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(Remy and Mysti play pool and discuss identity.)
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Latest revision as of 02:46, 24 January 2023

Billiards game
Date of Scene: 07 January 2023
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy and Mysti play pool and discuss identity.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Mystique

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau is standing with his chest pressed tightly agienst Mystique's back. His arm runs gently along her's as he whispers softly in her ear. "Dat's it.. nice an' slow... and.." the click as the cue strikes the cue ball, which in turn glides down the table and pockets th five is quite satisfying. "See not'ing to it." He says with a smirk. He ssteps away and lets her reposition. "How you been around dis long and never learn ta play pool?"

Mystique has posed:
Mystique Shrugs as she smirks right now she's a very leggy blond with a sweet and very aluring smile , She's wearing a red Dress as she moves about " So you can teach when your motivated " she sasys brightly as she teases him

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a little bit, "Ah like teaching. Ah mean Ah teach French 'ere, and Ah 'ave a poetry club dat is always booked solid, so dare is dat." He says with a smirk. "Yah give any t'ought about what yah gonna teach when classes pick up again? History?" He says playfully teasing.

Mystique has posed:
Mystique thinks " I suppose I would be good at that , So would logan "s he smirks " But he tends to view everything through his Fuck off view point " She chuckles " For a canadian he's extremly not friendly " . She leans on the Table striking a rather aluring pose before she hits " Oh poo I missed again "

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit, shaking his head and reseting the balls to their previous position and stepping behind her again. "Yah hitting to high." He says softly as he puts one hand on her waist to balance himself and guide her with the other, "And yah going to 'ard. 'Ard and fast good for somet'ings, Ah agree, but ot'ers yah gotta take yah time and enjoy dem, non?" He says as he lines up the shot for her to take again.

Mystique has posed:
Mystique Laughs as you moves behind her so you can show her again.. Not that she's really trying she's mostly just enjoying all the attention you give her as she moves to try and learn how to shoot the game. "So like this? "

Remy Lebeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit, obviously enjoying giving the attention as well. "Just like dat." He says with a grin, smirking wickedly. "Now a solid medium strike... Put it in language yah'd understand. If it was a knife, yah'd want it ta stick in de guy, but not kill 'im." He says with a smirk.

Mystique has posed:
Mystique looks up at him " So like this? " She asks and Bam.. she knocks 4 balls into the pockets " Wooo lucky hit " She gigglges bad beams a smile but you know better .. you have a feeling she knows this game :D

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau eye rolls and kisses her where her neck meets her shoulder, smirking slightly. "Oui chere, somet'ing like dat." He says amused and pulls away, going to the mini fridge and getting them both a beer. "Am Ah a good teacher or what?"

Mystique has posed:
Mystique Laughs and smiles " that you are .. ohh is that stella ? " she ask sas she moves over to grab the beeer with a smile she's shifting again now she's a redhead funny bit is nobody was watching her hair

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks, "It's whatevah brand Logan stocks in de fridge." He says with a smirk. "Some German Microbrew. Hefawizen." He takes a sip, makes a face, then takes another longer sip. "Bettah den no Wiesen at all Ah guess.

Mystique has posed:
Mystique Looks over " ohh if it's logan he knows what he's doing " she winks before she grabs the top and snaps it off.. perk of her shifting power she can be alot stronger in bits if she needs too.. nothing like cap or that but much stronger than a normal person for sure

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods, fully agreeing with her point. "So, up to yah chere, What yah feel like doing today?" He asks amused, he nods to the hair and smirks just a little bit, "Yah know Ah kinda like de blue skin, yellow eye look too right?" He asks playfully. "Ah mean don' get me wrong, love dating a shape shifter... But yah natural form beautiful too."

Mystique has posed:
Mystique sighs as she sits down on a chair " Question dear.. Do I ask you to stop charging things with your powers? " She cocks her head " Do I tell you not to use your mutant gift? to stop being what you are stop being a rouge and a charmer? "

Remy has posed:
Remy LeBeau tilts his head, acknowledging the point but says "Ah didn' /ask/ yah not ta shift chere. Merely stating what /Ah/ like." He says with a chuckle, "Believe me chere, Ah'd nevah consider askin' yah /not/ ta be whoevah yah wanted."

Mystique has posed:
Mystique nods " Good I've had a few boyfriends who knew I was a shifter try and tell me what shape to stay in and that's like asking water to stop being wet.. I shift because its fun and I enjoy it "

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "Ah'm guessing dey not last long, non?" He says with a chuckle. "Let's put it dis way chere, Raven Darkholme got allot of forms. As 'er boyfriend, Ah merely wish ta make it clear dat de one she call Mystique is among mah favorites." He pauses, "Feel free ta swap dose names around if it work foh yah." He finishes his beer and puts his pool cue away. "Why we not 'ead back ta de boat 'ouse. We can binge watch old bad tv shows." He says with a grin.