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(Thomas and Faith continue working their way through the hoard of monsterious creatures while their more Arcane inclined Family and friends are able to close the tear between realities that was allowing the Phobophages to cross over.)
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Revision as of 17:56, 24 January 2023

Staring into the abyss..
Date of Scene: 06 January 2023
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Thomas and Faith continue working their way through the hoard of monsterious creatures while their more Arcane inclined Family and friends are able to close the tear between realities that was allowing the Phobophages to cross over.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Faith Lehane

Faith Lehane has posed:
Some time has passed since Thomas 'rescued' Faith from her greatest fear, although she sure as heck would never see it that way. Insisting she was okay and the true evil was still out there, she had convinced him to split up and to continue searching for their true enemy.

But this is just the beginning. The hotel is starting to resemble a maze,Ike funhouse as people scream and run from an assortment of imaginary fiends, brought to life by their own fears. There seems to be no way out of the horror as the exits are curiously sealed, leaving innocents to their fate.

Can Faith and Thomas find the true source of this madness before its game over..?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith for his part still manages to look like he just stepped out of a salon, with hair artfully tousled, and eyes bright and firey. No doubt if he'd been wearing white this night it would still look crisp and clean. Because really that is his superpower. He's also managed to stop four murders, eight assaults and three suicides. Now he was moving back towards the main lobby having just written off a demonic tax collector and punching a canibal chef right in the fava beans.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Chaos seems to come from every angle..But as Thomas makes his way through, he cuts his own path of destruction, pushing back many of the phobophages..Still where are they all coming from?As he nears the main lobby, he may sense a powerful foreboding up ahead, more powerful than the others he has faced thus far.

A heavy it seems to linger in the air in the lobby..And an eerily familiar voice screams for help. Wait..Is that Kandy Kane?!

Thomas Raith has posed:
His eyes turn from sky blue to almost silver in an instant. He'd never known the girl. Not really. He didn't even know her real name, just her nom de stage. But her face, her smell, and most definately her voice was burned so deeply into his mind. Not unlike a Wizards soul gaze. A small voice tries to tell him that it's not real. That it's a trap... but that voice is drowned out in paniced fury.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Her figure is partially obscured by the ominous fog that hangs in the air but her voice, her scent is..Unmistakable. A thin rake of a girl, barely 18 years old with a platinum blonde Bob, pale skin, red bra top and white hot pants, and red/white candy cane striped thigh highs that cover her long legs - clearly her namesake - in all her full glory.

She is backed against the wall, being attacked by some shadowy figure, it's faced obscured by he fog. "No..No stop! Please..Somebody help me!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Panic... fear... and a small bit of lust that he would never admit to surges through his body as he lashes foreard. At some time during the night he'd lost a Kukri and replaced it with a Cavalry saber from one of the merch shelves. He'd betrayed this girl. He'd devoured her. Drained her life energy untill she was just an empty husk. He would not let it happen again.

Faith Lehane has posed:
She continues to scream, struggling helplessly against the wall to no avail. "Please..Please don't kill me!" she begs, as the phobophage looms over her, about to slash her throat before Thomas slashes it to ribbons. One would think the girl would be grateful, but she looks at her savior, there is a look of both recognition and fear in her eyes..How very strange, her skin, her hair look paler than before, her eyes hollow sunken, her figure even thinner than before. Why, she looks like the dried husk of a body that Thomas left her as after he drained her dry.

"You..." she glares at him with pure hatred in her eyes! struggling to stand but too weak to do so. Is this how she looked before she died..? "You monster...You did this to me.This is all your fault!" she screams as she points an accusatory finger at him, her hands shaking in fear.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Of course in reality Kandy Kane had spent her last breath begging him /not/ to stop, so overcome was she with the feeding. But in Thomas' mind... in his heart... this is what he always knew her spector should have said. His replies soft... weak... "I ... I was a child... I didn't know! i couldn't know! They never told me!" He pleads. Tears streaming off his face as he begs forgivness he does not believe he deserves.

Faith Lehane has posed:
She stares at him a moment or two..And then a small cruel smile creeps up on her lips. "Oh, yes, of course you were..It's so easy to put the blame somewhere else, isn't it? That's why you're a monster..Why you will always be a disgusting filthy monster." She rises to her feet, stepping towards him, cradling his face in her cold dead hands, smiling sweetly at him as she traces a finger over his lips before pulling him closer.

"And I didn't realize you were killing me when I thought you were giving me the most incredible night of my life. But then I'm not the monster here..Come on, let's have a do-over shall we? We both know you secretly enjoyed it, the devouring of every last drop of lust, how strong and sensual it made you. What did it really matter if you had taken a life? It felt sooo good..And so you took another...And another..Hmm, why stop now?" she attempts to wraps her arms around his neck, to pull him close into a hungry kiss..

Thomas Raith has posed:
You never really get over your first. It's as true for monsters as it is for humans, and for better or worse she was his first...everything. His first kiss... his first fuck... His first feed... his first kill. His entire body trembles with a heady mixture of desire and Revulsion. The beautiful man returned to that poor lonely and rather awkward teenager... parting his lips for the corpses black tongue...

