at the mention of a person stealing burgers. "Were they okay? I mean... stealing at a gala event, that just doesn't sound right."

She offers a thumbs up to Alison at the mention of being brought to the next one. "Oh, I believe ya. Hell, for a while there, back home, I used to be all on bored with the stuff he says about Superman. But then I realized, where does it stop? So we don't let aliens on the planet. Isn't that a slippery slope to making us mutants next?" She lifts her shoulders, not really able to say much more on the matter. "And Mars, why are you not able to use the new phones?"

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars nods softly "If you wish to attend that can be arranged, however sensible attire would be wise to recommend." She eyes Alison a bit "Well I certain didn't dissaude her from taking hamburgers, I gave her napkins quietly so that she would not have a rather strong case of Meatpurse."

She looks somber for a moment. "Yes, everything he's done for everyone. He has done a lot, with myself probably have receving the most out of anyone. Lex is a powerful man. He beleives that people - humans have to do things to protect themselves, evolve. He beleives that humans have the ability to make one another better. He beleives in making thier lives better through cooperation and technology."

Dazzler has posed:
Alison's laugh is sudden. The giggle escapes the blonde in an uncontrolled way, prompting her to cover beneath her nose with her fingers, eyes narrowing. The end of the laugh flows from a pleasant note to the tail end of a squeak.

"Oh my god. Meatpurse. Sorry-" Alison spins her wrist around, fingers twittering to try to not derail the subject. Bracelets rattle down her slender lower arm, skittering closer to the deeper width of her forearm. "-That's just classic and I might remember that the rest of my life. Meatpurse. Oh my stars and garters."

Alison's lips snap saucily, knowing she's stolen a catchphrase.

"Something tells me Lex isn't anti-mutant. We're human; this is our home. And while I don't agree with Lex on his views on aliens, it's not like he's legislating against them. I don't blame him, but just like us mutants, really, it's about behavior. I'd hate to see him hurt an alien, because I'm different, too. I just like //different//." Alison bends her brow in consideration, eyes trailing off to match the train of thought.

"Lex is one of the good guys. I feel pretty confident about that."

Deadzone has posed:
With a smirk at Mars, Tate looks over to Alison and with a gesture of her head towards the girl, she laughs softly. "I think I just got told I don't dress sensibly. Did you hear that Ali Cat? The clothes that you bought me are not suitable for a Gala event." Her tone of voice is all teasing. The truth is, there is at least one event worthy dress in the collection that was bought for her.

As Alison uses Dr. McCoy's favourite phrase, Tate's laughter joins the others. "Oh wow! Meatpurse, stars and garters? Awesome." Her head dips down, the talk of Hank starting to get that goofy smile on the goth's face again. It's a good thing she's not a doom and gloom goth, or Hank might make her lose her Goth certification.

"I hope you're right. Cause, like you said, when he talks, I wanna listen. I just worry. But, I do that. Worry."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars blushes quickly. "Well..I'm not sure what else you would call a cheeseburger in a purse..besides, well..Meatpurse. And..Lex doesn't think much of Aliens, no. I can't say I'm dissimiliar in a way. I lost my entire family, and my life due to a super battle. But I don't bear the same hatred. It's something that seperates Lex and I, but also that lack of hatred wedges a divide between us. Lex beleives in mankind. In enabling mankind to be better. Mutancy is something that is evolved from mankind. I think he sees opportunity there to be nurtured. Lex is a strong man, and without being in politics means he is a very strong, powerful man that does not have to account for his actions to anyone. With those resources, technology, and power he is a megapower, just like someone like Tony Stark. The technology can change the world. But is the world ready? Is Lex ready? I'm not sure what he would do in some circumstances. I hope that having someone like myself gives him a sense of compassion, but with people whom carry hopes and dreams of mankind on thier backs it can be difficult to say. Lex is very hard to read. He knows he is a power house in the world, but with our world in such a fragile balance, a sense of delicate nature is required. Our presidents have succeeded and failed in the past, our governments. There are a few strong men and women whom can make a global impact in this world now. He is one of those few. I hope that we can guide his hand in a positive direction."

Dazzler has posed:
Leaning back a measure, Alison meets Tate's eyes and laughs with her. Eyes down, then up, Alison plucks a stray piece of lint from Tate's shoulder and flicks it away with her fingers. "I think you dress sensibly and just fine for however you want to express yourself, but would I wear it to a gala?" Alison lets the rhetorical question hang a second before she gives a shake of her head. "Little black dress, a clutch, supervillain heels. You'd kill it on the carpet."

Reaching out, Alison gathers Tatum's shoulders in a sideways hug, the quick sort of thing that announces her intent to say goodbye without words. The quick hug is released and her hand is turned Mars' way for a squeeze of her upper-arm.

"I might be right about Lex, I might be wrong about Lex, but worrying is healthy and I like to think that he has friends and family to keep stuffy, greedy suits from being his best friends. Stark or Luthor, you become who you surround yourself with, and that kinda stuff guides people the right way. That's why I do a lot of charity work. I want to help people. I'd rather be around people who need help than people who wanna make money off of my work."

Stepping away, Alison raises her fingers in a wave to the two. Well-manicured fingers wave with colorful tips in time with the clatter of her bootheels on the hardwood flooring.

"See you later, you two. Don't give her too much trouble about her style of dress. She grades your papers."

Deadzone has posed:
Listening to Mars, Tate takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "I hope you're right. I really do. Like I said, you hear him talk and you just want to drink the kool-aid he's offering. I just... Like I said, it's a slippery slope from hating one group to letting the hate branch out. No offense, you seem to really like him and believe in him. Did I mention I worry?"

