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Latest revision as of 21:17, 23 October 2017

Building Bridges Over Those Roofs
Date of Scene: 21 October 2017
Location: Gotham, Gymnasium
Synopsis: Girl talk and a small twist -- a shared teacher.
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Huntress

Oracle has posed:
It's relatively rare that she has a partner for going to the gym, but after having met up and determined that they were pretty well on-level with one another for sparring, Barbara's been looking forward to having a workout partner -- and a female one, at that! And it's been pretty nice so far. Spotting for one another on the weights (and really making people stare a little with the weight levels they both use) was a very focused activity, so the chatting wasn't quite as much. But now, running on a treadmill and essentially being the only two in their corner of the gym opens up some possibilities for conversation.

"Do you mind if I ask how long you've actually been doing the evening job?" she asks as their steps thud in unison on the machines.

Huntress has posed:
Helena is pretty bold in the gym, pushing herself physically without any pretense of being 'girly' for all the guys. She's certainly stronger than she looks, and every machine she hits is alternated by a trip to the situp board. As is evidenced by those washboard abs. Back on the treadmill, she sets a steady jog next to the younger redhead in the corner of the gym.

"I started training when I was twelve." she replies. "Mostly to stop the nightmares. 'The only way to stop the fear is to become the hunter.' my cousin Sal used to tell me. But I didn't get the ...idea ...until I was in college."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara nods as she runs. The pace she's set for herself is no slow jog - endurance is pretty key out there along with the strength training. "Yeah. I didn't train that early," she admits. "I mean, I did judo and stuff as a teen, but the person I've been training with for the past few years far and away expanded it exponentially." She grins slightly. "He's a bit of a hardcase."

She can't help the tongue-in-cheek tone or the cheeky grin that she shoots Helena. Cuz... wow. Talk about a way to describe the Batman. "I don't think I ever had the fear so much. Not until I got out there. There've definitely been a couple of fear-inducing moments. But... it's been worth it."

Huntress has posed:
Helena returns the grin with a knowing look of her own. She's -heard- that Batman is a hard case, alright, but it's only by reputation. "Well your parents weren't murdered in front of you when you were eight, either." she replies casually. "But I got the idea at a... family... dinner. The party was crashed by the Bat, and I saw how he really put the fear into everyone. That's where I got the idea."

She continues puffing softly while running. "I can't say that I've ever really been -afraid- while on the job, though. My brain doesn't work that way. Or maybe I just push myself too hard. I've been told that I'm a bit too... rough."

Oracle has posed:
That Batman inspired Helena as well makes Barbara huff out a soft laugh as they run. But she glances at the other woman, one hand grabbing at the towel hanging off the treadmill in front of her and wiping her face with it. "I've heard rumors to that effect. It's the one thing that was drilled into all of us. We aren't judge, jury, and executioner. That's not the role we fulfill."

Huntress has posed:
Helena shakes her head at that, looking over at the redhead. "I am after a very specific group of individuals in Gotham. And I don't mind if I have to color outside the lines a bit in order to bring them down." she replies. And there's a shift in her voice, an edge of intensity added. "I think we also studied some with the same teacher, by the way. He's really into zen, and makes excellent tea."

Oracle has posed:
Both her eyebrows shoot up. "Interesting," Barbara murmurs. That might be the best news she's heard all week. "Don't suppose you know of a way to get in touch with him, do you? I only did a solid beginning course with him -- I'd really really like to do a lot more. And I have a friend who would greatly benefit from being able to train under him for a while." Oh, say, the next 11 months.

Barbara's feet never falter as the treadmill suddenly shifts from flat running to a higher incline. Her program is set for hills. As she adjusts for the new angles, she grins. "I do miss the tea, though."

Huntress has posed:
Oh, those competitive vigilantes! As Babs adjusts the angle of her treadmill Helena responds in kind. Both women are in ridiculous condition to begin with, of course. "I'm sure that I can find him, yeah." she replies. "I studied with him a while after... let's call it a 'really bad' night. He helped me to recover and also sort out some of my anger issues. For a long time I thought I was going to be bored out of my skull, honestly. But then I started -using- what he taught me, without even thinking about it. I feel a lot better now."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara immediately nods at that. "Yeah, I can see that. I didn't need as much help in that regard, but he did immensely help my focus." She glances at Helena, her ponytail jauntily wagging as they move. "I would be much obliged if you do have a way to get in touch with him. I don't really want my partner asking too many questions just now." She has no idea how Batman would react to being called her 'partner,' but it just seems the simplest way to describe things when speaking in the daylight hours. "I'm really glad that he was able to help you, Helena. I have to say, I came away from my time there incredibly impressed with him."

Huntress has posed:
Helena slows, then, lowering the angle on her treadmill. A towel is wrapped about the back of her neck to help with the cool-down, her breathing becoming slower and deeper. "I'm even more indebted to the friend who introduced us." Vic DID pull her out of the river after her beating, after all. "I'll make a couple of calls and set up a meeting for you."

Oracle has posed:
Following the lead, Barbara hits the button to slow the treadmill into a cooldown cycle on the flat as well. She too is breathing deeply, but like Helena it's the kind of heavy breathing that comes from actively being in good shape instead of being out-of-breath from overdoing. "I'll owe you," Barbara tells her seriously. There's something in the way she says it that conveys relief -- as if the reason she might need to make contact is important. "I thought I recognized his style when we were sparring," she admits on a grin, reaching out for her water bottle to take a swig as they cool off. "It's funny how many of us he's actually trained." Tilting her head, she says, "You know, if you wanted any help with the particular targets you're going after, I can loan my hands to your cause."

Huntress has posed:
"Careful with an offer like that." Helena replies, switching her own treadmill to cool-down to walk a while. "I know you're not a rookie, but I sometimes get into some rough situations." She pauses for a moment, using the towel to pat the back of her neck beneath the black ponytail. "I don't play nice, I don't pull punches, and sometimes I don't take prisoners. I know how these people think and I know what it takes to get their attention. If any of that makes you squeamish, here's your chance to say so. Because we won't argue about methods on the street."

Oracle has posed:
She can respect that. Barbara's expression says that she is giving serious consideration to what's been said. "I'm no stranger to rough situations," she says as they walk on the belts. "I'm certainly willing to help, but there are lines I don't cross. So..." She smiles faintly. "The offer is there if you need it. Use best judgement on what you call me in on, that's all. Fair?"

Huntress has posed:
Helena flashes a wide grin and extends her hand. "You got a deal, sister. I don't expect you to DO everything that I do, just no arguing in front of the thugs. Y'know? We can discuss crossing lines and our various interpretations of morality afterward." She pauses, then adds. "And the help is always appreciated."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara laughs and shakes the hand. "Definitely no arguing in front of the thugs," she agrees. "It just looks *so* unprofessional." She winks. "I'm looking forward to it, Helena."