Faith Lehane has posed:
She smiles, an inhuman cackle leaving her throat as she strokes his hair, pressing g her hungry lips against his, moving in for a deeper kiss. "Mmm, that's right..Don't fight your nature any longer. Stop fighting us..Join us instead..Look at all these happy meals running around.." she purrs between hungry lingering kisses. "You act like your better than your dear cousin, but in the end you're both monsters. So don't pretend to be a hero..Join us..Kill us..Kill us all! Don't hold back anymore.." her grip tightens, tugging his hair more urgently, sliding and up and down his leg. And then her form shimmers and changes, taking on the appearance of various other women he took and devoured through the years..Including Justine..

Thomas Raith has posed:
To be fair, there isn't allot of faces there. Kandi. Justine. A woman dressed like a goth holding a silver dagger dripping with blood.... More are faceless, as if to say that he didn't even bother to remember them beyond that feeding.. His eyes whipping around. Trying, desperately, to not accept what is right in front of him. "I didn't... I didn't know... it wasn't my fault..." he pleads as his knife and sword drops to the ground..

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Noot your fault..Didn't know..You're sooo innocent...!" suddenly they're all around him, all the girls he fed on and killed, but now it's Justine who stands before him, holding him still, tears in her eyes. "I loved you and you murdered me..How could you? What makes you any different from any other monster murdering innocents tonight? Tell me!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his head, tears pouring from his face... "I love you...Please Justine... I didn't... I didn't want to hurt you... please not you... never you..." He reaches out to cup her face, jerking his hand back as his skin reddens as if burned... like he set it on a stove top... "It wasn't me... please it wasn't me.." he cries... colapseing into dispaire..

Faith Lehane has posed:
She stares at him and laughs, cupping his face, her grip surprisingly strong, "So you keep saying, you keep denying the. truth. Admit it, you're a monster, an abominable creature that should never live. Now you have a choice. You can quit denying what you are and join us..Or I can end your misery here.." her grip around his face tightens, perhaps strong enough to snap his neck..Or crush his face. "Either way works just fine for us, either way leads you to hell..So which will it be?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith scream, because sometimes there isn't anything else you /can/ do. Crying and begging as the fear and the despaire breaks down walls that took half a life time to build up. He'd been offered a simmilar choice... once... Run, Join, or die... And he'd joined. But this time it's more likely his inability to run... and unwillingnessd to join... will make the choice for him.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Thomas' screams are quickly drowned out by the screams of his other victims..Are they laughing at him or...? Suddenly Faith is there, cutting them down one by one, still wearing that torn ball gown that she had to rip the hem off so she could actually fight (and possibly look sexier in to boot).

Its enough of a distraction for 'Justine' to hesitate in her efforts to rip off Thomas' head, peering at the angry looking Slayer who points one of her ceramic knives at the phobophage. "Thomas, what the hell are you doing? Get up, and fight! Have you forgotten the hundreds of lives you have saved in spite of what you are and what you did in the past? Heck, you saved me from myself not too long ago..All that matters is here and Now! So get off your lazy ass and help me fight the good fight!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is trembling... He is scared... and tired... and disgusted... and ready to just embrace the Empty Night... when Faith arrives like a bull in a china shop tearing through the combined force of the minor demons like a bullet through tissue paper. It's not so much her words that shake him free but /seeing/ her. The strength she projects like ice water on a blisteringly hot day... He grips his dropped Kukri and swings it upward. Punching it under Justine's jaw and out the top of her head. The Phobophage disolving into smoke. He draws a suddering breath as he lashes out at a second and asks, "What took you?"

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow as he slices through the phobophage and shrugs with a smirk, wiping the gooey ectoplasm from the phages on her already bloodied tattered dress. "Missed me already, Didja, hotshot?" she grins and winks at him, peering around to make sure they go them all.

"Sooo what, were they all the people you killed in the past? Geeez, that's pretty harsh. And here I thought I had issues." she stares thoughtfully at the remains of Justine, opening her mouth as if to say something but thinks against it, deciding he's already pretty messed up as it is, and offers him her hand instead.

"Got here as fast as I could..It's a jungle out there, dont ya know? You gonna be okay..Partner?" that last part is said a bit more..Gently, with a hint of concern. Perhaps even surprising herself.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly to her... taking a breath as the dead Phobopages return to their proper plane of existance...at least for now. His hands are white knuckled around his weapon and his eyes are still pure silver... But he nods. "Got suckerpunched." He says, voice quaking just a bit but steady. "When this is over we are getting so drunk and having a stupid amount of sex. Agreed?" he adds, letting a slight smile crack his lips.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane smirks, taking his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting go. "As long as I can get in a nice long hot shower in your luxury bathroom and out of these rags first, that sound pretty good." she grins and winks, letting go. "Come on, I think I've found the source of all this madness. Some big portally thingie in the basement. Someone must have used their magic mojo to open it and summon there, but I'm no magey type. Just hope there's a simple way to close it."