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(Wanda and Remy share a few drinks.)
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Revision as of 23:45, 7 March 2023

So a thief and a witch walk into a bar...
Date of Scene: 07 March 2023
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Wanda and Remy share a few drinks.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Gambit

Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>It's been a busy day for Wanda Maximoff, between early morning meetings, and then her flight back to Avengers mansion being interrupted by an unsuccessful detour to get donuts in Mutant Town, and a successful meeting with Juggernaut. The meeting successful in that while he _also_ wanted donuts, and they both found someone had bought out the bakery, he didn't smash anything. Small victories are important.\<br\>\<br\>But with her plans utterly thrown into chaos and disarray, which is really, a situation she finds comfort in, Wanda decided to steer into the chaos.\<br\>\<br\>And so, hours upon hours later, she's still in Mutant Town, though with a bit of responsible magic use, she's changed her outfit. With just a little reality manipulation, her outfit has changed into a sleek, dark red corset top, perhaps not as daring as Emma Frost would wear, but the lacing in back allows plenty of bare skin to peek through, and the front cups, supports, and flatters more than enough to count as a good choice for clubbing.\<br\>\<br\>And with her hips clad in a sleek red leather skirt that clings like paint, ending well above the knee and the thick soled, high heeled gleaming black boots she wears, Wanda's gone for a look that swirls between goth, punk, and just plain scandalous at different angles. And those angles shift constantly as she commands her spot on the dancefloor, her hair loose, flying to the motion of her body, hips churning and swiveling, it might almost be a Transian traditional dance, but the rhythm and speed match the modern music pouring from the speakers as Wanda indulges in a bit of freedom.\<br\>\<br\>Dark club, loud music, there's no Scarlet Witch here, no Avenger, just Wanda, a woman in her prime enjoying a night of release.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Night Clubs aren't normally Remy's scene. He's normally more the smokey billiards hall or dark poker room type. And really? That's what appeals to the Club tonight. It's a place that he isn't normally going to be attracted to. Where he'd have anonymity to just cut loose for a change. He hadn't been dancing, just enjoying the atmosphere and people watching. The lady in red caught his eye, because how wouldn't she, but he hadn't intended to approach until a rather skeevy looking guy had tried to move closer to her. Dancing behind her, if you could call what he was doing dancing. More looking for an opportunity to grind against the woman and likely "cop a feel." It put the "Old fashioned morals" of the Cajun's heckles up.\<br\>\<br\>He moved across the dance floor with the subtle grace of a panther, not actually touching a single person until he "bumped" into the would be groper, just as he was about to make his move. \<br\>\<br\> The man fell to the ground and snarled beligerently, "Hey we are trying to dance here."\<br\>\<br\>Remy just chuckled, "Non mon ami, yah were trying. She was succeeding. Buy yah a drink chere?"
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda, lost to the rhythm, desperately trying to forget anything involving the words 'Avengers', 'Magical senses', and 'Crime fighting' had, perhaps, allowed herself to relax a little too much. Eyes closed, rhythm of the bass thrumming through the floor and up through her legs, motions matching the beat, she let one particular peril of modern clubbing get perhaps a touch too close. Quite literally in fact. But as much as she tries to suppress her nature, well, there's only so much she can do. And in a moment, her trance is broken with the sound of one man falling to the floor, and another stepping in all too near to her to ignore.\<br\>\<br\>Eyes open, and for a brief moment, Wanda's gleaming emerald eyes have a hint of scarlet light in her pupils... impressive, given the lighting is all dark blues and purples and other far more soothing club-related hues. But after a brief flick from Remy to her would-be groper and back, the glow fades.\<br\>\<br\>And her lips curve in a smirk, that dance slowing, never quite stopping, but the cajun is offered her hand as she calls out warmly, her voice purring out with a thick Eastern European accent, "Well! I think a drink sounds like a delightful plan, oh charming dancer. Besides, clearly this particular part of the floor is some sort of tripping hazard!"\<br\>\<br\>Her lips quirk in a small little smirk, eyes glancing around, chin lifting to gesture towards the quieter lounge area, "Perhaps there? I've been dancing... a little too long, I think if I'm attracting _that_ sort of attention. It's clearly a sign to change my night!"
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau grins slightly and offers the woman his arm as if to gallantly walk her to the lounge area while the other man...We'll call him Fred... while Fred sulks away. Remy pulls out her chair, smiling wickedly. "So, Ah get dis all de time, an Ah know dat Ah get sick of 'earing it, but Ah 'ave ta say, Ah love yah accent. Russian Romani?" He asks curiously as he waves to get the waitress's attention. He orders a "Jack and coke" For himself and let's her order (though would order her a Dirty Martini if she seemed inclined to let him choose for her.)
