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(Sarah tries to dig up a grave, and disturbs Nick.)
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Graveyard at moonrise..
Date of Scene: 11 January 2023
Location: Melville, Haven
Synopsis: Sarah tries to dig up a grave, and disturbs Nick.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Connor, Phantasm (Drago)

Sarah Connor has posed:
The wee hours of morning..

Lyman F. Baum

That was the name on the gravestone. Funny that. Just a play on his name. Lyman. Which was his real name. Only it usually was L. Frank Baum. According to John's latest search, it was one of the piles of money and weapons hidden around. Really, this one should have arrows and bells ringing it was so easy - once you realized what you were looking for.

Sarah had a shovel, and a pick with her. This grave was in the back of the cemetery. And if she did it carefully, they might think a bunch of teenagers (at best) were toppling gravestones as a joke. At worst, they would realize something was wrong, and that the gravestone had been unearthed.

Either way, she needed the money, if not the guns.

Waiting until the moon shone full, she was going to be busy for a while digging..

Nick Drago has posed:
So. How many hours of sleep does it take a non-God to sleep off the effects of one shot of Asgardian rum?

Let's find out.






F- Ok this is taking some time. to count out.

So- Nick was given a key to a hotel room to sleep off the effects of a shot of Asgardian run. A drink that was responsible for making even the ruler of hell a bit tipsy.

By the time Sarah came to the cemetary in the area, Nick was still under some of the effects.

Unfortunately for him, it was the more painful ones. Now.

Has his hearing always been this sensitive or is it the ale's effects? Either way, his head is ringing and the slightest of sounds is making it feel like his head's vibrating.

Asgardian Ale.

Never again.

Sarah Connor has posed:
Okay. Maybe this cache wasn't the most reasonable. Being as it was winter, and the ground was frozen.

Using the pick axe to loosen up the ground, Sarah was wincing at the noise that she was making. In truth it wasn't quite as loud as the thought, but in the middle of the night, with all the trees reflecting it off of them, it sounded terribly loud.

Good thing this was a poor area of town! The police didn't think it needed to be watched - after all, it was only a cemetery. There were tons of places that they could think of that needed their attention more.

Still, she would be glad when she finished it.

  • pick* *clang* *pick*

Nick Drago has posed:
While Sarah may be considered in a poor area of town, the sounds she's making while digging are trying their hand at playing the Jeffersons. They're moving on up .

Yes moving on up. To theeeeeee Lux Hotel room that houses a Nick currently wishing he could DIIIiiiiieee..

As the clang reaches his ears, Nick's eyes open wide, staring at the ceiling, feeling the vibrations assaulting him once more.

What fresh hell is this?

He rolls to his side, looking to the red numbers on the clock proclaiming the time.

"Got to be fuckin' kidding..."

Rolling over, his form starts to shift as he taps into his abilities, causing for the pain to fade away. Still a bit foggy but at least without the pain, the newly formed raven flutters over to the window, flying through it.

Ok plan of action.

1) Find the jerk making the GODDAMN NOISE. 2) Stop the GODDAMN NOISE. 3) Get back here and finish riding out the GODDAMN HANGOVER.

There's some less than polite words being muttered by the bird as he starts playing sonar, seeing out the trouble maker.

Sarah Connor has posed:

Sarah wasn't having a good time with her part of the noise making. It seems that through the intervening years, the 'grave' had settled quite solidly. And furthermore the ground was extra stony to boot.

This was not the way she should have gone about this. She should have acted in the day, and made the graveyard robbery, 'a move the gravesite over to a new cemetery' . She was almost >this close< to packing it up, and trying during the day.

Nick Drago has posed:
As the bird locates the sound, he ends up flying over to the graveyard. Which considering the area, typically would mean Buffy's up to something. So, seeing a Sarah was a little surprise.

A little.

Nick flies over, landing on the handle of the shovel, looking right at her. "Hey can you dig any louder? I can hear you from the hotel. A few more decibels and you might even reach the penthouse."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Well shit!

For one, somebody /had/ heard her. And two.. who the hell.. wait. Wasn't that Nick? He had weird powers - something she was getting used to. And three, given it was Nick, was the noise actually that loud, or was he that sensitive?

Either way she stopped.

"You know, I could use a hand." Yes, Sarah was actually asking for help. "It's not my fault that the grave is so solid." She didn't tell him her alternative.. yet.

Nick Drago has posed:
The bird gives an unnatural looking frown. Considering he's got a beak for a mouth, that should be a given. Head tilting, Nick looks to the ground. "But it is your fault that you're doing a shovel drum solo at four in the fucking morning." The raven response back, apparently not sympathetic to the 'it's hard to dig up graves' complaint. "...Why are you digging up a body to begin with?"

Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah *looks* at him. Which is surprising, because he is in bird form. "Do you really want to know what I'm doing in the middle of the night, digging up a grave? Really?"

Then again, she has no he hangs out with Faith and Buffy. It could have been simpler if she knew that beforehand.

"I'm looking for some things that have been kept for me. And, yes, I realize it may sound funny to hide it in a graveyard, but there you go. I may have to come back in the day ." And pretend to be another person.

Nick Drago has posed:
The wing lifts up rubbing the front of the head as he shakes his head. "Not really but the sooner you get done, the sooner I can get over the hangover I'm going to feel going back to normal." When the suggestion to maybe do the digging in the daylight is suggested, he snaps a couple forefeathers at that.

How in the hell did he make that so-?

Don't ask.

"Good idea. Do this in the daytime. Less chance of the vampires getting you while you're digging."

Sarah Connor has posed:
Seeing that this wasn't going to work, she put several pylons around the grave, along with a copy of the work order, naming her 'company' to complete it.

"It was worth it to try this way first. I guess tomorrow I will do it the hard way." Sarah gave a grimace. "Not that I'm happy about it. But you have your wish." She packed up her pickaxe, and shovel, and threw them in the back of the truck.

"Anything else before I go?"

Nick Drago has posed:
Nah. I'm just going to head back and try to sleep off last night." The bird admits, shaking his head, "Asgardian ale tastes pretty good but, it's no joke."

The wings start to spread out, but the bird pauses, looking to Sarah, "Take care. Lot of assholes out."