There is a silence for a while as she thinks. "If he really does believe that mutants are a part of humanity, you should try talking him into getting Dr. McCoy the recognition he deserves. Just because Reed Richards still looks like a regular joe doesn't mean he's any less a mutant then us, but he gets Nobel Prizes in science while Hank gets turned down again and again?" She shakes her head, turning her head away. Nope, she's not happy with the committee that picks who gets the Nobel Prize.

She gives Alison a return hug, touching her forehead to her friend as means of goodbye. "You have a good one."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars shakes her head softly "He would relish that opportunity, however such opportunities come at a price. It's not something to be taken lightly. If there is anything Lex Luthor is good at, it's at how to manipulate a situation for his benefit. Publicity can take a tool. I have been a rather public figure these last 5 years." She tilts her head a little to the side, quizzically after Alison leaves and is well otu of earshot. "So you fancy Ms. Blaire?"

Deadzone has posed:
Tate nods her head when Mars mentions that everything comes at a price and getting something like the Nobel committee to stop being a bunch of asshats. Mars makes a good point. But then the student asks about the other music teacher and Tate has to choke or she'll die laughing. "Ali kat? And me? No.. no no no. Oh, don't get me wrong, fabulous voice, puts on an amazing show, great person. And a year ago, I would have easily jumped at the chance. But... I'm sorta a one man sorta gal."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars halo'd eyes stare at Tate a few long quiet moments. Then she begins putting the books into her bag. "I don't beleive you." she states softly yet resolutely. There doesn't seem to be judgement in her voice, just the statement of her disbelief in the statement. "You have an attraction to Ms. Blaire. Being blind helped me develop other senses than sight."

Deadzone has posed:
Tate looks at Mars, amused. She shakes her head. "Well, you are welcome to believe what you like. But I can guarantee you are so far off the mark, that you are in the next state." She's not about to say who it is that she *is* into, since it's really not any business of the student. Besides, the student rumor mill will let her know soon enough who she really is attracted to.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars nods as she zips up her backpack. "That's possible. I certainly am not infallible. However it certainly does seem that way to me."

Deadzone has posed:
Nodding her head, Tatum smiles. "Like I said, if you said that a year ago, you might have been right. I know I'm a big fat flirt. I give a lot of people the impression that I like them in ways that they think is more significant then I mean. But there is only one man in my life. No matter what dimension I end up in."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars gives a soft nod. "I see. Then perhaps I am incorrect, unless Ms. Blaire happened to be Mr. Blaire in the other dimension. Personally I dont think that it much matters between gender identification. When your blind, you are comforted by one's presence and touch. It rightly does not matter whom that comfort is attached to."

Deadzone has posed:
Must not laugh at the student. That would be bad. Must be an adult here and not let the funny that is the thought of her and Alison as a couple make her insult the student. Especially one with an uncle as powerful and prominent as Luthor. "You know... if you ask around the other students, you'll know who I love. It has nothing to do with gender, believe me. I don't care about the bits. I care about the person. The bits are just.. " She thinks for a moment, looking for the word. "Window dressing."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars tilts her head a little "Actually they are called genitals. Penis, Vagina, and other newer words that are coming about from alternative identities such as intersexed, and other terms. Though thank you for not saying that the bits were just fun to play with. I had thought you might be headed in that direction at first." She hefts her backpack back onto her pack - where it feels more familiar and safe. It's a bit of her safety blanket as it were. "My uncle - he knows things about alternate dimensions, and has a full dossier on aliens, and technology and such. I on the other hand am just a 16 year old girl. While I may be more of the bionic girl now, I'm afraid I can empathize with your situation. My life was a certain way in my pre-teens. A large, loving family. My parents were very bright. Engineers. Dreamers. When they were crushed I learned a few things that day. That is when my own mutancy came to life. I tried to keep large peices of rubble from crushing me after I was pinned. I was able to keep it above me for a few minutes, but it was too great and I succumbed from exhaustion and terror. When I awoke my entire world was black, and everything in my own worldview changed completely. So while I cannot say I am knowledgable about your predicament, I can say I can understand how you must feel."

Deadzone has posed:
Heading over to the wall to pick the cello up again, Tate nods. "Oh, I know what they are called, sweet knees. Trust me, Mr. Logan is probably the only person in this school with a fouler mouth then mine. But the Professor has asked me to curb my tongue and start acting like a teacher. So, with that said, we are going to drop the subject of my sex life." She is smirking the whole time, amused by this turn of events.

She listens to the junior as she talks about how her change came about, talks about her uncle. She sits down with the cello, putting it into position and getting comfortable. "Stress will do that. Bring the x-gene to the surface. I am sorry about your parents." Sorry. It feels so weak, but what else can a person say? It sucks. It sucks that so many mutants have stories like these, as if there is some sort of pattern. "I'm glad you are able to see again. For me, it would be my hearing. Not hearing music again would just .... a part of me would die inside."

She runs the bow over the strings, wondering what to play now. "I'm coping. Living in this mansion, you learn how to deal with the strange. So, there is that. And apparently, my time signature has changed to match this world now, so I can't go back. Not unless someone can figure out where I came from, which would be pretty damn hard. So, you're just going to have to deal with me as yer home ec teacher for a few years yet."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars nods softly "Yes, I can understand that much. I think Uncle Lex would be able to accept mutants, as it's something that comes from within a person. Influences from outside of our galaxy, I dont think he can accept those. But we are certainly not alone." She gives a soft wave "Well I should be going." She pauses a moment. "Considering your empassioned speech about giving Mr. McCoy credit in his field, I'd almost think that he would be the one you were interested in. However, knowing Mr. McCoy, I do not think that is very likely at all. Though you should give your speech in front of him." She smiles softly "I wonder if he turns red when he blushes." A little giggle as she heads out of the room.