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda accepts that offered arm with exaggerated grace, knees bending to dip, it would be a curtsey but she doesn't risk the appropriate lift of her skirt for entirely reasonable concerns about just how annoying and graceless it would be to work it back down. But she's still full of good cheery despite not being able to fully formally accept her rescuer's invitation. Her eyebrows perk as she slinks into her offered chair, glancing up to eye that wicked smile. "Oh my! Transian, in fact but... so very close, and with the borders shifting over time?" She shrugs and smiles lopsidedly, "It is not so different. I am surprised you picked it out so easily!"\<br\>\<br\>And she is in fact more than happy to allow Remy to buy her a drink, and so she awaits the Dirty Martini with anticipation. It is, after all, not just shots of chilled vodka, so it is going to be a unique experienced compared to stealing some of Natasha's drinks.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit smiling, "Ah did allot of traveling when Ah was a pup, ended up all over. A beautiful Romani woman ovah dare...well she stole every cent Ah 'ad, mah watch, mah wallet, an mah 'eart... So a beautiful woman speak with de same accent five years later bring back good memories non?" He asks in a playfilled tone.
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda snorts out softly and grins impishly, eyebrows perking as she leans back in her seat, legs crossing as she heaves out a playfully exaggerated sigh, "Oh my! That is an /awful/ lot for one woman to steal from you! But it does sound like you appreciated the experience, yes?" Her eyebrows perk and her fingers wiggle in smooth, controlled little intricate motions, "But do not worry, I am not in the mood for stealing watches or wallets! After all, I have a cellular phone! It behaves quite nicely in place of a watch! And the heart? Well, I will not steal it... literally!"
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau smirks a bit, "What c'n Ah say, big mistake Ah gonna cherish de rest of mah life." He offers with a grin, "An' Ah do try ta be a little more careful wit' mah 'eart dese days. Escpecally wit' beautiful women. Try... Fail allot... Escecially when Ah meet a woman who obviously a mistake wort' making..."
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda Maximoff laughs softly as the waitress returns and she reaches out to take her Dirty Martini... and discovers it's really very similar to Natasha's vodka. Well, she supposes learning about cocktails by starting simple is an intelligent, if accidental way to go! Eyebrows perk, her lips quirking in a sly smile. "Oh, I see! Well, I do not know if I would say I am a mistake! I do try not to be /terribly/ dangerous! I am like a... what do you call it... roller coaster! The danger is only /implied/!"
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau grins just a little bit, tilting his head just a little bit. "Of course de fun part of a Rollar Coaster is fohgetting, jus' foh a little while dat it is safe. An' per'aps enjoying dat moment after when yah realize yah made it ta de ot'er side in tact, but de adreniline still pumping." He raises his drink in her direction and says in an absolutely /horrible/ accent "Boodym Zdarovy." Roughly translated to "To our Health." And likely about all the Russian he knows.
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda Maximoff laughs softly and murmurs out, voice low, just loud enough to be heard over the music in the wake of returning that toast, "Oh! Do not worry. I am still _plenty_ scary! I am, you see, quite the powerful witch!" She presses her lips into a thin, serious line once more, leaning forward in her seat, over the table to share a stage whisper, "I admit, I do /not/ have a cat! But I could get one. I also do not have a broom. Like the watch, it has been replaced by modern technology! And a woman riding a vacuum cleaner would hear /many/ unsolicited comments!"
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau grins wickedly at that, tilting his head slightly and smirking. "Well yah could maybe get one of dose Roomba Robots an' use it like a flying disk?" He asks in a playful tone. He tilts his head at her drink, curious, "Yah don' like it chere? Ah 'appy ta order yah somet'ing else." He says mildly amused...
Scarlet Witch has posed:\<br\>Wanda's eyebrows perk high and her martini is tipped back, and... well, she doesn't /slam/ it back, but she takes long moments to enjoy /and/ drain her drink in one long go. The glass is sit down primly, gently... and then one hand smacks the table, the pother pointing an index finger dramatically, "Oh, it was /quite/ good, but I was not intending to drink and fly! So unless you are offering to split a taxi, you are going to have quite the walk to escort me home!" She stands smoothly, and offers /her/ arm to the cajun.\<br\>\<br\>She's definitely not going to tell him her mystical physiology means she'll be fully sober by the time they reach the sidewalk.\<br\>\<br\>After all, what better test of his intentions than the threat of a terribly long walk to the Avengers Mansion? ...Well, to parts unknown, really. Unless he's recognized her. She's sure it'll all work out by morning.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau drinks his own drink in one long hard pull and smirks just a little bit, "A nice walk t'rough de city at night wit' a beautiful woman does soun' like a very nice way ta spend de evening." He says in a playful tone, standing and offering her his arm again.\<br\>\<br\>And the curtain fall on the scene, where the pair ended up, or if they even told each other their names before the next day, is known only to them."